If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

Sure they do.

Australia eliminated mass shootings with gun control, it wasn't replaced by people killing with trucks. It is interesting you want killers to have every option available. Are you one of those Russians? You seem to want lots of death in the USA.

Liar......you know, because you have been shown this list repeatedly, Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there......

The following list shows individuals in public spaces shooting people.......the only reason they aren't mass public shootings is the shooter either didn't decide to shoot more people, or the people he did shoot didn't die.....

Not one Australian gun control law stopped these shootings from becoming mass public shootings...

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell me....how did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a few....read the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his rifle...so he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead victims...so how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]
Can you see that CNN's article is just wrong....that it implies that Australian gun control has ended their mass shootings...and that that is a lie?

And more....

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...so tell me how this doesn't show that the CNN article is a lie....
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his school.....as a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 kids....it would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.

So not mass shootings.

Answer the question.....how did Australia's gun laws stop all of those shootings from becoming mass public shootings?

Imagine if all our shootings suddenly became mass shootings. They were not mass shootings. It seems their laws are making it harder for those who want to be mass killers.

You have the exact list of public shootings that Australian gun laws did not stop.......that weren't mass shootings only because the shooter didn't shoot or kill more people....and then you post that....

They were not mass shootings. It seems their laws are making it harder for those who want to be mass killers. Thank you.
Gun laws make it rare, not impossible. This is why we have mass shootings regularly, and they are very rare in the UK.

Shootings are very common in DC, but very rare in Northern Virginia, for the truth.... that guns prevent crimes... and lack of guns encourages them.

You argue antigun laws better than the left. You show some 13 gun related deaths in an entire country spanning almost 20 years. Cruz killed more than that in minutes just the other day.

I don't know where you get your figures but according to the Aussies, they had 32 killed by firearm in 2016 alone.

"Across Australia, the number of victims of Murder decreased by 4% between 2015 and 2016, from 236 to 227 victims. Almost two-thirds (65%) of all Murder victims recorded in 2016 were male (147 victims) and 41% of male Murder victims were aged between 35 and 54 years (60 victims). There were 80 female victims of Murder recorded in 2016, 31% of these were aged between 20 and 34 years (25 victims). (Tables 1 & 2)

In 2016, Murder was most likely to have been committed at a residential location (67% or 153 victims). (Table 3)

A weapon was used in 69% of Murders (157 victims). A knife was twice as likely to have been recorded as the murder weapon (71 victims), when compared to a firearm (32 victims). (Table 4)"

4510.0 - Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2016
I used the numbers he posted.

So? I posted the actual numbers.
So? You asked where I got my numbers from and I told you.

Yes, and you ignored the fact that he presented you a smattering of the crimes. He didn't give a comprehensive table, and you decided to ignore that fact and propagandize what he stated. That makes you the propagandist, and not him.
So? That was his argument to make. And he pointed out only 13 murders by firearms. If you don’t like that, go gum his ankles and leave mine alone.
By a whole group of international terrorists. How did 9/11 workout for us?

A whole group that smuggled machine guns in across and ocean and a continent, every country of which those guns were illegal. How are them gun laws working for ya.....

Yes terrorists are very dangerous, see 9/11. Here it just takes an angry child.

Gun laws are supposed to make things like this impossible You have already disarmed the schools so that's where the assholes go for their sprees'. Just imagine how much easier it will be for them when no one can have those guns....like happened in Paris where even the cops were screwed.

Gun laws make it rare, not impossible. This is why we have mass shootings regularly, and they are very rare in the UK.

Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.
Let us make schools truly gun free by installing metal scanners and TSA agents. All cars would also be searched.....we can do this......why are you against safe schools
And you think non-stop whinging and calling those who disagree with you 'deplorabe' is making things better?

That's adorable.
It's not a matter of disagreement: it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership so that we can prevent as many of these mass shootings as possible.

France has all the laws you want. How did it work out for the 130 Parisians who were murdered?

By a whole group of international terrorists. How did 9/11 workout for us?

