If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

How about arming the school security only?

Most schools don’t have “ security.”
Many schools are struggling to buy up to date textbooks.

But they have school buses, gymnasiums, football fields and football games, and some even have swimming pools. At least in our schools, they have well over a dozen administrators and they're all making at least six figures a year.

How much does that CEO of a company make with hundreds of employees? Six figures?
In most scjhool districts, there are hundreds of bureaucrats making well over 6 figures.

Better check your stats and adjust them for cost of living. I have many school districts in my state where no one makes six figures.
Do you think someone from Social Security should prevent her from buying a gun to defend herself with simply because I paid her bills?
No, but she should be forced to take a competency test consisting of both a written test AND a "field test", like for a driver's license. If she can't land 3 out of 5 in the target circle, then no gun for grandma. if she doesn't understand which places are off limits to guns, then no gun for grandma.
Funny how concerned Republicans are with the fetus.

With the kids? No so much.
What's wrong with awareness training for teachers to help prevent another shooting? These snowflakes twist it all up.
Wow! Lots of the Trump haters do not want teachers to gain awareness training on trying to prevent another shooting. Sad!
Funny how concerned Republicans are with the fetus.

With the kids? No so much.
They aren't concerned with the fetuses, either. They are ONLY concerned with themselves. 'Rallying for fetuses' (instead of supporting actual measures shown to reduce abortions) is nothing but a mechanism they use to feel better about themselves. Period. It's a fucking con.
All student communications need to be monitored to end bullying too.

Actually that's part of the problem. The common element in these mass shootings are people that can't handle rejection. They can't handle shame or embarrassment. We are raising these kids to be eggshells.

If you are a football player in school and push me into the lockers while walking down the hall, I'm going to get you. If you are a girl that laughs at me when I ask you out, I'm going to get even. If you run the school and kick me out, I'll show you.

The solution to this problem is to expose kids to rejection and embarrassment as they grow up--not shield them from those negative emotions.

And strangely kids in the UK who can't handle rejection aren't shooting up schools. Now give those kids easy access to guns like here and that would change.

No, I doubt it would. How is it kids in the UK can't handle rejection like ours here?

We raise our kids so they can't handle rejection. It starts damn near from time they learn how to talk right though high school. The UK raises their kids that way?

Our kids commit suicide just because of what somebody said about them on Facebook. Is that what goes on in Europe?

Guns don't change people. People change people.
Obviously those who believe that arming teachers is a ‘good idea’ know nothing about semi-automatic pistols, know nothing about the training, practice, and experience required to be even moderately proficient, and that during the chaos of an active shooter event, even those with training lack the experience to not be a danger to those around them.

Arming teachers would only result in more dead children, the victims of ‘friendly fire.’
Obviously those who believe that arming teachers is a ‘good idea’ know nothing about semi-automatic pistols, know nothing about the training, practice, and experience required to be even moderately proficient, and that during the chaos of an active shooter event, even those with training lack the experience to not be a danger to those around them.

Arming teachers would only result in more dead children, the victims of ‘friendly fire.’

Not really when there can be awareness training. Not every teacher needs a gun. But one who is trained and licensed should not hesitate to keep the kids safe.
Moon Bats are like the most stupid assholes in the country. They get everything wrong, don't they?

The insane thing to have schools be a "gun free zone". How dumb is that?

That would be like a herd of deer all painting targets on their sides.

A gun free school becomes a soft target for the nutcases.

Only an idiot would put the children at that kind of risk by not protecting them with the means to neutralize a nutcase .
I mean really. Isn't sadder how the demos have politicized this using high school kids emotions as a pawn? These kids need more safety. A teacher having their right to carry a gun legally protecting students isn't bad at all.
Let’s say there was an armed teacher. So what ! Shooter guy had way more arms . What would they do? Maybe shoot him after he only kills 12 people .

Doesn’t really solve the problem.
/——/ no moron. The shooter will avoid a target knowing a teacher is armed. Terrorists are cowards
Obviously those who believe that arming teachers is a ‘good idea’ know nothing about semi-automatic pistols, know nothing about the training, practice, and experience required to be even moderately proficient, and that during the chaos of an active shooter event, even those with training lack the experience to not be a danger to those around them.

Arming teachers would only result in more dead children, the victims of ‘friendly fire.’

You would know, having never owned a gun and having never been even close to these situations in your gated community.

Thanks so much for telling us how it is.
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
Good lord dude. Even if every armed teacher got adequate training (which wouldn’t happen), it doesn’t change the fact that they are still teachers. Cops and soldiers’ entire mindset is focused on being vigilant to possible threats. It’s not like a teacher can effectively do their jobs if they are constantly on alert for the very unlikely possibility of someone shooting up their school.

So a bullet from a teacher isn’t as useful as a bullet from a police officer?

I think I’d rather have a teacher who is there shoot the shooter than wait for a police officer who isn’t there to arrive and shoot him
And here’s an example of ignorance of semi-automatic pistols.

Aiming at the alleged shooter and actually hitting him are two completely different things.

Imagine the situation: children and adults running in every direction, screaming, crying, shouting – and an inexperienced, poorly ‘trained’ teacher is going to remain composed during that chaos, correctly identify the intruder, and ‘take him out’ with one perfectly placed shot from likely a considerable distance.

Such is the delusional conservative.

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