If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vaccination effort?

If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vacci

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The entire left is a gaggle of mentally ill control freaks who have now reached the absolutely ridiculous conclusion that our refusal to get vaccinated somehow violates their rights. Mental illness is the only thing that describes such a mentally vacant position so utterly detached from reality and respect for other people's privacy and decisions.

As news unfolds that breakthrough infections are increasing and the vaccines are doing increasingly LESS to reduce transmission.....

Leftists DOUBLE DOWN on us getting vaccinated, of course.

It's pure spite and hatred. They had to do their Sacrament to Covid. So should we.

Here, Leftists:

Psaki: "Our objective is to ensure that all Americans will get vaccinated."

Collectivist ideologue Democrat extremists like her simply cannot accept, or are stupidly clueless of, the scientific fact that every individual person is different. Most Democrats are too ignorant of medical science to even comprehend that fact.

The fact of the matter is that some peoples' bodies tend to have no serious medical problem due to getting a vaccine, peanut, egg or bee sting, while in other people those things may cause severe reactions, and even death in some cases.

If someone has had severe reactions to vaccines in the past, it may be wise for them to employ an abundance of caution while performing their personal risk/benefit analysis when considering whether or not, and when, they should get a COVID 19 vaccine.
Your excuses are only valid for less than 1% of the population! 99% of those refusing the vaccine have no legitimate reason, just politics, religion & fear from internet gossip.
99% of those refusing the vaccine have no legitimate reason, just politics, religion & fear from internet gossip.
A recent survey showed that 51% of those refusing to get vaccinated are doing so because they believe the government is using it to plant microchips in us.

So there's that.

If the other choice had not been an ignorant, arrogant, dangerous cult, I would have been able to vote third party, as I preferred.

And holy crap, what does that have to do with my post?

Nothing I just think it's the best video of 2021

Biden won't last another 6 months. Anyway, back to....oh yea, I won't get a vaccine because Trump or something. Right-O
My body, my choice
Not until you get republicans to resend the laws they imposed on US mandating I wear a helmet, seatbelt, have airbags, building safety codes, restrictions on women's reproductive system, suicide, etc.

I vote no healthcare resources, taxes or insurance money go to anyone unemployed, disabled or killed by any type of damage that has ever possibly been related to covid-19 if they are not vaccinated by the end of August!

Any anti-vax company should be forced to return all Stimulus, Tax Cuts, Bailout or PPP related money.
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Not until you get republicans to resend the laws they imposed on US mandating I wear a helmet, seatbelt, have airbags, building safety codes, restrictions on women's reproductive system, suicide, etc.

I vote no healthcare resources, taxes or insurance money go to anyone unemployed, disabled or killed by any type of damage that has ever possibly been related to covid-19 if they are not vaccinated by the end of August!

Agree with helmet and seatbelt laws and airbags. Not building safety codes bc that is not a personal decision; not abortion bc you are killing another.

Your last remark on Covid is frankly insane. If you get the vaccine you still transmit; you know that, right? So all you are doing is protecting your own health. So in your first paragraph you argue that free Americans should be able to protect their own health but want me to have no healthcare for my choices. You're just being small and spiteful
Your excuses are only valid for less than 1% of the population! 99% of those refusing the vaccine have no legitimate reason, just politics, religion & fear from internet gossip.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion?
If you aren't vax'd is it because you feel Pres Trump isn't getting credit for his role in the vaccination effort?


The #CoronaHoax2020 virus poses no genuine, credible threat to my health.

To allow myself to be used as a test subject for a risky, experimental “vaccine” against it would just be plain stupid. There is much more rational reason to consider the “vaccine” to be a threat to my health, than to consider the disease against which it is supposed to “protect” me to be a threat to my health.
Most adults, as we grow and age, come to understand that life isn't just about us. It's not all about "me".

Sadly, some never come to that realization.
Agree with helmet and seatbelt laws and airbags. Not building safety codes bc that is not a personal decision; not abortion bc you are killing another.

Your last remark on Covid is frankly insane. If you get the vaccine you still transmit; you know that, right? So all you are doing is protecting your own health. So in your first paragraph you argue that free Americans should be able to protect their own health but want me to have no healthcare for my choices. You're just being small and spiteful
You Idiots are burdening US all & I am tire of it!

I have to pay for damages my 30 year old tenant did by dying in my rental from heart failure due to damage from Covid-19 he contracted 6 months prior. For 6 months he couldn't work, pay rent, take his dog out to shit & piss, etc.