A whole group that smuggled machine guns in across and ocean and a continent, every country of which those guns were illegal. How are them gun laws working for ya.....

Yes terrorists are very dangerous, see 9/11. Here it just takes an angry child.

More deflection! Our gov't has worked well enough to stop most int'l terrorism! Our problem is with the domestic side of it! There have been almost 20 of these mass shootings this year and no one seems to care! We showed how much we couldn't care less when Sandy Hook occurred where literally "babies" were killed and after all this time "nothing" has changed! All I keep hearing about is some NUTZ "right to bear arms" which is total BS! The Constitution doesn't say that and anyone who keeps quoting it is misinformed and a total moron! :102: :14: :26: :290968001256257790-final:
A whole group that smuggled machine guns in across and ocean and a continent, every country of which those guns were illegal. How are them gun laws working for ya.....

Yes terrorists are very dangerous, see 9/11. Here it just takes an angry child.

Gun laws are supposed to make things like this impossible You have already disarmed the schools so that's where the assholes go for their sprees'. Just imagine how much easier it will be for them when no one can have those guns....like happened in Paris where even the cops were screwed.

Gun laws make it rare, not impossible. This is why we have mass shootings regularly, and they are very rare in the UK.

Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....
It's not a matter of disagreement: it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership so that we can prevent as many of these mass shootings as possible.

France has all the laws you want. How did it work out for the 130 Parisians who were murdered?

By a whole group of international terrorists. How did 9/11 workout for us?

More deflection! Our gov't has worked well enough to stop most int'l terrorism! Our problem is with the domestic side of it! There have been almost 20 of these mass shootings this year and no one seems to care! We showed how much we couldn't care less when Sandy Hook occurred where literally "babies" were killed and after all this time "nothing" has changed! All I keep hearing about is some NUTZ "right to bear arms" which is total BS! The Constitution doesn't say that and anyone who keeps quoting it is misinformed and a total moron! :102: :14: :26: :290968001256257790-final:

A whole group that smuggled machine guns in across and ocean and a continent, every country of which those guns were illegal. How are them gun laws working for ya.....

Yes terrorists are very dangerous, see 9/11. Here it just takes an angry child.

You quote a number that is an outright lie. Until you bother to actually post something factual you are not worth spending time with.
Yes terrorists are very dangerous, see 9/11. Here it just takes an angry child.

Gun laws are supposed to make things like this impossible You have already disarmed the schools so that's where the assholes go for their sprees'. Just imagine how much easier it will be for them when no one can have those guns....like happened in Paris where even the cops were screwed.

Gun laws make it rare, not impossible. This is why we have mass shootings regularly, and they are very rare in the UK.

Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.
Liar......you know, because you have been shown this list repeatedly, Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there......

The following list shows individuals in public spaces shooting people.......the only reason they aren't mass public shootings is the shooter either didn't decide to shoot more people, or the people he did shoot didn't die.....

Not one Australian gun control law stopped these shootings from becoming mass public shootings...

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell me....how did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a few....read the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his rifle...so he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead victims...so how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]
Can you see that CNN's article is just wrong....that it implies that Australian gun control has ended their mass shootings...and that that is a lie?

And more....

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...so tell me how this doesn't show that the CNN article is a lie....
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his school.....as a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 kids....it would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.

So not mass shootings.

Answer the question.....how did Australia's gun laws stop all of those shootings from becoming mass public shootings?

Imagine if all our shootings suddenly became mass shootings. They were not mass shootings. It seems their laws are making it harder for those who want to be mass killers.

You have the exact list of public shootings that Australian gun laws did not stop.......that weren't mass shootings only because the shooter didn't shoot or kill more people....and then you post that....

They were not mass shootings. It seems their laws are making it harder for those who want to be mass killers. Thank you.

The myth of Australian gun control....

Gun city: Young, dumb and armed

The notion that a military-grade weapon could be in the hands of local criminals is shocking, but police have already seized at least five machine guns and assault rifles in the past 18 months. The AK-47 was not among them.

