If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

the school unions dont really care about much other then funding the DNC

Maybe if Republicans were not such ignorant assholes when it comes to education, they might get some support from the teachers unions. However, since that never happens, do you blame unions for donating to Democrats who won't try to demean the teachers at every opportunity like some of the ignorant posters on this thread?

they are not ass holes

they just expect more from the schools

we have seen throwing more money at schools does not improve them

why should shitty teachers be impossible to fire

Yes, they are assholes.

No, they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

Sometimes the money being spent is dictated by unfunded requirements by the state and in a few instances federal government requirements. most people just have no clue as to how schools are funded.

I'll bet you have no clue as to how much a brand new school bus costs, do you? Are you aware that some states have laws requiring additional safety features that most states do not? My state has the toughest school bus laws in the nation because we happen to have also had the two worst school bus accidents in the history of the US.

You have bought into the old wive's tale about not being able to fire teachers. It is the fault mostly of administrators who fail to document poor performance or violate due process procedures. I personally assisted in firing a teacher who missed school constantly and often showed up to work drunk. I was an administrator for only about 18 months and I managed to see numerous teachers fired for numerous reasons. I actually got hired to a later job because the previous teacher was fired for misconduct, so don't believe the bullshit that it doesn't happen. The media stories about NYC's "rubber room" where teachers draw their paycheck for years drawing their paychecks are the extreme exception rather than the rule.

He missed school constantly? How many times before he was tagged for dismissal? How many times did he show up drunk? In most jobs in the private sector, if you showed up drunk one time, you would be canned. If you "missed" coming to work more than a couple of times, you would be canned. Even coming in 30 minutes late more than a half dozen times can get you fired.

Missing school when you have sick days is different.

Your reading skills are lacking again I see. When he fell off the wagon, it only took us a couple of weeks to get him tossed. If you had read the post, you will notice I never said how long it took to get him fired.

The students were still learning despite his not being there as I wrote the lesson plans for the substitute teachers.

How is it "different?" As I said, in the private sector he would be gone after coming to work drunk one time, twice at the most.
School boards are elected by teachers? Lmao
On what planet?
In your county, moron. School board elections are held in off years, and turn out is exceptionally low. However, all the teachers go to the polls. That means that teachers makeup enough of the vote to get their prefered candidates on the board.

That's odd. My school board is elected during the general election along with all other state representatives, city, and county officials. Maybe that is why you are so fucked up? Stop bitching about the rest of the world who does it right and worry about your own little hamlet because apparently the problem doesn't exist out here in the real world.
Where I grew up they had elections in off years, like 2017. Turnout was something like 10%, which means the teacher vote was a big chunk of the total vote. If you pissed off the teachers, you were done-for.

So get it changed and stop whining!

In 2017, we had NO elections, period.

Every teacher in my county can only vote for the school board member for the district they live in. I don't live in the same county where I work, which is the same as several of my close friends. In fact, I have only worked one year in the district where I live. That means we cannot vote for the school board members who run our districts.
In colorado teachers are required to live in the same local the work for.

If that is true, which I highly doubt, that means their teacher unions are not too powerful as that is by far the exception rather than the rule. A Google search provided no evidence that your claim is true. It did provide proof that Colorado is experiencing a massive teacher shortage.
Maybe if Republicans were not such ignorant assholes when it comes to education, they might get some support from the teachers unions. However, since that never happens, do you blame unions for donating to Democrats who won't try to demean the teachers at every opportunity like some of the ignorant posters on this thread?

they are not ass holes

they just expect more from the schools

we have seen throwing more money at schools does not improve them

why should shitty teachers be impossible to fire

Yes, they are assholes.

No, they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

Sometimes the money being spent is dictated by unfunded requirements by the state and in a few instances federal government requirements. most people just have no clue as to how schools are funded.

I'll bet you have no clue as to how much a brand new school bus costs, do you? Are you aware that some states have laws requiring additional safety features that most states do not? My state has the toughest school bus laws in the nation because we happen to have also had the two worst school bus accidents in the history of the US.

You have bought into the old wive's tale about not being able to fire teachers. It is the fault mostly of administrators who fail to document poor performance or violate due process procedures. I personally assisted in firing a teacher who missed school constantly and often showed up to work drunk. I was an administrator for only about 18 months and I managed to see numerous teachers fired for numerous reasons. I actually got hired to a later job because the previous teacher was fired for misconduct, so don't believe the bullshit that it doesn't happen. The media stories about NYC's "rubber room" where teachers draw their paycheck for years drawing their paychecks are the extreme exception rather than the rule.

