If you don't want guns don't buy them?

Skull Pilot said "If you don't want a gun don't buy one" yet that is so beside the point

first, who says there aren't guns in my home?

second, that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them... the nutters, the criminals, the spouse abusers, pedophiles...

most normal people understand the need to restrict gun ownership in those cases.

It is illegal for felons, persons convicted of spousal abuse and those declared mentally unstable to posses guns.

What is your suggestion as to how to keep these people from acquiring a firearm?

i'd start with making sure the laws are unform across the country so runners can't bring weapons from south Carolina into new York.

i'd make sure the gunshow loophole is closes, as well as prohibiting transfers between private citizens without background checks and registration.

even scalia said only a total ban is impermissible and left the door open for appropriate regulation.

but you tell me, how do you keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them? (without throwing up your hands and saying only criminals will disobey the law... because that's true about laws against murder, too, it doesn't mean we don't legislate against murder).

What I want to know is how does banning me from getting a CCW, and making me pay $1000 and take 3 months to get a gun permit just for home ownership prevent someone else from using a gun illegally?

stop using the word "banned". that is hyperbole. unless you have a criminal record or mental illness, no one is talking about "banning" anything.

control yourself, marty.

I cannot get a CCW in NYC without showing cause for one in NYC. I am banned from carrying a handgun unless The NYPD approves my reason. It is a de facto ban, because they don't accept "because it's my right" as an answer.

Do you think that situation is right? Is that what you want spread to the rest of the country?

This is what you have to go through to just get a house permit in NYC.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

The process for obtaining a handgun license in New York City is long (between 3 – 6 months, and waits up to 8 months are not uncommon), and compared to many other jurisdictions, rather expensive. It’s not particularly difficult, but it is tedious and incredibly time consuming. It tests your patience, and there is a lot of bureaucracy to deal with.
We already have that, it's called background checks. Who decides what is mental illness? Liberalism is a mental
Illness, should we not let them have guns?

really? if you sell a gun to your neighbor there's a background check?

that would be "no".

if you buy a gun at a gun show in Tennessee, there are background checks?

that would be a "no".

and the problem is, those guns then infect our society. i'll point out that most mass shootings are done with legal weapons. so we're doing something wrong.

it's funny... this is the only area in which the rightwing says not to legislate yet you all are perfectly happy to obstruct my rights in every possible way.
which ones were with legal guns?

i'm pretty sure the answer is all of them... from Dylan klebold to dylann roof (maybe we shouldn't name kids Dylan) to Aurora to this lowlife who just committed the terror attack on the planned parenthood in Colorado.
klebold was an illegal strawman purchase
roof - (supposedly)when he bought his, he was awaiting trial for a felony. The gun dealer would have had to run a background check, and that would show up, right? Or his dad gave it to him. Which is probably legal
Holmes was legal
IDK about PP guy

as far as I know that isn't correct.

but let's say it is... why did dylann roof have a gun?

why did klebold have a gun?

why was the mother of the loony toon in Connecticut allowed to keep guns in her home when her son was clearly mentally ill?

let's start there?
Why? Because you lefties had a fit back in the day about RIGHTS. Demanding that Mental Institutions shut down and turn loose all the deranged and insane. You still have a fit when ever someone is brought up on that.

You are a Lawyer and you don't know the law? It is REQUIRED that in order to adjudge a person incompetent a JUDGE must so rule. The person must be identified and remanded to the Court. Guess what? States don't like to do that because then ACLU has a fit. Further because the son is crazy is NOT justification to prevent the parents or his siblings from possessing or owning firearms.
Skull Pilot said "If you don't want a gun don't buy one" yet that is so beside the point

first, who says there aren't guns in my home?

second, that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them... the nutters, the criminals, the spouse abusers, pedophiles...

most normal people understand the need to restrict gun ownership in those cases.
Restrict? How?
Most deaths by far are by other means in this country, not an big issue.
We already have that, it's called background checks. Who decides what is mental illness? Liberalism is a mental
Illness, should we not let them have guns?

really? if you sell a gun to your neighbor there's a background check?

that would be "no".

if you buy a gun at a gun show in Tennessee, there are background checks?

that would be a "no".

and the problem is, those guns then infect our society. i'll point out that most mass shootings are done with legal weapons. so we're doing something wrong.

it's funny... this is the only area in which the rightwing says not to legislate yet you all are perfectly happy to obstruct my rights in every possible way.
which ones were with legal guns?

