If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help in any way.

Did you know Republicans give more to charity than Democrats?

Seems Democrats do a lot of talking.
That's a bullshit flat out lie. Most of those on welfare are in Red States with the single biggest group being whites.

Blue State liberals are doing the funding. Look it up.

This is what Liberals believe:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Republicans say "fuck 'em. Let him die".
Liberals do not believe that. It's based on the Bible.
Oh God. No it's not. It's a Chinese proverb.

And it sure doesn't pertain to anti business pro welfare liberals.

You are talking bullshit. Republicans don't help the sick or the poor. Giving someone a couple of cans of cold beans is NOT helping them. If you can't give good examples, then shut the fuck up.

Who made it MY job to support people too stupid, lazy or incompetent to help themselves?

Please don't try to push it as "God", because not every Conservative or Republican is a Christian.
Last edited:
Did you know Republicans give more to charity than Democrats?

Seems Democrats do a lot of talking.
That's a bullshit flat out lie. Most of those on welfare are in Red States with the single biggest group being whites.

Blue State liberals are doing the funding. Look it up.

This is what Liberals believe:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Republicans say "fuck 'em. Let him die".

That's a bullshit flat out lie. You sound emotional. Look it up.

Most of those on welfare are in Red States. Wholly shit are you wrong. Too many reasons why, but we can start with "red state Vs blue state".....Incidentally numbnuts, your response is out of context, but you did manage to contradict your OP. I'd be humiliated.

With the single biggest group being whites. I see. So, if 63% of the population is white and for example, 13% are black, yet 40% of welfare is white and 28% black, your conclusion is whites = welfare? Not only is your response out of context and proves you're a racist mother fucker, it shows you have the brains of a baked potato. Are you employed and if so, which convenience store?

Blue State liberals are doing the funding. Look it up. LOL.......You're all over the map. Very emotional. This is ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT in the context you're presenting. They do most of the funding because they have the most welfare numb nuts. Here's a web link even you can understand, I think so anyway. Click on the table headings (assuming you know what that is). Here's a hint. California localities spend 25 billion of the 89 billion spent throughout the country. They only provide for their own services. You're living a lie. State Welfare Spending Rank for 2016 - Charts

You are wasting your time with Deanie, he's a moron of the first order. Just point and laugh at him, that's what I do.
If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help.

If you are a veteran, you will never get help from the GOP.

If your kids get sick, expect no help from Republicans.

If you kids are hungry, forget it, the GOP will never help you or your familiy.

If you are being taken for a ride by the Credit Card companies, the GOP would be more likely to help them than you.

If the banks are screwing you over, you know the Republicans would support the banks over the GOP base.

You can't name any GOP policies that help the middle class or the poor. Because that's not something they do.

Trump supporters voted for him because they believe Trump and the GOP will help them. With lowering the cost of health care. With better jobs. With getting rid of competition (immigrants). Even with education.

When have Republicans ever helped the American people with any of these things? Why would they help now? Why ruin a perfect record?

Nor would the democrats, they give way less to the sick and poor than the republicans.

But they are excellent at coercively taking the money from the productive republicans and giving that away though... and this is supposed to somehow pass as virtue in their mind.

Liberals support Social Security only because they know they would let their parents starve in the cold if that program didn't pay their bills.
If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help.

If you are a veteran, you will never get help from the GOP.

If your kids get sick, expect no help from Republicans.

If you kids are hungry, forget it, the GOP will never help you or your familiy.

If you are being taken for a ride by the Credit Card companies, the GOP would be more likely to help them than you.

If the banks are screwing you over, you know the Republicans would support the banks over the GOP base.

You can't name any GOP policies that help the middle class or the poor. Because that's not something they do.

Trump supporters voted for him because they believe Trump and the GOP will help them. With lowering the cost of health care. With better jobs. With getting rid of competition (immigrants). Even with education.

