If you lose the women, Hispanics,blacks and gays, Who do you have left?

Yes.... Ive got more if ya would like.

This administration is out to FUNDAMENTALLY change America... to what, well we are all witnesses to what they are doing and you just refuse to listen to them.

I'm sure you do.......any time the word socialism is used out of context

Fundamentally? Oh My!

Better get out that tin foil hat
I do not see the economy improving. I see democrats say it's improving. If the economy does not improve the unemployment figures should brighten as more people simply cannot afford to look for work anymore. They can't afford gas or parking for interviews, the job of finding a job will get too expesive to continue.

Unemployment figures have dropped from the 9.1 percent that Obama inherited to it's current 8.1 percent, and it's still dropping.

The Dow has closed yet again over the 13,200 mark, when Obama inherited it, it was around 7,000.

Still think the economy isn't improving?
Graffiti on a bathroom wall:


under that...


and under that...


...moral of the story, maybe the GOP still has the gril vote.
Swing States Poll: A shift by women puts Obama in lead

New Republican mantra.......Demographics are for pussies

The biggest change came among women under 50. In mid-February, just under half of those voters supported Obama. Now more than six in 10 do while Romney's support among them has dropped by 14 points, to 30%. The president leads him 2-1 in this group.

Republicans' traditional strength among men "won't be good enough if we're losing women by nine points or 10 points," says Sara Taylor Fagen, a Republican strategist and former political adviser to President George W. Bush. "The focus on contraception has not been a good one for us … and Republicans have unfairly taken on water on this issue."

What this election will be more about is whether you believe the government should supply your every need, and what you require to make you happy is based upon "What can the government do for me" form of drug-like depenedency. This while the role of any form of "responsibility" to pay the bill or supply the need goes to the rich. Or would you rather take control of your own life, and build your success based upon what you yourself can actually accomplish on your own, without the need to have anything simply "handed to you". As my father always told me, you have more respect for and are able to build more self character when you can make it on your own. No one ever has any real respect for something they never really earned for themselves.

There is a clear choice as to who you want your success to depend upon this election cycle, (1) The "nanny" BIG Federal Government - give me - give me - give me, or (2) your own individual achievement. The question is can all these free provisions by the Federal Government, become enough of a bribe to buy your vote?
Why should I read any posts by someone who cannot even spell 'shackles'?

It's bad enough as a mistake in a post, but as a username, to remind everyone what an idiot you are, with every post?

Just like a typical lib be fearful of engaging into a debate, but why be surprised. When you can't face up to the issues, engage in child-like ridicule. Can't defend on the argument? Truth hurts? Come on, certainly you have something more adult to say on the issue? (even if you are apparently incapable of recognizing an abbreviated username when you see one). Yet if this response surmounts to your vast knowledge of aquired "intellect" on the subject, then carry on.
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they dont need more voters just more cheating in elections.

That's why Dems are fearful of having to provide some form of identification to authenticate the person that's voting is who they say they are. The United States Supreme Court found nothing wrong with voters producing some form of ID, why is the left desiring to stir up the pot again? Unless Obama's low approval numbers due to rising gas prices, a stagnant economy, the vast amounts of spending (you know the "issues") is of real concern for them? Let's see if Obama is just as afraid to talk about these "real issues" when the time comes in a real Presidential debate.
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I do not see the economy improving. I see democrats say it's improving. If the economy does not improve the unemployment figures should brighten as more people simply cannot afford to look for work anymore. They can't afford gas or parking for interviews, the job of finding a job will get too expesive to continue.

Unemployment figures have dropped from the 9.1 percent that Obama inherited to it's current 8.1 percent, and it's still dropping.

The Dow has closed yet again over the 13,200 mark, when Obama inherited it, it was around 7,000.

Still think the economy isn't improving?

