If you were a Christie enthusiast, how does his Romney endorsement affect you?

I think Chrispie made a HUGE decision. It was big of him to endorse Romney. Obviously a weighty decision.
Is Christie laying the groundwork for a Romney/Christie ticket?
Is Christie laying the groundwork for a Romney/Christie ticket?

Might be. Can't see the advantage, though.

If the GOP establishment foists the Weird Mormon Robot onto the 75% who don't really want him, they are going to need to throw them a bone.

(Incidently a Weird Mormon Robot showed up at my doorstep and asked me to stop calling Romney that.

"Click-whhhir-click- I am offended that you are comparing Romney to me!!!! Click, whirrr, click Would you like to hear about another Testament of Jesus Christ? Click whirrr Alert- alert, you are that JoeB131 guy who likes to make fun of Mormons. Exterminate! Exterminate!" )

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I think Chrispie made a HUGE decision. It was big of him to endorse Romney. Obviously a weighty decision.

haha. po po bebbe.

All you have is Obama and ad hominem.

We have Christie. We're miles ahead of you.
cain isn't going to be on any ticket.

but do tell how your life has been "on hold"...

I disagree....I can see cain as the veep, especially now that Rubio said he's not interested.
Right now, Cain is a hot commodity, if Romney Wins,and Cain was a very close second,and the GOP sees a landslide with Cain as VP,,wouldn't you think Romney would choose Cain? especially when polls show that Cain will take over 35% of the Black vote?

There's no poll that shows that.

Cain is a joke, and if Romney wins, he will govern identically to Obama.
I disagree....I can see cain as the veep, especially now that Rubio said he's not interested.
Right now, Cain is a hot commodity, if Romney Wins,and Cain was a very close second,and the GOP sees a landslide with Cain as VP,,wouldn't you think Romney would choose Cain? especially when polls show that Cain will take over 35% of the Black vote?

There's no poll that shows that.

Cain is a joke, and if Romney wins, he will govern identically to Obama.
No. He won't. Did you read his book or his economic plan?
Right now, Cain is a hot commodity, if Romney Wins,and Cain was a very close second,and the GOP sees a landslide with Cain as VP,,wouldn't you think Romney would choose Cain? especially when polls show that Cain will take over 35% of the Black vote?

There's no poll that shows that.

Cain is a joke, and if Romney wins, he will govern identically to Obama.
No. He won't. Did you read his book or his economic plan?

Of course I didn't. I don't read books "written" by politicians I like, let alone those I think are morons.

What do you think Romney would have done differently, if he had won in 2008?
If you were a Chris Christie supporter, does his endorsement of Romney hold any sway with you?

Or did you already like Romney also?

I believe Romney and Christi both would be major Improvements over Obama. The Christi Endorsement can't hurt Romney. Romney Clearly has the best chance to beat Obama. He is currently Beating Obama by more than 10 Points amongst Independents. IMO, Even though Romney was not my First Choice, Romney as the Nominee Gives the Republicans the best shot at not only taking the WH, but the Senate as well.

I know the Hard core Far Right hates to hear it, and will call me all sort's of names, But A Fiscally Responsible, Business Savvy, Social Moderate, with clear Executive Experience is our Best chance to take the WH. Romney can Beat Obama, Yes he Can. Romney can Bring Independents in not only to vote for him, but to vote for Republicans in Congress to back him up. Sure, others could. However among the announced official Candidates Romney Hands down has the best shot.
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If you were a Chris Christie supporter, does his endorsement of Romney hold any sway with you?

Or did you already like Romney also?

I believe Romney and Christi both would be major Improvements over Obama. The Christi Endorsement can't hurt Romney. Romney Clearly has the best chance to beat Obama. He is currently Beating Obama by more than 10 Points amongst Independents. IMO, Even though Romney was not my First Choice, Romney as the Nominee Gives the Republicans the best shot at not only taking the WH, but the Senate as well.

I know the Hard core Far Right hates to hear it, and will call me all sort's of names, But A Fiscally Responsible, Business Savvy, Social Moderate, with clear Executive Experience is our Best chance to take the WH. Romney can Beat Obama, Yes he Can. Romney can Bring Independents in not only to vote for him, but to vote for Republicans in Congress to back him up. Sure, others could. However among the announced official Candidates Romney Hands down has the best shot.


Romney would be the worst possible candidate the GOP could run.

Besides the fact that 19% of "independents" won't vote for a Mormon, the fact is, Romney plays right into the kind of campaign Obama wants to run this time. He's going to run against Wall Street, against the wealthy, against the people who got bailouts and didn't produce the jobs.

