If you take the emotion out of being republican, you become liberal

It's amusing how some on the left constantly mistake their opinion for fact.
Liberal opinions are generally guided by factual information. Not all of them, but a good number. Conservative opinion is purely emotional however.
And yet you did give any factual information to support your claim just your typical anti Republican rant with some anti FOX News mixed in. This is pretty typical of all your threads just variations on the same theme Democrats good Republicans it's really pretty boring in fact if the Stars were playing tonight I wouldn't have bothered to respond.
Talking specifics isn't part of the thread but I'm always down for a debate on the issues themselves.
Not on all issues.
1. A two parent family is far better for children
2. Allowing tens of thousands of muslims that could be isis murders to enter our country is stupid.
3. We shouldn't have open borders as the illegals take our jobs. Another issue that is republican that makes sense.
I did leave out social issues of this thread purposefully. I do think those issues are more open to philosophical interpretation.
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.

Oh Boy, another projection thread by billy triple nothing.
Not on all issues.
1. A two parent family is far better for children
2. Allowing tens of thousands of muslims that could be isis murders to enter our country is stupid.
3. We shouldn't have open borders as the illegals take our jobs. Another issue that is republican that makes sense.
I did leave out social issues of this thread purposefully. I do think those issues are more open to philosophical interpretation.
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'

"We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'-"

You mean as you gut revenues even more? LOL

PLEASE give some examples?
Liberal commies you say. Is that different then a plain old commie?

Yeah there were Marxist commies...USSR commies...Cuban commies...North Korean commies
... North Vietnam commies...Czechoslovakian commies...Chinese commies.

These are Joe McCarthy (he was right after all) commies who have infiltrated our secondary schools, universities, democrat politics (known far and wide as Liberals). Any more questions? Please google them up yourself.
Not on all issues.
1. A two parent family is far better for children
2. Allowing tens of thousands of muslims that could be isis murders to enter our country is stupid.
3. We shouldn't have open borders as the illegals take our jobs. Another issue that is republican that makes sense.
I did leave out social issues of this thread purposefully. I do think those issues are more open to philosophical interpretation.
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'

"We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'-"

You mean as you gut revenues even more? LOL

PLEASE give some examples?
At least try to be honest.

You don't remember when we were accused of pushing granny of a cliff, or all the "hate children" "war on women" Bullshit??
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.

Liberals base most things on emotion. When their policies fail, they claim they meant well. They like pretty sounding fluff during elections, like 'building a bridge to the 21st century' or 'hope and change.' They don't care that there is no substance, it just makes them feel good.

Affirmative action and political correctness are all about feeling good. Lowering standards makes people feel more qualified. Political correctness is important because they can't handle honest, blunt reality. Liberals believe they can pick turds up by the clean end. And they feel so good about their intentions that they don't stop to think how unrealistic they are. Obamacare is a great example. They wanted to help people (or so they claimed) and they ended up hurting more people. But, they feel good because they meant well and that seems to be all that counts.
Liberal commies you say. Is that different then a plain old commie?

Yeah there were Marxist commies...USSR commies...Cuban commies...North Korean commies
... North Vietnam commies...Czechoslovakian commies...Chinese commies.

These are Joe McCarthy (he was right after all) commies who have infiltrated our secondary schools, universities, democrat politics (known far and wide as Liberals). Any more questions? Please google them up yourself.
Yeah, those imaginary commies lol....

GOP lies and cheats their dupes. AS IF Pubs actually want to do anything about illegal immigration. Refuse a good SS/ID card while BSing about useless fences and laws that just harass. Silly hater dupes....

ACA is saving millions of people and will bring down costs for all, stupid ADD functional morons. See also SS, Medicaid/care, disability, workers comp, coming parental leave, daycare, cheap college loans. Dupes are brainwashed chumps of greedy idiot billionaires and bought off lying charlatans like Rush Beck Savage etc etc etc. A disgrace.
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

:lmao: What a hoot! Emotion is the number one pillar on the Dems policies.

Republican - Policy should prioritize the needs of American workers, national security, and promote assimilation into American culture, including knowledge of the English language.

Democrat - But, the children!!

Republican - Criminals don't obey laws and will obtain guns, so responsible citizens should be given freedom to defend themselves in accordance with their own choices.

Democrat - But, the children!!

Republican - Mandating the purchase of a product hurts many people who have no want or need for the product, and can lead to inflated prices due to the public's inability to choose to not buy.

Democrat - But, the children!!

Income and wealth inequality
Republican - Individuals should take responsibility for improving their income and government should not interfere in private business matters.

Democrat - But, the children!!
I did leave out social issues of this thread purposefully. I do think those issues are more open to philosophical interpretation.
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'

"We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'-"

You mean as you gut revenues even more? LOL

PLEASE give some examples?
At least try to be honest.

You don't remember when we were accused of pushing granny of a cliff, or all the "hate children" "war on women" Bullshit??

Oh you mean AFTER you blew up spending and used starve the beat policies?