When have Republicans ever helped the American people with any of these things? Why would they help now? Why ruin a perfect record?

Nor would the democrats, they give way less to the sick and poor than the republicans.

But they are excellent at coercively taking the money from the productive republicans and giving that away though... and this is supposed to somehow pass as virtue in their mind.

Liberals support Social Security only because they know they would let their parents starve in the cold if that program didn't pay their bills.

The post of the month

If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help.

If you are a veteran, you will never get help from the GOP.

If your kids get sick, expect no help from Republicans.

If you kids are hungry, forget it, the GOP will never help you or your familiy.

If you are being taken for a ride by the Credit Card companies, the GOP would be more likely to help them than you.

If the banks are screwing you over, you know the Republicans would support the banks over the GOP base.

You can't name any GOP policies that help the middle class or the poor. Because that's not something they do.

Trump supporters voted for him because they believe Trump and the GOP will help them. With lowering the cost of health care. With better jobs. With getting rid of competition (immigrants). Even with education.

When have Republicans ever helped the American people with any of these things? Why would they help now? Why ruin a perfect record?

Rderp, you do realize that almost 75% of doctors are Republicans don't you, lololol! I have never seen one of them advertise that Dumbocrats need not come for service, have you!

Wait, why am I even engaging a dumbocrat! They have no power, are flaccid in politics now, and have been removed from power totally. Go away Derp to your safe space snowflake!
If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help.

If you are a veteran, you will never get help from the GOP.

If your kids get sick, expect no help from Republicans.

If you kids are hungry, forget it, the GOP will never help you or your familiy.

If you are being taken for a ride by the Credit Card companies, the GOP would be more likely to help them than you.

If the banks are screwing you over, you know the Republicans would support the banks over the GOP base.

You can't name any GOP policies that help the middle class or the poor. Because that's not something they do.

Trump supporters voted for him because they believe Trump and the GOP will help them. With lowering the cost of health care. With better jobs. With getting rid of competition (immigrants). Even with education.

When have Republicans ever helped the American people with any of these things? Why would they help now? Why ruin a perfect record?

Nor would the democrats, they give way less to the sick and poor than the republicans.

But they are excellent at coercively taking the money from the productive republicans and giving that away though... and this is supposed to somehow pass as virtue in their mind.
You are talking bullshit. Republicans don't help the sick or the poor. Giving someone a couple of cans of cold beans is NOT helping them. If you can't give good examples, then shut the fuck up.
How do Libs steals help the needy and sick. Be specific.
Did you know Republicans give more to charity than Democrats?

Seems Democrats do a lot of talking.
That's a bullshit flat out lie. Most of those on welfare are in Red States with the single biggest group being whites.

Blue State liberals are doing the funding. Look it up.

This is what Liberals believe:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Republicans say "fuck 'em. Let him die".

That's a bullshit flat out lie. You sound emotional. Look it up.

Most of those on welfare are in Red States. Wholly shit are you wrong. Too many reasons why, but we can start with "red state Vs blue state".....Incidentally numbnuts, your response is out of context, but you did manage to contradict your OP. I'd be humiliated.

With the single biggest group being whites. I see. So, if 63% of the population is white and for example, 13% are black, yet 40% of welfare is white and 28% black, your conclusion is whites = welfare? Not only is your response out of context and proves you're a racist mother fucker, it shows you have the brains of a baked potato. Are you employed and if so, which convenience store?