Mitt Romney is a guy who has earned a nine-figure fortune putting middle class folks out of good paying jobs. All Obama has to do is put together a commercial with a shuttered AmPad Plant and an ex-AmPad employee saying something like "Mitt Romney killed our town when he closed down our plant and took our jobs."
If you were a Chris Christie supporter, does his endorsement of Romney hold any sway with you?

Or did you already like Romney also?

I believe Romney and Christi both would be major Improvements over Obama. The Christi Endorsement can't hurt Romney. Romney Clearly has the best chance to beat Obama. He is currently Beating Obama by more than 10 Points amongst Independents. IMO, Even though Romney was not my First Choice, Romney as the Nominee Gives the Republicans the best shot at not only taking the WH, but the Senate as well.

I know the Hard core Far Right hates to hear it, and will call me all sort's of names, But A Fiscally Responsible, Business Savvy, Social Moderate, with clear Executive Experience is our Best chance to take the WH. Romney can Beat Obama, Yes he Can. Romney can Bring Independents in not only to vote for him, but to vote for Republicans in Congress to back him up. Sure, others could. However among the announced official Candidates Romney Hands down has the best shot.


Romney would be the worst possible candidate the GOP could run.

Besides the fact that 19% of "independents" won't vote for a Mormon, the fact is, Romney plays right into the kind of campaign Obama wants to run this time. He's going to run against Wall Street, against the wealthy, against the people who got bailouts and didn't produce the jobs.

Mitt Romney is a guy who has earned a nine-figure fortune putting middle class folks out of good paying jobs. All Obama has to do is put together a commercial with a shuttered AmPad Plant and an ex-AmPad employee saying something like "Mitt Romney killed our town when he closed down our plant and took our jobs."

Americans are, generally, reasonably intelligent people.... well, perhaps not the Evangelicals but the rest of us... yea. They'll vote for the person - regardless of race, color or creed - who they believe can best see us through the difficult road ahead. I'm independently conservative, white, female, and smart.... I'll vote for Romney. And if I will, you can bet your ass that others will.

We are the 99%. :lol: The 99% who despise party politics, despise lie based campaigning, despise party over country, despise corruption in our political system, despise the trampling of our Constitution and.... We Surround You.
Americans are, generally, reasonably intelligent people.... well, perhaps not the Evangelicals but the rest of us... yea. They'll vote for the person - regardless of race, color or creed - who they believe can best see us through the difficult road ahead. I'm independently conservative, white, female, and smart.... I'll vote for Romney. And if I will, you can bet your ass that others will.

We are the 99%. :lol: The 99% who despise party politics, despise lie based campaigning, despise party over country, despise corruption in our political system, despise the trampling of our Constitution and.... We Surround You.

Americans are the dumbest people in the industrialized world. And frankly, I've seen very little in your rants to tell me that you are intelligent.

Romney has so many checks against him- crazy religion, sleazy business practices, wooden performance, two-faced policy positions.

You know what, Romney has lost far more elections than he's ever won. People didn't like what they saw then, they don't like what they see now. He's never polled above 25% of the GOP electorate, in the whole SIX YEARS he's been running.

When the 75% that don't want Romney decide on a single "not Romney", he's done.
If you were a Chris Christie supporter, does his endorsement of Romney hold any sway with you?

Or did you already like Romney also?

I actually really like Romney. He's got it all. But I don't trust his handlers. And his handlers are the people you really have to check out.

Mitt is #1 gorgeous. He embodies handsome so he is so photogenic. Beyond well spoken doesn't need a teleprompter.

What worries me, and this harkens back to Nixon getting into the White House and Nelson marching in and telling him who he was going to be surrounded with.

That's what worries me.
Americans are, generally, reasonably intelligent people.... well, perhaps not the Evangelicals but the rest of us... yea. They'll vote for the person - regardless of race, color or creed - who they believe can best see us through the difficult road ahead. I'm independently conservative, white, female, and smart.... I'll vote for Romney. And if I will, you can bet your ass that others will.

We are the 99%. :lol: The 99% who despise party politics, despise lie based campaigning, despise party over country, despise corruption in our political system, despise the trampling of our Constitution and.... We Surround You.

Americans are the dumbest people in the industrialized world. And frankly, I've seen very little in your rants to tell me that you are intelligent.

Romney has so many checks against him- crazy religion, sleazy business practices, wooden performance, two-faced policy positions.

