If You're Still Wearing A Mask Then You Are Crazy

To each their own. Whether effective or not, if it allows someone to cope then so be it. Some carry a gun with them wherever the go, right? They are afraid of that one in a million chance of having to face an armed criminal.

No. Because those people made ME wear a mask too. It was never "to each their own". It was YOU MUST WEAR ONE....even though most of the powers that be knew they were ineffective.
The EN standard for masks is to stop particles down to the size of bacteria. The problem is, viruses are much much smaller than bacteria, masks are ineffective in stopping the transmission of viruses. Various "studies" suggested that wearing a mask reduced the transmission from an infected person.

If you wear a mask in winter and huff through it, you will see your breath in the cold air, water droplets are much larger than bacteria and viruses.

If ANYONE thinks wearing a mask will save them from the likes of COVID, they are utterly stupid.

Scientists working in facilities dealing with viruses DO NOT wear stupid retail face masks.

100% winner. "utterly stupid". Yep.

Even Hollywood used to understand this. See: Dustin Hoffman, "Outbreak"
In other words, you are totally ignorant of what you post, and do it in order to make Trump's rules about masks valid.

They are not. Anywhere on the planet, as the whole planet continues to experience covid and people continue to die on a daily basis because of it.

Be more assured the next time.
people are dying from the clotshot.
Not clear. What are you talking about?
No, you are not a clear thinker.

You are quite ignorant, too, if you are this manifestly unaware of the prevalence of blood clotting among those who have been vaccinated.

Yeah, I know -- the American Heart Association is not Daily Koss or MSNBC, so you will not believe it, right?
No, you are not a clear thinker.

You are quite ignorant, too, if you are this manifestly unaware of the prevalence of blood clotting among those who have been vaccinated.

Yeah, I know -- the American Heart Association is not Daily Koss or MSNBC, so you will not believe it, right?
The article is talking about people who have had Covid, not people who were vaccinated.
The article is talking about people who have had Covid, not people who were vaccinated.
He was actually responding to a statement indicating that people had died from the COVID shots due to blood clots.

Good try, though.
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Have you been at the store and seen these people that are still wearing masks?
These people who aren't even wearing them properly in the first place? They have the thing pulled down on their chin and not covering their nose.
Personally I think that anyone who's still wearing a mask has mental problems.

I can understand people wearing masks while on an aircraft, or when you're in confined spaces. But the truth is a mask is useless in keeping you from catching a virus. The primary reason doctors wear masks is to keep from infecting their patients during surgery. Wearing a mask helps prevent you from infecting others.

Back when I used to travel to the Far East I often saw people in Japan wearing masks during the Winter during the Cold & Flu season. They were just being polite and telling everyone that they're sick and they don't want to spread it to others.

You can also tell when you see pictures or videos of people still wearing masks. Socialist countries are still imposing mask requirements on their people. They don't have much of a choice in Canada or France. They don't have the freedom of choice we still have. Their government tells them what to do, and they just shrug and go along with it.

Here in the states this doesn't fly at all. Especially since we saw in 2020 that even though we were in a pandemic, most protesters weren't wearing masks or keeping proper safe distance from each other (LOL). (They weren't requiring illegals to be vaccinated) How can they say we need to wear their stupid masks when they weren't forcing their paid protesters to do it? Heck, the only time they wore one was when they were looting Target. Fact is, that mask was just a sign of solitary and compliance. Biden would walk up to the podium and peal off that disgusting mask (which evidently was stuck to his face) before he began talking. It was obvious that he was telling us that the mask was a symbol, not a protection from COVID. They also said that we must wear a mask in restaurants but magically we could eat without wearing one. So apparently they were just a prop. Now we're finding out that masks were indeed just a prop, and anyone who is still wearing one is either psychotic or wearing one to be identified as one of the Democrat's minions.

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I wore mine while infectious with covid.

It helps when I cough on others.
He was actually responding to a statement indicating that people had died from the COVID shots due to blood clots.

Good try, though.
Yes. Blood clots supposedly caused by the vaccination.

So why make this comment:

You are quite ignorant, too, if you are this manifestly unaware of the prevalence of blood clotting among those who have been vaccinated.

…and follow it up with an article on clots caused by the disease?
Is there a reason why you are afraid of people wearing those masks?

Is covid over?

Trump was against the masks, you are against the masks. Surprise !!!!

Trump is taking his covid vaccines. Are you?

A very politically motivated thread, with absolutely nothing to show for it.

Say that to someone in person. That they are mentally ill for using the mask. Can they sue you? You won't, clearly. Too much of a risk.

So, come here anonymously and take it out on the masks....AGAIN .

No one in their right mind cares about what you care. Except that you truly do not care. Political all the way.
1 why are trying to make this about Trump?

2. If I recall correctly Trump was against forced mask wear. Unless you can provide a link to him saying people shouldnt wear masks vs the federal government shouldnt/can’t mandate wearing masks.
If any of you ever bothered to travel outside the US, you would know that people in other countries have been wearing mask for decades. Most often it is done by those that are not feeling well and have to be out in public as a courtesy to other people.
In Asia.

I’ve never seen a significant number of people wearing masks and I’ve been to 6 of the 7 continents and am willing to bet I spent more time deployed than you did given when you were in and how much time I spent deployed.
I also wear a mask when in dusty dirty environments....I got bronchitis and the masks makes it easier to breathe later.
In Asia.

I’ve never seen a significant number of people wearing masks and I’ve been to 6 of the 7 continents and am willing to bet I spent more time deployed than you did given when you were in and how much time I spent deployed.

Yes, in Asia mostly.

I lived overseas growing up from the 3 thru the 7th grade and we traveled home every summer and stopped in other countries each summer.

All of my deployed time during my 20 years was in Asia and Southwest Asia. We also lived in Okinawa for 3.5 years while I was in, which does not count as deployed time, but it was overseas time
Yes, in Asia mostly.

I lived overseas growing up from the 3 thru the 7th grade and we traveled home every summer and stopped in other countries each summer.

All of my deployed time during my 20 years was in Asia and Southwest Asia. We also lived in Okinawa for 3.5 years while I was in, which does not count as deployed time, but it was overseas time
All in one place.

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