He missed school constantly? How many times before he was tagged for dismissal? How many times did he show up drunk? In most jobs in the private sector, if you showed up drunk one time, you would be canned. If you "missed" coming to work more than a couple of times, you would be canned. Even coming in 30 minutes late more than a half dozen times can get you fired.

Missing school when you have sick days is different.

Your reading skills are lacking again I see. When he fell off the wagon, it only took us a couple of weeks to get him tossed. If you had read the post, you will notice I never said how long it took to get him fired.

The students were still learning despite his not being there as I wrote the lesson plans for the substitute teachers.

How is it "different?" As I said, in the private sector he would be gone after coming to work drunk one time, twice at the most.

Teachers have sick days, and usually far more than in business because we work with a highly contagious group. He would come in drunk, claim he was ill and go home. Please catch a clue that you don't know what you are talking about!
Name one other country that has the multitude of mass killings especially school shootings like the USA does.

When will you be moving? Can I help you pack?
Love it or leave it: excellent argument. Gee, we never heard that one before. How about, if you love your country, you want to make it better? That's the actual perspective of people who want stronger gun control and not have our country be the one with the most mass murders in the world.

If you have stronger gun control, you won't have the power to change the country.

BTW, we are number 11 on the list of most violent countries.
This is a cultural issue, gang. Band-aid solutions aren't going to work in the big picture.

Brutal violence fills our kids' lives, from video games to TV shows to movies and even music. Social media makes them stars, at least in their own minds. Standards are being lowered and ignored everywhere. Teevee shows are now showing people shitting and barfing for our amusement. We're afraid to criticize, analyze or maintain fundamental expectations because it may hurt feelings.

This is what cultural rot looks like, and it's a self-inflicted wound. No pun intended.

Are you seriously blaming video games and TV for the shootings, even worse in the same paragraph stating that all other explanations are too simple (Irony alert).

I assumed better of you.
I said "cultural", and you narrowed it down to video games and TV.

Speaking of simple.

You explicitly detailed TV and video games. Has it not been proven multiple times that they have nothing to do with the issue?

This guy was a psycho and no one gave a fuck. No one giving a fuck is the culture you are talking about. That being said, we are still talking about one in a million exception here, and not the rule.
This psycho was a white supremacist like yourself.
But there are a lot of you nut cases running around but the point is if he didn’t have a military style assault weapon most if not all of those kids and teachers would still believe alive. The NRA/ GOP/ Trump all have blood on their hands and if there isn’t a gun control bill ready to go by midterms... kiss your ass goodbye and say hello to Nancy Pelosi, the next speaker of the House.
Americans are mad as hell and they’re not going to take the inaction of the spineless GOP and president any longer.

You must be high or something. School shootings have been going on for some time now, and the Republicans hold leadership of the Congress, Senate and the White House. This isn't something new.

Ray, you are being redundant. Please learn that the Senate is part of Congress! The Congress is made up of the Senate and House of Representatives.
the school unions dont really care about much other then funding the DNC

Maybe if Republicans were not such ignorant assholes when it comes to education, they might get some support from the teachers unions. However, since that never happens, do you blame unions for donating to Democrats who won't try to demean the teachers at every opportunity like some of the ignorant posters on this thread?

they are not ass holes

they just expect more from the schools

we have seen throwing more money at schools does not improve them

why should shitty teachers be impossible to fire

Yes, they are assholes.

No, they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

Sometimes the money being spent is dictated by unfunded requirements by the state and in a few instances federal government requirements. most people just have no clue as to how schools are funded.

I'll bet you have no clue as to how much a brand new school bus costs, do you? Are you aware that some states have laws requiring additional safety features that most states do not? My state has the toughest school bus laws in the nation because we happen to have also had the two worst school bus accidents in the history of the US.

You have bought into the old wive's tale about not being able to fire teachers. It is the fault mostly of administrators who fail to document poor performance or violate due process procedures. I personally assisted in firing a teacher who missed school constantly and often showed up to work drunk. I was an administrator for only about 18 months and I managed to see numerous teachers fired for numerous reasons. I actually got hired to a later job because the previous teacher was fired for misconduct, so don't believe the bullshit that it doesn't happen. The media stories about NYC's "rubber room" where teachers draw their paycheck for years drawing their paychecks are the extreme exception rather than the rule.

