If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

Gee courthouses are defended with armed guards...state houses all over the nation...and legislative buildings are protected with armed guards...The UN in NY is protected with guns...The halls of congress are patrolled by armed men and women...The white House is protected by Armed SS agents...

Why is it okay to protect all of those places with armed guards but our schools need to be gun free?

Who is more important to you? Nancy Pelosi or your son or daughter?

Tell congress we want armed protection in our schools today...not next week but today!!! before the next child is needlessly shot and killed...

We obviously can't count on the FBI to protect us...

Orlando night club protected by an armed guard:
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN
That's a very stupid non point...how many would have died if there weren't a guard there to direct the people out and then to return and confront the shooter along with the police...
Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.

No, doofus...they didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns......it isn't a par of their psyche, yet.
Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.

No, doofus...they didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns......it isn't a par of their psyche, yet.

We didn't have lots of mass shootings before semi-autos with high capacity magazines became common...

Nor did criminals use them before TV shows and movies began to extol their virtues in their never ending orgies of violence. Nor did schools capitulate to morons who feel that a persons feelings are more important that their lives. Just imagine if after the first school shooting the schools were defended, and the next two that tried it got their asses blown away before they had a chance to do real damage.

Israel used to have school shootings. How many do they have now?
What is wrong with all shootings whether they are in schools or on the streets of Chicago or in a church they are all based on one thing...payback...(getting even with them)...
It's in our movies and on our TV's and in our music...on the news in our politics...everyone worships revenge...we pay big bucks to watch it and be entertained by it...our children grow up with it...

No one wants to turn the other cheek...to be the adult...

I've traveled all over the world and can say it's more prevalent here than any non war zone I've been to...
We harbor centuries old grudges for long ago dead ancestors as if that is reasonable...gangs getting revenge for decades old offenses...

Don't dis me bro or I'll shoot you...

it has to stop...
than you

then you

who is dumb and insane?

The person too confused to get THEN vs THAN correct in the title....
Oh gee you really burned me with that one! Well done!

I'm impressed.

A Liberal actually acknowledges being WRONG...

A FIRST for the USMB.....
You probably think taking guns from armored car drivers will cut down on robberies too. But then you may value your money more than children too.
Gee courthouses are defended with armed guards...state houses all over the nation...and legislative buildings are protected with armed guards...The UN in NY is protected with guns...The halls of congress are patrolled by armed men and women...The white House is protected by Armed SS agents...

Why is it okay to protect all of those places with armed guards but our schools need to be gun free?

Who is more important to you? Nancy Pelosi or your son or daughter?

Tell congress we want armed protection in our schools today...not next week but today!!! before the next child is needlessly shot and killed...

We obviously can't count on the FBI to protect us...

Orlando night club protected by an armed guard:
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN

Liar...the armed guard ran away to call police and left over 300 unarmed people to the killer.....moron....
You call me a liar and then admit he was there...

And arming teachers is going to help when an off duty cop runs away from being outgunned.
They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.

No, doofus...they didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns......it isn't a par of their psyche, yet.
They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.

No, doofus...they didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns......it isn't a par of their psyche, yet.

We didn't have lots of mass shootings before semi-autos with high capacity magazines became common...

Moron.....semi auto rifles were invented over 100 years ago and everyone had more access to them before the 1990s and we didn't have as many mass shooings....we had guns, our nuts weren't using them for mass shootings.......guns aren't the issue....

When I was a kid I didn't know anyone with a semi-auto with high capacity magazines. They are everywhere now.
15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

OMG, you're right. Why are we giving guns to police? Or to soldiers?

The bad guys will just take them away.
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons.
Why would you refuse training to the teachers that opt in? That is dumb.
All student communications need to be monitored to end bullying too.

Actually that's part of the problem. The common element in these mass shootings are people that can't handle rejection. They can't handle shame or embarrassment. We are raising these kids to be eggshells.

If you are a football player in school and push me into the lockers while walking down the hall, I'm going to get you. If you are a girl that laughs at me when I ask you out, I'm going to get even. If you run the school and kick me out, I'll show you.

The solution to this problem is to expose kids to rejection and embarrassment as they grow up--not shield them from those negative emotions.
15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

OMG, you're right. Why are we giving guns to police? Or to soldiers?

The bad guys will just take them away.
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons.

You are obviously wrong. Who told you that civilians aren't as competent with firearms as anyone else? No reason they aren't couldn't or shouldn't be.

Jacob's 1st deer '09
Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.

No, doofus...they didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns......it isn't a par of their psyche, yet.
Wrong, they didn't have mass shootings often before they banned guns....one a decade...and they have kept that rate up post banning and confiscation......they are due for one any time now...they missed 2 by pure dumb luck, and the guy who walked into the day care center wasn't looking to murder kids...but he had a gun, in a day care center....in Britain where they banned guns...

