If you were a Christie enthusiast, how does his Romney endorsement affect you?

Romney appeals to centerists, so he's a good solid choice if the GOP want to take Obama out. If he had Cain as VP, that's even better.

It would work for me. And, despite what idiots say, when it comes to my vote - I put my country over my personal views.
I think he will win the primary, while all of the other candidates have had wild swings in their poll numbers Romney has held steady with about 25% of the GOP vote. That tells me he has a very strong base support, now all he needs to do is build on that. With Christy, ( a very popular governor in a deep blue state) comes out and endorses him, many will follow suit.

That isn't saying much, though, is it? Republicans have a bad habit of nominating people the establishment wants. This is why they've LOST 4 of the last five popular votes. (Sorry, Repubicans, we lost the vote in 2000. the SCOTUS gave us a mulligan we didn't merit.) They are trying to front-load the primaries to rig the game, and by the time the voters actually start paying attention, they will look at this Mormon POS and say, "WTF?"

All people need to do is read a little about Romney and they too will be impressed, he has an awesome resume.

I have read about Romney. "Awesome" isn't the word I'd use. I might use the word "douchebag", but that would be an insult to a useful feminine hygiene product.

I've read about AmPad, where he put hundreds of AMERICANS out of good paying jobs, closed plants, left investors with worthless paper while Bain collected millions in "Management" fees, and then dumped the company in bankruptcy.

I've read about Damon Medical, which paid a 100 million dollar fine for defrauding Medicare.

We can also talk about how 3Com moved thousands of Jobs to China under Bain's leadership.

In short, he's a guy who has built a nine-figure fortune screwing over those of us who make five figures trying to eek out a living. He's a guy who whines one of his four mansions is too small while folks are worried about losing their homes.

He's a villian from central casting in the narrative the Obama People want to tell.
Romney appeals to centerists, so he's a good solid choice if the GOP want to take Obama out. If he had Cain as VP, that's even better.

It would work for me. And, despite what idiots say, when it comes to my vote - I put my country over my personal views.

I consider myself more a centrist than anything else, and I wouldn't vote for him.

Neither will 22% of the rest of the population...

Hey, anyone notice that Mittens didn't challenge Perry on the pastors words last night? I mean, he was talking shit all day yesterday about how he was going to do that, and didn't.

I guess he didn't want the word "Mormon" said aloud.
I like Christie but I don't like his liberal view on illegal immigration. Romney is stronger on dealing with illegal immigration so this is a great endorsement!


I love his endorsement because after thoroughly studying Mitt Romney including reading his book, " No Apology" for the second time and reading his job's plan and his health care plan the he passed in MA---BTW- there is no comparison to Obama care- after realizing that he took Ma from a 3 billion dollar deficit and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus in a short 4 years without raising taxes, he has my support and my vote. Not only that his business experience is awesome, what he did with the Salt Lake City olympics will go down in history books he took a failing business plan and turned it into the most successful olympics ever, not to mention what he did with Bain capitol. He understands business, knows how to create jobs and grow this economy, he will repeal Obamacare ASAP, repeal Dodd/Frank pass a balanced budget amendement and he will deal effectively with China who has been eating our lunch, stealing our jobs and our product designs. That's a winning solution. Christy is one smart governor, he knows his stuff and he knows the right candidate who can pull all of this off or he would not have endorsed Romney.

Chris Christie Endorses Mitt Romney Before G.O.P. Presidential Debate - NYTimes.com

It's good to know that ya'll think closing tax loopholes aren't tax increases. Can we close some tax loopholes now?

Now, why wouldn't you mention what he did at Bain? Maybe because it wasn't all unicorns and bunnies? Bain was successful because they shipped jobs overseas. How is that going to play with the working class? (Does Romney even know how to say working class?)

And if Romney was such a "job creator" as governor, why was his state 47th?
Now, why wouldn't you mention what he did at Bain? Maybe because it wasn't all unicorns and bunnies? Bain was successful because they shipped jobs overseas. How is that going to play with the working class? (Does Romney even know how to say working class?)

