If you take the emotion out of being republican, you become liberal


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.
Not on all issues.
1. A two parent family is far better for children
2. Allowing tens of thousands of muslims that could be isis murders to enter our country is stupid.
3. We shouldn't have open borders as the illegals take our jobs. Another issue that is republican that makes sense.
Not on all issues.
1. A two parent family is far better for children
2. Allowing tens of thousands of muslims that could be isis murders to enter our country is stupid.
3. We shouldn't have open borders as the illegals take our jobs. Another issue that is republican that makes sense.
I did leave out social issues of this thread purposefully. I do think those issues are more open to philosophical interpretation.
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.
Serious question: What difference does it make whether one is Republican, Democrat, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Right Wing, or Left Wing? It is a very serious question, so please be honest and truthful with your answer. Thanks in advance.
And what's really scary for many people is the fact that thousands of these Muslims have been observed doing geographical surveys of buildings eight stories and higher.
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.
Factual information such as there is no radical islamic terrorism...just a "phenomena of violence"....Das a fac, yo.
Not on all issues.
1. A two parent family is far better for children
2. Allowing tens of thousands of muslims that could be isis murders to enter our country is stupid.
3. We shouldn't have open borders as the illegals take our jobs. Another issue that is republican that makes sense.
I did leave out social issues of this thread purposefully. I do think those issues are more open to philosophical interpretation.
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
It's amusing how some on the left constantly mistake their opinion for fact.
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.


180 degrees out of phase with reality.

You're truly living in The Far Side.
The OP may be the dumbest damn post I've read since I opened my membership on 12/1/14. One and ½ months and I can't remember a more retarded start to a thread.

Irony...H.L. Menchen gives a perfect description of a conservative...

The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety.
H. L. Mencken

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
The OP may be the dumbest damn post I've read since I opened my membership on 12/1/14. One and ½ months and I can't remember a more retarded start to a thread.

Irony...H.L. Menchen gives a perfect description of a conservative...

The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety.
H. L. Mencken

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
I'm using his quote describing liberal commies. See sig line below.
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The OP may be the dumbest damn post I've read since I opened my membership on 12/1/14. One and ½ months and I can't remember a more retarded start to a thread.

Irony...H.L. Menchen gives a perfect description of a conservative...

The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety.
H. L. Mencken

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
I'm using his quote describing liberal commies. See sig line below.

No, you are using his name to try to attach him to YOUR ignorance.
The OP may be the dumbest damn post I've read since I opened my membership on 12/1/14. One and ½ months and I can't remember a more retarded start to a thread.
Well you can't even explain why it is retarded.
It's amusing how some on the left constantly mistake their opinion for fact.
Liberal opinions are generally guided by factual information. Not all of them, but a good number. Conservative opinion is purely emotional however.
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.
Serious question: What difference does it make whether one is Republican, Democrat, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Right Wing, or Left Wing? It is a very serious question, so please be honest and truthful with your answer. Thanks in advance.
Being democrat or republican comes with a very dogmatic view that often comes with hypocrisy.

Liberalism or conservatism are more fluid concepts.
Not on all issues.
1. A two parent family is far better for children
2. Allowing tens of thousands of muslims that could be isis murders to enter our country is stupid.
3. We shouldn't have open borders as the illegals take our jobs. Another issue that is republican that makes sense.
I did leave out social issues of this thread purposefully. I do think those issues are more open to philosophical interpretation.
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
The OP may be the dumbest damn post I've read since I opened my membership on 12/1/14. One and ½ months and I can't remember a more retarded start to a thread.

Irony...H.L. Menchen gives a perfect description of a conservative...

The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety.
H. L. Mencken

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
I'm using his quote describing liberal commies. See sig line below.

Liberal commies you say. Is that different then a plain old commie?
It's amusing how some on the left constantly mistake their opinion for fact.
Liberal opinions are generally guided by factual information. Not all of them, but a good number. Conservative opinion is purely emotional however.
And yet you did give any factual information to support your claim just your typical anti Republican rant with some anti FOX News mixed in. This is pretty typical of all your threads just variations on the same theme Democrats good Republicans it's really pretty boring in fact if the Stars were playing tonight I wouldn't have bothered to respond.

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