"If you’re innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment"? Donald Trump

Actually such behavior by a lawyer would get them disbarred. They are officers of the court, and have a duty to see that justice is served. If he advocates for his clients complete silence, it's because he knows the extent of his clients guilt
Link us up to a lawyer who was disbarred for advising his client to take the 5th.

Trump made his money from foreigners.
He had a national security advisor holding secret meetings with russians, and a son-in-law setting up backchannels with russia, and a son holding secret meetings with russian operatives.
Fake News. Got anything else?
Whatever you want from Biden, he's perfectly justified at telling you no.

And that would be consistent with the behavior of the last president.

Of course, that won't prevent y'all from being extremely hypocritical about it.
He can say no all day. The laptop will tell the full story.
Why is Pelosi refusing to testify before her own sham 1/6 Committee when she was warned in advance by the FBI, who helped incite the riot? If she is innocent / has nothing to hide she has no reason not to testify, which is the point of this thread.
I hate it when people post articles claiming they support their allegation but in fact often state the opposite, which is what happened with Azog. He googled a bunch of articles, didn't read them, and then just threw them in a post. I dismantled each article, three out of four didn't even allege anything illegal has happened and one of which specifically stated it was legal.

When I post an article, I make sure it actually says what I think it says.
And since you didn’t read any articles you were given, you look stupid claiming Joe Biden wasn’t involved in any of this. 10% set aside for “the Big Guy”, revealed as Joe Biden. Many reminders to NOT mention Joe by name. You dismantled nothing.
And since you didn’t read any articles you were given, you look stupid claiming Joe Biden wasn’t involved in any of this. 10% set aside for “the Big Guy”, revealed as Joe Biden. Many reminders to NOT mention Joe by name. You dismantled nothing.
None of which is illegal.

Thanks for nothing, loser.
None of which is illegal.

Thanks for nothing, loser.
Yes it is you troll. Paying for access through Crackhead Hunter (sure as hell wasn’t for his knowledge, or lack thereof), plausible deniability for Joe to dodge charges of bribery and official misconduct. Plenty there. You lose again.
Such ignorant irrelevant remarks.
Yes you have put up ignorant and irrelevant remarks. You obviously don’t know how things work. I don’t have to answer anything just because you’re too incompetent to build a case.
Yes it is you troll. Paying for access through Crackhead Hunter (sure as hell wasn’t for his knowledge, or lack thereof), plausible deniability for Joe to dodge charges of bribery and official misconduct. Plenty there. You lose again.
Biden was out of office.

Hard to commit official misconduct when you don't have an office.

Did I say hard? I meant impossible.
Yes you have put up ignorant and irrelevant remarks. You obviously don’t know how things work. I don’t have to answer anything just because you’re too incompetent to build a case.

Sure, no one has gone to jail over contempt charges for not testifying. It never happened, it was all made up.
Biden was out of office.

Hard to commit official misconduct when you don't have an office.

Did I say hard? I meant impossible.
Much of what Hunter/Joe did to make the unqualified crackhead a multi-millionaire was done while Pedo Joe was VP, Dumbass.

Keep nuzzling those Biden nuts.
“Criminal”…we use that word too loosely. Biden is definitely dirty.


The “Big Guy” but it’s par for the course these days.


Financial crimes don’t make lose sleep at night.

it's making donny lose sleep. it was not a good week for him.

letitia james isn't the only one going after him. if SDNY nabs him for RICO - he's gonna be goin' thru some things. & georgia is going fwd with a special grand jury for election fraud, & the news that just came out 'bout squid boy & the election fraud he coordinated in them thar swing states... how long b4 he cracks & gives up some dirt he knows about his long time new yorker bud?

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