They put laws in place before they were littered like us with guns. They certainly never had AR-15's all over.

Moron...one of the stories had an assault rifle in it.....and more semi auto rifles are being smuggled into Australia....

so you are saying if they get lots of AR15's like us they will also have lots of mass killings? I agree.

No, doofus...they didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns......it isn't a par of their psyche, yet.

We didn't have lots of mass shootings before semi-autos with high capacity magazines became common...

You people that know nothing about guns are frightening. You can shoot any semi-automatic pistol (which have been around for a long time) just as fast as a rifle. Changing a magazine takes less than three seconds; one second if you practice speed.

The problem is not how the guns have changed, the problem is with how the people have changed.
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

How about arming the school security only?

Most schools don’t have “ security.”
Many schools are struggling to buy up to date textbooks.

I guess they will have to cut the overblown wages of the teachers then and get some security. Lobbying so hard for wages that our children can't even have text books? Jesus christ... these people care about the kids?

Overblown wages? Which planet do you inhabit? Florida, for example, has some of the worst teacher salaries in the US.

I live in KY. School districts are refusing to hire me because their budgets are so tight and I would make a little over $50K a year and have over 20 years experience.

When I left FL, I was an assistant principal working 50 weeks a year at $42,000 a year. I came to KY and made the same salary as a teacher and had the summer off. Our biggest pay raise in the past 11 years? 2% and our medical increase took every penny of that. We pay 100% of our own retirement and cannot draw Social Security unless otherwise qualified.

If you think our wages are overblown, why not become a teacher?
It's not a matter of disagreement: it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership so that we can prevent as many of these mass shootings as possible.

France has all the laws you want. How did it work out for the 130 Parisians who were murdered?

By a whole group of international terrorists. How did 9/11 workout for us?

A whole group that smuggled machine guns in across and ocean and a continent, every country of which those guns were illegal. How are them gun laws working for ya.....

Yes terrorists are very dangerous, see 9/11. Here it just takes an angry child.

More deflection! Our gov't has worked well enough to stop most int'l terrorism! Our problem is with the domestic side of it! There have been almost 20 of these mass shootings this year and no one seems to care! We showed how much we couldn't care less when Sandy Hook occurred where literally "babies" were killed and after all this time "nothing" has changed! All I keep hearing about is some NUTZ "right to bear arms" which is total BS! The Constitution doesn't say that and anyone who keeps quoting it is misinformed and a total moron! :102: :14: :26: :290968001256257790-final:

There have not been 20 mass shootings this year. Quit listening to liberal outlets. Liberals are born liars.
Right you are, it's because of gun control.

We lose cops to shootings regularly. Most are just domestic calls. We had lot of dead cops long before anyone heard of black lives matters.

But after Ferguson, it increased a bit. This is especially true of execution style police murders.

No actually it didn't. We've had worse years before BLM ever existed. But we always have them, usually about 1 a week average. Countries with strong gun control only lose single digits a year...

That may be true, but you are talking many years earlier.

The peak of anti-police rhetoric and BLM is when the deaths increased. That was the year 2016. After Trump took over, we seen a huge decline in police officer deaths.

Number Of Police Officers Killed By Firearms Rose In 2016, Study Finds

It regularly goes up and down, but is always way more than any country with strong gun control.

I guess that point flew right over your head. And if you bothered to read the article (which I'm sure you didn't) it highlighted the execution style of police murders was at an alarming rate.

You on the left promote hatred and revenge of police officers, and when it happens, you blame the guns.
Your school boards are not elected? If they are, why haven't you run? Around here, getting someone to do all of that work for free is making it hard to find people to run.

They are elected mostly by teachers.
School boards are elected by teachers? Lmao
On what planet?
In your county, moron. School board elections are held in off years, and turn out is exceptionally low. However, all the teachers go to the polls. That means that teachers makeup enough of the vote to get their prefered candidates on the board.

That's odd. My school board is elected during the general election along with all other state representatives, city, and county officials. Maybe that is why you are so fucked up? Stop bitching about the rest of the world who does it right and worry about your own little hamlet because apparently the problem doesn't exist out here in the real world.
Where I grew up they had elections in off years, like 2017. Turnout was something like 10%, which means the teacher vote was a big chunk of the total vote. If you pissed off the teachers, you were done-for.

So get it changed and stop whining!

In 2017, we had NO elections, period.

Every teacher in my county can only vote for the school board member for the district they live in. I don't live in the same county where I work, which is the same as several of my close friends. In fact, I have only worked one year in the district where I live. That means we cannot vote for the school board members who run our districts.
Let’s say there was an armed teacher. So what ! Shooter guy had way more arms . What would they do? Maybe shoot him after he only kills 12 people .

Doesn’t really solve the problem.
70 year old Granny Smith with an AK47.

What could go wrong?
All student communications need to be monitored to end bullying too.

