If You're Thinking of Voting Trump

Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.

I never thought Trup was a coservativ I still 't believe he .'t oint A until derstand the point, you nevundersands popularity. someliefst are in with conservastyis and some thren't.The thing that more aore p geting
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.

I'm not going to disagree and say that Trump is a conservative. I do not believe the Trump is a conservative. However Trump does have some ideas that are consistent with conservatism, and yes sone that aren't.

The thing is that many people are tired of conservatives being elected and then not doing anything that they were elected to do. In 2010 we put conservatives in, what did they do? Nothing. They gave Obama whatever he wanted. In 2012, we put in more conservatives, and then what did they do? Still nothing. They gave Obama everything he wanted. Why should we put more conservatives in again? Many people want to try a non-politician. Someone who will fix problems, and tell people who need to go fuck themselves to do just that.

Trump has the balls to do what needs to be done and to hell with what the politicians think.

Trump is as many people accuse him, a huge narcissist. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing. I can imagine someone with his ego, devoted to being the greatest president we ever had. He might be egotistical enough to want not to be just the best POTUS, but the leader of the greatest nation on earth again.

Trump supporters are likely thinking that we tried the Democrats, the Republicans, and where are we? We are arguably FUBAR. So why not try a leader with an attitude who isn't beholden to left or right? Someone who can cut through the bull shit.

I'm voting for Cruz in the primary but I could vote for Trump with few reservations. I have no doubt that he would be way better for the US than Hillary, Sanders, Rubio, or Bush.
I love watching liberals struggle to convince people to not vote for the guy who's gonna kick Hillary's ass.
I love watching so called "conservatives" latch on to a liberal numbskull just because he is good at talking smack.

Almost as much as I love watching stupid liberals support a woman who should be in prison.

Good times.
I wonder why the biggest conservatives in the race, Cruz and Rubio, did not attack Trump immediately on his alleged blatant liberalism. It sure seems a long time coming. I really only care we nominate someone who can beat Hillary...or whoever the dems put up.
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.

List the legislation he has signed into law that makes him a liberal.

I am tired of career politicians that have never ran a dam thing, except into the ground running the country. Trump may not be the greatest guy but he at least understand business. And an added bonus, the left seems to hate him, funny if he were so far left you think they would like him. I am not sure the government can get any bigger. Only thing I could see is if they started feeding everyone with a spoon. Instead of 47 percent.
I love watching liberals struggle to convince people to not vote for the guy who's gonna kick Hillary's ass.
I love watching so called "conservatives" latch on to a liberal numbskull just because he is good at talking smack.

Almost as much as I love watching stupid liberals support a woman who should be in prison.

Good times.
I think you misunderstand.
I love watching liberals struggle to convince people to not vote for the guy who's gonna kick Hillary's ass.
I love watching so called "conservatives" latch on to a liberal numbskull just because he is good at talking smack.

Almost as much as I love watching stupid liberals support a woman who should be in prison.

Good times.
I think you misunderstand.
Maybe. It's happened before.
No emotions involved, just common sense. Hillary vs Trump. That decision takes less than one second.

Cruz beats Hillary just as surely as Trump does. So do most of the GOP hopefuls. I know Trump uses all the slogans to show how he is the opposite of Barry da incompetent fairy, but he is no conservative and most of his populist rhetoric will not survive a legal challenge. PLUS what sort of justices will he want to appoint to the SCOTUS? This is vital as Scalia and Ginsburg are near the end of their lives.
Trump is the one most likely to build the wall, deport the illegals who don't go back on their own after cutting off their welfare, and keeping more Islamic terrorists from entering the country. And I doubt if the others will stand up to the liberal bullies who will undoubtedly be active participants in the debates.
Trump will double Obamacare, appoint leftists to the Supreme Court, piss on what's left of the Constitution, and increase government so much he'll make Obama look conservative. Not a wild accusation, I have 69 years of his life telling me.
Speculation, but we KNOW Hillary will do all of those things.
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.
I am not yet a Trump supporter, but I do like his policies on immigration, both legal and illegal, Political Correctness, getting jobs back to the US, negotiating trade pacts and the Great Wall of US-Mexico. I am tired of establishment candidates in both parties and think we have to go out of the party elite.
You think Cruz or Rubio would be more of the same?
BTW, Trump says he would have the families of terrorists murdered. Doesn't this disqualify him?