Only a fortnight ago, law enforcement authorities announced they were hunting another seven assault rifles recently smuggled into the country. Weapons from the shipment have been used in armed robberies and drive-by shootings.

These are just a handful of the thousands of illicit guns fuelling a wave of violent crime in the world’s most liveable city.


Despite Australia’s strict gun control regime, criminals are now better armed than at any time since then-Prime Minister John Howard introduced a nationwide firearm buyback scheme in response to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.

Shootings have become almost a weekly occurrence, with more than 125 people, mostly young men, wounded in the past five year


While the body count was higher during Melbourne’s ‘Underbelly War’ (1999-2005), more people have been seriously maimed in the recent spate of shootings and reprisals.

Crimes associated with firearm possession have also more than doubled, driven by the easy availability of handguns, semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and, increasingly, machine guns, that are smuggled into the country or stolen from licensed owners.


These weapons have been used in dozens of recent drive-by shootings of homes and businesses, as well as targeted and random attacks in parks, shopping centres and roads.

“They’re young, dumb and armed,” said one former underworld associate, who survived a shooting attempt in the western suburbs several years ago.

“It used to be that if you were involved in something bad you might have to worry about [being shot]. Now people get shot over nothing - unprovoked.”


Gun crime soars
In this series, Fairfax Media looks at Melbourne’s gun problem and the new breed of criminals behind the escalating violence.

The investigation has found:

  • There have been at least 99 shootings in the past 20 months - more than one incident a week since January 2015
  • Known criminals were caught with firearms 755 times last year, compared to 143 times in 2011
  • The epicentre of the problem is a triangle between Coolaroo, Campbellfield and Glenroy in the north-west, with Cranbourne, Narre Warren and Dandenong in the south-east close behind
  • Criminals are using gunshot wounds to the arms and legs as warnings to pay debts
  • Assault rifles and handguns are being smuggled into Australia via shipments of electronics and metal parts
In response to the violence, it can be revealed the state government is planning to introduce new criminal offences for drive-by shootings, manufacturing of firearms with new technologies such as 3D printers, and more police powers to keep weapons out of the hands of known criminals.
The second part of the series....
Gun city: Gunslingers of the North West

'Thousands' of illegal guns tipped to be handed over in firearms amnesty

Asked roughly how many he expected to be handed in, Mr Keenan said: "Look I certainly think the number will be in the thousands."

The Australian Crime Commission estimated in 2012 there were at least 250,000 illegal guns in Australia. But a Senate report noted last year it was impossible to estimate how many illicit weapons are out there.

But....military weapons?

And despite Australia's strict border controls, the smuggling of high-powered military-style firearms is also a growing problem.
Gun laws are supposed to make things like this impossible You have already disarmed the schools so that's where the assholes go for their sprees'. Just imagine how much easier it will be for them when no one can have those guns....like happened in Paris where even the cops were screwed.

Gun laws make it rare, not impossible. This is why we have mass shootings regularly, and they are very rare in the UK.

Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.

No, doofus...they didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns......it isn't a par of their psyche, yet.
So not mass shootings.

Answer the question.....how did Australia's gun laws stop all of those shootings from becoming mass public shootings?

Imagine if all our shootings suddenly became mass shootings. They were not mass shootings. It seems their laws are making it harder for those who want to be mass killers.

You have the exact list of public shootings that Australian gun laws did not stop.......that weren't mass shootings only because the shooter didn't shoot or kill more people....and then you post that....

They were not mass shootings. It seems their laws are making it harder for those who want to be mass killers. Thank you.

The myth of Australian gun control....

Gun city: Young, dumb and armed

The notion that a military-grade weapon could be in the hands of local criminals is shocking, but police have already seized at least five machine guns and assault rifles in the past 18 months. The AK-47 was not among them.

Only a fortnight ago, law enforcement authorities announced they were hunting another seven assault rifles recently smuggled into the country. Weapons from the shipment have been used in armed robberies and drive-by shootings.

These are just a handful of the thousands of illicit guns fuelling a wave of violent crime in the world’s most liveable city.