Blue State liberals are doing the funding. Look it up. LOL.......You're all over the map. Very emotional. This is ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT in the context you're presenting. They do most of the funding because they have the most welfare numb nuts. Here's a web link even you can understand, I think so anyway. Click on the table headings (assuming you know what that is). Here's a hint. California localities spend 25 billion of the 89 billion spent throughout the country. They only provide for their own services. You're living a lie. State Welfare Spending Rank for 2016 - Charts
What are you? Some kind of idiot. First you talk about percentages and then you link to a site that only uses actual numbers. California spends more because it has 39 million people. Wyoming spends less because they have just over a half million people.
And so what if a higher percentage of blacks get more welfare. It's numbers, location and party. Remember, the country is 70% white. Republicans are 90% white. That means there are a large number of whites in the Democratic Party. They just happen to be less poor than Republican whites. And Republicans love to blame the poverty of Red States on blacks who live there? What about Kentucky? One of the poorest states in America that just happens to be over 90% white. In fact, look at the entire Appalachian area covering several states.
Republicans boast they give lots of charity.
Democrats give college scholarships. Which would you rather have? Some old cans of cream corn and a quilt or a college education? I know. Republicans say "Pass the corn".
If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help.

If you are a veteran, you will never get help from the GOP.

If your kids get sick, expect no help from Republicans.

If you kids are hungry, forget it, the GOP will never help you or your familiy.

If you are being taken for a ride by the Credit Card companies, the GOP would be more likely to help them than you.

If the banks are screwing you over, you know the Republicans would support the banks over the GOP base.

You can't name any GOP policies that help the middle class or the poor. Because that's not something they do.

Trump supporters voted for him because they believe Trump and the GOP will help them. With lowering the cost of health care. With better jobs. With getting rid of competition (immigrants). Even with education.

When have Republicans ever helped the American people with any of these things? Why would they help now? Why ruin a perfect record?

Rderp, you do realize that almost 75% of doctors are Republicans don't you, lololol! I have never seen one of them advertise that Dumbocrats need not come for service, have you!

Wait, why am I even engaging a dumbocrat! They have no power, are flaccid in politics now, and have been removed from power totally. Go away Derp to your safe space snowflake!
Are you a liar or you don't know?

Democratic vs. Republican occupations

What's funny is if you break down physicians into groups. For every 76 urologists Republicans, there are 24 Democrats.

But for every 10 Republican Physician/Scientists, there are 90 Democrats.

So what's a urologist? It's a piss doctor.
If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help.

If you are a veteran, you will never get help from the GOP.

If your kids get sick, expect no help from Republicans.

If you kids are hungry, forget it, the GOP will never help you or your familiy.

If you are being taken for a ride by the Credit Card companies, the GOP would be more likely to help them than you.

If the banks are screwing you over, you know the Republicans would support the banks over the GOP base.

You can't name any GOP policies that help the middle class or the poor. Because that's not something they do.

Trump supporters voted for him because they believe Trump and the GOP will help them. With lowering the cost of health care. With better jobs. With getting rid of competition (immigrants). Even with education.

When have Republicans ever helped the American people with any of these things? Why would they help now? Why ruin a perfect record?

Rderp, you do realize that almost 75% of doctors are Republicans don't you, lololol! I have never seen one of them advertise that Dumbocrats need not come for service, have you!

Wait, why am I even engaging a dumbocrat! They have no power, are flaccid in politics now, and have been removed from power totally. Go away Derp to your safe space snowflake!
Are you a liar or you don't know?

Democratic vs. Republican occupations

What's funny is if you break down physicians into groups. For every 76 urologists Republicans, there are 24 Democrats.

But for every 10 Republican Physician/Scientists, there are 90 Democrats.

So what's a urologist? It's a piss doctor.

What's the ratio between psychiatrist and neurosurgeon?
If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help.

If you are a veteran, you will never get help from the GOP.

If your kids get sick, expect no help from Republicans.

If you kids are hungry, forget it, the GOP will never help you or your familiy.

If you are being taken for a ride by the Credit Card companies, the GOP would be more likely to help them than you.

If the banks are screwing you over, you know the Republicans would support the banks over the GOP base.

You can't name any GOP policies that help the middle class or the poor. Because that's not something they do.

Trump supporters voted for him because they believe Trump and the GOP will help them. With lowering the cost of health care. With better jobs. With getting rid of competition (immigrants). Even with education.