i'm pretty sure the answer is all of them... from Dylan klebold to dylann roof (maybe we shouldn't name kids Dylan) to Aurora to this lowlife who just committed the terror attack on the planned parenthood in Colorado.
klebold was an illegal strawman purchase
roof - (supposedly)when he bought his, he was awaiting trial for a felony. The gun dealer would have had to run a background check, and that would show up, right? Or his dad gave it to him. Which is probably legal
Holmes was legal
IDK about PP guy

as far as I know that isn't correct.

but let's say it is... why did dylann roof have a gun?

why did klebold have a gun?

why was the mother of the loony toon in Connecticut allowed to keep guns in her home when her son was clearly mentally ill?

let's start there?
Like I said, roof has 2 different stories to it. If his dad didnt give it to him, he bought it illegally.
klebold got it illegally through a straw purchase.
Why would his mom not be able to keep guns because of her son?
Skull Pilot said "If you don't want a gun don't buy one" yet that is so beside the point

first, who says there aren't guns in my home?

second, that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them... the nutters, the criminals, the spouse abusers, pedophiles...

most normal people understand the need to restrict gun ownership in those cases.

It is illegal for felons, persons convicted of spousal abuse and those declared mentally unstable to posses guns.

What is your suggestion as to how to keep these people from acquiring a firearm?

i'd start with making sure the laws are unform across the country so runners can't bring weapons from south Carolina into new York.

i'd make sure the gunshow loophole is closes, as well as prohibiting transfers between private citizens without background checks and registration.

even scalia said only a total ban is impermissible and left the door open for appropriate regulation.

but you tell me, how do you keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them? (without throwing up your hands and saying only criminals will disobey the law... because that's true about laws against murder, too, it doesn't mean we don't legislate against murder).

What I want to know is how does banning me from getting a CCW, and making me pay $1000 and take 3 months to get a gun permit just for home ownership prevent someone else from using a gun illegally?

stop using the word "banned". that is hyperbole. unless you have a criminal record or mental illness, no one is talking about "banning" anything.

control yourself, marty.

I cannot get a CCW in NYC without showing cause for one in NYC. I am banned from carrying a handgun unless The NYPD approves my reason. It is a de facto ban, because they don't accept "because it's my right" as an answer.

Do you think that situation is right? Is that what you want spread to the rest of the country?

This is what you have to go through to just get a house permit in NYC.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

The process for obtaining a handgun license in New York City is long (between 3 – 6 months, and waits up to 8 months are not uncommon), and compared to many other jurisdictions, rather expensive. It’s not particularly difficult, but it is tedious and incredibly time consuming. It tests your patience, and there is a lot of bureaucracy to deal with.

funny, I live in Brooklyn and my husband has a target/premise permit.

inconvenience is not an issue. no one has a right against inconvenience in purchasing a weapon when there is a societal interest.

again, even scalia, the wingiest of the wingers on the court acknowledged that the right to gun ownership is subject to reasonable regulation.
unfettered gun ownership is no one's right.
Wrong. It's all Americans right.

Serious question Jill: Why should Pedophiles NOT own guns? Should they NOT defend themselves?

Prediction: You'll just laugh and not answer.
The problem is who gets to decide who gets a gun and who doesn't? How do you plan to keep guns away from criminals? Pass a law? Criminals always obey laws right?

I already said... criminal history... mental illness as a start. isn't that an objective standard?

If they are decided in court, and not just using the word of some anti-gun doctor or an arbitrary decision by some bureaucrat.

do you think judges are more equipped than doctors to make medical judgments? i'd think not. and they'd be just as likely to have their own opinions. and I certainly wouldn't want some NRA shill making those decisions.

so again, what's the appropriate answer? solve the problem since I think we can all agree that people who shouldn't have guns get them.
Actual Counselor the LAW is that to be judged mentally incompetent one MUST be so declared BY A JUDGE. You see there are Judges just for that and guess what? they have the court get expert testimony from, gasp, Doctors and therapists.

we're not talking about "judged mentally incompetent". most people with mental illness never go through any court process. did you?
That my dear Counselor is the LAW. You do not get to take away someones rights because you don't like them or distrust them. One MUST be adjudged INCOMPETENT. BY LEGAL AUTHORITY, a JUDGE.
really? if you sell a gun to your neighbor there's a background check?

that would be "no".

if you buy a gun at a gun show in Tennessee, there are background checks?

that would be a "no".

and the problem is, those guns then infect our society. i'll point out that most mass shootings are done with legal weapons. so we're doing something wrong.

it's funny... this is the only area in which the rightwing says not to legislate yet you all are perfectly happy to obstruct my rights in every possible way.
which ones were with legal guns?

