If you take the emotion out of being republican, you become liberal

I did leave out social issues of this thread purposefully. I do think those issues are more open to philosophical interpretation.
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'
Not true. You also support insane tax cuts that only further drive up our debt.
Stop spending more than you take in.
Simple really
Even while spending is up, you still support ridiculous tax cuts. Do you really think that helps the problem? If you want tax cuts you must raise revenue somewhere else to counter balance it.

Here's a solution: we stop over spending AND cutting taxes.
I did leave out social issues of this thread purposefully. I do think those issues are more open to philosophical interpretation.
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'
Not true. You also support insane tax cuts that only further drive up our debt.
Stop spending more than you take in.
Simple really

Sure, gut revenues to levels not seen in 50+ years like Dubya/GOP did (from Clinton's 20%+ of GDP to less than 15% of GDP), AND THEN COMPLAIN ABOUT SPENDING AS THE GOP GAVE US 2 UNFUNDED WARS AND GAVE US UNFUNDED MEDICARE EXPANSION THAT COSTS AS MUCH AS OBAMACARES THIS DECADE??? lol
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'
Not true. You also support insane tax cuts that only further drive up our debt.
Stop spending more than you take in.
Simple really

Sure, gut revenues to levels not seen in 50+ years like Dubya/GOP did (from Clinton's 20%+ of GDP to less than 15% of GDP), AND THEN COMPLAIN ABOUT SPENDING AS THE GOP GAVE US 2 UNFUNDED WARS AND GAVE US UNFUNDED MEDICARE EXPANSION THAT COSTS AS MUCH AS OBAMACARES THIS DECADE??? lol

^ moron seems to believe that WWII was "funded" when it was fought.

Fucking dopey motherfucker.
Neither one of them seem to recall the House suggesting that any new spending measures be offset by cuts elsewhere either.

But Nnnnooo....can't have fiscal responsibility AND hope/change
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'
Not true. You also support insane tax cuts that only further drive up our debt.
Stop spending more than you take in.
Simple really

Sure, gut revenues to levels not seen in 50+ years like Dubya/GOP did (from Clinton's 20%+ of GDP to less than 15% of GDP), AND THEN COMPLAIN ABOUT SPENDING AS THE GOP GAVE US 2 UNFUNDED WARS AND GAVE US UNFUNDED MEDICARE EXPANSION THAT COSTS AS MUCH AS OBAMACARES THIS DECADE??? lol
Yawn....at unfunded wars.
Same shit, different asshole.

Wars were funded by BOTH parties through something political types like to call Continuing Resolutions.
And I seem to recall some party that starts with D holding the CRs hostage unless/until their pork was attached and approved
Not on all issues.
1. A two parent family is far better for children
2. Allowing tens of thousands of muslims that could be isis murders to enter our country is stupid.
3. We shouldn't have open borders as the illegals take our jobs. Another issue that is republican that makes sense.

While I agree with number 1, and I somewhat agree with number 2, could you please tell me how any illegal alien has ever cost you your job. See, people say this all the time, that illegal aliens are taking away jobs from Americans, but are they really? If you really understand economics, you would first realize that many of the jobs that these illegals take are jobs that nobody else really wants to begin with. Now, I'm sure we could all find instances where an illegal may actually be taking away a job from a legal resident or citizen of this country. But there is another piece to the equation, and that is the fact that however you look at it, all these illegals contribute to our economy.

Economic benefits of illegal immigrants[edit]
Consumer demand[edit]
Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US. UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity equivalent to spending stimulus every year. The advantages of illegal migration tend mostly to be on the side of the employer. An employer will benefit from the illegal status of a migrant who is desperate for work and therefore prepared to accept poor pay, usually below local norms. Hiring an illegal worker also brings the employer the advantage of paying less in the way of welfare contributions and other non-wage costs.[22]

Nearly every dollar earned by illegal immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by illegal immigrant activities within the US.[23][24][25]

Economic growth[edit]
Most arguments against illegal immigration begin with the premise that the illegal don't pay income taxes, and that they therefore take more in services than they contribute. However, IRS estimates that about 6 million unauthorized immigrants file individual income tax returns each year.[21] Research reviewed by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office indicates that between 30 percent and 50 percent of unauthorized immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes.[21] Illegal immigrants are estimated to pay in about $7 billion per year into Social Security.[26] In addition, they spend millions of dollars per year, which supports the US economy and helps to create new jobs. The Texas State Comptroller reported in 2006 that the 1.4 million illegal immigrants in Texas alone added almost $18 billion to the state's budget, and paid $1.2 billion in state services they used.[27]

The Social Security and Medicare contributions of illegal immigrants directly support older Americans, as illegal immigrants are not eligible to receive these services.[28] The Internal Revenue Service issues an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) regardless of immigration status because both resident and nonresident aliens may have Federal tax return and payment responsibilities under the Internal Revenue Code. Federal tax law prohibits the IRS from sharing data with other government agencies including the INS. In 2006 1.4 million people used ITIN when filing taxes, of which more than half were illegal immigrants.[29]

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You may want to check this one out also. Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy TheHill

The fact is that illegals really do not harm our economy at all. While most of them do not pay income taxes, they also don't get back extra money on the earned income credit if they don't file either. The fact is that most illegals take low paying jobs and would not owe any taxes anyway. So that is really a wash. Bottom line is that, imo, illegals do not cost Americans jobs, and in fact probably create jobs for Americans by spending most of what they earn.
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.
Serious question: What difference does it make whether one is Republican, Democrat, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Right Wing, or Left Wing? It is a very serious question, so please be honest and truthful with your answer. Thanks in advance.
Being democrat or republican comes with a very dogmatic view that often comes with hypocrisy.

