if you were in that concert hall..would you want a gun...a poll

If you were in that concert hall in France...would you want a gun for self defense?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 87.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 12.7%

  • Total voters
It's a bunch of partisan ideological bullshit is all it is. If you were personally in that situation, I can guarantee you would want a gun.

And I can guarantee you're dead wrong.

If I'd taken the advice of the gun nutter fetishists around here I'd have been dead by now, I can guarantee that too.

Yes, but you don't know anything about guns or shooting, do you?

Just enough.

Riddle me this -- poll question like the OP -- let's say you have a handgun, and you're pretty good with it, fast enough. You're walking near your house, armed, and you notice a plain-looking car screech to a halt, two guys you've never seen before jump out, start to pull guns and they're running toward you. There's no one else around or behind them.

You've got time to react. What do you do?
Yes, but you don't know anything about guns or shooting, do you?

Just enough.

Riddle me this -- poll question like the OP -- let's say you have a handgun, and you're pretty good with it, fast enough. You're walking near your house, armed, and you notice a plain-looking car screech to a halt, two guys you've never seen before jump out, start to pull guns and they're running toward you. There's no one else around or behind them.

You've got time to react. What do you do?

Who do you think you are, the Joker?

I doubt you know anything about guns. You are probably too frightened to hold one because you might shoot yourself! :D

Do the two men identify themselves as police officers, which is the LAW? Sorry, buddy, you aren't going to catch me in your trick questions.

No, nothing like that. Nor are they in a uniform or wearing badges. They're just .... guys who jumped out of an Oldsmobile. That's all you know. You have a moment to react. You're out in the open, not near a building, a bush, a car or anything.

What do you do?

If their guns are out -- I play along. If not -- mine will be there first. Assuming I don't hear them identify themselves.

Good, thank you. Somebody's capable of a straight answer. So you draw first, if you can? What if they open fire, do you return? They don't identify themselves at all...

There's more to this story??? Of course. They shot at me. I have a gun. I'm gonna try to kill them.
But NOTE !!! I'm STILL gonna be aware of the whole picture. I'm gonna take shots that don't create possible harm to others. AND I'm gonna be looking for opportunities to put my self in a better position..
So your answer is --- you freeze and do nothing. You took way too much time here.

Wasted your money on the gun then.

And btw your polyanna belief that "they have to identify themselves, therefore that's what happens in real life" would be cute if it weren't so tragically naïve. This is real life, not TV.

Yeah they were cops, and no they never identified themselves as such (I had to figure that out), and the point is if I had been packing and drew, then at least some of us would have gone down; and if I had NOT drawn and was frisked, I prolly would have been sent up for murder. For no other reason than that it would have been convenient for them.

Yay guns. What a brilliant idea that would have been. :rolleyes:

Ummmm, no. That is YOUR solution dumb ass. We are going to shoot back. You're going to try and dig a hole in the cement floor and hope they don't see you. Good luck with that...

So you would have shot at these cops huh?
Would you have waited for them to draw first? Or shoot first?

You can answer however you like -- I'm aware I'm dealing with Captain Roadster who can drive to St. Louis in two minutes... :eusa_whistle:

When you are losing you resort to the most ridiculous lies. It's almost funny how bad you're flailing away. Pathetic too, but funny.

Still waiting for the definition of mass shooting from you.

I see you're stupid as well as blind. Check post number 169 for the SECOND TIME!

That's talking about "an active shooter incident". I asked you for the definition of a mass shooting.
Your fears and paranoia are your own problems. If I want to have a gun to protect myself, that is none of your fucking
business. Got that? It is MY right to do so. You can go fuck off as far as I'm concerned.

That's the second time you've tried to divert off to "rights" without ever explaining the first one.

Helping yourself to Bustball's strawmen are we?

Obviously, you are an anti-rights traitor to the American people and a government lackey. How can anyone have respect for someone like that? If you want to be a pussy in your life, that is fine, but don't you dare try to push that bullshit onto me.

Digging deeper and deeper into the strawman quiver.
I brought up nothing about "rights", noting about "governmet", nothing about "Amendments". Absolute Zero.
So why do you two keep trying to deflect there? Can't handle the point?

Then what are you arguing about?

He's trolling now. Ignore the tard....