When have Republicans ever helped the American people with any of these things? Why would they help now? Why ruin a perfect record?

Rderp, you do realize that almost 75% of doctors are Republicans don't you, lololol! I have never seen one of them advertise that Dumbocrats need not come for service, have you!

Wait, why am I even engaging a dumbocrat! They have no power, are flaccid in politics now, and have been removed from power totally. Go away Derp to your safe space snowflake!
Are you a liar or you don't know?

Democratic vs. Republican occupations

What's funny is if you break down physicians into groups. For every 76 urologists Republicans, there are 24 Democrats.

But for every 10 Republican Physician/Scientists, there are 90 Democrats.

So what's a urologist? It's a piss doctor.

More neurosurgeons are republicans.

Well, if they had an occupation called dick, you'd be in that group.
If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help.

If you are a veteran, you will never get help from the GOP.

If your kids get sick, expect no help from Republicans.

If you kids are hungry, forget it, the GOP will never help you or your familiy.

If you are being taken for a ride by the Credit Card companies, the GOP would be more likely to help them than you.

If the banks are screwing you over, you know the Republicans would support the banks over the GOP base.

You can't name any GOP policies that help the middle class or the poor. Because that's not something they do.

Trump supporters voted for him because they believe Trump and the GOP will help them. With lowering the cost of health care. With better jobs. With getting rid of competition (immigrants). Even with education.

When have Republicans ever helped the American people with any of these things? Why would they help now? Why ruin a perfect record?

Rderp, you do realize that almost 75% of doctors are Republicans don't you, lololol! I have never seen one of them advertise that Dumbocrats need not come for service, have you!

Wait, why am I even engaging a dumbocrat! They have no power, are flaccid in politics now, and have been removed from power totally. Go away Derp to your safe space snowflake!
Are you a liar or you don't know?

Democratic vs. Republican occupations

What's funny is if you break down physicians into groups. For every 76 urologists Republicans, there are 24 Democrats.

But for every 10 Republican Physician/Scientists, there are 90 Democrats.

So what's a urologist? It's a piss doctor.

What's the ratio between psychiatrist and neurosurgeon?

You tell me.
If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help.

If you are a veteran, you will never get help from the GOP.

If your kids get sick, expect no help from Republicans.

If you kids are hungry, forget it, the GOP will never help you or your familiy.

If you are being taken for a ride by the Credit Card companies, the GOP would be more likely to help them than you.

If the banks are screwing you over, you know the Republicans would support the banks over the GOP base.

You can't name any GOP policies that help the middle class or the poor. Because that's not something they do.

Trump supporters voted for him because they believe Trump and the GOP will help them. With lowering the cost of health care. With better jobs. With getting rid of competition (immigrants). Even with education.

When have Republicans ever helped the American people with any of these things? Why would they help now? Why ruin a perfect record?

They've helped plenty.

I know many republicans who have helped many families with hungry kids.

Plenty of GOP policies that help the middle class....like repeal Obamacare.

Don't institute a minimum wage.

BTW: Dumbass, many scientists are democrats. But most engineers are republicans. Scientists sit in a lab and dream.

Engineers make it happen.

Trump won.

Suck on it.

If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help.

If you are a veteran, you will never get help from the GOP.

If your kids get sick, expect no help from Republicans.

If you kids are hungry, forget it, the GOP will never help you or your familiy.

If you are being taken for a ride by the Credit Card companies, the GOP would be more likely to help them than you.

If the banks are screwing you over, you know the Republicans would support the banks over the GOP base.

You can't name any GOP policies that help the middle class or the poor. Because that's not something they do.

Trump supporters voted for him because they believe Trump and the GOP will help them. With lowering the cost of health care. With better jobs. With getting rid of competition (immigrants). Even with education.

When have Republicans ever helped the American people with any of these things? Why would they help now? Why ruin a perfect record?