Because covid damaged his heart, he made many expensive trips to hospital & family had to pay what they could of his rent. He was covid free long before his death so he wasn't counted as a covid death.

So I have to pay $6,000 for floors damaged by his death & his neglected dog. I also lost a lot of rent, his family is now broke, the medical system, insurance & tax payers are burdened.

If you aren't vaccinated & catch covid, then don't even ask for help! Just go dig a hole somewhere out of the way, then fuck-off & go die in it.
You Idiots are burdening US all & I am tire of it!

I have to pay for damages my 30 year old tenant did by dying in my rental from heart failure due to damage from Covid-19 he contracted 6 months prior. For 6 months he couldn't work, pay rent, take his dog out to shit & piss, etc.

Because covid damaged his heart, he made many expensive trips to hospital & family had to pay what they could of his rent. He was covid free long before his death so he wasn't counted as a covid death.

So I have to pay $6,000 for floors damaged by his death & his neglected dog. I also lost a lot of rent, his family is now broke, the medical system, insurance & tax payers are burdened.

If you aren't vaccinated & catch covid, then don't even ask for help! Just go dig a hole somewhere out of the way, then fuck-off & go die in it.

If he died of “heart failure due to damage from Covid-19”, then he had a bad heart to begin with, and probably was going to die even if he never came across the bullshit virus.

This sounds like the classic case, of which we know there have been hundreds of thousands, of someone “dying from COVID” who really died from something else, and whose death was classified as COVID for no other purpose than to fraudulently inflate the COVID statistics.
Was there something in your link to that pile of shit called Twitter that you want me to see?

Just showing you avideo of Harris getting Vaccinated

So you are clearly wrong... This is your problem, you are highly misinformed, this means all your decisions on misinformation...

This makes you useful to the people feeding you this information... They are feeding you a narrative which they know you won't question and spin it off again...

Have you noticed that you are not using main sites with major sponsors, these are trusted sources built of decades of providing information that is backed by evidence.

The first thing the GOP have always told you is not to believe the media, this is standard fare for autocratic governments, just look at Putin, he says not to trust the media and clearly has had journalists murdered... Saudi same, China same,.....

Why are these so afraid of the truth? Well it doesn't paint a good picture for them...

Look at the Tax Cuts, a lot of conservatives point to the 50s as a golden era, a time when America was Great... Something they want to make great again...

They fail to mention that the top rate of Federal tax was 70% in the 50s...
GI bill invested heavily in Education

In truth US was far more to the left economically back then except for borrowing... They taxed and spent well on infrastructure, education, healthcare... They were also cutting Military spending was generally being cut as well..

The last thing certain type of wealthy is to return to that time.. Look what the Koch brothers did in Kansas to pay less tax.. They destroyed the state budget to pay as little as possible... Do you seriously think they would have got away with that in the 50s...

You Idiots are burdening US all & I am tire of it!

I have to pay for damages my 30 year old tenant did by dying in my rental from heart failure due to damage from Covid-19 he contracted 6 months prior. For 6 months he couldn't work, pay rent, take his dog out to shit & piss, etc.

Because covid damaged his heart, he made many expensive trips to hospital & family had to pay what they could of his rent. He was covid free long before his death so he wasn't counted as a covid death.

So I have to pay $6,000 for floors damaged by his death & his neglected dog. I also lost a lot of rent, his family is now broke, the medical system, insurance & tax payers are burdened.

If you aren't vaccinated & catch covid, then don't even ask for help! Just go dig a hole somewhere out of the way, then fuck-off & go die in it.

So before I put you on ignore, I'm going to say that this man was 30 years old and died and you have a financial burden that I AM SURE you could get relief from, but all you can do is complain about how much money it's costing you. You apparently knew this person who died but yeah, whatever.

Okay, to my ignore list. It's getting really long.
He was covid free long before his death so he wasn't counted as a covid death.
This sounds like the classic case, of which we know there have been hundreds of thousands, of someone “dying from COVID” who really died from something else, and whose death was classified as COVID for no other purpose than to fraudulently inflate the COVID statistics.

I missed it the first time.

His death wasn't officially classified as COVID. •YOU• classified it as COVID. Not because you were in any way anywhere close to qualified to make that determination, not because there was any truth to that classification, but because so classifying it was conducive to your agenda. Which is very close to the reason why at least 94% of deaths classified officially as COVID are so classified—not that they really are from COVID, but it supports an agenda to claim that they are.

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