You know what, Romney has lost far more elections than he's ever won. People didn't like what they saw then, they don't like what they see now. He's never polled above 25% of the GOP electorate, in the whole SIX YEARS he's been running.

When the 75% that don't want Romney decide on a single "not Romney", he's done.

Duly noted "miss Intelligent" can't answer any point offered.

Her whole argument is "you're a big meanyhead for not liking Mormons"...
Americans are, generally, reasonably intelligent people.... well, perhaps not the Evangelicals but the rest of us... yea. They'll vote for the person - regardless of race, color or creed - who they believe can best see us through the difficult road ahead. I'm independently conservative, white, female, and smart.... I'll vote for Romney. And if I will, you can bet your ass that others will.

We are the 99%. :lol: The 99% who despise party politics, despise lie based campaigning, despise party over country, despise corruption in our political system, despise the trampling of our Constitution and.... We Surround You.

Americans are the dumbest people in the industrialized world. And frankly, I've seen very little in your rants to tell me that you are intelligent.

Romney has so many checks against him- crazy religion, sleazy business practices, wooden performance, two-faced policy positions.

You know what, Romney has lost far more elections than he's ever won. People didn't like what they saw then, they don't like what they see now. He's never polled above 25% of the GOP electorate, in the whole SIX YEARS he's been running.

When the 75% that don't want Romney decide on a single "not Romney", he's done.

But this is why the media is promoting him. And you have to give him credit. He's running with it.

I have no idea whatsoever why Americans keep the focus on the Presidency when the real power is in the House and Senate. Who cares who wins the White House. You've got Milli Vanelli running around for the past three years making campaign speeches out the ying yang, Axlerod is running the WH, that idiot douche bag Valerie is completely dominating our hope and change fool and Michelle partying around the globe.

This is easy. This though is how you know the Rove's of the RNC's are desperate to keep their jobs.
But this is why the media is promoting him. And you have to give him credit. He's running with it.

I have no idea whatsoever why Americans keep the focus on the Presidency when the real power is in the House and Senate. Who cares who wins the White House. You've got Milli Vanelli running around for the past three years making campaign speeches out the ying yang, Axlerod is running the WH, that idiot douche bag Valerie is completely dominating our hope and change fool and Michelle partying around the globe.

This is easy. This though is how you know the Rove's of the RNC's are desperate to keep their jobs.

The Presidency is as important as Congress. Even a weak president like Obama still has a lot of influence through the bureaucracy.

And frankly, I think that the Roves of the world would rather lose than risk letting the rabble get control of the party. The TEA Party scares the GOP establishment. So they would rather support Romney, knowing the Evangelicals will hate him, knowing the Teaparty will hate him, knowing he probably can't win once people really get to know him.

This is what makes people like California Girl hilarious. She's absolutely convinced that "Independents" are going to love Romney when they get to know him when Republicans know him and don't.

Romney doesn't grow on people. The more people get to know him, the less they like him. In 2008, his fellow GOP candidates wouldn't even talk to him after debates, they disliked him that much.
Americans are, generally, reasonably intelligent people.... well, perhaps not the Evangelicals but the rest of us... yea. They'll vote for the person - regardless of race, color or creed - who they believe can best see us through the difficult road ahead. I'm independently conservative, white, female, and smart.... I'll vote for Romney. And if I will, you can bet your ass that others will.

We are the 99%. :lol: The 99% who despise party politics, despise lie based campaigning, despise party over country, despise corruption in our political system, despise the trampling of our Constitution and.... We Surround You.

Americans are the dumbest people in the industrialized world. And frankly, I've seen very little in your rants to tell me that you are intelligent.

Romney has so many checks against him- crazy religion, sleazy business practices, wooden performance, two-faced policy positions.

You know what, Romney has lost far more elections than he's ever won. People didn't like what they saw then, they don't like what they see now. He's never polled above 25% of the GOP electorate, in the whole SIX YEARS he's been running.

When the 75% that don't want Romney decide on a single "not Romney", he's done.


CG I like Romney. It's my instinct to like him. I've done promotions for most of my life. He is so sellable. well, not sure if that's a word, but I hope you get my drift here.

What I find disturbing is the media just out and out promoting him like the second coming.

Makes me really nervous when I'm listening to Ed Schultz promoting the dude. Makes my brain go "weebo weebo" and blue and red lights are flashing in my brain.

If Ed Schultz, you know the Big Red Ed, is saying Romney is the one this spooks me.

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