And what is it that Barry has done to make that economy improve, Biker? The economy ALWAYS bounces back from recessions...that's the nature of the beast. What you judge is the strength of that recovery. Would you admit that our recovery could best be described as "tepid"? Yes, it is better but 8.1 unemployment after spending trillions on the problem, is hardly a number to be proud of. What's sad is that we've been mired in this economic downturn for so long that we now view 8.1 unemployment as "progress". If you examine what our economy was doing at this point of Ronald Reagan's first term it was obvious that the work had been done in order for the economy to take off for the longest sustained period of growth in our country's history. Do you in any way see that to be the case now? I don't and neither does this Administration when they make their economic projections. Bottom line is that both Barack Obama and the people he's put in place to implement policy would best be described as "underwhelming". The question then becomes why would you want to give a man who ran out of ideas on how to fix things a year into his first term...a second term? What do you think is going to change for the better?
I do not see the economy improving. I see democrats say it's improving. If the economy does not improve the unemployment figures should brighten as more people simply cannot afford to look for work anymore. They can't afford gas or parking for interviews, the job of finding a job will get too expesive to continue.

Unemployment figures have dropped from the 9.1 percent that Obama inherited to it's current 8.1 percent, and it's still dropping.

The Dow has closed yet again over the 13,200 mark, when Obama inherited it, it was around 7,000.

Still think the economy isn't improving?

And what is it that Barry has done to make that economy improve, Biker? The economy ALWAYS bounces back from recessions...that's the nature of the beast. What you judge is the strength of that recovery. Would you admit that our recovery could best be described as "tepid"? Yes, it is better but 8.1 unemployment after spending trillions on the problem, is hardly a number to be proud of. What's sad is that we've been mired in this economic downturn for so long that we now view 8.1 unemployment as "progress". If you examine what our economy was doing at this point of Ronald Reagan's first term it was obvious that the work had been done in order for the economy to take off for the longest sustained period of growth in our country's history. Do you in any way see that to be the case now? I don't and neither does this Administration when they make their economic projections. Bottom line is that both Barack Obama and the people he's put in place to implement policy would best be described as "underwhelming". The question then becomes why would you want to give a man who ran out of ideas on how to fix things a year into his first term...a second term? What do you think is going to change for the better?

All he did was prevent a Depression

Guess that's not good enough for Conservatives
Swing States Poll: A shift by women puts Obama in lead

New Republican mantra.......Demographics are for pussies

The biggest change came among women under 50. In mid-February, just under half of those voters supported Obama. Now more than six in 10 do while Romney's support among them has dropped by 14 points, to 30%. The president leads him 2-1 in this group.

Republicans' traditional strength among men "won't be good enough if we're losing women by nine points or 10 points," says Sara Taylor Fagen, a Republican strategist and former political adviser to President George W. Bush. "The focus on contraception has not been a good one for us … and Republicans have unfairly taken on water on this issue."

So, Limbaugh didn't help the GOP with the women's vote, like the dittoheads claimed?

This is my shocked face! :omg:

Unemployment figures have dropped from the 9.1 percent that Obama inherited to it's current 8.1 percent, and it's still dropping.

The Dow has closed yet again over the 13,200 mark, when Obama inherited it, it was around 7,000.

Still think the economy isn't improving?

And what is it that Barry has done to make that economy improve, Biker? The economy ALWAYS bounces back from recessions...that's the nature of the beast. What you judge is the strength of that recovery. Would you admit that our recovery could best be described as "tepid"? Yes, it is better but 8.1 unemployment after spending trillions on the problem, is hardly a number to be proud of. What's sad is that we've been mired in this economic downturn for so long that we now view 8.1 unemployment as "progress". If you examine what our economy was doing at this point of Ronald Reagan's first term it was obvious that the work had been done in order for the economy to take off for the longest sustained period of growth in our country's history. Do you in any way see that to be the case now? I don't and neither does this Administration when they make their economic projections. Bottom line is that both Barack Obama and the people he's put in place to implement policy would best be described as "underwhelming". The question then becomes why would you want to give a man who ran out of ideas on how to fix things a year into his first term...a second term? What do you think is going to change for the better?

All he did was prevent a Depression

Guess that's not good enough for Conservatives

Barry prevented a Depression "how" exactly? With his stimulus? I think we both know that was more failure than success. With ObamaCare? Hardly. What prevented a worsening of the recession was TARP which was in place before Obama came into office. TARP under Obama was simply a continuation of what Bush put in motion.

