If you can't run your own house, you can't run the White House

Fallacy of false equivalency. Just a poor OP. Poor, poor. Many people say so. Many. Poor.
Was he not impeached and lost his law license?

No, he wasn't impeached- he was acquitted by the Senate.
No, he didn't lose his law license, he agreed to a supsension of a license he wasn't using.

Meanwhile, 5000 Americans DID die in Iraq looking for weapons that weren't there.

Bush Lied. People Died.
And we are back in Iraq, after Obama successfully ended that war
He even did it without Congress approval which he isn't suppose to do.
Just remember, in Right Wing Crazy Land, lying about a blow job is criminal, but lying about a war is okay.

Hang everyone of the Bush bloodline as far as I am concerned, but Bill "drop trou"'s deeds go a lot deeper than a bj from an intern as the body count began to rise as the Jones sexual harassment case was approaching.. Then of course there was Chinagate where Bill "drop trou" pals all took the 5th as the patent office was opened up to the commie chinese .
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What was BJ Bill lying about to congress beside treating the WH like his personal brothel? Could it be it had something to do with this Al Qaeda
Was he not impeached and lost his law license?

No, he wasn't impeached- he was acquitted by the Senate.
No, he didn't lose his law license, he agreed to a supsension of a license he wasn't using.

Meanwhile, 5000 Americans DID die in Iraq looking for weapons that weren't there.

Bush Lied. People Died.
Yes, was impeached (look up the term, Joe), and, yes, he was acquitted.
More recently, if you are negligent in handling of the security of the information you are entrusted with, how can she be entrusted with the Nation's entire Cybersecurity Infrastructure? She already compromised a significant portion of it while at State. Liberals are not asking her the hard questions on this.
Michelle supports Clinton.

Most women support Clinton.

Not good for Trump.
Just remember, in Right Wing Crazy Land, lying about a blow job is criminal, but lying about a war is okay.
Ya, and I'm not voting for anyone that voted for that war either.

to each his own----I do not like the manner in which the war was conducted----for my part Sadaam should have been shot in the head sometime in the mid 1960s. The situation was NEGLECTED and a mad man allowed to live to do that which mad men with lots of power do----BIG MISTAKE----"the war" was out out come of too many YEARS of neglect
What kinda woman allows her husband to act like that, and still stay married to him?

Now do one with Trump since he did the cheating.

there is cheating and there is cheating------marital cheating is NOT CRIMINAL ------but taking blow jobs from an underling in the Oval Office BY THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ENTIRE US MILITARY is more than just criminal-----it
approaches capital crime. In the good ole' days of the Navy---the pig would walk the plank
Was he not impeached and lost his law license?

No, he wasn't impeached- he was acquitted by the Senate.
No, he didn't lose his law license, he agreed to a supsension of a license he wasn't using.

Meanwhile, 5000 Americans DID die in Iraq looking for weapons that weren't there.

Bush Lied. People Died.

who "LOOKED" for weapons? Lots of weapons----biologicals and chemicals some of which are being used
today by FELLOW BAATHIST PIG----ASSAD----and lots stored in steel walled bunkers in the mountains between Syria and
Lebanon-------fret not, joe----the filth you seek has YET TO HIT

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