If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vaccination effort?

If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vacci

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Nearly 30 percent of Republicans say they are not planning to be vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a CBS News-YouGov poll.

Data from Johns Hopkins University shows:
-- The average number of new Covid-19 cases each day the past week was 32,278. That's a 66% jump from the average daily rate the previous week, and 145% higher than the rate from two weeks ago.
-- An average of 258 Americans died from Covid-19 each day this past week -- up 13% from the rate of daily deaths the previous week.
-- 24,923 people are hospitalized with Covid-19, according to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services. That's a 26% increase from last week and a 50% increase from two weeks ago.

Because of the unvaccinated, hospitalizations have dramatically increased.

Because of the unvaccinated, deaths have dramatically increased.

And Republicans have nothing to say. Instead, they and their children are getting ill and killing themselves to make a political point.

I told you, today's Republicans are intelligence challenged.
I’m trying to figure out why you would care. If you did the vaccine thing then why are you all worked up over people you hate?
Why in the world are angry border line psychotic lefties fixated on the former president? Maybe it's because they believe all the propaganda and they don't have to think about issues. The notion that Americans refuse to be vaccinated because of their loyalty to the former president is obviously ludicrous but the psychotics among us persist because they have nothing else.
Not just the vaccine. The entire COVID clusterfuck has Been a lesson on if you don’t like what the experts have to say today just wait until tomorrow, they will change their opinion. Or just flat out lie if something doesn’t fit their narrative.

Which Faucci do you believe?
No mask Faucci
Mask Faucci
Two mask Faucci

This is the stupid we’ve put up with for over a year and these assholes want to make two years plus. What happens next time something comes up? We just saw what two weeks to flatten the curve turned in to. Why would anyone put up with this crap.
Were you born with all the knowledge you have now?
What data did we not have six months ago that we have now?
Are you fucking kidding me?

Were you born with all the knowledge you have now?
Nope. But what I did do was learn everything possible before proclaiming myself a fucking expert. And that I am. I don’t fuck up your electronics system because I’m fucking winging it. I know what to do and how to target the problem. Nobody hires me to fucking wing it.
Are you fucking kidding me?

ONE study, not peer reviewed, that talks about priorities

Nope. But what I did do was learn everything possible before proclaiming myself a fucking expert. And that I am. I don’t fuck up your electronics system because I’m fucking winging it. I know what to do and how to target the problem. Nobody hires me to fucking wing it.
You're as "learned" as eye doctor Rand Paul

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