If you are not vaccinated or have had a previous infection……..You WILL get the COVID Delta variant

The Sky is falling.....the Sky is falling.... :cuckoo::rolleyes:

If you are not vaccinated or have had a previous infection……..You WILL get the COVID Delta variant​

Because they are human beings is good enough for me.


If you want to play the saint feel free to give them the shirt off your own back but go to their country to do it.


And if I recall correctly, you complained in another thread that you thought the flu vaccine gave you the flu.

Since the particular vaccine you were describing did not contain any live infectious influenza virus, logically, it was just your body's reaction to the vaccine that caused your unfortunate uncomfortable flu-like symptoms. It didn't infect you with the viral influenza pathogen, but gave you flu-like symptoms nonetheless.

That can be as horrible and devastatingly sickly as getting infected with the influenza pathogen in the first place.

Some people, frequently the elderly or those suffering from certain specific preexisting medical conditions, are nearly on the brink of death anyways. Therefore any severe overactive immune system repercussions against the counterfeit pathogen introduced into their body may do more harm than good.

I agree that the COVID vaccine should be made available to everyone in order to increase the chances of humankind successfully achieving herd immunity, but don't agree that everyone should get the jab. As with any medication, I believe individuals should carefully do a risk/benefit analysis beforehand.

I agree with the end of your post, that people should be aware of possible effects and make their own choice.

I did not say the flu vaccine gave me the flu.
Ironically, the people too chicken to get a vaccine are undoubtedly the same people that will ingest heavy quantities of alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs at the drop of the hat. Make the vaccines illegal and these clowns will suddenly want it.

I haven't taken it nor will I. I don't consume heavy amounts of alcohol nor do I take any drugs. This is probably one of the stupidest analogies that I've ever seen.
There were plenty of lies told.

Most of the lies had political motivation. Will you just refuse to believe anything, just because you were lied to?

Corona has a 99.8 percent survival rate. In other words, it's a new flu.

Funny how our government goes apeshit over a virus on the same level as the seasonal flu.

Don't ya think.
COVID is a reality
Denying it and assuming you will never get it appears to be a long shot
COVID is a reality
Denying it and assuming you will never get it appears to be a long shot


Covid was real last April.

Your "evidence" that it is still here is that test that says your dem TX heroes who were FULLY vaxed have it....

So which does not work?

The vax or the test, or both??

83% of humans were immune to Covid before it arrived. Why do they need vax?

They do NOT.
Corona has a 99.8 percent survival rate. In other words, it's a new flu.

Funny how our government goes apeshit over a virus on the same level as the seasonal flu.

Don't ya think.

"Our government" = Zionist RINOs and democrats who received kickbacks from China.....
Last fall, the fall flu was diagnosed at 3% of normal.


Because the Zionist leftist alliance for treason wanted absentee ballot fraud, and hence 97% of those who had the flu were LIED TO and told they had Covid, which had been gone for months.

What is the "delta variant?"

The SPRING FLU deja vu....
Last fall, the fall flu was diagnosed at 3% of normal.


Because the Zionist leftist alliance for treason wanted absentee ballot fraud, and hence 97% of those who had the flu were LIED TO and told they had Covid, which had been gone for months.

What is the "delta variant?"

The SPRING FLU deja vu....
You Goofy
Ummmm you still believe Russia stole the election from Hitlary but then....you've NEVER had any credibility.
I never said Russia stole the election for Hillary
I said they stole emails from DNC which Trump used in his campaign

That cannot be denied
Russia supported Trump
I never said Russia stole the election for Hillary
I said they stole emails from DNC which Trump used in his campaign

That cannot be denied
Russia supported Trump

Well yeah, you actually did. I can go on and on and on. Remember kid, this baord has a LONG memory. Now you are a proven liar.

President Obama was negotiating. As is the authority of all Presidents
He merely pointed out the reality of our political system

Trump negotiated for support to steal an election

Propaganda influences the vote

  1. [IMG alt="rightwinger"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/20/20321.jpg?1624674553[/IMG]

    Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

    Again? They provided illegally obtained information that Trump used in his campaign They conducted a propaganda campaign on Trumps behalf

    Republicans be honest: if Trump were president during the Cuban Missile Crisis, how do you think...

    If not for Putin....Trumpwould be begging for his job back at The Apprentice

    Denial is all you have We have ample proof of Russian interference in our election, hacking the DNC server, hiring bots to flood the internet with misinformation, attempts to gain access to voting machines, Russians are master of propaganda and they used their skills to help Trumpget elected...

    Trump could not have been elected without Russia's assistance
The fact that the overwhelming majority of recent infections are among the unvaccinated shows where you stand

It is only a matter of time
COVID is waiting for you

The majority of unvaccinated people in the US are black and hispanic. Why do you hate them so much?


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