If you could send a message for Trump to read, what would you say?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
If you can say one thing for Trump to read or listen to what would it be?

Also mods, I accidentally posted this thread in general discussion, if you could delete the other one or merge that would be great
Good job considering you are not a politician. There are more and more behind you everyday.
"Thanks for the record setting DOW and the 4.1 GDP and record unemployment" in less than two years".
"Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is."
- Josey Wales
I love when you tell the people who oppose you in the White House, "Yeah, sure, that's a great idea, we should get right to that", and they don't understand what you really mean is, "I got elected, you didn't and never will, get me a piece of cheesecake before I kick your ass to the curd, and wait for me in the car while I tell everyone you won't be working here next week anyway".
If you could send a message for Trump to read, what would you say?

keep up the good work

dont back down

and drive the libtards over the cliff
Dear Donald: Chin up, stay firm, forge ahead, screw the Left, build the wall and lock the Bitch up!
Watch out for imisslily. This person seems to have an unhealthy obsession with you...
I posted before but I'll post it once more :biggrin:

I'd ask respectfully to the President....


Sessions isn't telling you the whole story about any anything, therefore he's purposefully not doing his job. Fire him. And for good measure, fire the next half dozen down the ladder. And do the same thing at the FBI and CIA. The USA needs new, uncorrupted blood in those positions.

Announce another horrific crime committed by an illegal alien every day. Force the Democrats to take the side of MS-13 every day.

Also, focus the media on other less well known parts of your agenda such as universal health care, and a raise in the minimum wage.
Keep up the good work. Remember that millions of us are out here rooting for you.

And you CAN send the president a message
@ Contact the White House | The White House
and Billions that wish you didn't exist. Me ? I don't give a damn.I was never able to get what I thought was best by voting and now I'll be dead soon enough so it's irrelevant what you or anyone else " tries" or "claims" to do.
My advice to the idiocracy.
Good luck. You're on your own.

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