i'm pretty sure the answer is all of them... from Dylan klebold to dylann roof (maybe we shouldn't name kids Dylan) to Aurora to this lowlife who just committed the terror attack on the planned parenthood in Colorado.
klebold was an illegal strawman purchase
roof - (supposedly)when he bought his, he was awaiting trial for a felony. The gun dealer would have had to run a background check, and that would show up, right? Or his dad gave it to him. Which is probably legal
Holmes was legal
IDK about PP guy

as far as I know that isn't correct.

but let's say it is... why did dylann roof have a gun?

why did klebold have a gun?

why was the mother of the loony toon in Connecticut allowed to keep guns in her home when her son was clearly mentally ill?

let's start there?
Like I said, roof has 2 different stories to it. If his dad didnt give it to him, he bought it illegally.
klebold got it illegally through a straw purchase.
Why would his mom not be able to keep guns because of her son?

because if someone is mentally ill, there shouldn't be guns in their home.
Skull Pilot said "If you don't want a gun don't buy one" yet that is so beside the point

first, who says there aren't guns in my home?

second, that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them... the nutters, the criminals, the spouse abusers, pedophiles...

most normal people understand the need to restrict gun ownership in those cases.

It is illegal for felons, persons convicted of spousal abuse and those declared mentally unstable to posses guns.

What is your suggestion as to how to keep these people from acquiring a firearm?

i'd start with making sure the laws are unform across the country so runners can't bring weapons from south Carolina into new York.

i'd make sure the gunshow loophole is closes, as well as prohibiting transfers between private citizens without background checks and registration.

even scalia said only a total ban is impermissible and left the door open for appropriate regulation.

but you tell me, how do you keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them? (without throwing up your hands and saying only criminals will disobey the law... because that's true about laws against murder, too, it doesn't mean we don't legislate against murder).

Interstate gun trafficking is already illegal, of course prosecutions are way down under your dear leaders DOJ.

There is no gun show loophole, if you buy from a FFL dealer they are required to do a background check. Doesn't matter if they are selling out of a store front, gun show or out of the trunk of their car. You want sales by individuals to have background checks, open up the system to all, fee free, so they can do them.
we're not talking about "judged mentally incompetent". most people with mental illness never go through any court process. did you?

LOL! A Pretend Lawyer is questioning someone else's sanity...

which ones were with legal guns?

i'm pretty sure the answer is all of them... from Dylan klebold to dylann roof (maybe we shouldn't name kids Dylan) to Aurora to this lowlife who just committed the terror attack on the planned parenthood in Colorado.
klebold was an illegal strawman purchase
roof - (supposedly)when he bought his, he was awaiting trial for a felony. The gun dealer would have had to run a background check, and that would show up, right? Or his dad gave it to him. Which is probably legal
Holmes was legal
IDK about PP guy

as far as I know that isn't correct.

but let's say it is... why did dylann roof have a gun?

why did klebold have a gun?

why was the mother of the loony toon in Connecticut allowed to keep guns in her home when her son was clearly mentally ill?

let's start there?
Like I said, roof has 2 different stories to it. If his dad didnt give it to him, he bought it illegally.
klebold got it illegally through a straw purchase.
Why would his mom not be able to keep guns because of her son?

because if someone is mentally ill, there shouldn't be guns in their home.
lol no way. They should properly kept up, though. Which hers was, apparently. Her son had to fuckin KILL HER :thup:
which ones were with legal guns?

i'm pretty sure the answer is all of them... from Dylan klebold to dylann roof (maybe we shouldn't name kids Dylan) to Aurora to this lowlife who just committed the terror attack on the planned parenthood in Colorado.
klebold was an illegal strawman purchase
roof - (supposedly)when he bought his, he was awaiting trial for a felony. The gun dealer would have had to run a background check, and that would show up, right? Or his dad gave it to him. Which is probably legal
Holmes was legal
IDK about PP guy

as far as I know that isn't correct.

but let's say it is... why did dylann roof have a gun?

why did klebold have a gun?

why was the mother of the loony toon in Connecticut allowed to keep guns in her home when her son was clearly mentally ill?

let's start there?
Like I said, roof has 2 different stories to it. If his dad didnt give it to him, he bought it illegally.
klebold got it illegally through a straw purchase.
Why would his mom not be able to keep guns because of her son?

because if someone is mentally ill, there shouldn't be guns in their home.
Actually NOT the law. And in order to declare someone unable to own firearms due to mental illness one must go through a Judge, THAT is the law. Unless of course you think you should get to just make the claim and it be true?
It is illegal for felons, persons convicted of spousal abuse and those declared mentally unstable to posses guns.