He missed school constantly? How many times before he was tagged for dismissal? How many times did he show up drunk? In most jobs in the private sector, if you showed up drunk one time, you would be canned. If you "missed" coming to work more than a couple of times, you would be canned. Even coming in 30 minutes late more than a half dozen times can get you fired.

at my work even if you show up with alcohol on your breath after a non work activity fund raiser

one could loser their job

He lost his job! Can you dipshits learn to read and stay off this board until you do, please!

Before this thread is over, some dumbass will say that it is impossible to fire a teacher!
they are not ass holes

they just expect more from the schools

we have seen throwing more money at schools does not improve them

why should shitty teachers be impossible to fire

Yes, they are assholes.

No, they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

Sometimes the money being spent is dictated by unfunded requirements by the state and in a few instances federal government requirements. most people just have no clue as to how schools are funded.

I'll bet you have no clue as to how much a brand new school bus costs, do you? Are you aware that some states have laws requiring additional safety features that most states do not? My state has the toughest school bus laws in the nation because we happen to have also had the two worst school bus accidents in the history of the US.

You have bought into the old wive's tale about not being able to fire teachers. It is the fault mostly of administrators who fail to document poor performance or violate due process procedures. I personally assisted in firing a teacher who missed school constantly and often showed up to work drunk. I was an administrator for only about 18 months and I managed to see numerous teachers fired for numerous reasons. I actually got hired to a later job because the previous teacher was fired for misconduct, so don't believe the bullshit that it doesn't happen. The media stories about NYC's "rubber room" where teachers draw their paycheck for years drawing their paychecks are the extreme exception rather than the rule.

they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

good if they can a better education

They get what they pay for.

Just because you want a break on tuition for your private school, that gives you no right to take money from the schools that taxpayers provide as a public service.

They certainly don't get what they pay for. If the voters approve vouchers, then they have a right to take money from government schools to pay for them.

indeed that is how it works

Yeah, that's why when vouchers are left up to the voters to approve they have been defeated EVERY SINGLE TIME!
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

How about arming the school security only?

Most schools don’t have “ security.”
Many schools are struggling to buy up to date textbooks.

But they have school buses, gymnasiums, football fields and football games, and some even have swimming pools. At least in our schools, they have well over a dozen administrators and they're all making at least six figures a year.

How much does that CEO of a company make with hundreds of employees? Six figures?
Yea ... good luck with that. I hope you can convince the Democrats to make that their priority in 2018/2020.
Yeah, its all about winning elections for you isn't it? It's not about stopping the mass murder of our children and other innocents; it's not about making our country a better place--it's just about winning elections. Pathetic.

Well.......what's the first thing Democrats do after these school shootings? That's right, they make politics out of it. It's a venue to push their gun control which they've been doing for decades.
They talk about how we need to change the gun laws because here again, we have innocent people be slaughtered. It is only political because gun nuts make it political.

So it's the Republicans that bring up gun laws when these kinds of things happen?

Gun laws are not going to stop a crazy from killing people if that is his obsession. Gun laws would only further the political agenda of the Democrat party and they know it.

But humor me: what gun law would have stopped this guy from buying a gun and using it to kill kids in the school? I'm dying to know.
Private citizens should not have semi-automatic or automatic weapons of any kind. No one under 21 should be allowed to purchase a gun. Personality tests should be administered to everyone who wants to own a gun. People with violent tendencies should not be allowed to buy a gun.

Read the 2nd Amendment. Your answer is in there.
Yes, they are assholes.

No, they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

Sometimes the money being spent is dictated by unfunded requirements by the state and in a few instances federal government requirements. most people just have no clue as to how schools are funded.

I'll bet you have no clue as to how much a brand new school bus costs, do you? Are you aware that some states have laws requiring additional safety features that most states do not? My state has the toughest school bus laws in the nation because we happen to have also had the two worst school bus accidents in the history of the US.

You have bought into the old wive's tale about not being able to fire teachers. It is the fault mostly of administrators who fail to document poor performance or violate due process procedures. I personally assisted in firing a teacher who missed school constantly and often showed up to work drunk. I was an administrator for only about 18 months and I managed to see numerous teachers fired for numerous reasons. I actually got hired to a later job because the previous teacher was fired for misconduct, so don't believe the bullshit that it doesn't happen. The media stories about NYC's "rubber room" where teachers draw their paycheck for years drawing their paychecks are the extreme exception rather than the rule.

they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

good if they can a better education

They get what they pay for.

Just because you want a break on tuition for your private school, that gives you no right to take money from the schools that taxpayers provide as a public service.

They certainly don't get what they pay for. If the voters approve vouchers, then they have a right to take money from government schools to pay for them.

indeed that is how it works

Yeah, that's why when vouchers are left up to the voters to approve they have been defeated EVERY SINGLE TIME!

