If you had a 15 year old. (Pandemic poll)

Would you want your 15 year old child to get an experimental covid-19 vaccination ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 59.4%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Let my child decide

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Force my child to get a shot

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Would you let him or her get a covid-19 vaccination? And here's a hypothetical question... what if the high school your child is attending required vaccinations for the student to stay enrolled there ? Would you give in to the system or keep the child at home ?
Would you let him or her get a covid-19 vaccination? And here's a hypothetical question... what if the high school your child is attending required vaccinations for the student to stay enrolled there ? Would you give in to the system or keep the child at home ?

My 17 year old daughter doesn't want to get vaccinated. She's not at risk, so I'm fine with it.
Would you let him or her get a covid-19 vaccination? And here's a hypothetical question... what if the high school your child is attending required vaccinations for the student to stay enrolled there ? Would you give in to the system or keep the child at home ?

No, I'd sue the school for requiring a vaccination with no FDA certification for MINIMAL value returned and with no scientific basis to claim the vaccine has merit.

The vac will NOT stop the kid from carrying the virus.

The kid already runs minimal risk of ever getting sick from it.

I'd sue the school and school district for putting itself ahead of the safety and concerns of the children and parents who fund it, start a motion to get as many people as possible to leave the school district and to withhold paying school taxes until resolved, and I'd make the district sign a letter assuming ALL RESPONSIBILITY for the child if forced to take the vaccine just to get an education.
My healthy 30 year old tree climbing logging tenant caught Covid-19 & it damaged his heart so he couldn't work anymore. Then he died of heart failure 6 months later at the young age of 31. He survived covid & it only shaved 50 years off his life.
Would you let him or her get a covid-19 vaccination? And here's a hypothetical question... what if the high school your child is attending required vaccinations for the student to stay enrolled there ? Would you give in to the system or keep the child at home ?

I wouldn't get a child vaccinated until there is at least 3-5 years more worth of data.
I have no problem with people who think they are in risk categories they feel warrant the need to get vaccinated.

Would you let him or her get a covid-19 vaccination? And here's a hypothetical question... what if the high school your child is attending required vaccinations for the student to stay enrolled there ? Would you give in to the system or keep the child at home ?

My 17 year old daughter doesn't want to get vaccinated. She's not at risk, so I'm fine with it.

of course your daughter is at risk. everyone is... & she may not get 'sick' with symptoms - but could become a carrier & put YOU at risk as well as others that she comes in contact with.

FLA is seeing a huge spike in cases; why?

spring break. & the ones getting it now are younger people.
Would you let him or her get a covid-19 vaccination? And here's a hypothetical question... what if the high school your child is attending required vaccinations for the student to stay enrolled there ? Would you give in to the system or keep the child at home ?

My 17 year old daughter doesn't want to get vaccinated. She's not at risk, so I'm fine with it.

of course your daughter is at risk. everyone is... & she may not get 'sick' with symptoms - but could become a carrier & put YOU at risk as well

Hey shithead: Any idea that getting the vaccine DOES NOT stop you from carrying the virus? At best, it only keeps you from getting serious symptoms.

But thanks for pointing out that EVERYONE IS AT RISK getting the vaccine.
Would you let him or her get a covid-19 vaccination? And here's a hypothetical question... what if the high school your child is attending required vaccinations for the student to stay enrolled there ? Would you give in to the system or keep the child at home ?

My 17 year old daughter doesn't want to get vaccinated. She's not at risk, so I'm fine with it.

of course your daughter is at risk. everyone is... & she may not get 'sick' with symptoms - but could become a carrier & put YOU at risk as well

Hey shithead: Any idea that getting the vaccine DOES NOT stop you from carrying the virus? At best, it only keeps you from getting serious symptoms.

But thanks for pointing out that EVERYONE IS AT RISK getting the vaccine.

research so far is showing vaxxed people don't transmit. so next time, don't shoot off your mouth b4 doing yer homework.

Yes, vaccines block most transmission of COVID-19​

The latest data show that getting a shot not only protects vaccinated individuals, it reduces the chance they can spread the virus to others.
Yes, vaccines block most transmission of COVID-19

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