If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vaccination effort?

If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vacci

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Are you saying they got vaccinated and caught tje chinese disease anyway?
Don't you know how this works? Doesn't your universe tell you this stuff?

Yes, you can still catch it. Your chances of catching it are lower. And most likely your symptoms, if any, will be much less.

So you didn't even know THIS. Holy shit. You guys really are in your own little world. God damn.
Yes, you can still catch it. Your chances of catching it are lower. And most likely your symptoms, if any, will be much less.
Are they?

I think you are flying blind and just hoping against hope that you have enough altitude to clear the mountain range

Lets see what happens when illegal alien migrants bring the Delta mutation to the country in a big way
This an idiotic comment...

Faucci told the public the best information that is a available at the time... This is what intelligent people do...

People who talk in absolutes do it to garner support of weak minded individuals... It is a common tactic of dictators...

Also look at when and why Faucci was saying things... Initially he wanted all the PPE they could get for hospitals, so he said cotton masks...

Then he said to mask up especially as cotton masks came more available...

The multiple masks was later for two reasons...
  • Cheaper non multiple layer masks were coming more common
  • Two layers were a good way of separating the outside (droplets) from the more respiratory mask
Faucci is a world expert(other countries had their experts too), who do you suggest we listen to instead?
You know what else it’s called? Not knowing what the hell you’re doing, oh and lying.

The two mask bullshit came up after a year of masks, what kind of idiot didn’t know they were worthless other than virtue signaling. More information my ass, everyone fucking knew you couldn’t stop an airborn disease with a paper mask. Yet they still push that shit today.

If Faucci is the prime example of a government expert. That should really tell you what kind of worthless fucks we have in government.
If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vaccination effort?

This is in response to both a white house news conference and a comment from Couchpotato in the thread about the news conference.

Post in thread 'Psaki Bomb!!!' Psaki Bomb!!!

The majority of unvaccinated people in the US are black and hispanic, people who you claim would never support Trump. It has nothing to do with your boyfriend.
Im not getting it for several reasons.

1- I am not at risk. Im on the young side of middle aged, healthy as a horse, not immune compromised, and aside from a 50/50 chance of getting a sinus infection every fall I dont get sick. I havent even had the flu since I was like 15 or 16. And Ive worked at a hotel near a international airport for 9 years, sure if anyone would get sick it would be me, but I havent.

2- I dont want to get stuck with a experimental drug that was rushed through testing and green lit way too fast. Thalidomide was a drug also not tested properly and pushed out, was used for nausea in pregnant women and deemed safe. Years later we had what was called "thalidomide babies", babies born with limb deformities because of the drug. Im not saying covid vaccines were be as dramatic but unless its life or death, or my general well being and quality of life are severely impacted then I dont want a brand new drug put into me.

3- I dont want to. And what I do or dont do with my own body is only my concern and the medical professional that is involved. Its really no one elses business what I decide to do.
If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vaccination effort?

This is in response to both a white house news conference and a comment from Couchpotato in the thread about the news conference.

Post in thread 'Psaki Bomb!!!' Psaki Bomb!!!

Looks like the Texas Super-Spreaders
- Fled Texas after failing to get their way
- Weren't vexed (?)
- Violated Dem edicts on mask wearing, especially on planes
- Violated Dem edicts about Social Distancing
- Infected Democrat House members (Pelosi's aide)
- infected multiple members of the WH (who weren't vaxed?)
- Exposed Harris (even more so) as a hypocrite for saying 'if you're exposed to someone who has the virus you should quarantine'
- Destroyed the Democrats' attempt to paint them as 'heroes' trying to save Anericans, only to turn into COVID-19 Super-Spreadets who endangered American lives, specifically those inDC who welcomed them without arms (and apparently no masks, either)

Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe just maybe some people arent get vaccinated because they have concerns about possible side effects from it and possible future health problems. I personally don't have these concerns but I understand why some do and I believe this is more logical than a lot of the partisan bullshit both sides spew on a regular basis.
They are not valid concerns. There is nothing fueling them but nutjobs like Tucker Carlson … who got vaccinated as soon as he could
They are not valid concerns. There is nothing fueling them but nutjobs like Tucker Carlson … who got vaccinated as soon as he could
This might bust your over inflated ego but you don't get to decide what is a valid concern for others so get over yourself.
No I don’t. Evidence does that and it’s on my side
The evidence does not the fact fully vaccinated people are getting covid proves that. If the partisan assholes on both sides had not gone out of there way to politicize this we might not be having this issue.
If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vaccination effort?

