If you can't run your own house, you can't run the White House

It is obvious that you (big shit) have never met a bangla deshi------or an Armenian--------time to get out from under
your rock

Naw, I'm an American... I hang with Americans.

But I don't see a bunch of Armenians or Bangladeshis coming to Washington and INSISTING that we go along with every shitty, stupid thing they want to do to whoever they are mad at.

That's what the Zionshits do...

Because Hitler.

you never met a single bangla deshi in your life nor have you known a jew------you know the islamo Nazi propaganda
the bitch tossed her own stinking ass in front of a bulldozer-----PROVEN---the pictures were photo-shopped **PROVEN** to make it seem like a deliberate action on the part of the driver.--------the disgusting bitch so TRUSTED the bulldozer driver not only to be able to STOP ON A DIME but ALSO that he would do so----so she PURPOSELY danced waving her fat stinking ass directly in front of the thing and THEN TRIPPED falling under the wheel----try to keep up. How about YOU going off to play games at US military bases----try crashing a nuclear reactor,, BIG SHOT (make that SHIT)
You thought they photo-shopped the pictures for NO REASON???

She wasn't on a military installation. She was in a Palestinian neighborhood being demolished by illegally occupying forces.

List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"but, but, Hitler did a nasty to us 75 years ago, so that makes it okay!!!!"

Everyone is sick of hearing that shit.

you posted NOTHING---
you never met a single bangla deshi in your life nor have you known a jew------you know the islamo Nazi propaganda

Oh, I've known lots of Jews...

Some of them are even nice enough people.

doesn't take away from the fact that what the Zionists are doing to the people of Palestine is just as bad a crime against humanity as what the Nazis and the Ottomans and, fuck it, our own government did to Native Americans and Filipinos.
you never met a single bangla deshi in your life nor have you known a jew------you know the islamo Nazi propaganda

Oh, I've known lots of Jews...

Some of them are even nice enough people.

doesn't take away from the fact that what the Zionists are doing to the people of Palestine is just as bad a crime against humanity as what the Nazis and the Ottomans and, fuck it, our own government did to Native Americans and Filipinos.

bull shit
Whatever, hon.

Problem is, that 'but, but, but Hitler' isn't washing with the rest of the world anymore.

joe sweetie-----your continued regurgitation of islamo Nazi shit---
-----is silly. I have already informed you that I read the islamo Nazi propaganda----WAY BACK circa 1960----save it for the mosque

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