Rderp, you do realize that almost 75% of doctors are Republicans don't you, lololol! I have never seen one of them advertise that Dumbocrats need not come for service, have you!

Wait, why am I even engaging a dumbocrat! They have no power, are flaccid in politics now, and have been removed from power totally. Go away Derp to your safe space snowflake!
Are you a liar or you don't know?

Democratic vs. Republican occupations

What's funny is if you break down physicians into groups. For every 76 urologists Republicans, there are 24 Democrats.

But for every 10 Republican Physician/Scientists, there are 90 Democrats.

So what's a urologist? It's a piss doctor.

What's the ratio between psychiatrist and neurosurgeon?

You tell me.

Oh what ?

You don't know ?

How interesting.

Scientists.....climate scientists are not scientists as you and your bootlicking friends are about to find out.
Did you know Republicans give more to charity than Democrats?

Seems Democrats do a lot of talking.
That's a bullshit flat out lie. Most of those on welfare are in Red States with the single biggest group being whites.

Blue State liberals are doing the funding. Look it up.

This is what Liberals believe:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Republicans say "fuck 'em. Let him die".

Are we seeing a total Rderp melt down in the making?

He's throwing his hail mary.

I guess he think's he'll erase the fact that:

1. Trump won.
2. GOP keeps the senate.
3. GOP keeps the house.
4. GOP will nominate the next three Supreme Court Justices.

Must be tough.

Gotta feel sorry for him.
FYI: I no longer read any thread you start up, rdean. The titles are so rabidly partisan, false narrative opinions, and so hilariously f*ed-up I get to laugh and move on. Keep it up - you brighten my day.
If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help.

If you are a veteran, you will never get help from the GOP.

If your kids get sick, expect no help from Republicans.

If you kids are hungry, forget it, the GOP will never help you or your familiy.

If you are being taken for a ride by the Credit Card companies, the GOP would be more likely to help them than you.

If the banks are screwing you over, you know the Republicans would support the banks over the GOP base.

You can't name any GOP policies that help the middle class or the poor. Because that's not something they do.

Trump supporters voted for him because they believe Trump and the GOP will help them. With lowering the cost of health care. With better jobs. With getting rid of competition (immigrants). Even with education.

When have Republicans ever helped the American people with any of these things? Why would they help now? Why ruin a perfect record?

They've helped plenty.

I know many republicans who have helped many families with hungry kids.

Plenty of GOP policies that help the middle class....like repeal Obamacare.

Don't institute a minimum wage.

BTW: Dumbass, many scientists are democrats. But most engineers are republicans. Scientists sit in a lab and dream.

Engineers make it happen.

Trump won.

Suck on it.

For every 71 Democrats who are engineers, there are 29 Republican engineers. I already posted a link to that.

And getting rid of healthcare helps the middle class???????????????????????
Did you know Republicans give more to charity than Democrats?

Seems Democrats do a lot of talking.
That's a bullshit flat out lie. Most of those on welfare are in Red States with the single biggest group being whites.

Blue State liberals are doing the funding. Look it up.

This is what Liberals believe:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Republicans say "fuck 'em. Let him die".

Are we seeing a total Rderp melt down in the making?

He's throwing his hail mary.

I guess he think's he'll erase the fact that:

1. Trump won.
2. GOP keeps the senate.
3. GOP keeps the house.
4. GOP will nominate the next three Supreme Court Justices.

Must be tough.

Gotta feel sorry for him.
It's tough for the country. Watch what happens over the next two years.

Look at Trump's most recent special tidbit of information:

Trump: I 'know things that other people don't know' about hacking

Sure you do Donald. Sure you do. And you know more than generals.

Republicans voted for this tard. You're going to regret what you got.
Desperate angry radical lefties claim that the upcoming administration translates to "if you are hungry forget it" in the greatest Country in the world. Is it wishful thinking or is it a psychotic response to a political disappointment?

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