If you died tonight,

I'd like 72 virgins personally :dunno:

Lets see 72 X 5 min = 6 hours. Then living with 72 pregnant women for 9 months and then 72 or more babbies around. You will be busy.
I wonder if there are pampers in heaven?

Heaven? I think not.
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I can't say for sure, but I pray it is Heaven. At least one serious answer on this thread!
I can't say for sure, but I pray it is Heaven. At least one serious answer on this thread!

Ehhh. I have no interest in "Heaven". The Christian God and I don't have anything in common. I'm hoping for Valhallah eventually, personally.

Oh, and my prior comment in the thread was 100% serious. I belive in reincarnation until a soul has either proved itself worthy to move on to a Higher Plane or unredeemable and is sent to a Lower Plane for eternity.
I can't say for sure, but I pray it is Heaven. At least one serious answer on this thread!

Ehhh. I have no interest in "Heaven". The Christian God and I don't have anything in common. I'm hoping for Valhallah eventually, personally.

Oh, and my prior comment in the thread was 100% serious. I belive in reincarnation until a soul has either proved itself worthy to move on to a Higher Plane or unredeemable and is sent to a Lower Plane for eternity.

Don't get me wrong. I don't follow any formal religion, but I do believe in reincarnation as you do and Heaven once and if we get it right. Sorry for the slight.
Don't get me wrong. I don't follow any formal religion, but I do believe in reincarnation as you do and Heaven once and if we get it right. Sorry for the slight.

No problem. I'm not part of any organized religion either. I just wanted to make sure you realized that yours was not the ONLY serious posting in the thread.
Don't get me wrong. I don't follow any formal religion, but I do believe in reincarnation as you do and Heaven once and if we get it right. Sorry for the slight.

No problem. I'm not part of any organized religion either. I just wanted to make sure you realized that yours was not the ONLY serious posting in the thread.

Glad I didn't make your "Ignore List!" Whew!
My answer was totally serious, I do not believe in any afterlife. Dead is dead aka the end and you are no more in any form.
The Bahamas.


In other words, heaven ;).
Sorry bout that,

1. To be here with you is to be away from Christ, so I would rather be with Christ, but it needs be I be with you until then.
2. I hope we meet face to face there, on the other side of life.
3. If not I guess I know where you are.

I like the quote from Benjamin Franklin:
As to Jesus of Nazareth, my Opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the System of Morals and his Religion, as he left them to us, the best the world ever saw or is likely to see; but I apprehend it has received various corrupt changes, and I have, with most of the present Dissenters in England, some Doubts as to his divinity; tho' it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and I think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an Opportunity of knowing the Truth with less Trouble...
Wikipedia's Benjamin Franklin Virtue, Religion, Personal Beliefs section
Where do you think you'd "wake up"?

When you die you are dead.There is no hell and Heaven doesn't take people.

When Christ returns all the dead will be called forth. 144000 will ascend to Heaven and the res will either live on a restored Earth or be put back to death permanently.

The Bible is clear ONLY Jesus has ascended to Heaven. And Heaven is not a place where corporeal bodies exist.

If the definition of Hell is, the place where Lucifer rules, that would be Earth until Jesus returns. There is no fiery pit.

When I die I will not be going to a restored Earth.
Where do you think you'd "wake up"?

When you die you are dead.There is no hell and Heaven doesn't take people.

When Christ returns all the dead will be called forth. 144000 will ascend to Heaven and the res will either live on a restored Earth or be put back to death permanently.

The Bible is clear ONLY Jesus has ascended to Heaven. And Heaven is not a place where corporeal bodies exist.

If the definition of Hell is, the place where Lucifer rules, that would be Earth until Jesus returns. There is no fiery pit.

When I die I will not be going to a restored Earth.

RGS a Jehovah's Witness?
Where do you think you'd "wake up"?

When you die you are dead.There is no hell and Heaven doesn't take people.

When Christ returns all the dead will be called forth. 144000 will ascend to Heaven and the res will either live on a restored Earth or be put back to death permanently.

The Bible is clear ONLY Jesus has ascended to Heaven. And Heaven is not a place where corporeal bodies exist.

If the definition of Hell is, the place where Lucifer rules, that would be Earth until Jesus returns. There is no fiery pit.

When I die I will not be going to a restored Earth.

RGS a Jehovah's Witness?

NO. However it does not change the fact that everything I said is clearly spelled out in the Bible.
When you die you are dead.There is no hell and Heaven doesn't take people.

When Christ returns all the dead will be called forth. 144000 will ascend to Heaven and the res will either live on a restored Earth or be put back to death permanently.

The Bible is clear ONLY Jesus has ascended to Heaven. And Heaven is not a place where corporeal bodies exist.

If the definition of Hell is, the place where Lucifer rules, that would be Earth until Jesus returns. There is no fiery pit.

When I die I will not be going to a restored Earth.

RGS a Jehovah's Witness?

NO. However it does not change the fact that everything I said is clearly spelled out in the Bible.

I'm sure it is clearly spelled out just like you say in that novel.

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