The truth is...Barry's economic policies were pretty much a bust. That's why they had to invent a new economic term "jobs saved" and why Larry Summers and Christina Romer both bolted back to the safety of their teaching jobs. I'll give you a hint, Winger...they didn't leave because their Keynsian policies worked so well...they left because they didn't really work at all...and they didn't know what to do at that point.
All he did was prevent a Depression

Guess that's not good enough for Conservatives

A depression huh??? :eusa_clap:

Yeah right.... guess he also saved from the boogie man as well.


As conservative like to conveniently ignore, the economy they created was in a free fall. The Dow dropped over 7000 points, we were losing 750,000 jobs a month, GDP had been negative for over a year.
The economy was in a panic and everyone was bailing. Investors were pulling their money out and nobody was crazy enough to invest in this nightmare of a Republican economy

Headed for depression if nothing was done?

Hell yes!
And what is it that Barry has done to make that economy improve, Biker? The economy ALWAYS bounces back from recessions...that's the nature of the beast. What you judge is the strength of that recovery. Would you admit that our recovery could best be described as "tepid"? Yes, it is better but 8.1 unemployment after spending trillions on the problem, is hardly a number to be proud of. What's sad is that we've been mired in this economic downturn for so long that we now view 8.1 unemployment as "progress". If you examine what our economy was doing at this point of Ronald Reagan's first term it was obvious that the work had been done in order for the economy to take off for the longest sustained period of growth in our country's history. Do you in any way see that to be the case now? I don't and neither does this Administration when they make their economic projections. Bottom line is that both Barack Obama and the people he's put in place to implement policy would best be described as "underwhelming". The question then becomes why would you want to give a man who ran out of ideas on how to fix things a year into his first term...a second term? What do you think is going to change for the better?

All he did was prevent a Depression

Guess that's not good enough for Conservatives

Barry prevented a Depression "how" exactly? With his stimulus? I think we both know that was more failure than success. With ObamaCare? Hardly. What prevented a worsening of the recession was TARP which was in place before Obama came into office. TARP under Obama was simply a continuation of what Bush put in motion.

The truth is...Barry's economic policies were pretty much a bust. That's why they had to invent a new economic term "jobs saved" and why Larry Summers and Christina Romer both bolted back to the safety of their teaching jobs. I'll give you a hint, Winger...they didn't leave because their Keynsian policies worked so well...they left because they didn't really work at all...and they didn't know what to do at that point.

Glad you asked.....in a continuance of my previous post

The economy was in a panic. Banks were failing like dominoes. The auto sector was in collapse. Who was going to invest in this train wreck of an economy?
Obama cooly stepped in and assured investors that the US Government would stand behind the economy, that the banks and auto companies would not be allowed to fail.
The result? After Stimulus and TARP were implemented, investors returned to the markets, employers stopped shedding employees, GDP turned positive.

Obama stopped a Depression in it's tracks?

HELL Yes he did!
All he did was prevent a Depression

Guess that's not good enough for Conservatives

Barry prevented a Depression "how" exactly? With his stimulus? I think we both know that was more failure than success. With ObamaCare? Hardly. What prevented a worsening of the recession was TARP which was in place before Obama came into office. TARP under Obama was simply a continuation of what Bush put in motion.

The truth is...Barry's economic policies were pretty much a bust. That's why they had to invent a new economic term "jobs saved" and why Larry Summers and Christina Romer both bolted back to the safety of their teaching jobs. I'll give you a hint, Winger...they didn't leave because their Keynsian policies worked so well...they left because they didn't really work at all...and they didn't know what to do at that point.

Glad you asked.....in a continuance of my previous post

The economy was in a panic. Banks were failing like dominoes. The auto sector was in collapse. Who was going to invest in this train wreck of an economy?
Obama cooly stepped in and assured investors that the US Government would stand behind the economy, that the banks and auto companies would not be allowed to fail.
The result? After Stimulus and TARP were implemented, investors returned to the markets, employers stopped shedding employees, GDP turned positive.

Obama stopped a Depression in it's tracks?

HELL Yes he did!

And of course you can actually prove this, right?
Barry prevented a Depression "how" exactly? With his stimulus? I think we both know that was more failure than success. With ObamaCare? Hardly. What prevented a worsening of the recession was TARP which was in place before Obama came into office. TARP under Obama was simply a continuation of what Bush put in motion.

