If you can't run your own house, you can't run the White House

Trump and Clinton are not qualified to be president. Period.
Trump and Clinton are not qualified to be president. Period.

ok-----but Hillsie is not only not qualified but DANGEROUS----and spiritually bereft
And Trump is not?????????????????

rosie, the most true thing about this election is that we are going to get the government we deserve.

no----Trump is touched with spirituality----which is why he is
seeking the presidency------TOUCHED. Hillary is .....sorry--but I cannot help using tired old analogy-----LADY MACBETH. She ain't touched by the "divine"------she is INFECTED
WITH DARK FORCES (<<based on my infallible intuition)
Was he not impeached and lost his law license?

No, he wasn't impeached- he was acquitted by the Senate.
No, he didn't lose his law license, he agreed to a supsension of a license he wasn't using.

Meanwhile, 5000 Americans DID die in Iraq looking for weapons that weren't there.

Bush Lied. People Died.
Yes, was impeached (look up the term, Joe), and, yes, he was acquitted.

The Impeachment vote in the House is a simple up/down vote.

They did it knowing the Senate would never convict or remove President Clinton. They just wanted to embarrass the President and his family. Worked out well for the Democrats.
Trump and Clinton are not qualified to be president. Period.
Trump and Clinton are not qualified to be president. Period.

ok-----but Hillsie is not only not qualified but DANGEROUS----and spiritually bereft
And Trump is not?????????????????

rosie, the most true thing about this election is that we are going to get the government we deserve.

no----Trump is touched with spirituality----which is why he is
seeking the presidency------TOUCHED. Hillary is .....sorry--but I cannot help using tired old analogy-----LADY MACBETH. She ain't touched by the "divine"------she is INFECTED
WITH DARK FORCES (<<based on my infallible intuition)
They are both touched by DARK FORCES. Trump's spirituality is that of a sex obsessed warlock.

Below is how we should use dark powers.

And we are back in Iraq, after Obama successfully ended that war
He even did it without Congress approval which he isn't suppose to do.

Meh, not really... but since you don't understand the concept of treaties and shit, we'll leave it there.
Lying under oath is criminal. And nobody lied a bout a war. Go back to sleep.

Lying about a blow job is no big deal.
Lying about weapons of mass destruction, working the country up into a panic, and then getting 5000 servicemen and 100,000 civilians killed kind of is.

Legal isn't always moral.
who "LOOKED" for weapons? Lots of weapons----biologicals and chemicals some of which are being used
today by FELLOW BAATHIST PIG----ASSAD----and lots stored in steel walled bunkers in the mountains between Syria and
Lebanon-------fret not, joe----the filth you seek has YET TO HIT

Okay, you Zionists are starting to sound like the Boy who Cried Wolf.
A strong independent woman does not put herself and her daughter repeatedly through what Bill repeatedly did.
who "LOOKED" for weapons? Lots of weapons----biologicals and chemicals some of which are being used
today by FELLOW BAATHIST PIG----ASSAD----and lots stored in steel walled bunkers in the mountains between Syria and
Lebanon-------fret not, joe----the filth you seek has YET TO HIT

Okay, you Zionists are starting to sound like the Boy who Cried Wolf.

right-----that's what you islamo Nazis were saying and writing---and PROMULGATING, extensively in -------1938. You and
yours were STILL so farting in 1940 -----even after my Austrian cousins were dead in Auschwitz. People were still
reading that stuff in the mid 1950s------when I was a child----
your propaganda pamphlets fluttered about the little Nazi town of my childhood. I was SO confused that I asked my mom when SHE KNEW--------she described what she knew when she was 16-----1936. How do you and yours manage to
Just remember, in Right Wing Crazy Land, lying about a blow job is criminal, but lying about a war is okay.
Ya, and I'm not voting for anyone that voted for that war either.

to each his own----I do not like the manner in which the war was conducted----for my part Sadaam should have been shot in the head sometime in the mid 1960s. The situation was NEGLECTED and a mad man allowed to live to do that which mad men with lots of power do----BIG MISTAKE----"the war" was out out come of too many YEARS of neglect

The West supported Iraq beginning in 1982 in the Iran/Iraq war. He was not neglected at all. He was sold all kinds of goodies from our Western Allied, and us of course. Arming him with the means and material to make advanced chemical and biological weapons was our big mistake. Unwittingly allowing him to pursue a nuclear weapon was another result.
Just remember, in Right Wing Crazy Land, lying about a blow job is criminal, but lying about a war is okay.
Ya, and I'm not voting for anyone that voted for that war either.

to each his own----I do not like the manner in which the war was conducted----for my part Sadaam should have been shot in the head sometime in the mid 1960s. The situation was NEGLECTED and a mad man allowed to live to do that which mad men with lots of power do----BIG MISTAKE----"the war" was out out come of too many YEARS of neglect

The West supported Iraq beginning in 1982 in the Iran/Iraq war. He was not neglected at all. He was sold all kinds of goodies from our Western Allied, and us of course. Arming him with the means and material to make advanced chemical and biological weapons was our big mistake. Unwittingly allowing him to pursue a nuclear weapon was another result.

Exactly----NO ONE ASKED ME------I knew-----WAY BACK in the mid sixties that Saddam was an islamo Nazi dog (in the sixties I was a teen ------but I stumbled onto a piece of shit named (?) Mahmoud Mehdi (??) He was the originator in
the US of an organization called something like "AMERICAN FRIENDS OF ARABS" (not sure of the original name)-----this is the organization which ACTUALLY WAS STARTED BY SADDAM and his friend-----and became CAIR. Keep it in mind-----CAIR is SADDAM

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