Despite Australia’s strict gun control regime, criminals are now better armed than at any time since then-Prime Minister John Howard introduced a nationwide firearm buyback scheme in response to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.

Shootings have become almost a weekly occurrence, with more than 125 people, mostly young men, wounded in the past five year


While the body count was higher during Melbourne’s ‘Underbelly War’ (1999-2005), more people have been seriously maimed in the recent spate of shootings and reprisals.

Crimes associated with firearm possession have also more than doubled, driven by the easy availability of handguns, semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and, increasingly, machine guns, that are smuggled into the country or stolen from licensed owners.


These weapons have been used in dozens of recent drive-by shootings of homes and businesses, as well as targeted and random attacks in parks, shopping centres and roads.

“They’re young, dumb and armed,” said one former underworld associate, who survived a shooting attempt in the western suburbs several years ago.

“It used to be that if you were involved in something bad you might have to worry about [being shot]. Now people get shot over nothing - unprovoked.”


Gun crime soars
In this series, Fairfax Media looks at Melbourne’s gun problem and the new breed of criminals behind the escalating violence.

The investigation has found:

  • There have been at least 99 shootings in the past 20 months - more than one incident a week since January 2015
  • Known criminals were caught with firearms 755 times last year, compared to 143 times in 2011
  • The epicentre of the problem is a triangle between Coolaroo, Campbellfield and Glenroy in the north-west, with Cranbourne, Narre Warren and Dandenong in the south-east close behind
  • Criminals are using gunshot wounds to the arms and legs as warnings to pay debts
  • Assault rifles and handguns are being smuggled into Australia via shipments of electronics and metal parts
In response to the violence, it can be revealed the state government is planning to introduce new criminal offences for drive-by shootings, manufacturing of firearms with new technologies such as 3D printers, and more police powers to keep weapons out of the hands of known criminals.
The second part of the series....
Gun city: Gunslingers of the North West

'Thousands' of illegal guns tipped to be handed over in firearms amnesty

Asked roughly how many he expected to be handed in, Mr Keenan said: "Look I certainly think the number will be in the thousands."

The Australian Crime Commission estimated in 2012 there were at least 250,000 illegal guns in Australia. But a Senate report noted last year it was impossible to estimate how many illicit weapons are out there.

But....military weapons?

And despite Australia's strict border controls, the smuggling of high-powered military-style firearms is also a growing problem.

Up to 600,000 Guns are Stolen Every Year In the U.S. — That's One a Minute
Answer the question.....how did Australia's gun laws stop all of those shootings from becoming mass public shootings?

Imagine if all our shootings suddenly became mass shootings. They were not mass shootings. It seems their laws are making it harder for those who want to be mass killers.

You have the exact list of public shootings that Australian gun laws did not stop.......that weren't mass shootings only because the shooter didn't shoot or kill more people....and then you post that....

They were not mass shootings. It seems their laws are making it harder for those who want to be mass killers. Thank you.

The myth of Australian gun control....

Gun city: Young, dumb and armed

The notion that a military-grade weapon could be in the hands of local criminals is shocking, but police have already seized at least five machine guns and assault rifles in the past 18 months. The AK-47 was not among them.

Only a fortnight ago, law enforcement authorities announced they were hunting another seven assault rifles recently smuggled into the country. Weapons from the shipment have been used in armed robberies and drive-by shootings.

These are just a handful of the thousands of illicit guns fuelling a wave of violent crime in the world’s most liveable city.


Despite Australia’s strict gun control regime, criminals are now better armed than at any time since then-Prime Minister John Howard introduced a nationwide firearm buyback scheme in response to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.

Shootings have become almost a weekly occurrence, with more than 125 people, mostly young men, wounded in the past five year


While the body count was higher during Melbourne’s ‘Underbelly War’ (1999-2005), more people have been seriously maimed in the recent spate of shootings and reprisals.

Crimes associated with firearm possession have also more than doubled, driven by the easy availability of handguns, semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and, increasingly, machine guns, that are smuggled into the country or stolen from licensed owners.