Do you notice how damn shady they are? Instead of coming out honestly with their position, they will be dishonest, tell you they own guns and are not against them, but yet they want this and that and this and that and this. :rolleyes-41:
A better question, would I want hundreds of others to have guns shooting each other in the dark? Probably not.

yeah...better that only the killers have the guns..right? that worked out so well for the French....

Bending a terrorist attack into your own personal pet-peeve is horrendous enough. Predicting you know what would have happened if the theater was in Alabama is something else.
No one is bending anything you idiot. They were UNARMED and that IS a fact. MOST cops there are UNARMED and that IS a fact.
Would am ARMED DEFENDER still have died? Most likely BUT others MAY have lived BECAUSE of it.

Is this thread about conceal carry in public venues or arming police? They are completely separate things. Why don't you put that 214 IQ of yours to work and think before you post.
When dealing with terrorists its both idiot. What good is an UNARMED cop? Moron.
The French police are armed.
And I can guarantee you're dead wrong.

If I'd taken the advice of the gun nutter fetishists around here I'd have been dead by now, I can guarantee that too.

Yes, but you don't know anything about guns or shooting, do you?

Just enough.

Riddle me this -- poll question like the OP -- let's say you have a handgun, and you're pretty good with it, fast enough. You're walking near your house, armed, and you notice a plain-looking car screech to a halt, two guys you've never seen before jump out, start to pull guns and they're running toward you. There's no one else around or behind them.

You've got time to react. What do you do?
Just enough.

Riddle me this -- poll question like the OP -- let's say you have a handgun, and you're pretty good with it, fast enough. You're walking near your house, armed, and you notice a plain-looking car screech to a halt, two guys you've never seen before jump out, start to pull guns and they're running toward you. There's no one else around or behind them.

You've got time to react. What do you do?

Who do you think you are, the Joker?

I doubt you know anything about guns. You are probably too frightened to hold one because you might shoot yourself! :D

Do the two men identify themselves as police officers, which is the LAW? Sorry, buddy, you aren't going to catch me in your trick questions.

No, nothing like that. Nor are they in a uniform or wearing badges. They're just .... guys who jumped out of an Oldsmobile. That's all you know. You have a moment to react. You're out in the open, not near a building, a bush, a car or anything.

What do you do?

If their guns are out -- I play along. If not -- mine will be there first. Assuming I don't hear them identify themselves.

Good, thank you. Somebody's capable of a straight answer. So you draw first, if you can? What if they open fire, do you return? They don't identify themselves at all...

There's more to this story??? Of course. They shot at me. I have a gun. I'm gonna try to kill them.
But NOTE !!! I'm STILL gonna be aware of the whole picture. I'm gonna take shots that don't create possible harm to others. AND I'm gonna be looking for opportunities to put my self in a better position..

Oh no, you're not allowed to think man. You're supposed to stand up and yell at the bad guys so they can see you nice and clear. You then have to dramatically pull your weapon and show it to them (sideways of course so they can identify what you are using) then you have to laboriously load the magazine because having a loaded mag in the weapon is well you know... dangerous. and then, and only then are you allowed to shoot the bad guy.

That's the level of mentality you are dealing with here...
That's the second time you've tried to divert off to "rights" without ever explaining the first one.

Helping yourself to Bustball's strawmen are we?

Obviously, you are an anti-rights traitor to the American people and a government lackey. How can anyone have respect for someone like that? If you want to be a pussy in your life, that is fine, but don't you dare try to push that bullshit onto me.

Digging deeper and deeper into the strawman quiver.
I brought up nothing about "rights", noting about "governmet", nothing about "Amendments". Absolute Zero.
So why do you two keep trying to deflect there? Can't handle the point?

Then what are you arguing about?

He's trolling now. Ignore the tard....

Do you notice how damn shady they are? Instead of coming out honestly with their position, they will be dishonest, tell you they own guns and are not against them, but yet they want this and that and this and that and this. :rolleyes-41:

I do own a gun, moron.
They will say they own guns at the same time they tell you that they feel they are pretty much useless for self defense purposes. Good grief, that is maddening.

No one who claims to own a weapon and holds these views is telling the truth.
Obviously, you are an anti-rights traitor to the American people and a government lackey. How can anyone have respect for someone like that? If you want to be a pussy in your life, that is fine, but don't you dare try to push that bullshit onto me.

Digging deeper and deeper into the strawman quiver.
I brought up nothing about "rights", noting about "governmet", nothing about "Amendments". Absolute Zero.
So why do you two keep trying to deflect there? Can't handle the point?