And if Romney was such a "job creator" as governor, why was his state 47th?

I think Romney tried to say "working class" once, but it came out as "Can you pass the Grey Poupon?"

On a serious note, Romney does play right into Obama's hands. Obama's strategy has to be deflecting blame as to why the economy hasn't gotten better. (and no, SW, I'm not having an argument about whose fault it is, we can agree to disagree on that one.) His support of OWS and rhetoric seems to indicate that's the route he'll take.

Romney is a villian from Central Casting for that script.
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There was no other rational candidate that Christie could support
There was no other rational candidate that Christie could support

Again, the REpublican aren't going to win by out liberalling the Democrats.

When they do that - Dole, McCain- they lose.

When they stand by their principles- Reagan, Bush- they win.
Romney appeals to centerists, so he's a good solid choice if the GOP want to take Obama out. If he had Cain as VP, that's even better.

It would work for me. And, despite what idiots say, when it comes to my vote - I put my country over my personal views.

I consider myself more a centrist than anything else, and I wouldn't vote for him.

Neither will 22% of the rest of the population...

Hey, anyone notice that Mittens didn't challenge Perry on the pastors words last night? I mean, he was talking shit all day yesterday about how he was going to do that, and didn't.

I guess he didn't want the word "Mormon" said aloud.

You've admitted that you have an issue with Mormons. I can relate to that because I would rather not vote than vote for an Evangelical. But Romney is smarter than most politicians, has a solid background in business, is rational, and can articulate his points quite clearly. I don't have an issue with his faith. Just as long as he doesn't choose a fucking Evangelical VP.
If you were a Chris Christie supporter, does his endorsement of Romney hold any sway with you?

Or did you already like Romney also?

Personally it doesn't change anything for me. I'm not a Romney fan but I also don't hate the guy and could vote for him without feeling "dirty".

Some more conservative people I know expressed shock and dissapointment in Christie over this and said it doesn't change their dislike of romney.
Romney appeals to centerists, so he's a good solid choice if the GOP want to take Obama out. If he had Cain as VP, that's even better.

It would work for me. And, despite what idiots say, when it comes to my vote - I put my country over my personal views.

So do the rest of us
Romney appeals to centerists, so he's a good solid choice if the GOP want to take Obama out. If he had Cain as VP, that's even better.

It would work for me. And, despite what idiots say, when it comes to my vote - I put my country over my personal views.

I consider myself more a centrist than anything else, and I wouldn't vote for him.

Neither will 22% of the rest of the population...

Hey, anyone notice that Mittens didn't challenge Perry on the pastors words last night? I mean, he was talking shit all day yesterday about how he was going to do that, and didn't.

I guess he didn't want the word "Mormon" said aloud.

You've admitted that you have an issue with Mormons. I can relate to that because I would rather not vote than vote for an Evangelical. But Romney is smarter than most politicians, has a solid background in business, is rational, and can articulate his points quite clearly. I don't have an issue with his faith. Just as long as he doesn't choose a fucking Evangelical VP.

There are more evangelicals than there are Mormons... so which group do you do the least damage by alienating?

Yeah, I have a big issue with Mormons. For some crazy reason, I don't like fraudulant cults started by guys who want to have sex with 14 year old girls. call me whacky and stuff, but that sort of shit doesn't fly with me.
Romney appeals to centerists, so he's a good solid choice if the GOP want to take Obama out. If he had Cain as VP, that's even better.

It would work for me. And, despite what idiots say, when it comes to my vote - I put my country over my personal views.

I basically agree with California Girl on this one.
I'm getting more comfortable that Romney will be the nominee. He isn't making any mistakes, his competition can't seize the initiative, he has a lot of money, the establishment is behind him, and he is leading in IA NH and FL and is within a few points of Perry in SC, who is - unsurprisingly - imploding.

President Romney.
I'm getting more comfortable that Romney will be the nominee. He isn't making any mistakes, his competition can't seize the initiative, he has a lot of money, the establishment is behind him, and he is leading in IA NH and FL and is within a few points of Perry in SC, who is - unsurprisingly - imploding.