This is in response to both a white house news conference and a comment from Couchpotato in the thread about the news conference.

Post in thread 'Psaki Bomb!!!' Psaki Bomb!!!


If this doesn't get the award for the years most fucked up retarded question of the year, I don't know what would.

You ought to be embarrassed to post shit like that you fucking dummy.
The evidence does not the fact fully vaccinated people are getting covid proves that.
The evidence...shows that vey few vaccinated people get infected and those that do have very mild cases.

The evidence shows that there have been very very few cases of vaccinations causing serious side effects
You can’t use percentages without actual numbers. LA is once again on mask lockdown. Total deaths? Nine. Fucking nine, in a city of millions. So yeah did 99% of the people who died not get the Trump vaccine? Yep, all fucking ten of them. If you have the vaccine then calm the he’ll down.
L.A? Is that a joke? My post concerned Republican-led states, most of them in the South. Southern states have the poorest vaccination rates.

That's what I wrote about. Your post is a distraction.
The surge in Covid-19 cases fueled by the Delta variant and vaccine hesitancy has now led to increasing rates of hospitalizations and deaths. More than 97% of people getting hospitalized with Covid-19 now are unvaccinated, and 99.5% of deaths are among the unvaccinated.

At last weekend's Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., told the crowd: "Don't come knocking on my door with your 'Fauci ouchie.' You leave us the hell alone."
Nearly 30 percent of Republicans say they are not planning to be vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a CBS News-YouGov poll.

Data from Johns Hopkins University shows:
-- The average number of new Covid-19 cases each day the past week was 32,278. That's a 66% jump from the average daily rate the previous week, and 145% higher than the rate from two weeks ago.
-- An average of 258 Americans died from Covid-19 each day this past week -- up 13% from the rate of daily deaths the previous week.
-- 24,923 people are hospitalized with Covid-19, according to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services. That's a 26% increase from last week and a 50% increase from two weeks ago.

Because of the unvaccinated, hospitalizations have dramatically increased.

Because of the unvaccinated, deaths have dramatically increased.

And Republicans have nothing to say. Instead, they and their children are getting ill and killing themselves to make a political point.

I told you, today's Republicans are intelligence challenged.
If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vaccination effort?

This is in response to both a white house news conference and a comment from Couchpotato in the thread about the news conference.

Post in thread 'Psaki Bomb!!!' Psaki Bomb!!!

I am waiting as I still have the antibodies from when I had the virus. You’re a dumb leftist.
Nearly 30 percent of Republicans say they are not planning to be vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a CBS News-YouGov poll.

Data from Johns Hopkins University shows:
-- The average number of new Covid-19 cases each day the past week was 32,278. That's a 66% jump from the average daily rate the previous week, and 145% higher than the rate from two weeks ago.
-- An average of 258 Americans died from Covid-19 each day this past week -- up 13% from the rate of daily deaths the previous week.
-- 24,923 people are hospitalized with Covid-19, according to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services. That's a 26% increase from last week and a 50% increase from two weeks ago.

Because of the unvaccinated, hospitalizations have dramatically increased.

Because of the unvaccinated, deaths have dramatically increased.

And Republicans have nothing to say. Instead, they and their children are getting ill and killing themselves to make a political point.

I told you, today's Republicans are intelligence challenged.
Children are getting ill and dying? Link please
L.A? Is that a joke? My post concerned Republican-led states, most of them in the South. Southern states have the poorest vaccination rates.

That's what I wrote about. Your post is a distraction.
Why are you so interested in places that don’t have this happening? That’s like comparing murder rate in Chicago to rural Oklahoma. Nobody gives a fuck. Oklahoma isn’t the problem here.

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