That's only because the teachers unions pour millions of dollars into defeating them. When such a measure appeared on the ballot in Colorado, the pro-voucher groups were outspent by 10 to 1. All the anti-voucher money came from the NEA and the AFT.
Yeah, its all about winning elections for you isn't it? It's not about stopping the mass murder of our children and other innocents; it's not about making our country a better place--it's just about winning elections. Pathetic.

Well.......what's the first thing Democrats do after these school shootings? That's right, they make politics out of it. It's a venue to push their gun control which they've been doing for decades.
They talk about how we need to change the gun laws because here again, we have innocent people be slaughtered. It is only political because gun nuts make it political.

So it's the Republicans that bring up gun laws when these kinds of things happen?

Gun laws are not going to stop a crazy from killing people if that is his obsession. Gun laws would only further the political agenda of the Democrat party and they know it.

But humor me: what gun law would have stopped this guy from buying a gun and using it to kill kids in the school? I'm dying to know.
Private citizens should not have semi-automatic or automatic weapons of any kind. No one under 21 should be allowed to purchase a gun. Personality tests should be administered to everyone who wants to own a gun. People with violent tendencies should not be allowed to buy a gun.

Read the 2nd Amendment. Your answer is in there.
Antonin Scalia says 2nd Amendment has its limits
they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

good if they can a better education

They get what they pay for.

Just because you want a break on tuition for your private school, that gives you no right to take money from the schools that taxpayers provide as a public service.

They certainly don't get what they pay for. If the voters approve vouchers, then they have a right to take money from government schools to pay for them.

indeed that is how it works

Yeah, that's why when vouchers are left up to the voters to approve they have been defeated EVERY SINGLE TIME!

That's only because the teachers unions pour millions of dollars into defeating them. When such a measure appeared on the ballot in Colorado, the pro-voucher groups were outspent by 10 to 1. All the anti-voucher money came from the NEA and the AFT.

Since when does spending money change people's minds? Hillary outspent Trump by how many millions and still lost!

It is just a convenient excuse.
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Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

How about arming the school security only?

Most schools don’t have “ security.”
Many schools are struggling to buy up to date textbooks.

But they have school buses, gymnasiums, football fields and football games, and some even have swimming pools. At least in our schools, they have well over a dozen administrators and they're all making at least six figures a year.

How much does that CEO of a company make with hundreds of employees? Six figures?

Well when we start having mass shootings in companies, maybe then they need to divide their money out better so security is paramount.
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.
Agreed 100%. This is one of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard. There is "stupid" and "fucking stupid"... then there is "American stupid".
Because we have to put up with people that believe the president overturning a bullshit EO, allowed people with mental illness to buy firearms.

(Here's a FactCheck for you)

Trump Nixed Gun-Control Rule - FactCheck.org
Thanks for proving me right. You dolts do have a purpose after all.

Q: Did President Donald Trump repeal a rule that aims to block some people with mental disorders from buying guns?

A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.

and you claim to have been a teacher?
Sorry for using your own source to prove you wrong. It must have been embarrassing.
A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.
They can't handle their own finances, and that make them to mentally ill to own a firearm?

WTF are the people at the SSA to make that determination?

again, why do you claim to be a teacher?

You think mental illness is only about an inability to handle one’s own finances.

They were NOT mentally ill, dumbass!

That rule would have applied to my mother, She was not mentally ill. She just could not navigate all of the Medicare and insurance paperwork plus deal with my deceased father's survivor's pension.

Do you think someone from Social Security should prevent her from buying a gun to defend herself with simply because I paid her bills?
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

How about arming the school security only?

Most schools don’t have “ security.”
Many schools are struggling to buy up to date textbooks.

But they have school buses, gymnasiums, football fields and football games, and some even have swimming pools. At least in our schools, they have well over a dozen administrators and they're all making at least six figures a year.

How much does that CEO of a company make with hundreds of employees? Six figures?
In most scjhool districts, there are hundreds of bureaucrats making well over 6 figures.
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

How about arming the school security only?

Most schools don’t have “ security.”
Many schools are struggling to buy up to date textbooks.

But they have school buses, gymnasiums, football fields and football games, and some even have swimming pools. At least in our schools, they have well over a dozen administrators and they're all making at least six figures a year.

How much does that CEO of a company make with hundreds of employees? Six figures?

Well when we start having mass shootings in companies, maybe then they need to divide their money out better so security is paramount.

Deflection noted. Try again.
Why not just arm all the kids as soon as they are strong enough to carry?

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