What is your suggestion as to how to keep these people from acquiring a firearm?

i'd start with making sure the laws are unform across the country so runners can't bring weapons from south Carolina into new York.

i'd make sure the gunshow loophole is closes, as well as prohibiting transfers between private citizens without background checks and registration.

even scalia said only a total ban is impermissible and left the door open for appropriate regulation.

but you tell me, how do you keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them? (without throwing up your hands and saying only criminals will disobey the law... because that's true about laws against murder, too, it doesn't mean we don't legislate against murder).

What I want to know is how does banning me from getting a CCW, and making me pay $1000 and take 3 months to get a gun permit just for home ownership prevent someone else from using a gun illegally?

stop using the word "banned". that is hyperbole. unless you have a criminal record or mental illness, no one is talking about "banning" anything.

control yourself, marty.

I cannot get a CCW in NYC without showing cause for one in NYC. I am banned from carrying a handgun unless The NYPD approves my reason. It is a de facto ban, because they don't accept "because it's my right" as an answer.

Do you think that situation is right? Is that what you want spread to the rest of the country?

This is what you have to go through to just get a house permit in NYC.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

The process for obtaining a handgun license in New York City is long (between 3 – 6 months, and waits up to 8 months are not uncommon), and compared to many other jurisdictions, rather expensive. It’s not particularly difficult, but it is tedious and incredibly time consuming. It tests your patience, and there is a lot of bureaucracy to deal with.

funny, I live in Brooklyn and my husband has a target/premise permit.

inconvenience is not an issue. no one has a right against inconvenience in purchasing a weapon when there is a societal interest.

again, even scalia, the wingiest of the wingers on the court acknowledged that the right to gun ownership is subject to reasonable regulation.

Where is the societal interest in making me wait 3-6 months for a pistol permit?

I'm sorry I don't have the free time your family does to wait that long if I want a permit.

That is infringement, and it is unconstitutional. Also, why should it cost so much? Why should poor people be denied their rights?

3-6 months and $1000 is not reasonable. and the only reason they do it is to discourage people from getting a gun.

How about we make cops go through the same shit when they retire? Oh wait, they get a permit automatically.

How do they get more rights than I do?
which ones were with legal guns?

i'm pretty sure the answer is all of them... from Dylan klebold to dylann roof (maybe we shouldn't name kids Dylan) to Aurora to this lowlife who just committed the terror attack on the planned parenthood in Colorado.
klebold was an illegal strawman purchase
roof - (supposedly)when he bought his, he was awaiting trial for a felony. The gun dealer would have had to run a background check, and that would show up, right? Or his dad gave it to him. Which is probably legal
Holmes was legal
IDK about PP guy

as far as I know that isn't correct.

but let's say it is... why did dylann roof have a gun?

why did klebold have a gun?

why was the mother of the loony toon in Connecticut allowed to keep guns in her home when her son was clearly mentally ill?

let's start there?
Like I said, roof has 2 different stories to it. If his dad didnt give it to him, he bought it illegally.
klebold got it illegally through a straw purchase.
Why would his mom not be able to keep guns because of her son?

because if someone is mentally ill, there shouldn't be guns in their home.

because if someone is mentally ill, there shouldn't be guns in their home.

you want to curtail the rights of everyone in the house, because one has, or might have, mental problems?

Actually NOT the law. And in order to declare someone unable to own firearms due to mental illness one must go through a Judge, THAT is the law. Unless of course you think you should get to just make the claim and it be true?

You KNOW it does... .
Skull Pilot said "If you don't want a gun don't buy one" yet that is so beside the point

first, who says there aren't guns in my home?

second, that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them... the nutters, the criminals, the spouse abusers, pedophiles...

most normal people understand the need to restrict gun ownership in those cases.

Princess Jill is so confused.

Luckily I'm here to rectify that.

She forgets that governments have the authority to ARBITRARILY declare that individuals are criminals.

One case in point:

Jews in Nazi Germany

After January 1933, the Jews became the “Untermenschen” – the sub-humans. Nazi thugs stopped Germans from shopping in Jewish shops. By 1934, all Jewish shops were marked with the yellow Star of David or had the word “Juden” written on the window. SA men stood outside the shops to deter anyone from entering. This was not necessarily a violent approach to the Jews – that was to come later – but it was an attempt to economically bankrupt them and destroy what they had spent years building up.

I am certain that before long Libertarians and other dissenters will become the “Untermenschen”.


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