Liberalism or conservatism are more fluid concepts.
Serious question: Which one benefits America the most?
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'
Not true. You also support insane tax cuts that only further drive up our debt.
Stop spending more than you take in.
Simple really

Sure, gut revenues to levels not seen in 50+ years like Dubya/GOP did (from Clinton's 20%+ of GDP to less than 15% of GDP), AND THEN COMPLAIN ABOUT SPENDING AS THE GOP GAVE US 2 UNFUNDED WARS AND GAVE US UNFUNDED MEDICARE EXPANSION THAT COSTS AS MUCH AS OBAMACARES THIS DECADE??? lol

^ moron seems to believe that WWII was "funded" when it was fought.

Fucking dopey motherfucker.

You mean they DIDN'T increase taxes during WW2 unlike Dubya who for the first time in ANY nations history, cut taxes (and revenues) during his war of choice?
Neither one of them seem to recall the House suggesting that any new spending measures be offset by cuts elsewhere either.

But Nnnnooo....can't have fiscal responsibility AND hope/change

House suggesting? WHY THE FUKK DID DUBYA/GOP GET RID OF PAY-GO THEN? Oh right without it his tax cuts for the rich couldn't fly!!!
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'
Not true. You also support insane tax cuts that only further drive up our debt.
Stop spending more than you take in.
Simple really

Sure, gut revenues to levels not seen in 50+ years like Dubya/GOP did (from Clinton's 20%+ of GDP to less than 15% of GDP), AND THEN COMPLAIN ABOUT SPENDING AS THE GOP GAVE US 2 UNFUNDED WARS AND GAVE US UNFUNDED MEDICARE EXPANSION THAT COSTS AS MUCH AS OBAMACARES THIS DECADE??? lol
Yawn....at unfunded wars.
Same shit, different asshole.

Wars were funded by BOTH parties through something political types like to call Continuing Resolutions.
And I seem to recall some party that starts with D holding the CRs hostage unless/until their pork was attached and approved

You recall wrong, of course

Funding wars means either cutting back in other areas or getting more revenues. Dubya/GOP choice aa different option, GUT revenues from 20%+ Clinton had US (near Carter's levels) to below 15% of GDP, AND RAMPED UP SPENDING. This little thing called Medicare Part D comes to mind that costs as much as Obamacares does this decade, UNLIKE OBAMACARES however, GOP CHOSE not to get one penny of funding for their new entitlement!!
If you take the emotion out of liberalism, you are left with nothing.

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.
what twisted logic, liberalism is all based on emotion,.conservative is all based on logic, knowledge and wisdom
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.
what twisted logic, liberalism is all based on emotion,.conservative is all based on logic, knowledge and wisdom

Yeah, like cutting taxes (revenues) AND upping spending, can't hurt an economy. lol
Weird, can you PLEASE give ONE POLICY conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US?

Liberals have stood against slavery, fought for labor laws, union rights, SS that keeps half of seniors out of poverty, woman's right to vote, Medicare, civil rights, safety in factories and with automobiles, etc

Yeah, I can see the problem now, lol
You can't see anything but shit from your vantage point. The fact that you believe conservatives are universally against all those is your problem. You don't even know what the word means. You think conservative=evil; liberal=good.
Huckabee Slams Obama for Letting Daughters Listen to Beyonc - ABC News

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has accused President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, of double standards in parenting, saying in an interview published Tuesday that the first family shelters its daughters from some things but allows them to listen to the music of Beyoncé.

The sharp rhetoric signals that, should he run for the Republican presidential nomination, Huckabee would make cultural and social issues the cornerstones of his campaign.


Can anyone remember what Huckabee's son was arrested for? Was it the torture and killing of a dog or was it a weapon's charge. Sometimes it's difficult keeping up.

You Dims made that bed by going after the Palin children. Now lay in it.

No memory of El Rushblo huh? lol

Limbaugh Calls 12 Year Old Chelsea Clinton a Dog ...

What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.
what twisted logic, liberalism is all based on emotion,.conservative is all based on logic, knowledge and wisdom

Yeah, like cutting taxes (revenues) AND upping spending, can't hurt an economy. lol
Why are liberals not good at math? I never could understand it? Guess 7 trillion dollars in 6 years by a president is to big a number, to compute in a liberal mind
Liberal commies you say. Is that different then a plain old commie?

Yeah there were Marxist commies...USSR commies...Cuban commies...North Korean commies
... North Vietnam commies...Czechoslovakian commies...Chinese commies.

These are Joe McCarthy (he was right after all) commies who have infiltrated our secondary schools, universities, democrat politics (known far and wide as Liberals). Any more questions? Please google them up yourself.
Yeah, those imaginary commies lol....

GOP lies and cheats their dupes. AS IF Pubs actually want to do anything about illegal immigration. Refuse a good SS/ID card while BSing about useless fences and laws that just harass. Silly hater dupes....

ACA is saving millions of people and will bring down costs for all, stupid ADD functional morons. See also SS, Medicaid/care, disability, workers comp, coming parental leave, daycare, cheap college loans. Dupes are brainwashed chumps of greedy idiot billionaires and bought off lying charlatans like Rush Beck Savage etc etc etc. A disgrace.
Frankie you always mention your little card ending the immigration ills.....how come whenever i see Immigration talked about on the news i never hear this card being mentioned.....even from your guys?....if they do,please show me.....because i never hear it mentioned....
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.
what twisted logic, liberalism is all based on emotion,.conservative is all based on logic, knowledge and wisdom

Yeah, like cutting taxes (revenues) AND upping spending, can't hurt an economy. lol

How would cutting taxes harm an economy?

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