If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

Obviously those who believe that arming teachers is a ‘good idea’ know nothing about semi-automatic pistols, know nothing about the training, practice, and experience required to be even moderately proficient, and that during the chaos of an active shooter event, even those with training lack the experience to not be a danger to those around them.

Arming teachers would only result in more dead children, the victims of ‘friendly fire.’

If you read the stories about this recent school shooting, the name Aaron Feis may ring a bell. He was the coach who rushed every student he could get into a classroom, but couldn't close the door and lock it fast enough before the shooter got him. If he was armed at the time, I'm sure he (and other students) would be alive today.

Nobody (even police) can get enough training to be perfect in every response. It's like we were taught while taking our CCW class: shooting at cardboard is different than shooting at a person who is shooting back.

This is why police departments give special considerations to veterans, especially those who have seen war. They do have life or death experience, and they have shot at people while being shot at.
Gee courthouses are defended with armed guards...state houses all over the nation...and legislative buildings are protected with armed guards...The UN in NY is protected with guns...The halls of congress are patrolled by armed men and women...The white House is protected by Armed SS agents...

Why is it okay to protect all of those places with armed guards but our schools need to be gun free?

Who is more important to you? Nancy Pelosi or your son or daughter?

Tell congress we want armed protection in our schools today...not next week but today!!! before the next child is needlessly shot and killed...

We obviously can't count on the FBI to protect us...

The decision on whether or not to have armed guards in your schools is none of the federal government's business because there is no direct ban on having armed security. Many place already have them. The school where I am working has Deputy Sheriff on duty in the high school and middle school which are located next door to each other.
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
Good lord dude. Even if every armed teacher got adequate training (which wouldn’t happen), it doesn’t change the fact that they are still teachers. Cops and soldiers’ entire mindset is focused on being vigilant to possible threats. It’s not like a teacher can effectively do their jobs if they are constantly on alert for the very unlikely possibility of someone shooting up their school.

So a bullet from a teacher isn’t as useful as a bullet from a police officer?

I think I’d rather have a teacher who is there shoot the shooter than wait for a police officer who isn’t there to arrive and shoot him
And here’s an example of ignorance of semi-automatic pistols.

Aiming at the alleged shooter and actually hitting him are two completely different things.

Imagine the situation: children and adults running in every direction, screaming, crying, shouting – and an inexperienced, poorly ‘trained’ teacher is going to remain composed during that chaos, correctly identify the intruder, and ‘take him out’ with one perfectly placed shot from likely a considerable distance.

Such is the delusional conservative.

And who here ever made that claim?
This is why police departments give special considerations to veterans, especially those who have seen war. They do have life or death experience, and they have shot at people while being shot at.

When I went through academy, a full 1/3 of the recruits had never touched a firearm of any kind (including a couple of Navy veterans).

After a week of intensive training, most of them could, under very controlled conditions, put three rounds in the center mass at 7 yards (the standard of qual) without shooting an instructor or themselves.

Since then, my training has consisted of biannual qualifications and a five day AAO course.

I'm not sure how this 'police are experts in firearms' thing got started but I'm sorry to tell you it's the worst kind of wishful thinking.
This chart illustrates how exactly an armed teacher ends up killing a child she’s supposed to ‘protect.’

View attachment 177433

Wow, you do realize that the amount of error that this chart is supposed to correct is measured in tenths of an inch. You DO realize that....don't you? So, tell me. If the teacher misses their target by 5 tenths of an inch, that is pretty bad in a competition setting, but in a bad guy setting what is the result? Oh...right, instead of hitting him the center of the heart, she hit him in the left ventricle.

That's the problem with nimrods who have no clue of what they are speaking.
Let me tell those of you who don't know (you know who you are) a little bit about how this Active Armed Offender thing evolved.

Since the '70s police policy has been, any time there is a hostage situation, regular police will cordon and contain the offender, even if he shoots hostages, until SWAT / CIRT police are ready and able to breech. That means the offender will have access to victims for up to hours before police action.

Someone analyzed that policy and figured out that people were getting killed waiting for a properly trained police response.

So, the policy changed only a few years to allow regular police to engage an AAO under the following scenario.

The offender ...

1. Has a weapon (mainly firearm) AND
2. Has already used a weapon on victims AND
2. Has access to more victims in his immediate area.

If those three criteria are met, police are authorized take action to reduce the size of the hot cordon (by room clearing) until they have access to the offender(s). Once they have access to the offender, police are allowed, without further authorization to fire to stop the offender.

This policy changed in full knowledge of the fact that it theoretically increases the risk to police and the risk of collateral damage to victims.

However, that theoretical risk was weighed against the actual fact that delays in police response were causing additional deaths and this was a better alternative.
an inexperienced, poorly ‘trained’ teacher

Wow... you really don't like teachers. Bad experience in school?

All student communications need to be monitored to end bullying too.

Right! Sure! You get right on that, Spanky!

Its for the children...don't you want to keep them safe

Are you a liberal? If not, why are you co-opting their tactics?
an inexperienced, poorly ‘trained’ teacher

Wow... you really don't like teachers. Bad experience in school?

All student communications need to be monitored to end bullying too.

Right! Sure! You get right on that, Spanky!

Its for the children...don't you want to keep them safe

Are you a liberal? If not, why are you co-opting their tactics?
Simply presenting alternatives to everyone must give up their guns to expose their desire isn't safe schools. You can go fully virtual educationand everyone would be safe at home. You can introduce scanners, bag and vehicle searches. They wont agree to anything though but gun confiscation...highlighting their duplicity
That worked so well in Paris. Simpleton solutions result in simpleton results.
What a ridiculous thing to say. No law or policy could ever be perfect, so you imply an absurd standard. Furthermore, you could not show that the laws haven't prevented many tragedies (though the facts would indicate that they may have), so you speak from ignorance.

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