If you are not vaccinated or have had a previous infection……..You WILL get the COVID Delta variant

Well junior, "my" vaccination crowd will soon far outnumber your whiny little cult. So take your best shot. heh. Get it?

Look boy, if you want to violate peoples rights and prove that you're that modern progressive democratic liberal fascist that we know you are then please do be my guest.

When are you going to start issuing gold stars and tattooing the unvaccinated?

Have you got your goose step down yet?

How about some music to make you feel more comfortable...


View attachment 514448

Look boy, if you want to violate peoples rights and prove that you're that modern progressive democratic liberal fascist that we know you are then please do be my guest.

When are you going to start issuing gold stars and tattooing the unvaccinated?

Have you got your goose step down yet?

How about some music to make you feel more comfortable...



Not being able to force people to comply with or submit to their wishes, just drives guys like him crazy.

I don't doubt it keeps him up nights.
Most people will either get vaccinated, or have been previously infected, or they will get this Delta variant,” Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

“And for most people who get this Delta variant, it’s going to be the most serious virus that they get in their lifetime in terms of the risk of putting them in the hospital,” said Gottlieb, who was commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration during the Trump administration.

So you admit Biden is incompetent or are the ones running the show who allowed the variant epidemic riddled countries citizens travel into ours during their known outbreak?
Looks like this one is a whole different beast. Its learning.
And it's going to keep learning until we deprive it of a breeding ground. We not only have to vaccinate the local RWNJs, we need to vaccinate all of the third world.
And it's going to keep learning until we deprive it of a breeding ground. We not only have to vaccinate the local RWNJs, we need to vaccinate all of the third world.

Those infected by the T-virus always want to infect the rest.


I survived a respiratory virus years ago that had me coughing up golf ball sized globs of mucus for three days. Delta Variant? Pfffff. Bring it on.
62 cases is that a good smaple size sugar?

Depends on the Standard Deviation
But when you have results 1260 times higher you can conclude you have a much more infectious disease
It all comes down to this……

If you have not had COVID or been vaccinated, you can pretty much count on getting the Delta variant. It is that infectious.

While not as fatal as the previous variant, it will still put you in the hospital and you will experience the worst infection of your life.

It is also hospitalizing younger people and even children
So all of our anti-Vaxers can count on catching the Delta variant

Will it kill you?
Probably not.
But a hospital stay may me in the works and you will be one miserable son of a bitch.

All because you are too stubborn to be vaccinated

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