If you need healthcare, you are not someone the Republicans would ever help in any way.

That's a bullshit flat out lie. You sound emotional. Look it up.

Most of those on welfare are in Red States. Wholly shit are you wrong. Too many reasons why, but we can start with "red state Vs blue state".....Incidentally numbnuts, your response is out of context, but you did manage to contradict your OP. I'd be humiliated.

With the single biggest group being whites. I see. So, if 63% of the population is white and for example, 13% are black, yet 40% of welfare is white and 28% black, your conclusion is whites = welfare? Not only is your response out of context and proves you're a racist mother fucker, it shows you have the brains of a baked potato. Are you employed and if so, which convenience store?

Blue State liberals are doing the funding. Look it up. LOL.......You're all over the map. Very emotional. This is ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT in the context you're presenting. They do most of the funding because they have the most welfare numb nuts. Here's a web link even you can understand, I think so anyway. Click on the table headings (assuming you know what that is). Here's a hint. California localities spend 25 billion of the 89 billion spent throughout the country. They only provide for their own services. You're living a lie. State Welfare Spending Rank for 2016 - Charts
What are you? Some kind of idiot. First you talk about percentages and then you link to a site that only uses actual numbers. California spends more because it has 39 million people. Wyoming spends less because they have just over a half million people.
And so what if a higher percentage of blacks get more welfare. It's numbers, location and party. Remember, the country is 70% white. Republicans are 90% white. That means there are a large number of whites in the Democratic Party. They just happen to be less poor than Republican whites. And Republicans love to blame the poverty of Red States on blacks who live there? What about Kentucky? One of the poorest states in America that just happens to be over 90% white. In fact, look at the entire Appalachian area covering several states.
Republicans boast they give lots of charity.
Democrats give college scholarships. Which would you rather have? Some old cans of cream corn and a quilt or a college education? I know. Republicans say "Pass the corn".

And so what if a higher percentage of blacks get more welfare

Only in Rderps mind this is a so what... Hey Rderp that means percentage wise blacks are more fucking lazy then whites

It always amuses me how liberals will use percentages to make a case then, don't want to use them on another debate.

White Republicans are the single largest group of Americans to get welfare and foodstamps.

His play is always the same...he doesn't understand that per capita averages expose real ratios, real data.
77% of the country is still white so naturally whites would lead in nearly all categories of anything. This is basic shit.
Absolute numbers are the most real data you could have. Considering that blacks make up only around 14% of the population, even if all of them were on welfare, that would only be about 14% of the entire US population. And since we know less than half are on welfare, that means the very most would be 6% of the entire US population.

Red States Are Welfare Queens

Welfare Hypocrisy: Red States Are The Real Freeloaders - The Ring of Fire - The Ring of Fire Network

Republicans like to blame blacks for their states being poor. Then you look at a state like West Virginia that's over 93% white and other states like Kentucky and South Dakota that have overwhelming white populations.

So why? Because 150 years of right wing conservative policies have been disasters for these states. Republicans controlled the entire government under Bush for years. Look at how they left the economy under Bush and the Republicans. Why would anyone think this time around will be better? Bush was better at business than Trump. He didn't have six bankruptcies, didn't owe hundreds of millions to foreign governments and didn't stiff his workers or have a foundation that is under criminal investigation.
What are you? Some kind of idiot. First you talk about percentages and then you link to a site that only uses actual numbers. California spends more because it has 39 million people. Wyoming spends less because they have just over a half million people.
And so what if a higher percentage of blacks get more welfare. It's numbers, location and party. Remember, the country is 70% white. Republicans are 90% white. That means there are a large number of whites in the Democratic Party. They just happen to be less poor than Republican whites. And Republicans love to blame the poverty of Red States on blacks who live there? What about Kentucky? One of the poorest states in America that just happens to be over 90% white. In fact, look at the entire Appalachian area covering several states.
Republicans boast they give lots of charity.
Democrats give college scholarships. Which would you rather have? Some old cans of cream corn and a quilt or a college education? I know. Republicans say "Pass the corn".

And so what if a higher percentage of blacks get more welfare

Only in Rderps mind this is a so what... Hey Rderp that means percentage wise blacks are more fucking lazy then whites

It always amuses me how liberals will use percentages to make a case then, don't want to use them on another debate.

White Republicans are the single largest group of Americans to get welfare and foodstamps.

