If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vaccination effort?

If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vacci

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A. You're the one who was defeated by the quote function, not me.

B. It was a fox news "reporter" asking the question.

So c. It's not me who's being stupid here, now is it.
So what's your specialty? Anus'

Paul is an eye doctor...or was...
Well then. Why don’t you tell us what your profession is. If that’s the standard whether you can reply to something or not let’s have it.
If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vaccination effort?

This is in response to both a white house news conference and a comment from Couchpotato in the thread about the news conference.

Post in thread 'Psaki Bomb!!!' Psaki Bomb!!!

No....you are an idiot.

The survival rate for the Chinese flu, released from the Chinese Wuhan bio weapons lab, is 99% for those under 70 who do not have underlying conditions.

The vaccines as yet, do not have FDA approval, they have emergency use approval but are not actually approved.

The MRNA vaccines are new......they are experimental and no one knows if there are long term issues with them.

Which of those has anything to do with Trump?
its called trust.....many dont trust the shit being said about the vaccine....one "expert" says one thing,another "expert" says something else ......

And the ones saying take it or else are the same ones who have lied over and over about other things....like wearing masks, and the death rate of the virus....
Psaki: "Our objective is to ensure that all Americans will get vaccinated."

Collectivist ideologue Democrat extremists like her simply cannot accept, or are stupidly clueless of, the scientific fact that every individual person is different. Most Democrats are too ignorant of medical science to even comprehend that fact.

The fact of the matter is that some peoples' bodies tend to have no serious medical problem due to getting a vaccine, peanut, egg or bee sting, while in other people those things may cause severe reactions, and even death in some cases.

If someone has had severe reactions to vaccines in the past, it may be wise for them to employ an abundance of caution while performing their personal risk/benefit analysis when considering whether or not, and when, they should get a COVID 19 vaccine.

Wrong.....it is because Trump ......or something..........you would have to ask the democrats who are still suffering long lasting TDS...
If you watched it how can you still not understand what's in it?

Ok, I watched again, commiesakis last words were, "people don't have access to accurate information.". The ultimate stupid answer, so I stand by what I said. Stupid poll.

The Texas Democrats were fully vaccinated. If nothing else, this should completely decimate all calls for "vaccinated only" or vaccine passports. Vaccinated people can contract the illness and they can spread it. Heck. Maybe they're even "super spreaders".

Deep down inside, the only reason I'm not vaccinated is I feel Trump wouldn't receive enough credit for it. You got me OP, nice one, I always put Trump first and foremost.

Like other Trump supporters I too base every single life decision on the simple question..."What would Trump do?" My shrine to Trump takes up one entire room of my home and my Trump Talismans keep me safe as I move through the world............

Left wingers are such fucking asshats.........and they would be really funny if they didn't have an obsession with mass graves and murdering innocent men, women and children whenever they get total control over a population....
Not all of them! Some of them have a GREAT reason!

How about we anti-vaxxers who think getting the disease offers better and cheaper immunity for the healthy and that allowing people to achieve natural immunity that is both stronger and longer acting is how virus's are really beaten and that the VAX's besides killing people, costing a fortune, and being used to scare people into giving the government more money and power, is actually going to prolong the spread of the virus's in the long Run due to slowing not stopping the virus's spread which I think is the real point. The slowing is going allow for Variants all over the place.

Long term fear mongering and 'crisis' always needing more money and more power for the government is the REAL point of these shitty vaxes.
How about we anti-vaxxers who think getting the disease offers better and cheaper immunity for the healthy and that allowing people to achieve natural immunity that is both stronger and longer acting is how virus's are really beaten and that the VAX's besides killing people, costing a fortune, and being used to scare people into giving the government more money and power, is actually going to prolong the spread of the virus's in the long Run due to slowing not stopping the virus's spread which I think is the real point. The slowing is going allow for Variants all over the place.

Long term fear mongering and 'crisis' always needing more money and more power for the government is the REAL point of these shitty vaxes.

Mac? He/she/it has been given logical reasons for some people who do not want to take the vaccine.....rational arguments against the need to get vaccinated...since that doesn't match what he/she/it wanted to do...smear Trump supporters.......mac is reduced to that stupid post....
I’m sure all those blacks and Hispanics aren’t getting the shots because Trump isn’t getting the credit. You’re fucking retarded.

Farrakhan absolutely despised Trump.
He has taken all of his following into an all out war against the vaccinations.

Mac? He/she/it has been given logical reasons for some people who do not want to take the vaccine.....rational arguments against the need to get vaccinated...since that doesn't match what he/she/it wanted to do...smear Trump supporters.......mac is reduced to that stupid post....
The entire left is a gaggle of mentally ill control freaks who have now reached the absolutely ridiculous conclusion that our refusal to get vaccinated somehow violates their rights. Mental illness is the only thing that describes such a mentally vacant position so utterly detached from reality and respect for other people's privacy and decisions.
This an idiotic comment...

Faucci told the public the best information that is a available at the time... This is what intelligent people do...

People who talk in absolutes do it to garner support of weak minded individuals... It is a common tactic of dictators...

Also look at when and why Faucci was saying things... Initially he wanted all the PPE they could get for hospitals, so he said cotton masks...

Then he said to mask up especially as cotton masks came more available...

The multiple masks was later for two reasons...
  • Cheaper non multiple layer masks were coming more common
  • Two layers were a good way of separating the outside (droplets) from the more respiratory mask
Faucci is a world expert(other countries had their experts too), who do you suggest we listen to instead?

Here’s a wacky idea leftist. Do your own research, weed out the political bullshit and listen to yourself. I know, being a grownup can be very scary.

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