President Romney.

He has been consistantly polling either in 1st or 2nd the whole time too. That shows he has a solid base.

There are a group of conservatives that support romney and their support hasn't waivered. Then there is another group of conservatives who don't like romney and are searching for an option. This second group is why you saw bacchman doing well, then perry, then cain....they are searching.

I have a feeling the TARP thing with cain in the debates last night might hurt him with some of these people and overall I didn't think cain did that great last night so i'm expecting bachman to actually gain a little of cain's support (she did pretty good i thought)
I could actually care less about who Christie thinks would make a good Pres. I'm not sure why anyone would care what another person thinks about this politician or that escapes me. What is the purpose of endorsments anyway? If I gave money to the Christie camp, am I now expected to give to Romney? ... They are not the same guy, they don't have the same beliefs ....

I just don't get it and seriously don't care to get it
I could actually care less about who Christie thinks would make a good Pres. I'm not sure why anyone would care what another person thinks about this politician or that escapes me. What is the purpose of endorsments anyway? If I gave money to the Christie camp, am I now expected to give to Romney? ... They are not the same guy, they don't have the same beliefs ....

I just don't get it and seriously don't care to get it

A lot of people wanted Christie to run and think highly of the man. If he says "If you wanted me you should back this guy" some people will do just that. For others, like yourself and myself, endorsements mean nothing.
I think a lot of people who were supporting Christie were doing more for his personality than his political positions. If you put Christie's political positions on paper without his name at the top and asked Tea Partiers what they thought about that generic candidate, I bet a lot would be surprised when you revealed it was Christie you were asking about.

And I think Romney is earning this nomination. He is showing discipline despite adversity. If Obama had faced the kind of challenges Romney is getting, he would have shown the whiny partisan side we see now when he gets backed into a corner, and voters would have snapped out of their reverie in time to stop the travesty. Romney doesn't have anyone carrying him on a litter strewing flowers in his path. He is showing his strength and level-headedness while ducking political shrapnel. He is making his case beyond the soundbites.

President Romney.
I'm getting more comfortable that Romney will be the nominee. He isn't making any mistakes, his competition can't seize the initiative, he has a lot of money, the establishment is behind him, and he is leading in IA NH and FL and is within a few points of Perry in SC, who is - unsurprisingly - imploding.

President Romney.

More like President Obama for a second term.

But look out, guy, now Cain's pulled ahead of Romney.

You know, this is what I find hilarious. As much as the establishment and their puppeteers on Wall Street have tried to foist the Weird Mormon Robot on the GOP, the GOP is desperately trying to find ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE else.

So Cain is the latest, "Not Romney". And the establishment is trying to front load the primaries to rig it for Romney.

Seriously, I think the Republican base needs to get a restraining order out against Romney, because he just can't take a hint.
I think a lot of people who were supporting Christie were doing more for his personality than his political positions. If you put Christie's political positions on paper without his name at the top and asked Tea Partiers what they thought about that generic candidate, I bet a lot would be surprised when you revealed it was Christie you were asking about.

And I think Romney is earning this nomination. He is showing discipline despite adversity. If Obama had faced the kind of challenges Romney is getting, he would have shown the whiny partisan side we see now when he gets backed into a corner, and voters would have snapped out of their reverie in time to stop the travesty. Romney doesn't have anyone carrying him on a litter strewing flowers in his path. He is showing his strength and level-headedness while ducking political shrapnel. He is making his case beyond the soundbites.

President Romney.

You keep drinking that koolaid like a good little cultist.

Romney isn't earning the nomination, he's buying it. Him and his rich Wall Street buddies.

And that's pretty clear to the GOP base, 75% of whom don't want the guy.

Romney isn't peaking. He's not growing beyond the same 25% of the GOP electorate he had in 2008. Eventually, the same thing is going to happen, the 75% of the "Not Romney" faction are going to pick one.

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