If you are not vaccinated or have had a previous infection……..You WILL get the COVID Delta variant

Yup. 10% of them are already infected, so far:

With an infection like that, they need to stay out of Texas
It all comes down to this……

If you have not had COVID or been vaccinated, you can pretty much count on getting the Delta variant. It is that infectious.

While not as fatal as the previous variant, it will still put you in the hospital and you will experience the worst infection of your life.

It is also hospitalizing younger people and even children

Actually, i have not read any reports that it's not as fatal. It's essentially the same virus but just way more transmissible.
Badger would agree. The Delta variant will likely dominate the planet, so we’re interested in both insertions and deletions in its genome that make it unique.
Your precious vaccines are failing and you're having a massive fit about it.

I've never seen anything like this. Over MEDICINE
The fact that the overwhelming majority of recent infections are among the unvaccinated shows where you stand

It is only a matter of time
COVID is waiting for you
Ivermectin stops it in its tracks. Already talked to 4 people who have had the virus and after they started taking ivermectin they were already recovering quickly in two days. Amazing anti-viral, anti-microbial drug. Simply amazing.

My wife never received any treatment at all for her brush with the #CoronaHoax2020 virus, and I'm pretty sure her illness with it lasted less than two days.

I guess this Ivermectin is so powerful that it cures #CoronaHoax even if you don't actually take it.
Ironically, the people too chicken to get a vaccine are undoubtedly the same people that will ingest heavy quantities of alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs at the drop of the hat. Make the vaccines illegal and these clowns will suddenly want it.
I didn't say they were vocal about it. But I am pretty sure there are plenty of people in China who only call themselves communists because they are forced to do so.
And if I recall correctly, you complained in another thread that you thought the flu vaccine gave you the flu.

Since the particular vaccine you were describing did not contain any live infectious influenza virus, logically, it was just your body's reaction to the vaccine that caused your unfortunate uncomfortable flu-like symptoms. It didn't infect you with the viral influenza pathogen, but gave you flu-like symptoms nonetheless.

That can be as horrible and devastatingly sickly as getting infected with the influenza pathogen in the first place.

Some people, frequently the elderly or those suffering from certain specific preexisting medical conditions, are nearly on the brink of death anyways. Therefore any severe overactive immune system repercussions against the counterfeit pathogen introduced into their body may do more harm than good.

I agree that the COVID vaccine should be made available to everyone in order to increase the chances of humankind successfully achieving herd immunity, but don't agree that everyone should get the jab. As with any medication, I believe individuals should carefully do a risk/benefit analysis beforehand.
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Some people, frequently the elderly or those suffering from certain specific preexisting medical conditions, are nearly on the brink of death anyways. Therefore any severely overactive immune system repercussions against the counterfeit pathogen introduced into their body may do more harm than good
The elderly are especially encouraged to get the annual flu shot.
Well, I think we should take Cuban refugees.If we are going to try to starve the country out, at least we could take the refugees.


Why? They're free to get food from other countries. Just as the immigrants/refugees at our southern border should be directed back home.

It's not our problem.

Why should we interfere?



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