If you tolerate this Orwellian crap, don't be surprised when you're next...


Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knv6nDZX1mc]YouTube - 4409 -- Arrested over Arizona's Real I.D. Paper's Please SB1070 bill[/ame]
I have no worries seeing I was born here, lived here my whole life and dont purposely break the laws of this country.

Wonder why you weren't whining and crying about this when millions of illegals were showing up at hospitals to be seen at our ER's and said nothing when Americans had to foot the bills? I bet you were nowhere to be seen when million of drugs are carried into this country poisoning your fellow American by illegals causing American police depts to spend millions of American tax dollars trying to police this scum? Where were you when illegals murder and rape you fellow American?

But now you are going to whine and cry when Americans try to put a stop of illegals killing, drugging, stealing and wasting billions of American tax dollars?

I have no worries seeing I was born here, lived here my whole life and dont purposely break the laws of this country.

Wonder why you weren't whining and crying about this when millions of illegals were showing up at hospitals to be seen at our ER's and said nothing when Americans had to foot the bills? I bet you were nowhere to be seen when million of drugs are carried into this country poisoning your fellow American by illegals causing American police depts to spend millions of American tax dollars trying to police this scum? Where were you when illegals murder and rape you fellow American?

But now you are going to whine and cry when Americans try to put a stop of illegals killing, drugging, stealing and wasting billions of American tax dollars?


1. lol@you supporting the drug war.

2. lol@your presumptions about what I do and don't care about.

3. lol@your inability to realize that this is one more step towards a police state.
I have no worries seeing I was born here, lived here my whole life and dont purposely break the laws of this country.

Wonder why you weren't whining and crying about this when millions of illegals were showing up at hospitals to be seen at our ER's and said nothing when Americans had to foot the bills? I bet you were nowhere to be seen when million of drugs are carried into this country poisoning your fellow American by illegals causing American police depts to spend millions of American tax dollars trying to police this scum? Where were you when illegals murder and rape you fellow American?

But now you are going to whine and cry when Americans try to put a stop of illegals killing, drugging, stealing and wasting billions of American tax dollars?


1. lol@you supporting the drug war.

2. lol@your presumptions about what I do and don't care about.

3. lol@your inability to realize that this is one more step towards a police state.

LOL @ you for not realizing that the pop. of AZ is mostly Latino and support this law.

If this law is supposed to be so racist and unfair against Latinos, why does the majority of the citizens of the state support it when its their own race this law is directed at?

Maybe because they are sick of footing the bill for people to break own laws and thumbing their nose at Americans in general.

Funny how your type always come down on the side of everything and anyone that is against the best interest of Americans.
Sorry people, those against showing your papers. I WANT to know who is in our country. Tough Dookies if one has to provide their Birth Certificate and other forms of I.D. It's about time someone in this country took a stand on those who's first act in coming into the USA is to violate OUR immigration laws!

I have to show not only my birth certificate but other forms of ID just to renew my drivers license, and I WELCOME this law. I could suggest that president Obama come to apply for a NJ auto license, but that's for another threat.

:clap2: to Arizona :clap2:
I have no problem proving I am a citizen. I do it every time I go to the airport. I prove it every time I travel to another country. The only people this worries are those who are here illegally. They should be worried.
Actions like those of the State of Arizona the OP is whining about ae just about ALL which stands between middle America and the REAL visit to 1984 BHO has in mind for us.
You are going to now lose the latino vote too.

you will really be the white person only party soon
I have no problem proving I am a citizen. I do it every time I go to the airport. I prove it every time I travel to another country. The only people this worries are those who are here illegally. They should be worried.

And right below that you quote TJ on injustice? Interesting. You won't have to carry papers with you everywhere that you go, assuming that you're white. A Latino citizen won't be able to go for a morning jog without identification, for fear of being harassed or arrested. That's injustice.
You are going to now lose the latino vote too.

you will really be the white person only party soon

Anyone regardless of ethnicity should applaud this law, it's NOT about race, it's about respecting the laws of the USA and attempting to know WHO IS in our HOUSE. No rational thinking anyone would think this law is about anything but protecting this country against not only the threats of terrorism, but those who's first act,(REPEAT) is to violate US immigration laws.

On a most simple level.

Would anyone who thinks this law is so bad let just anyone into their own home without knowing who or what they are, then having to buy their food and medical for them while they sleep in your bedroom? And some,(terrorists) that may plant a bomb in your kid's bedroom taking your entire family out in one stroke? I think NOT.

We as US citizens have the right to know who is here, plain and simple.
I have no problem proving I am a citizen. I do it every time I go to the airport. I prove it every time I travel to another country. The only people this worries are those who are here illegally. They should be worried.

......A Latino citizen won't be able to go for a morning jog without identification, for fear of being harassed or arrested. That's injustice.
sure they will.....:cuckoo:
Only if they dont mind being arrested.

Did you even listen to the video the OP gave?

A man driving a commercial truck through the state was thrown in jail because he did not have his birth certificate with him.
Only if they dont mind being arrested.

Did you even listen to the video the OP gave?

A man driving a commercial truck through the state was thrown in jail because he did not have his birth certificate with him.

i didn't know obama even owned a truck

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