These weapons have been used in dozens of recent drive-by shootings of homes and businesses, as well as targeted and random attacks in parks, shopping centres and roads.

“They’re young, dumb and armed,” said one former underworld associate, who survived a shooting attempt in the western suburbs several years ago.

“It used to be that if you were involved in something bad you might have to worry about [being shot]. Now people get shot over nothing - unprovoked.”


Gun crime soars
In this series, Fairfax Media looks at Melbourne’s gun problem and the new breed of criminals behind the escalating violence.

The investigation has found:

  • There have been at least 99 shootings in the past 20 months - more than one incident a week since January 2015
  • Known criminals were caught with firearms 755 times last year, compared to 143 times in 2011
  • The epicentre of the problem is a triangle between Coolaroo, Campbellfield and Glenroy in the north-west, with Cranbourne, Narre Warren and Dandenong in the south-east close behind
  • Criminals are using gunshot wounds to the arms and legs as warnings to pay debts
  • Assault rifles and handguns are being smuggled into Australia via shipments of electronics and metal parts
In response to the violence, it can be revealed the state government is planning to introduce new criminal offences for drive-by shootings, manufacturing of firearms with new technologies such as 3D printers, and more police powers to keep weapons out of the hands of known criminals.
The second part of the series....
Gun city: Gunslingers of the North West

'Thousands' of illegal guns tipped to be handed over in firearms amnesty

Asked roughly how many he expected to be handed in, Mr Keenan said: "Look I certainly think the number will be in the thousands."

The Australian Crime Commission estimated in 2012 there were at least 250,000 illegal guns in Australia. But a Senate report noted last year it was impossible to estimate how many illicit weapons are out there.

But....military weapons?

And despite Australia's strict border controls, the smuggling of high-powered military-style firearms is also a growing problem.

Up to 600,000 Guns are Stolen Every Year In the U.S. — That's One a Minute

Yes...criminals steal guns...then they use them for crime....

Law abiding citizens in the U.S. use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop those criminals.....
Gun laws make it rare, not impossible. This is why we have mass shootings regularly, and they are very rare in the UK.

Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.

No, doofus...they didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns......it isn't a par of their psyche, yet.
Gun laws make it rare, not impossible. This is why we have mass shootings regularly, and they are very rare in the UK.

Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.

No, doofus...they didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns......it isn't a par of their psyche, yet.

We didn't have lots of mass shootings before semi-autos with high capacity magazines became common...
Imagine if all our shootings suddenly became mass shootings. They were not mass shootings. It seems their laws are making it harder for those who want to be mass killers.

You have the exact list of public shootings that Australian gun laws did not stop.......that weren't mass shootings only because the shooter didn't shoot or kill more people....and then you post that....

They were not mass shootings. It seems their laws are making it harder for those who want to be mass killers. Thank you.

The myth of Australian gun control....

Gun city: Young, dumb and armed

The notion that a military-grade weapon could be in the hands of local criminals is shocking, but police have already seized at least five machine guns and assault rifles in the past 18 months. The AK-47 was not among them.

Only a fortnight ago, law enforcement authorities announced they were hunting another seven assault rifles recently smuggled into the country. Weapons from the shipment have been used in armed robberies and drive-by shootings.

These are just a handful of the thousands of illicit guns fuelling a wave of violent crime in the world’s most liveable city.


Despite Australia’s strict gun control regime, criminals are now better armed than at any time since then-Prime Minister John Howard introduced a nationwide firearm buyback scheme in response to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.

Shootings have become almost a weekly occurrence, with more than 125 people, mostly young men, wounded in the past five year


While the body count was higher during Melbourne’s ‘Underbelly War’ (1999-2005), more people have been seriously maimed in the recent spate of shootings and reprisals.

Crimes associated with firearm possession have also more than doubled, driven by the easy availability of handguns, semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and, increasingly, machine guns, that are smuggled into the country or stolen from licensed owners.


These weapons have been used in dozens of recent drive-by shootings of homes and businesses, as well as targeted and random attacks in parks, shopping centres and roads.

