If you had a choice of owning a gun or owning a car, what would you choose

when the government comes to get you, and they will, it is harder to get away on a horse than a car. Or will you take them on with you AR-15, Either way, you are screwed.
Having, "an arsenal," of guns, is not against the law. One of their means of livelihoods, was the manufacture and sales of arms at guns shows.

David Koresh, upon finding out the ATF was interested in him, even invited federal agents to inspect his compound. Why did they not just take him up on his offer, instead of massacring him, all those children, and his family?
My point. Branch Davidians had all the guns they wanted.
It did them no good against the government.
Dude, you are riddled with unnecessary fear. Your fear is unnecessarily ruining your life. Get help.
In the old days we would call you a scaredy cat. Medical definition, paranoid and neurotic.

My point. Branch Davidians had all the guns they wanted.
It did them no good against the government.
Sure it did. . . I used to be quite a believer in the establishment back during the Clinton era, I even voted for Clinton. That was one of the critical turning points that helped me open my eyes. Trust me, they did not die in vain.

Elmerrrrr isn't really awfully bright
I am the smartest person you have ever interacted with. Your stupidity does not allow you to understand how smart I am.
You register guns so you can track them It is most helpful in crimes. You can determine how the gun was obtained and who may be complicit in the crime by providing guns.

I am sure you adhere to the bat shit crazy idea the government can come get your guns easier if they are registered.
400,000,000 guns, 340,000,000 people. The government could in no way, effectively confiscate citizens guns.
That is ridiculous.
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Sure it did. . . I used to be quite a believer in the establishment back during the Clinton era, I even voted for Clinton. That was one of the critical turning points that helped me open my eyes. Trust me, they did not die in vain.

Please explain to me what good the Branch Davidians guns did for them against the government.
I am the smartest person you have ever interacted with. Your stupidity does not allow you to understand how smart I am.
You register guns so you can track them It is most helpful in crimes. You can determine how the gun was obtained and who may be complicit in the crime by providing guns.

I am sure you adhere to the bad shit crazy idea the government can come get your guns easier if they are registered.
400,000,000 guns, 340,000,000 people. The government could in no way, effectively confiscate citizens guns.
That is ridiculous.

Dude, you're a fcking dumbass

Fact-check: Could individuals own cannons during the Revolutionary War?​

I must say they are some pretty poor historians if they don't even know of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston.

They knew. That is no argument. They knew technology was going to advance.

If you are really going to have this argument, and want to advance the notion that none of our rights are contingent on advanced technology? Then you need to write down your arguments to me on parchment, with a quill and ink, deliver them to me with a pony, or shut the fuck up, hence forth.



Yep, and the same thing at ruby ridge.
People are sitting ducks in a building/structure??? Who knew?

Why would those people think the gov't. would slaughter them?
My point is, that people argue they need guns in case the government goes rogue. If they have guns they can defend themselves from the rogue government.
You would need a lot more than guns if the government comes after you.
Take that argument, as a reason for no more gun regulations, off the table.
Blacks are extremely happy the Constitution is not absolute. Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3. Section 2 of the Constitution any person who was not free would be counted as three-fifths of a free individual for the purposes of determining congressional representation.
Basically legitimizing slavery.
Hey, dumbass misterbeale, what is your answer to my post. I am guessing you are a white supremacist.
My point is, that people argue they need guns in case the government goes rogue. If they have guns they can defend themselves from the rogue government.
You would need a lot more than guns if the government comes after you.
Take that argument, as a reason for no more gun regulations, off the table.
How many days did the Waco incident last?

Do you think it would have lasted as long if they didn't have guns?
If you had a choice of owning a gun or owning a car, what would you choose. A car provides more freedom, for me, than any gun.
Both? The car allows me to carry my gun anywhere I please within reason. The gun allows me to defend my car from a carjacker/thief. Both serve as weapons, one as an actual weapon, and the other as a weapon of last resort.

Win, win, aye mate?
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Both? The car allows me to carry my gun anywhere I please within reason. The gun allows me to defend my car from a carjacker/thief. Both serve as weapons, one as an actual weapon, and the other as a weapon of last resort.

Win, win, aye mate?
Is your car licensed? If it is, be careful, the government knows where your car is and may come and take your car and guns.
Immediately unregister your car. Take the license plates off. If a cop pulls you over, tell them the government cannot control me.

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