"Starving the beast" is a political strategy employed by American conservatives in order to limit government spending by cutting taxes in order to deprive the government of revenue in a deliberate effort to force the federal government to reduce spending.

Before his election as President, then-candidate Ronald Reagan foreshadowed the strategy during the 1980 US Presidential debates, saying "John Anderson tells us that first we've got to reduce spending before we can reduce taxes. Well, if you've got a kid that's extravagant, you can lecture him all you want to about his extravagance. Or you can cut his allowance and achieve the same end much quicker."

Weird, AFTER you wreck Gov't and the economy (Dubya/GOP job creator' policies comes to mind), THEN you want to cut things? Austerity? How'd that work out in a recession ANYWHERE, EVER in a downturn? lol

Starve the beast - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Liberal commies you say. Is that different then a plain old commie?

Yeah there were Marxist commies...USSR commies...Cuban commies...North Korean commies
... North Vietnam commies...Czechoslovakian commies...Chinese commies.

These are Joe McCarthy (he was right after all) commies who have infiltrated our secondary schools, universities, democrat politics (known far and wide as Liberals). Any more questions? Please google them up yourself.

Wingnutter who 'believes' but doesn't think.
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.

Liberals base most things on emotion. When their policies fail, they claim they meant well. They like pretty sounding fluff during elections, like 'building a bridge to the 21st century' or 'hope and change.' They don't care that there is no substance, it just makes them feel good.

Affirmative action and political correctness are all about feeling good. Lowering standards makes people feel more qualified. Political correctness is important because they can't handle honest, blunt reality. Liberals believe they can pick turds up by the clean end. And they feel so good about their intentions that they don't stop to think how unrealistic they are. Obamacare is a great example. They wanted to help people (or so they claimed) and they ended up hurting more people. But, they feel good because they meant well and that seems to be all that counts.

Weird, can you PLEASE give ONE POLICY conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US?

Liberals have stood against slavery, fought for labor laws, union rights, SS that keeps half of seniors out of poverty, woman's right to vote, Medicare, civil rights, safety in factories and with automobiles, etc

Yeah, I can see the problem now, lol


If you take the emotion out of being liberal, you become incapable of saying ANYTHING.

If you take the intelligence out of being conservative, you become liberal.
Let me see I lean conservative so here are some issues and my take on them.
Abortion- I'm not in favor of overturning Roe V Wade.
Gay Marriage- I'm indifferent it's not a major issue for me.
Immigration- I want a secure border and an immigration policy that puts those who obey the rules and follows our laws first.
Raising the minimum wage- I support increasing it not doubling it.
Government spending- I have issues with the government continuing to spend more than it brings no matter which party is in charge.
Entitlements- I support having programs to help people get back on their feet I oppose programs that support people with no end in sight I will support programs that have a record of success but not those that have one of failure.
Liberal commies you say. Is that different then a plain old commie?

Yeah there were Marxist commies...USSR commies...Cuban commies...North Korean commies
... North Vietnam commies...Czechoslovakian commies...Chinese commies.

These are Joe McCarthy (he was right after all) commies who have infiltrated our secondary schools, universities, democrat politics (known far and wide as Liberals). Any more questions? Please google them up yourself.
Yeah, those imaginary commies lol....

GOP lies and cheats their dupes. AS IF Pubs actually want to do anything about illegal immigration. Refuse a good SS/ID card while BSing about useless fences and laws that just harass. Silly hater dupes....

ACA is saving millions of people and will bring down costs for all, stupid ADD functional morons. See also SS, Medicaid/care, disability, workers comp, coming parental leave, daycare, cheap college loans. Dupes are brainwashed chumps of greedy idiot billionaires and bought off lying charlatans like Rush Beck Savage etc etc etc. A disgrace.

Not on all issues.
1. A two parent family is far better for children
2. Allowing tens of thousands of muslims that could be isis murders to enter our country is stupid.
3. We shouldn't have open borders as the illegals take our jobs. Another issue that is republican that makes sense.
I did leave out social issues of this thread purposefully. I do think those issues are more open to philosophical interpretation.
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'
Not true. You also support insane tax cuts that only further drive up our debt.
Not on all issues.
1. A two parent family is far better for children
2. Allowing tens of thousands of muslims that could be isis murders to enter our country is stupid.
3. We shouldn't have open borders as the illegals take our jobs. Another issue that is republican that makes sense.
I did leave out social issues of this thread purposefully. I do think those issues are more open to philosophical interpretation.
Leaving out social issues makes for a dishonest comparison, considering they are the cornerstone of democratic policies.
It's for that reason that I believe just the opposite of the OP's premise.
The democratic party makes far more decisions based on emotion.
I'll agree that a fair amount of demoractic views are emotional, but like I said these are social issues. I am referring to economic issues that are more grounded in factual data.
If anything, when it comes to budgetary issues, we cons are accused of being without emotion. We tend to cut spending regardless of the "feel good factor'
Not true. You also support insane tax cuts that only further drive up our debt.
Stop spending more than you take in.
Simple really

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