If you are worried about food shortages, buy 80 lbs dry beans, 80 rice, boxes of dried milk, multi-vitamins, dried eggs

I've used rabbit boxes and a few snares and trotlines. but I live in the ever shrinking countryside. For now gunshots are normal.

Maybe so but if things go to shit gunshots will still be a magnet for those who dont have shit.
When things are good no doubt a few gunshots will go unnoticed.
It'll also lead people to your doorstep.
I'm all about Yo-Yo's,Rat traps and steel jaw traps and snares
Totally silent and you dont have to constantly watch them so that frees you up to do other things.
Now if you're moving a .22 is going to be your best bet to get meat on the move.
Had to google what a yo-yo is. That is the coolest thing ever.

That's pretty nifty, does it include forceps to remove a bullet? I have a box of tampons lol even though I'm male. Prepper site says perfect to staunch bullet wound bleeding.

We just got it a few days ago so we haven't gone through it totally,but if it lacks forceps I'll definitely add some.
Already bought a nice suture kit for it and I'm sure I'll find other things that I'll need to add. It was around $700 bucks for the kit so I'd like to think it has some forceps.
Going to the pain med doc on Tuesday and I'm going to ask him about getting some injectable lidocaine for sutures.
If thats a no go you can use Orajel thats been cooked down and purified.
I was going to get a bunch of tampons and pads but the guys on the Prepper board said not to because they arent totally sterile.
I have doubts about that but if true you can always use a pile of gauze.
Had to google what a yo-yo is. That is the coolest thing ever.

We've used them since I was a kid.
You just run along the bank in a jon boat and attach them to tree limbs and come back later and check em.
Since they're spring loaded they set the hook for you and they keep tension on the line so they cant throw the hook.
And with the advent of circle hooks you rarely lose a fish.
The Gamma lids are the best way to go.
They'll fit on any five gallon bucket and they have an O-ring.
You just gotta wack the shit out of them with a rubber mallet to get the main seal to lock up and the second part of the Gamma lid is threaded so you can close them after opening with ease.
You should also get a bucket lid remover tool that makes it easy to get those lids off.
Those damn things can be a total bitch to open.
View attachment 635732
Have one....It makes removing the lids from the paste buckets easier.

Looks to me like they're the same lid, with the exception of the tear-off ribbon around the lower edge of the lid....Added benefit is I get mine for free.
Per person. If you don't know whats going on or think its a conspiracy just skip this. It is easy and cheap to buy food for a year. You need about 2,000 calories a day. You need vitamins because there is no fresh produce. That Nido powdered kid milk beverage is great, it is fortified with vitamins and minerals, and it is fairly cheap because it is what poor welfare mothers buy. 80 lbs beans, likewise rice, will give you a fairly balanced protein, and it keeps provided you keep it cool and dry, and well packaged. Wrap bags tight in trash bags and duct tape it will keep forever. You'll be augmenting your diet with whatever you can get your grubby little hands on. Fish heads. You are about to learn how most people in the rest of the world live.

Learn to grow potatoes. The most calorie-efficient, easy to grow garden solution. You can plant potatoes on highway medians and no one will even know they are there. Entire communities should be doing it.

There are lots of things to prep for when all stores are closed and have nothing on the shelves anyway. Critical spices like turmeric (immune system), soap, toothpaste, cooking oil. But the above items will provide a solid foundation for survival. Water is another story. Get a Big Berkey water filter if you can afford it. It is simply the best, all preppers agree.

Don't put off. The globalists mean business. You have seen that over the past two years. Once you are out of food, you are at their mercy. You will line up for the "quarantine" centers or take the free food deliveries, provided you are "vaxxed" of course, which is just another way of killing you when they feel like it.

Once they can't touch much of the population because they are holed up with plenty of food, they will have to give up, because the monetary system will collapse of its own weight. They are in a race against time to kill billions of us and have the rest of us chipped like cattle, so we are no threat. Then we will rise up, and they will go to jail. But they are counting on us to be stupid and have the typical average of two weeks worth of food in the pantry, before we run outside begging them to take us away or just put us down, whichever.

The rest you can figure out, as there is a plethora of outstanding prepper websites with vast knowledge which people generously offer for free. Here is a defunct prepper website which covers basics quite well.

All this could be like, under $200. That is very little money for a lot of peace of mind. You never want to hear your kids crying of hunger. Your diet might be kind of bland for awhile, but the good days will return.
Not a bad idea. When living on the Gulf Coast we had about three weeks of food like that in case of hurricane.
Have one....It makes removing the lids from the paste buckets easier.

Looks to me like they're the same lid, with the exception of the tear-off ribbon around the lower edge of the lid....Added benefit is I get mine for free.

