"If you’re innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment"? Donald Trump

Corporations made money due to PPP loans and low interest rates that were implemented under Trump.

& never raised prices to recoup? too many of those loans were given to corps that never shoulda gotten them. i hope you can agree with me on that.

What has Biden done sans kill confidence and threaten higher taxes?

he wanted to slash some of the 2017 tax cuts that the 'job creaters' got. some ... not all. however that drove (R)s nuts cause greed is still good.
& never raised prices to recoup? too many of those loans were given to corps that never shoulda gotten them. i hope you can agree with me on that.

he wanted to slash some of the 2017 tax cuts that the 'job creaters' got. some ... not all. however that drove (R)s nuts cause greed is still good.
PPP was a fucking disaster. Not Trumps fault but that of all our politicians. The tax cuts were a good thing. Supply chain issues, high oil prices, stupid regulations….all Biden and the idiot Democrats. The party of Defund the Police.
Eric Trump did so during an Oct. 5, 2020, interview: “Eric Trump then invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in response to more than 500 questions over six hours.”

It is not rambling when one addresses your OP.

500 questions in 360 minutes, more than one a minute, for 6 hours.

That is the action of a tyrant, a Soviet Russian Socialist interrogation, one simple mistake with a date or time and one is charged with a process crime.

Pknopp's only problem with all this is Trump's son has Constitutional rights.

There is no place in society for the tyrants of the past and today's tyrants (democrats) repeating history.
The MAFIA takes the 5th Republicans make the Mafia look like clowns
Democrats and the mafia are exactly who they are, criminals.

Last I checked New York votes Democrat, and is where we find the mafia.

There is no place in the world for democrats, and the mafia.
Pathetic deflection attempt by a troll desperate for attention. Peacefully protest.

did he or did he not say that?

why yes he did - instead he went back to his bunker to watch his flying monkeys commit insurrection.
The tax cuts were a good thing.

for who? after a few bumps in bonus' to worker bees - that were eaten up by rising prices - most of that cash went to stock buy backs.

Supply chain issues,

people refusing to get vaxxed & getting sick

high oil prices,

recouping lost profits because nobody was driving

stupid regulations

you mean protections....

….all Biden

oh c'mon.... ALL biden? really?

and the idiot Democrats.

spoken like a true indy.

The party of Defund the Police.

defunding doesn't mean abolishing. only a few wanted that. sometimes reallocating cash from one area to another is a wise investment.
for who? after a few bumps in bonus' to worker bees - that were eaten up by rising prices - most of that cash went to stock buy backs.

people refusing to get vaxxed & getting sick

recouping lost profits because nobody was driving

you mean protections....

oh c'mon.... ALL biden? really?

spoken like a true indy.

defunding doesn't mean abolishing. only a few wanted that. sometimes reallocating cash from one area to another is a wise investment.
Tax cuts were good for US jobs as it curbed corporate inversions and pushed unemployment to historic lows and people saw wage gains for the first time in years. Democrats have gone too far left. Bill Maher agrees with me and he is a Democrat not an Indy. Biden sucks and most of the country agrees with me.
Bill Maher agrees with me and he is a Democrat not an Indy. Biden sucks and most of the country agrees with me.

bill maher usta tout being libertarian way back in the day. now he's just an anti vaxxing nut.

he's as indy as you. & if donny was so good with the economy; which seems to be the utmost issue with you - why would you not want him to run again? yes yes - you'de be the first in line at the polls to vote for him if he did get the nomination ... but why consider anybody elese then, like you said?
bill maher usta tout being libertarian way back in the day. now he's just an anti vaxxing nut.

he's as indy as you. & if donny was so good with the economy; which seems to be the utmost issue with you - why would you not want him to run again? yes yes - you'de be the first in line at the polls to vote for him if he did get the nomination ... but why consider anybody elese then, like you said?
He will be old. I do Not want someone old. He was great for the economy. Biden has been awful. Fed will start raising interest rates soon. Watch the market…

Maher has always been a Democrat. You’re wrong. He is not anti vaxx he is anti Fauci telling people what to do.
did he or did he not say that?

why yes he did - instead he went back to his bunker to watch his flying monkeys commit insurrection.
Pathetic deflection from his words to peacefully protest. Which happened until the planted FBI goons started their shit. There was no insurrection you liar. Show where anyone has been charged with that.
Maher has always been a Democrat. You’re wrong. He is not anti vaxx he is anti Fauci telling people what to do.


Checking in With Bill Maher (in 1999)

After Monica, the ‘Politically Incorrect’ host gets to the real issues: Super-model slights, Howard Stern’s jealousy and the importance of Jesse Ventura.


You’ve been described as a libertarian.
I’m a libertarian. The line I’ve always used is, I would be a Republican if they would. Which means that I like the Barry Gold-water Republican Party, even the Reagan Republican Party. I want a mean old man to watch my money. I don’t want a Republican to be funny. I don’t want him to be charming. Because government is a sieve that takes as much money as it can and gives it away, usually needlessly.
Checking in With Bill Maher (in 1999)

EMMYS: Bill Maher's Longest Losing Streak

By The Deadline Team
June 18, 2011 3:11pm

MAHER: I don’t know Charlie Sheen well, but I spent a little time with him in 2009 and that guy is completely different than the one I’ve seen now. The fact is I’m a Libertarian who believes you should be able to do any drug you want. But don’t get all obnoxious and brag about it. That bothers me, the rubbing your fame and money in people’s faces — especially Charlie who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. I put Donald Trump in that same league of rubbing people’s noses in it. Trump and Charlie spend far too much time talking about how fucking fabulous they are.
Pathetic deflection from his words to peacefully protest.

he said it. he didn't do it.

he lied.

Which happened until the planted FBI goons started their shit.

fake news. ray epps already testified to that & his lawyer says will be going puplic about soon enough.

There was no insurrection you liar.


Show where anyone has been charged with that.

oh dear - another tucker carlson mouthpiece.

insurrection is a lesser charge than seditious conspiracy, which envelopes insurrection but double the prison time. others may or may not be charged with that particular crime - since investigations are still ongoing & a superseding indictment can take care of that.
He will be old. I do Not want someone old. He was great for the economy. Biden has been awful. Fed will start raising interest rates soon. Watch the market…

Maher has always been a Democrat. You’re wrong. He is not anti vaxx he is anti Fauci telling people what to do.

People loved that free money.

Checking in With Bill Maher (in 1999)

After Monica, the ‘Politically Incorrect’ host gets to the real issues: Super-model slights, Howard Stern’s jealousy and the importance of Jesse Ventura.


You’ve been described as a libertarian.
I’m a libertarian. The line I’ve always used is, I would be a Republican if they would. Which means that I like the Barry Gold-water Republican Party, even the Reagan Republican Party. I want a mean old man to watch my money. I don’t want a Republican to be funny. I don’t want him to be charming. Because government is a sieve that takes as much money as it can and gives it away, usually needlessly.
Checking in With Bill Maher (in 1999)

EMMYS: Bill Maher's Longest Losing Streak

By The Deadline Team
June 18, 2011 3:11pm

MAHER: I don’t know Charlie Sheen well, but I spent a little time with him in 2009 and that guy is completely different than the one I’ve seen now. The fact is I’m a Libertarian who believes you should be able to do any drug you want. But don’t get all obnoxious and brag about it. That bothers me, the rubbing your fame and money in people’s faces — especially Charlie who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. I put Donald Trump in that same league of rubbing people’s noses in it. Trump and Charlie spend far too much time talking about how fucking fabulous they are.
Watch Real Time with Bill Maher. He calls himself a Liberal like 20x.

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