"If you’re innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment"? Donald Trump

I would use the Hitlery Clinton defense: "I don't recall".

Don't have to take the 5th, don't have to answer anything.

too late.

I would use the Hitlery Clinton defense: "I don't recall".

Don't have to take the 5th, don't have to answer anything.
Sure, why not? Just lie.

The party of "Family Values" at it's finest hour.
And just think, people thought that organized crime was a thing of the past.

Now we have the Trump family to deal with. Oops!

the don & his capos will be nabbed.

SDNY is looking at donny's bank & insurance fraud as a RICO case. that's why mark pomerantz - the lead prosecuter was hired to investigate.

Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

Tom Porter
Feb 19, 2021, 6:51 AM

  • Manhattan's district attorney hired top prosecutor Mark Pomerantz to join its Trump investigation.
  • Pomerantz has a long career prosecuting white-collar crime and organized crime.
  • The Manhattan DA is investigating whether the Trump Organization committed financial crimes.
Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

michael cohen - donny's long time fixer has met with pomerantz close to a dozen times.

donny is shirley feeling the walls closing in.
Eric Trump took the 5th 500 times because the govt. has a "weak case"?

Correct. His lawyer said it is a witch hunt, if they have a case have em prove it. Guess you're not very bright. Not a surprise.
on jan 5th roger stone spoke at a 'stop the steal ' rally & used some of the very same oathkeepers that were just arrested for seditious conspiracy - as his personal security.

roger stone pleaded the 5th when congress wanted him to testify under oath abut jan. 6...

huh, curious that.
Again, why testify if you don't have to? Pleading the 5th is allowed. Change the law but don't blame those who follow it.
Did you expect his lawyer to admit his client is guilty?
IF they had a solid case he would tell him to testify to tell his version...like Rittenhouse did. Here they don't have very much if anything is my educated guess.
James’s office noted that Eric Trump and Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg each invoked the Fifth Amendment more than 500 times.

Eric Trump did so during an Oct. 5, 2020, interview: “Eric Trump then invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in response to more than 500 questions over six hours.”

4 big points from the N.Y. attorney general’s Trump allegations

I suppose this is related to other threads noting Trump being investigated but you have to get a special chuckle over this.

Trump made the statements concerning Hillary associated taking the fifth. I have to imagine he was correct and for the most part I see this as verification that Trump and Hillary are pretty much the same where corruption is concerned.
Why do you imagine that Trump was correct? I have to imagine that he was not correct.
Correct. His lawyer said it is a witch hunt, if they have a case have em prove it. Guess you're not very bright. Not a surprise.
An important part of proving is to ask questions and analyze the answers. Eric Trump had answers and avoided the answers because he was most likely guilty. The Trumps are hardly innocent of wrong doing.
Why do you imagine that Trump was correct? I have to imagine that he was not correct.

An important part of proving is to ask questions and analyze the answers. Eric Trump had answers and avoided the answers because he was most likely guilty. The Trumps are hardly innocent of wrong doing.
You are guessing. If they have the documents and details of a crime they should be able to prove it. Trump isn’t doing anything illegal by pleading the 5th.
too late.

These cases are almost impossible to prove. I wish the AG luck. More waste of taxpayer dollars. NY has people pushing other people onto oncoming trains and she is worried about tax law. Amazing.
You are guessing. If they have the documents and details of a crime they should be able to prove it. Trump isn’t doing anything illegal by pleading the 5th.
Correct, he is not doing anything illegal. He simply does not want to incriminate himself or his father.
That doesn't make him innocent.
IF they had a solid case he would tell him to testify to tell his version...like Rittenhouse did. Here they don't have very much if anything is my educated guess.
Bad guess. They may have plenty. Rittenhouse took the stand because he thought he could help his case.
Correct, he is not doing anything illegal. He simply does not want to incriminate himself or his father.
That doesn't make him innocent.
Or he doesn't have anything to defend because he didn't do anything wrong and doesn't wish to give the AG any credence? You have made up your mind already so it doesn't matter what you think tbh
Bad guess. They may have plenty. Rittenhouse took the stand because he thought he could help his case.
How can a guess be "bad"? We don't know what the AG has. LOL

To me it is 100% political. In America you are still innocent until proven guilty. Maybe not in your leftist America?
So just to be clear, this isn't partisan. No, not at all. If I bring up Democrats who took the fifth, you will start a thread about them and slam them too, yes siree. That's what you're saying
Trump said, "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" He implied you are guilty if you take the Fifth.

We have seen several Trump lackeys, and now his children, taking the Fifth. The schadenfreude is just too delicious to resist.

All caught up now?

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