Then what are you arguing about?

He's trolling now. Ignore the tard....

Do you notice how damn shady they are? Instead of coming out honestly with their position, they will be dishonest, tell you they own guns and are not against them, but yet they want this and that and this and that and this. :rolleyes-41:

I do own a gun, moron.

Highly doubtful.
Police cannot be everywhere, and as a matter of fact, police are visible and can be taken out preemptively by terrorists. Im sad that you would be NOT willing to carry a gun, even to have saved someone else life in paris.
A lot of lives could have been saved by one or two armed civilians with cool heads. Im saddened by your low view of your fellow citizens

A lot of more lives could have been lost, it's a crapshoot.

The terrorists would have been preoccupied at least when they were fired upon, others could have escaped instead of being slaughtered one at a time with 100 percent absolutely no hope chance. they knew they were going to die, and they knew no one would come to save them as they were next. Your going to sit there high and mighty
like that? You may be a very wonderful person in every other way, but your position on this IS ridiculous

You are so nice. So much nicer than me. :D I don't know how people can argue with some of these people and keep their cool. I want to rip out throats and poke out eyes, especially when it comes to my rights. :lol:

whoa whoa Chris,.... Im eating dinner ( I'm doing a visual on that now) haha

Sorry about that. :eusa_shifty:

haha Its ok!! but if i ever argue with you , forget the rose colored glasses, Im wearing safety glasses!
Digging deeper and deeper into the strawman quiver.
I brought up nothing about "rights", noting about "governmet", nothing about "Amendments". Absolute Zero.
So why do you two keep trying to deflect there? Can't handle the point?

Then what are you arguing about?

He's trolling now. Ignore the tard....

Do you notice how damn shady they are? Instead of coming out honestly with their position, they will be dishonest, tell you they own guns and are not against them, but yet they want this and that and this and that and this. :rolleyes-41:

I do own a gun, moron.

Highly doubtful.

Just makes you wrong yet again.
So your answer is --- you freeze and do nothing. You took way too much time here.

Wasted your money on the gun then.

And btw your polyanna belief that "they have to identify themselves, therefore that's what happens in real life" would be cute if it weren't so tragically naïve. This is real life, not TV.

Yeah they were cops, and no they never identified themselves as such (I had to figure that out), and the point is if I had been packing and drew, then at least some of us would have gone down; and if I had NOT drawn and was frisked, I prolly would have been sent up for murder. For no other reason than that it would have been convenient for them.

Yay guns. What a brilliant idea that would have been. :rolleyes:

Ummmm, no. That is YOUR solution dumb ass. We are going to shoot back. You're going to try and dig a hole in the cement floor and hope they don't see you. Good luck with that...

So you would have shot at these cops huh?
Would you have waited for them to draw first? Or shoot first?

You can answer however you like -- I'm aware I'm dealing with Captain Roadster who can drive to St. Louis in two minutes... :eusa_whistle:

When you are losing you resort to the most ridiculous lies. It's almost funny how bad you're flailing away. Pathetic too, but funny.

Still waiting for the definition of mass shooting from you.

I see you're stupid as well as blind. Check post number 169 for the SECOND TIME!

Auuhh , maybe he's blind cause he was arguing with Chris??
A lot of more lives could have been lost, it's a crapshoot.

The terrorists would have been preoccupied at least when they were fired upon, others could have escaped instead of being slaughtered one at a time with 100 percent absolutely no hope chance. they knew they were going to die, and they knew no one would come to save them as they were next. Your going to sit there high and mighty
like that? You may be a very wonderful person in every other way, but your position on this IS ridiculous

You are so nice. So much nicer than me. :D I don't know how people can argue with some of these people and keep their cool. I want to rip out throats and poke out eyes, especially when it comes to my rights. :lol:

whoa whoa Chris,.... Im eating dinner ( I'm doing a visual on that now) haha

Sorry about that. :eusa_shifty:

haha Its ok!! but if i ever argue with you , forget the rose colored glasses, Im wearing safety glasses!

I'm sorry. I try to be nice. It's really hard though. :D

Edit: Okay, well sometimes I try to be nice.
Ummmm, no. That is YOUR solution dumb ass. We are going to shoot back. You're going to try and dig a hole in the cement floor and hope they don't see you. Good luck with that...

