If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vaccination effort?

If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vacci

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If it was a cult issue republicans would respond to trump prompting them to get it...

And report wanting that sort of thing in polling

Neither is true. When asked Republicans say they don't give a fuck whether Trump took it or not
tRump talks outta both sides of his face, and they know which side they want to hear.
tRump talks outta both sides of his face, and they know which side they want to hear.

The party clearly says doesn't matter which side of his mouth he speaks out of they're not getting it

It may be political

But it's in no way cultish

Just basic common sense like don't use a vaccination when your immune system is infinitely better....Which is true for most under 30s

Black America isn't following some cult to reject the vaccine either. THey just are more cynical
The party clearly says doesn't matter which side of his mouth he speaks out of they're not getting it

It may be political

But it's in no way cultish

Just basic common sense like don't use a vaccination when your immune system is infinitely better....Which is true for most under 30s

Black America isn't following some cult to reject the vaccine either. THey just are more cynical
That number is probably closer to 50 or 60unless you have another illness or are a fat body.
As most folks indicated, idiotic opening post. I figure folks who are not getting jabbed assume their immune systems are properly functioning and do not want to risk the somewhat rare but devastating side effects that are far worse than the Fauci Flu itself, plus the fact the jab(s) has been proven not to work in preventing a positive test, which is itself relatively meaningless.
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That number is probably closer to 50 or 60unless you have another illness or are a fat body.

Always go with the easy to back up number rhetorically

Understate and strengthen a position. Reach and weaken it while opening up tangents about whether or not it's 50 or 60
Not all of them! Some of them have a GREAT reason!

What is kamala harris’ excuse for not getting vaccinated?

And while we’re on the subject why werent all the fugitive democrat house members from the Texas Legislature vaccinated?
What is kamala harris’ excuse for not getting vaccinated?
And while we’re on the subject why werent all the fugitive democrat house members from the Texas Legislature vaccinated?
Who in your alternate universe told you this?

Wow. This is one of those posts I wish I hadn't seen.
Not just the vaccine. The entire COVID clusterfuck has Been a lesson on if you don’t like what the experts have to say today just wait until tomorrow, they will change their opinion. Or just flat out lie if something doesn’t fit their narrative.

Which Faucci do you believe?
No mask Faucci
Mask Faucci
Two mask Faucci

This is the stupid we’ve put up with for over a year and these assholes want to make two years plus. What happens next time something comes up? We just saw what two weeks to flatten the curve turned in to. Why would anyone put up with this crap.
This an idiotic comment...

Faucci told the public the best information that is a available at the time... This is what intelligent people do...

People who talk in absolutes do it to garner support of weak minded individuals... It is a common tactic of dictators...

Also look at when and why Faucci was saying things... Initially he wanted all the PPE they could get for hospitals, so he said cotton masks...

Then he said to mask up especially as cotton masks came more available...

The multiple masks was later for two reasons...
  • Cheaper non multiple layer masks were coming more common
  • Two layers were a good way of separating the outside (droplets) from the more respiratory mask
Faucci is a world expert(other countries had their experts too), who do you suggest we listen to instead?
The party clearly says doesn't matter which side of his mouth he speaks out of they're not getting it

It may be political

But it's in no way cultish

Just basic common sense like don't use a vaccination when your immune system is infinitely better....Which is true for most under 30s

Black America isn't following some cult to reject the vaccine either. THey just are more cynical
Ah, I hadn't realized you'd bought into the quackery.

My bad, have a nice day.

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