If you were God for a day

I'd have to have a celebrity death match.

And I don't mean some douche against another douche

I mean all celebrities in a no holds barred battle royal.

Winner gets to swim to Japan after I tip CA
You are all fags. If I was God I would turn Earth's population into Carmen Electra and Jenny McCarthy look-alikes and then have a mass orgy.
what would you do?
Me - the very first thing would be to show my face to the people.

Go on every viewscreen simultaneously and reissue my commandments:

1. Don't be a dick.
2. Do whatever you want as long as doing so doesn't conflict with the first law.
3. No one but me is authorized or qualified to offer an interpretation on these laws. When in doubt, ask me and only me.

Satan isn't God and these are not God's words nor His Commandments, Delta. I do recall hearing that Anton Lavey's had a similar message - do what thou wilt. It didn't work out for him and I do not believe it will work out well for anyone else that takes his advice.

As I understand it, Anton's final words were spoken with sheer terror and panic - something along the lines of ----> There is something very wrong! What have I done? There is something very wrong!

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I would not want to be God for a day. I am totally unqualified for such a thing and would not have the slightest idea of what to do. Neither would any of you.
I would make celery fattening and doughnuts part of any weight loss plan.

I would cause Donald trump's hair to burst into flames every time he tried to comb it over.

I would smite anyone who tried to kill someone because of religion or race. Or better yet, any man who tried to kill someone or have someone killed because of religion or race would have his genitals drop off.

Justin Bieber would develop a case of larygitus that lasted 50 years.

I would allow video calls to heaven on your birthday.

Telemarketers would develop leprosy.
Provide knowledge needed to allow humans to travel quickly and safely to other habitable worlds. But first I'd preordain that the Browns win the Super Bowl and the Tribe the World Series every year that ends in 3, 6 or 9.
what would you do?
Me - the very first thing would be to show my face to the people.

Go on every viewscreen simultaneously and reissue my commandments:

1. Don't be a dick.
2. Do whatever you want as long as doing so doesn't conflict with the first law.
3. No one but me is authorized or qualified to offer an interpretation on these laws. When in doubt, ask me and only me.

Satan isn't God and these are not God's words nor His Commandments, Delta. I do recall hearing that Anton Lavey's had a similar message - do what thou wilt. It didn't work out for him and I do not believe it will work out well for anyone else that takes his advice.

As I understand it, Anton's final words were spoken with sheer terror and panic - something along the lines of ----> There is something very wrong! What have I done? There is something very wrong!

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It was Aleister Crowley who taught "Do what that thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, love is the law, love under Will".

Crowley, not Lavey. Thelema... not Satanism... but those who practice Thelema are encouraged to learn from any religion they Will...


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