If you had a choice of owning a gun or owning a car, what would you choose

My point is, that people argue they need guns in case the government goes rogue. If they have guns they can defend themselves from the rogue government.
You would need a lot more than guns if the government comes after you.
Take that argument, as a reason for no more gun regulations, off the table.
Sounds to me like we need machine guns.

Thanks for making the case for me.

If you are ruthless and desperate enough in a collapsed society you can use a gun to get a car but not vice versa.
If you had a choice of owning a gun or owning a car, what would you choose. A car provides more freedom, for me, than any gun.
I would be more concerned with the government taking away everyone's vehicles than everyone's guns.

The government should allow cars and guns.
Put the same regulations on guns as you do cars for the same reason, the safety of all citizens.

If I live in Ch-town it is a gun but in the rural area I live, well a damn gun…
The guns did them no good against the government.
My point is, that people argue they need guns in case the government goes rogue. If they have guns they can defend themselves from the rogue government.
You would need a lot more than guns if the government comes after you.
Take that argument, as a reason for no more gun regulations, off the table.
Wrong. Tell me where a current regulation prevents a law abiding citizen from owning a gun.
We put regulations in to try and prevent the mentally ill and violent individuals from obtaining guns. If it proves that the regulation is keeping law abiding citizens from owning guns, you change the regulations.
People say universal background checks and red flag laws will prevent law abiding citizens from obtaining guns,
Let's put them in place and see what happens.
"Let's give the government more power over us! I'm sure they'll give it up if it they don't need it!"
After careful consideration, I'll go with the firearm...

Good Lord blessed me with 2 feet...
and the 2nd Amendment...
No cars around in the 1700's.
No semi-automatic weapons in the 1700's. It would be interesting if the Founding Fathers would have addressed semi-automatic weapons if they were around in the 1700's.
No internet in the 1700s. I'm afraid you'll have to turn off your computer. It doesn't fall under the 1st Amendment.

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