So you would have shot at these cops huh?
Would you have waited for them to draw first? Or shoot first?

You can answer however you like -- I'm aware I'm dealing with Captain Roadster who can drive to St. Louis in two minutes... :eusa_whistle:

When you are losing you resort to the most ridiculous lies. It's almost funny how bad you're flailing away. Pathetic too, but funny.

Still waiting for the definition of mass shooting from you.

I see you're stupid as well as blind. Check post number 169 for the SECOND TIME!

Auuhh , maybe he's blind cause he was arguing with Chris??

Nope, as it turns out Whitehall can't define what a mass shooting is, yet he is all over this thread.,
After all that fun.. I realize I DO know how to answer that poll question.

Of Course i WANT a gun, but depending on the circumstances -- I MAY or MAY NOT end up using it..

So the answer to the poll is yes..
yeah...better that only the killers have the guns..right? that worked out so well for the French....

Bending a terrorist attack into your own personal pet-peeve is horrendous enough. Predicting you know what would have happened if the theater was in Alabama is something else.
No one is bending anything you idiot. They were UNARMED and that IS a fact. MOST cops there are UNARMED and that IS a fact.
Would am ARMED DEFENDER still have died? Most likely BUT others MAY have lived BECAUSE of it.

Is this thread about conceal carry in public venues or arming police? They are completely separate things. Why don't you put that 214 IQ of yours to work and think before you post.
When dealing with terrorists its both idiot. What good is an UNARMED cop? Moron.
The French police are armed.

Most Police Municipale are NOT armed. In fact two of them were killed last night. Both unarmed. The Police Nationale, and the Gendarmerie Nationale ARE always armed. Mostly with pistols (the SP2022 is the usual choice) and in special circumstances with SMG's or automatic rifles.
So you would have shot at these cops huh?
Would you have waited for them to draw first? Or shoot first?

You can answer however you like -- I'm aware I'm dealing with Captain Roadster who can drive to St. Louis in two minutes... :eusa_whistle:

When you are losing you resort to the most ridiculous lies. It's almost funny how bad you're flailing away. Pathetic too, but funny.

Still waiting for the definition of mass shooting from you.

I see you're stupid as well as blind. Check post number 169 for the SECOND TIME!

Auuhh , maybe he's blind cause he was arguing with Chris??

Nope, as it turns out Whitehall can't define what a mass shooting is, yet he is all over this thread.,

Don't sweat it. Washington isn't sure either.

Could be 40 bullets in a Chicago gang drive-by and one person hit. To ME --- that's a mass shooting.
So you would have shot at these cops huh?
Would you have waited for them to draw first? Or shoot first?

You can answer however you like -- I'm aware I'm dealing with Captain Roadster who can drive to St. Louis in two minutes... :eusa_whistle:

When you are losing you resort to the most ridiculous lies. It's almost funny how bad you're flailing away. Pathetic too, but funny.

Still waiting for the definition of mass shooting from you.

I see you're stupid as well as blind. Check post number 169 for the SECOND TIME!

Auuhh , maybe he's blind cause he was arguing with Chris??

Nope, as it turns out Whitehall can't define what a mass shooting is, yet he is all over this thread.,

So, I see you have resorted to lying like the pogster. Here you go silly boy. It was posted way back in number 169 but that would require you to be competent..... BTW this is a sure sign that you're flailing away.....STEEEEEERIKE 9 and the side is retired!

"The FBI is committed to working with its partners to protect schools, workplaces, houses of worship, transportation centers, other public gathering sites, and communities."
Active Shooter Incidents


Ain't no houses listed, are there bucko?
Ummmm, no. That is YOUR solution dumb ass. We are going to shoot back. You're going to try and dig a hole in the cement floor and hope they don't see you. Good luck with that...

So you would have shot at these cops huh?
Would you have waited for them to draw first? Or shoot first?

You can answer however you like -- I'm aware I'm dealing with Captain Roadster who can drive to St. Louis in two minutes... :eusa_whistle:

When you are losing you resort to the most ridiculous lies. It's almost funny how bad you're flailing away. Pathetic too, but funny.

Still waiting for the definition of mass shooting from you.

Apparently gun nuts can only argue from emotion and deflection.

OK I'm bored. Ciao.

Thanks be to Geebus!

I'm sorry Pogo. You just make me so MAD with your fake stories and your shadiness! If you are against guns, then just come out and say so instead of playing these silly games!

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