If You Wonder Why The Country Is Divided


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Things like this might have something to do with it.....

Typical College kid comes from a fairly well-off family, goes to college using TENS OF THOUSANDS of $$ in borrowed money, gets a degree in Gender Studies, gets a job as a Teacher's Aid and --

The Biden Admin just decided that they are so important, so indispensable that We The People need to pay off their College Debt.

So, you good folks whose parents couldn't afford to send you off to a 4 year fuck-fest.... ?? You get to pay Suzie Sorority's College debt off.

Welcome to Biden's America. You are here for one reason.... To work and slave and pay taxes so Karen and Brad can go to College free.

Things like this might have something to do with it.....

Typical College kid comes from a fairly well-off family, goes to college using TENS OF THOUSANDS of $$ in borrowed money, gets a degree in Gender Studies, gets a job as a Teacher's Aid and --

The Biden Admin just decided that they are so important, so indispensable that We The People need to pay off their College Debt.

So, you good folks whose parents couldn't afford to send you off to a 4 year fuck-fest.... ?? You get to pay Suzie Sorority's College debt off.

Welcome to Biden's America. You are here for one reason.... To work and slave and pay taxes so Karen and Brad can go to College free.

the kids from"fairly well off" families do not have a lot of student debt (unless, of course, their choice of majors displeases their patriarch.)
the kids from"fairly well off" families do not have a lot of student debt (unless, of course, their choice of majors displeases their patriarch.)
Yes they do, stupid. I know PLENTY of them. Personally.

In fact, this proves beyond any shadow of any doubt that you opine on things that make absolutely no sense to you. You have no clue. You are ignorant.

Nobody with an above-room-temperature IQ uses their own money when they can have their kids get an a low or interest-free loan. Or free money.

dimocrap fiLTH have been campaigning on cancelling student debt for DECADES. So, well-off parents will have their brats take out a college loan because.... I can't do it anymore.

You people are just fucking stupid.
Things like this might have something to do with it.....

Typical College kid comes from a fairly well-off family, goes to college using TENS OF THOUSANDS of $$ in borrowed money, gets a degree in Gender Studies, gets a job as a Teacher's Aid and --

The Biden Admin just decided that they are so important, so indispensable that We The People need to pay off their College Debt.

So, you good folks whose parents couldn't afford to send you off to a 4 year fuck-fest.... ?? You get to pay Suzie Sorority's College debt off.

Welcome to Biden's America. You are here for one reason.... To work and slave and pay taxes so Karen and Brad can go to College free.

I wish that the reason for the US being divided was something as inane as who gets their debt forgiven and who has to pay what they own.

As a personal favorite I would suggest all the money Trump owed several banks gets paid back, before he demanded them to forgive part of his outstanding debt or have him go bankrupt.

The fact of the matter is, that the country is divided, because of a fundamental different concept of what it means to be American. And the idea that politics is a zero sum game. The only way to win is when the other side loses. That doesn't work in politics which requires compromise.
I wish that the reason for the US being divided was something as inane as who gets their debt forgiven and who has to pay what they own.

As a personal favorite I would suggest all the money Trump owed several banks gets paid back, before he demanded them to forgive part of his outstanding debt or have him go bankrupt.

The fact of the matter is, that the country is divided, because of a fundamental different concept of what it means to be American. And the idea that politics is a zero sum game. The only way to win is when the other side loses. That doesn't work in politics which requires compromise.

Politics have become a cult.
I wish that the reason for the US being divided was something as inane as who gets their debt forgiven and who has to pay what they own.

Then pay off my Loans, bitch.
Evidently following the law is for suckers too.

I guess that's why more and more gun owners are saying FU to the ATF and gun grabbing states like IL.
Things like this might have something to do with it.....

Typical College kid comes from a fairly well-off family, goes to college using TENS OF THOUSANDS of $$ in borrowed money, gets a degree in Gender Studies, gets a job as a Teacher's Aid and --

The Biden Admin just decided that they are so important, so indispensable that We The People need to pay off their College Debt.

So, you good folks whose parents couldn't afford to send you off to a 4 year fuck-fest.... ?? You get to pay Suzie Sorority's College debt off.

Welcome to Biden's America. You are here for one reason.... To work and slave and pay taxes so Karen and Brad can go to College free.

Kids from well off families to take on debt to go to college.
Things like this might have something to do with it.....

Typical College kid comes from a fairly well-off family, goes to college using TENS OF THOUSANDS of $$ in borrowed money, gets a degree in Gender Studies, gets a job as a Teacher's Aid and --

The Biden Admin just decided that they are so important, so indispensable that We The People need to pay off their College Debt.

So, you good folks whose parents couldn't afford to send you off to a 4 year fuck-fest.... ?? You get to pay Suzie Sorority's College debt off.

Welcome to Biden's America. You are here for one reason.... To work and slave and pay taxes so Karen and Brad can go to College free.

My neighbor's son is a smart kid. He did well in school. During the summers in high school and on the weekends he worked with uncle that had a plumbing business.

After graduating from high school he decided that he would rather be a plumber than go to college. Nowadays he is making a six figure a year income. Loves his job. One of these days will probably take over the business from his uncle and make real good money then.

Why should his tax money be used to pay for a worthless degree for somebody else?

I paid my own way through college. Why should my money be stolen by me by the government to pay for a worthless degree for somebody else?
I paid my own way through college. Why should my money be stolen by me by the government to pay for a worthless degree for somebody else?
Because dimocrap scum say so, that's why.

And watch out, Biden's got all the F-16s. Which he will gladly point out to you
The F-16 pilot will be on the side of the American Patriots and will use the fighter to blow up Potatohead's ass.
Things like this might have something to do with it.....

Typical College kid comes from a fairly well-off family, goes to college using TENS OF THOUSANDS of $$ in borrowed money, gets a degree in Gender Studies, gets a job as a Teacher's Aid and --

The Biden Admin just decided that they are so important, so indispensable that We The People need to pay off their College Debt.

So, you good folks whose parents couldn't afford to send you off to a 4 year fuck-fest.... ?? You get to pay Suzie Sorority's College debt off.

Welcome to Biden's America. You are here for one reason.... To work and slave and pay taxes so Karen and Brad can go to College free.


Like everything else in this country, college education is a scam. Yet employers insist that employees have college degrees. Those that do not are condemned to low wages for life. It's an extortion scam. The colleges, the banks and employers are in on it. Generation after generation are channeled in to being defacto slaves thru debt.

College administrators believe that they are entitled to a standard of living equal to doctors and corporate executives. So if they can get away with it (which they can), they will charge the maximum for college.

There is no correlation between the college majors offered and what the job market demands - but colleges never let students know that. Many get valueless degrees.

That leaves an entire generation of Americans totally financially screwed as they start their young lives - and that is a very valid concern of the government.

The best thing young people can do is to, as a generation, refuse to pay back their student loans. Go into default. Let the entire scam collapse on the scammers.

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