Thats what makes the Gamma lids so cool.
Once you gettem on the bucket you dont need the lid removal tool.
And how are you going to do that?
If the shortages reach a critical point you'll have zero leverage to bargain for anything.
Those of us who planned ahead wont need anything you have to offer.
Well, there’s no shortage now. The only problem I see is determining if there are enough snowflakes to make it worthwhile.
Per person. If you don't know whats going on or think its a conspiracy just skip this. It is easy and cheap to buy food for a year. You need about 2,000 calories a day. You need vitamins because there is no fresh produce. That Nido powdered kid milk beverage is great, it is fortified with vitamins and minerals, and it is fairly cheap because it is what poor welfare mothers buy. 80 lbs beans, likewise rice, will give you a fairly balanced protein, and it keeps provided you keep it cool and dry, and well packaged. Wrap bags tight in trash bags and duct tape it will keep forever. You'll be augmenting your diet with whatever you can get your grubby little hands on. Fish heads. You are about to learn how most people in the rest of the world live.

Learn to grow potatoes. The most calorie-efficient, easy to grow garden solution. You can plant potatoes on highway medians and no one will even know they are there. Entire communities should be doing it.

There are lots of things to prep for when all stores are closed and have nothing on the shelves anyway. Critical spices like turmeric (immune system), soap, toothpaste, cooking oil. But the above items will provide a solid foundation for survival. Water is another story. Get a Big Berkey water filter if you can afford it. It is simply the best, all preppers agree.

Don't put off. The globalists mean business. You have seen that over the past two years. Once you are out of food, you are at their mercy. You will line up for the "quarantine" centers or take the free food deliveries, provided you are "vaxxed" of course, which is just another way of killing you when they feel like it.

Once they can't touch much of the population because they are holed up with plenty of food, they will have to give up, because the monetary system will collapse of its own weight. They are in a race against time to kill billions of us and have the rest of us chipped like cattle, so we are no threat. Then we will rise up, and they will go to jail. But they are counting on us to be stupid and have the typical average of two weeks worth of food in the pantry, before we run outside begging them to take us away or just put us down, whichever.

The rest you can figure out, as there is a plethora of outstanding prepper websites with vast knowledge which people generously offer for free. Here is a defunct prepper website which covers basics quite well.

All this could be like, under $200. That is very little money for a lot of peace of mind. You never want to hear your kids crying of hunger. Your diet might be kind of bland for awhile, but the good days will return.
Don't forget water.
Well, there’s no shortage now. The only problem I see is determining if there are enough snowflakes to make it worthwhile.

Nope we're the ones who have all of the guns and all of the food and supplies.
Again what could you possibly bring to the table that would benefit the average prepared person other than your dead body for fertilizer?
Per person. If you don't know whats going on or think its a conspiracy just skip this. It is easy and cheap to buy food for a year. You need about 2,000 calories a day. You need vitamins because there is no fresh produce. That Nido powdered kid milk beverage is great, it is fortified with vitamins and minerals, and it is fairly cheap because it is what poor welfare mothers buy. 80 lbs beans, likewise rice, will give you a fairly balanced protein, and it keeps provided you keep it cool and dry, and well packaged. Wrap bags tight in trash bags and duct tape it will keep forever. You'll be augmenting your diet with whatever you can get your grubby little hands on. Fish heads. You are about to learn how most people in the rest of the world live.

Learn to grow potatoes. The most calorie-efficient, easy to grow garden solution. You can plant potatoes on highway medians and no one will even know they are there. Entire communities should be doing it.

There are lots of things to prep for when all stores are closed and have nothing on the shelves anyway. Critical spices like turmeric (immune system), soap, toothpaste, cooking oil. But the above items will provide a solid foundation for survival. Water is another story. Get a Big Berkey water filter if you can afford it. It is simply the best, all preppers agree.

Don't put off. The globalists mean business. You have seen that over the past two years. Once you are out of food, you are at their mercy. You will line up for the "quarantine" centers or take the free food deliveries, provided you are "vaxxed" of course, which is just another way of killing you when they feel like it.

Once they can't touch much of the population because they are holed up with plenty of food, they will have to give up, because the monetary system will collapse of its own weight. They are in a race against time to kill billions of us and have the rest of us chipped like cattle, so we are no threat. Then we will rise up, and they will go to jail. But they are counting on us to be stupid and have the typical average of two weeks worth of food in the pantry, before we run outside begging them to take us away or just put us down, whichever.

The rest you can figure out, as there is a plethora of outstanding prepper websites with vast knowledge which people generously offer for free. Here is a defunct prepper website which covers basics quite well.

All this could be like, under $200. That is very little money for a lot of peace of mind. You never want to hear your kids crying of hunger. Your diet might be kind of bland for awhile, but the good days will return.
Yep... Always good advice.
Nope we're the ones who have all of the guns and all of the food and supplies.
Again what could you possibly bring to the table that would benefit the average prepared person other than your dead body for fertilizer?
Well they could offer the groom your kids but I don't think that would go so well with a loaded weapon nearby.
I suppose. This prepper stuff has always seemed kind of demented to me. If civilization is over I would just as soon go with it. I'm not that young anymore and I am not that afraid of death anymore.
Please do.

Come to think of it, why wait until civilization is over?

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