If you are not vaccinated or have had a previous infection……..You WILL get the COVID Delta variant

Maybe. Let's hope, so you know to quarantine and not spread it. You numbskulls can at least do us that favor.


I have a better idea.

You and your vaccination crowd can crawl back into your bubble(s) and quarantine yourself(ves) from all of us and do remember to wear your masks and social distance while your in there.

Do you need a coloring book or crayons while you're in there?


We really aren't. And those who make it over are accepting the vaccines at a higher rate than the rest of the country.

No, that isn't factual at all.

And give us a link to where it claims the illegals are "accepting" the vaccines and at a higher rate than "the rest of the country".
And let's not forget thanks to Biden's words and deeds how many illegals get across the border without being apprehended.

So any leftwingers worrying about the "Delta Variant" should be pissed off at Biden and his incompetent administration for the massive border surge.

Instead, the leftwingers attack Americans. Typical haters.
Most people will either get vaccinated, or have been previously infected, or they will get this Delta variant,” Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

“And for most people who get this Delta variant, it’s going to be the most serious virus that they get in their lifetime in terms of the risk of putting them in the hospital,” said Gottlieb, who was commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration during the Trump administration.

As the people slowly wake up, and the power of the fearmongers starts to wane, the fearmongers grow increasingly frantic and desperate.
And give us a link to where it claims the illegals are "accepting" the vaccines and at a higher rate than "the rest of the country".
All I can give you is what the border staff who vaccinate them in ICE custody say:

So, 185 all year, as of March? Maybe, what, 1000 now? Since January? Not really superspreader material.
You aren't calling bullshit. You are simply refusing to acknowledge that this virus has changed. And while you can ridicule it all you want, nothing you have said even resembles factual information.
but arent [sic] you forgetting all the lies we were told about the last one??

I'm not,,

He hasn't forgotten them.

He still believes them.

If the cliché is true, that you are what you eat, then his diet must be heavy on lollipops.
They are. Yes, believe it or not, someone thought of it before you did.

Where are these buyers storing all these people? Lemme guess.... basements of pizza shops?
The invaders all have a note, card, sharpie on the arm, something with a destination address. Start there.
You and your vaccination crowd can crawl back into your bubble(s) and quarantine yourself(ves) from all of us and do remember to wear your masks and social distance while your in there.
Well junior, "my" vaccination crowd will soon far outnumber your whiny little cult. So take your best shot. heh. Get it?
There were plenty of lies told.

Most of the lies had political motivation. Will you just refuse to believe anything, just because you were lied to?

A collection of sources with a solid, proven history of lying about a particular subject, and with obvious motives for having done so, now are telling us things about that subject which are conducive to those very same motives.

Can you imagine why anyone might be reluctant to believe them now?

All I can give you is what the border staff who vaccinate them in ICE custody say:

So, 185 all year, as of March? Maybe, what, 1000 now? Since January? Not really superspreader material.


They should all be turned back since we're not willing to take refugees from Cuba.

That said the modern progressive democratic liberal fascists like yourself should be demanding that those that refuse the vaccination should be turned back and told to go back to their country of origin.



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