If you are not vaccinated or have had a previous infection……..You WILL get the COVID Delta variant

Most people will either get vaccinated, or have been previously infected, or they will get this Delta variant,” Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

“And for most people who get this Delta variant, it’s going to be the most serious virus that they get in their lifetime in terms of the risk of putting them in the hospital,” said Gottlieb, who was commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration during the Trump administration.

LOL, sure thing Doc.
This is the same strain renamed from last year. It has a recovery rate of 99.9 as opposed to the first strain of 99.7. This is what happens. They become less dangerous and more transmissible as they form new strains.
This is the same strain renamed from last year. It has a recovery rate of 99.9 as opposed to the first strain of 99.7. This is what happens. They become less dangerous and more transmissible as they form new strains.
Not as deadly but more contagious

If you are not vaccinated, be prepared to get it
By all accounts, it is not a pleasant experience
Vaccinated also catching it. See: Israel, UK, Europe, TX Dems.

Vaccines are failing
The vaccine is not 100 percent effective. Never claimed to be
But symptoms are much milder

Being among the unvaccinated, you should make a reservation at a hospital.

It is only a matter of time
The vaccine is not 100 percent effective. Never claimed to be
But symptoms are much milder

Being among the unvaccinated, you should make a reservation at a hospital.

It is only a matter of time

Wouldn't that make you happy? I'm doing one better. I'm making sure hubby and I have early treatment on hand. SO much better than the vaccines.
Wouldn't that make you happy? I'm doing one better. I'm making sure hubby and I have early treatment on hand. SO much better than the vaccines.
More exercise to keep away the COVID?

There is a virus with your name on it.
You are a marked woman
Is that so? So, we can expect 1260 X the mortality, can we? I haven't seen that claim made anywhere. This virus is doing what viruses DO. It is mutating to become more survivable. It infects more while killing the same or fewer so as to prolong its own life.
Had the governments (US and EU included) allowed for herd immunity to occur naturally in 2020 (meaning that millions of healthy would be infected and recover on their own requiring no hospitalization) many less would’ve died most likely.

Of course, we were told at that time (early 2020) that because the virus was overwhelming the hospitals- which failed in bulk to have an adequate supply of ventilators- even after various wake up calls prior with other health outbreaks prior- total unpreparedness that shouldn’t have happened) and reportedly not enough effective masks in stock to protect their employees. So, once hospitals and nursing homes stocked up on their supplies and many US companies stepped up to make that happen, what happened to the advice of those experts in the field stating that herd immunity would resolve it? That light bulb was immediately turned off and either intentionally or otherwise continued the spread of the viral contagion.
More exercise to keep away the COVID?

There is a virus with your name on it.
You are a marked woman

No. Early treatments that are more effective than the vaccines. You're ill-informed, so I know you don't know about it. All you can do is wallow in your ghoulish glee over my demise.

Have fun with that. I have a wonderful life to lead here.
The vaccine is not 100 percent effective. Never claimed to be
But symptoms are much milder

Being among the unvaccinated, you should make a reservation at a hospital.

It is only a matter of time

Ivermectin stops it in its tracks. Already talked to 4 people who have had the virus and after they started taking ivermectin they were already recovering quickly in two days. Amazing anti-viral, anti-microbial drug. Simply amazing.
There isn't much tolerance for diverse "political leanings" in China.

I didn't say they were vocal about it. But I am pretty sure there are plenty of people in China who only call themselves communists because they are forced to do so.
This is the same strain renamed from last year. It has a recovery rate of 99.9 as opposed to the first strain of 99.7. This is what happens. They become less dangerous and more transmissible as they form new strains.

Where is the evidence that the virus has developed into a less lethal form of the virus? Lol.
Most people will either get vaccinated, or have been previously infected, or they will get this Delta variant,” Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

“And for most people who get this Delta variant, it’s going to be the most serious virus that they get in their lifetime in terms of the risk of putting them in the hospital,” said Gottlieb, who was commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration during the Trump administration.

Yeah OK
Ivermectin stops it in its tracks. Already talked to 4 people who have had the virus and after they started taking ivermectin they were already recovering quickly in two days. Amazing anti-viral, anti-microbial drug. Simply amazing.
My sources say that if you don’t want the vaccine, you should inject Clorox
Wondering what kind of return Gottlieb is getting for this to continue. Let’s see, will Gottlieb turn more or less profit and be given more PR opportunities the longer it goes on with efforts to extend the pandemic? Or, is Gottlieb motivated to resolve the issue by promoting a known cure in existence currently? Anyone? My money is on more money, more fame.

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