The truth is...Barry's economic policies were pretty much a bust. That's why they had to invent a new economic term "jobs saved" and why Larry Summers and Christina Romer both bolted back to the safety of their teaching jobs. I'll give you a hint, Winger...they didn't leave because their Keynsian policies worked so well...they left because they didn't really work at all...and they didn't know what to do at that point.

Glad you asked.....in a continuance of my previous post

The economy was in a panic. Banks were failing like dominoes. The auto sector was in collapse. Who was going to invest in this train wreck of an economy?
Obama cooly stepped in and assured investors that the US Government would stand behind the economy, that the banks and auto companies would not be allowed to fail.
The result? After Stimulus and TARP were implemented, investors returned to the markets, employers stopped shedding employees, GDP turned positive.

Obama stopped a Depression in it's tracks?

HELL Yes he did!

And of course you can actually prove this, right?

Aren't you old enough to remember that far back?

Fact is, as of yesterday, Romney has a 19 point gender gap among women. By a 2-1 margain women are voting for Obama. There aren't enough men to elect a Republican if this doesn't change and I don't think women are going to forget between now and November the recent attack on them by the GOP. Anti birth control? Who thought up that argument? :cuckoo: I thought Karl Rove was smarter than that.
I do not see the economy improving. I see democrats say it's improving. If the economy does not improve the unemployment figures should brighten as more people simply cannot afford to look for work anymore. They can't afford gas or parking for interviews, the job of finding a job will get too expesive to continue.

Unemployment figures have dropped from the 9.1 percent that Obama inherited to it's current 8.1 percent, and it's still dropping.

The Dow has closed yet again over the 13,200 mark, when Obama inherited it, it was around 7,000.

Still think the economy isn't improving?

And what is it that Barry has done to make that economy improve, Biker? The economy ALWAYS bounces back from recessions...that's the nature of the beast. What you judge is the strength of that recovery. Would you admit that our recovery could best be described as "tepid"? Yes, it is better but 8.1 unemployment after spending trillions on the problem, is hardly a number to be proud of. What's sad is that we've been mired in this economic downturn for so long that we now view 8.1 unemployment as "progress". If you examine what our economy was doing at this point of Ronald Reagan's first term it was obvious that the work had been done in order for the economy to take off for the longest sustained period of growth in our country's history. Do you in any way see that to be the case now? I don't and neither does this Administration when they make their economic projections. Bottom line is that both Barack Obama and the people he's put in place to implement policy would best be described as "underwhelming". The question then becomes why would you want to give a man who ran out of ideas on how to fix things a year into his first term...a second term? What do you think is going to change for the better?

Whenever I want to see what this country would look like under a Republican I look no farther than Gov. Walker and what he's done to his state.

Nope, after the last election and seeing how Republicans want to screw everyone (and yeah, the Ryan plan which Mittens is solidly behind would really fuck this country over).

Think Jr. was bad? Mittens and Ryan will be much worse.
Whenever I want to see what this country would look like under a Republican I look no farther than Gov. Walker and what he's done to his state.

Good point, GBS....

A balanced budget...

School districts HIRING teachers, not laying them off...

Lowered property taxes...

Unemployment dropping...

Can't argue there...
Glad you asked.....in a continuance of my previous post

The economy was in a panic. Banks were failing like dominoes. The auto sector was in collapse. Who was going to invest in this train wreck of an economy?
Obama cooly stepped in and assured investors that the US Government would stand behind the economy, that the banks and auto companies would not be allowed to fail.
The result? After Stimulus and TARP were implemented, investors returned to the markets, employers stopped shedding employees, GDP turned positive.

Obama stopped a Depression in it's tracks?

HELL Yes he did!

And of course you can actually prove this, right?

Aren't you old enough to remember that far back?

Fact is, as of yesterday, Romney has a 19 point gender gap among women. By a 2-1 margain women are voting for Obama. There aren't enough men to elect a Republican if this doesn't change and I don't think women are going to forget between now and November the recent attack on them by the GOP. Anti birth control? Who thought up that argument? :cuckoo: I thought Karl Rove was smarter than that.

The GOP attacked women? Who knew?


You fuckers are insane.

Anyhoo.. I was speaking of the assertion that Obama saved us from a depression... might as well claim he saved us form the Borg as well.... just as easily quantifiable.

Party on Garth!

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