His play is always the same...he doesn't understand that per capita averages expose real ratios, real data.
77% of the country is still white so naturally whites would lead in nearly all categories of anything. This is basic shit.
Absolute numbers are the most real data you could have. Considering that blacks make up only around 14% of the population, even if all of them were on welfare, that would only be about 14% of the entire US population. And since we know less than half are on welfare, that means the very most would be 6% of the entire US population.

Red States Are Welfare Queens

Welfare Hypocrisy: Red States Are The Real Freeloaders - The Ring of Fire - The Ring of Fire Network

Republicans like to blame blacks for their states being poor. Then you look at a state like West Virginia that's over 93% white and other states like Kentucky and South Dakota that have overwhelming white populations.

So why? Because 150 years of right wing conservative policies have been disasters for these states. Republicans controlled the entire government under Bush for years. Look at how they left the economy under Bush and the Republicans. Why would anyone think this time around will be better? Bush was better at business than Trump. He didn't have six bankruptcies, didn't owe hundreds of millions to foreign governments and didn't stiff his workers or have a foundation that is under criminal investigation.

Like I said you and liberals pick and choose numbers or percentages to hide the real argument from the uninformed.

When it comes to taxes and the rich you will never use raw numbers... Always percentages

In this case ignore percentages and use raw numbers.

I don't know who you are trying to bullshit... But it's getting boring.

What are you? Some kind of idiot. First you talk about percentages and then you link to a site that only uses actual numbers. California spends more because it has 39 million people. Wyoming spends less because they have just over a half million people.
And so what if a higher percentage of blacks get more welfare. It's numbers, location and party. Remember, the country is 70% white. Republicans are 90% white. That means there are a large number of whites in the Democratic Party. They just happen to be less poor than Republican whites. And Republicans love to blame the poverty of Red States on blacks who live there? What about Kentucky? One of the poorest states in America that just happens to be over 90% white. In fact, look at the entire Appalachian area covering several states.
Republicans boast they give lots of charity.
Democrats give college scholarships. Which would you rather have? Some old cans of cream corn and a quilt or a college education? I know. Republicans say "Pass the corn".

And so what if a higher percentage of blacks get more welfare

Only in Rderps mind this is a so what... Hey Rderp that means percentage wise blacks are more fucking lazy then whites

It always amuses me how liberals will use percentages to make a case then, don't want to use them on another debate.

White Republicans are the single largest group of Americans to get welfare and foodstamps.

His play is always the same...he doesn't understand that per capita averages expose real ratios, real data.
77% of the country is still white so naturally whites would lead in nearly all categories of anything. This is basic shit.
Absolute numbers are the most real data you could have. Considering that blacks make up only around 14% of the population, even if all of them were on welfare, that would only be about 14% of the entire US population. And since we know less than half are on welfare, that means the very most would be 6% of the entire US population.

Red States Are Welfare Queens

Welfare Hypocrisy: Red States Are The Real Freeloaders - The Ring of Fire - The Ring of Fire Network

Republicans like to blame blacks for their states being poor. Then you look at a state like West Virginia that's over 93% white and other states like Kentucky and South Dakota that have overwhelming white populations.

So why? Because 150 years of right wing conservative policies have been disasters for these states. Republicans controlled the entire government under Bush for years. Look at how they left the economy under Bush and the Republicans. Why would anyone think this time around will be better? Bush was better at business than Trump. He didn't have six bankruptcies, didn't owe hundreds of millions to foreign governments and didn't stiff his workers or have a foundation that is under criminal investigation.

You can spin things however makes you feel good...but you're only fooling yourself and your fellow fools who try their hardest to keep their head in the sand. I showed you critical data from a reliable source...you provide spun editorial authored by Liberal whacko's pushing an agenda founded on short-sighted ignorance.
Following the REAL data, the fact is, 4.2 in 10 blacks are on the taxpayer tit and 3.6 in 10 hispanics are sucking it dry while 1.3 in 10 whites are bottom feeders. I'm thinking that people struggling, particularily blacks and hispanics predominantly vote Democrat...No? Now, using just a fragment of intelligence and based on existing data it's probably safe to assume that a majority of the 1.3 in 10 whites robbing taxpayers are folks voting Democrat.
Voter / party demographics have been well defined over and over. Who votes Democrat is really no big secret secret....bottom feeders, folks on the brink of bottom feeding, immigrants, criminals, homos and whack-jobs, government employees and a few rich men who's businesses depend on stolen government money. Simple shit here!

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