Actually that's part of the problem. The common element in these mass shootings are people that can't handle rejection. They can't handle shame or embarrassment. We are raising these kids to be eggshells.

If you are a football player in school and push me into the lockers while walking down the hall, I'm going to get you. If you are a girl that laughs at me when I ask you out, I'm going to get even. If you run the school and kick me out, I'll show you.

The solution to this problem is to expose kids to rejection and embarrassment as they grow up--not shield them from those negative emotions.

And strangely kids in the UK who can't handle rejection aren't shooting up schools. Now give those kids easy access to guns like here and that would change.
Well as we’ve seen, school shooters typically take their own lives with the exception of the most recent case. Of course, it really wouldn’t be hard for the shooter to take out his teacher and a dozen others in the classroom and then, you know, flee the scene.
So in your mind, average joe-student has the skills of a ninja and a special forces operator? He will quickly disarm his teacher and then efficiently execute “a dozen” students in the class (even though very few handguns hold a dozen rounds)? :laugh:
I think a Glock holds 10 rounds.

Which Glock?

A Glock 23 can hold 10, 13 (standard) 15, or 22 rounds depending on the magazine..
They are elected mostly by teachers.
School boards are elected by teachers? Lmao
On what planet?
In your county, moron. School board elections are held in off years, and turn out is exceptionally low. However, all the teachers go to the polls. That means that teachers makeup enough of the vote to get their prefered candidates on the board.

That's odd. My school board is elected during the general election along with all other state representatives, city, and county officials. Maybe that is why you are so fucked up? Stop bitching about the rest of the world who does it right and worry about your own little hamlet because apparently the problem doesn't exist out here in the real world.
Where I grew up they had elections in off years, like 2017. Turnout was something like 10%, which means the teacher vote was a big chunk of the total vote. If you pissed off the teachers, you were done-for.

So get it changed and stop whining!

In 2017, we had NO elections, period.

Every teacher in my county can only vote for the school board member for the district they live in. I don't live in the same county where I work, which is the same as several of my close friends. In fact, I have only worked one year in the district where I live. That means we cannot vote for the school board members who run our districts.
In colorado teachers are required to live in the same local the work for.
Teachers unions are the dumbass education basher's go to tactic when they need someone to blame!

Why do you say such drivel when many states have no teachers unions at all? Who is to blame for their problems?

Come on! Doesn't your handbook tell you who to blame? I just wish one of you would man up and tell me how my teachers union has impacted my day-to-day existence as a teacher, I would really appreciate it. I have no idea what you guys think. It is especially challenging since we have no ability to strike, our collective bargaining consists of "Please, sir! May I have some more!", and the lousy working conditions we have. I nearly busted my bladder today because I teach 3 hours straight with no break to even take a whizz!

If you non-thinkers only knew how little impact teachers unions have on anything related to schools and how incredibly weak and ineffective they are, you would be amazed that you have been afraid of a paper tiger!

the school unions dont really care about much other then funding the DNC

Maybe if Republicans were not such ignorant assholes when it comes to education, they might get some support from the teachers unions. However, since that never happens, do you blame unions for donating to Democrats who won't try to demean the teachers at every opportunity like some of the ignorant posters on this thread?

they are not ass holes

they just expect more from the schools

we have seen throwing more money at schools does not improve them

why should shitty teachers be impossible to fire

Yes, they are assholes.

No, they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

Sometimes the money being spent is dictated by unfunded requirements by the state and in a few instances federal government requirements. most people just have no clue as to how schools are funded.

I'll bet you have no clue as to how much a brand new school bus costs, do you? Are you aware that some states have laws requiring additional safety features that most states do not? My state has the toughest school bus laws in the nation because we happen to have also had the two worst school bus accidents in the history of the US.

You have bought into the old wive's tale about not being able to fire teachers. It is the fault mostly of administrators who fail to document poor performance or violate due process procedures. I personally assisted in firing a teacher who missed school constantly and often showed up to work drunk. I was an administrator for only about 18 months and I managed to see numerous teachers fired for numerous reasons. I actually got hired to a later job because the previous teacher was fired for misconduct, so don't believe the bullshit that it doesn't happen. The media stories about NYC's "rubber room" where teachers draw their paycheck for years drawing their paychecks are the extreme exception rather than the rule.

He missed school constantly? How many times before he was tagged for dismissal? How many times did he show up drunk? In most jobs in the private sector, if you showed up drunk one time, you would be canned. If you "missed" coming to work more than a couple of times, you would be canned. Even coming in 30 minutes late more than a half dozen times can get you fired.

Missing school when you have sick days is different.

Your reading skills are lacking again I see. When he fell off the wagon, it only took us a couple of weeks to get him tossed. If you had read the post, you will notice I never said how long it took to get him fired.

The students were still learning despite his not being there as I wrote the lesson plans for the substitute teachers.

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