“They’re young, dumb and armed,” said one former underworld associate, who survived a shooting attempt in the western suburbs several years ago.

“It used to be that if you were involved in something bad you might have to worry about [being shot]. Now people get shot over nothing - unprovoked.”


Gun crime soars
In this series, Fairfax Media looks at Melbourne’s gun problem and the new breed of criminals behind the escalating violence.

The investigation has found:

  • There have been at least 99 shootings in the past 20 months - more than one incident a week since January 2015
  • Known criminals were caught with firearms 755 times last year, compared to 143 times in 2011
  • The epicentre of the problem is a triangle between Coolaroo, Campbellfield and Glenroy in the north-west, with Cranbourne, Narre Warren and Dandenong in the south-east close behind
  • Criminals are using gunshot wounds to the arms and legs as warnings to pay debts
  • Assault rifles and handguns are being smuggled into Australia via shipments of electronics and metal parts
In response to the violence, it can be revealed the state government is planning to introduce new criminal offences for drive-by shootings, manufacturing of firearms with new technologies such as 3D printers, and more police powers to keep weapons out of the hands of known criminals.
The second part of the series....
Gun city: Gunslingers of the North West

'Thousands' of illegal guns tipped to be handed over in firearms amnesty

Asked roughly how many he expected to be handed in, Mr Keenan said: "Look I certainly think the number will be in the thousands."

The Australian Crime Commission estimated in 2012 there were at least 250,000 illegal guns in Australia. But a Senate report noted last year it was impossible to estimate how many illicit weapons are out there.

But....military weapons?

And despite Australia's strict border controls, the smuggling of high-powered military-style firearms is also a growing problem.

Up to 600,000 Guns are Stolen Every Year In the U.S. — That's One a Minute

Yes...criminals steal guns...then they use them for crime....

Law abiding citizens in the U.S. use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop those criminals.....
And 5 guns is nothing in the US. Ridiculous you posted it.
Gee courthouses are defended with armed guards...state houses all over the nation...and legislative buildings are protected with armed guards...The UN in NY is protected with guns...The halls of congress are patrolled by armed men and women...The white House is protected by Armed SS agents...

Why is it okay to protect all of those places with armed guards but our schools need to be gun free?

Who is more important to you? Nancy Pelosi or your son or daughter?

Tell congress we want armed protection in our schools today...not next week but today!!! before the next child is needlessly shot and killed...

We obviously can't count on the FBI to protect us...
Gee courthouses are defended with armed guards...state houses all over the nation...and legislative buildings are protected with armed guards...The UN in NY is protected with guns...The halls of congress are patrolled by armed men and women...The white House is protected by Armed SS agents...

Why is it okay to protect all of those places with armed guards but our schools need to be gun free?

Who is more important to you? Nancy Pelosi or your son or daughter?

Tell congress we want armed protection in our schools today...not next week but today!!! before the next child is needlessly shot and killed...

We obviously can't count on the FBI to protect us...

Orlando night club protected by an armed guard:
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN
Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.

No, doofus...they didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns......it isn't a par of their psyche, yet.
Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.

No, doofus...they didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns......it isn't a par of their psyche, yet.

We didn't have lots of mass shootings before semi-autos with high capacity magazines became common...

Moron.....semi auto rifles were invented over 100 years ago and everyone had more access to them before the 1990s and we didn't have as many mass shooings....we had guns, our nuts weren't using them for mass shootings.......guns aren't the issue....
Gee courthouses are defended with armed guards...state houses all over the nation...and legislative buildings are protected with armed guards...The UN in NY is protected with guns...The halls of congress are patrolled by armed men and women...The white House is protected by Armed SS agents...

Why is it okay to protect all of those places with armed guards but our schools need to be gun free?

Who is more important to you? Nancy Pelosi or your son or daughter?

Tell congress we want armed protection in our schools today...not next week but today!!! before the next child is needlessly shot and killed...

We obviously can't count on the FBI to protect us...

Orlando night club protected by an armed guard:
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN

Liar...the armed guard ran away to call police and left over 300 unarmed people to the killer.....moron....

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