Obama blows up the families of terrorists with cruise missiles, and anyone else who is unlucky enough to live nearby.
Wow, so Trump is just like Obama so that's why conservatives vote for him.

I'm just pointing out the lefts hypocrisy and double standards but then you knew that and deflected with troll anyway.
I love watching liberals struggle to convince people to not vote for the guy who's gonna kick Hillary's ass.

You do realize that a lot of people posting against Trump are NOT leftists, right?
You may not like Trump but he's gonna be the nominee. The question is going to be whether or not you can get over it and get behind him to defeat the Dems.
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.

Donald Trump & Barack Obama are two feathers of the same bird. Their Supporters are fascinated with the talk, & not in the least interested in the walk. It's out of political ignorance and a basic lack of civics.

Obama rose to power through perfectly pronounced speech's thrilling the crowds, making lots of promises that were impossible to keep. "The oceans will recede when I become President" type comments. Obamabots went wild--and sent him all the way to the White House.

Trump's rise in this nomination process comes from the opposite side, making lots of promises (build a 1000 mile wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it, or he's going to repeal or change the 14th amendment.) that again would be impossible for him to do. What is different from Obama--is his supporters are attracted to his insults and all of the offensive remarks that a typical Tea Party member is enthralled with.

A Trump supporter, believes that Trump is some kind of John Wayne, but he's really Colonel Custer and they're the 7th Calvary. They have already chased off 17% of the population by offending Hispanics. This when we needed 46% of this group to win the White House. Trump is polling at a Negative 75% within this large voting block, making it impossible for him to get within 1000 miles of the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

The Tea Party (Evangelical) chased off women in 2012 by double digits, by dragging the party into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legal legitimate rape" questions. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points, which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong - CNNPolitics.com
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

So in 2012 it was women that were offended into Obama's column, now in 2016 it's Hispanics that they have offended.

The Tea Party in their effort to get a non-establishment candidate has already effectively rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, along with a probable loss of the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. What a Trump supporter failed to realize, is that Republicans in the entire southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to vote for them. Without them they lose. This ignorance is going to roll over on any GOP nominee, regardless of who it is.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance


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Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.
I am not yet a Trump supporter, but I do like his policies on immigration, both legal and illegal, Political Correctness, getting jobs back to the US, negotiating trade pacts and the Great Wall of US-Mexico. I am tired of establishment candidates in both parties and think we have to go out of the party elite.
You think Cruz or Rubio would be more of the same?
BTW, Trump says he would have the families of terrorists murdered. Doesn't this disqualify him?

You think Cruz or Rubio would be more of the same?

yes rubio more so then cruz but yes im tired of the career politician the gop has sickened me to my core
He's probably more conservative then all of them running from the GopE

only Cruz would be considered conservative
I am not yet a Trump supporter, but I do like his policies on immigration, both legal and illegal,
What "policies" on immigration? Build a Mexican financed wall and deport over 11 million people? Those aren't policies, those are fantasies.

Political Correctness, getting jobs back to the US, negotiating trade pacts and the Great Wall of US-Mexico.
....and he has absolutely zero detailed plans for any of that, he's just making promises and saying "trust me", you know who else says things like that? SNAKE OIL SALESMEN.

I am tired of establishment candidates in both parties and think we have to go out of the party elite.
No argument there but Donald Trump is just an establishment demagogue who wants to sit on the other side of the bargaining table (instead of being the one buying politicians he want's to be the one doing the selling).
Trump says he would have the families of terrorists murdered.

where, when did he use those EXACT words??
he didn't. the lies being spread about him is something. I thought the Obama campaigns were dirty. this is out of hand
Umm.. yes he did.

"With the terrorists, you have to take out their families"

"When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," he repeated. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourselves. But they say they don't care about their lives. You have to take out their families" -- Donald Trump, Fox & Friends Interview Dec 2nd, 2015
Trump says he would have the families of terrorists murdered.

where, when did he use those EXACT words??
he didn't. the lies being spread about him is something. I thought the Obama campaigns were dirty. this is out of hand
Umm.. yes he did.

"With the terrorists, you have to take out their families"

"When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," he repeated. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourselves. But they say they don't care about their lives. You have to take out their families" -- Donald Trump, Fox & Friends Interview Dec 2nd, 2015

ok so he did. I guess I'm suppose to feel sorry for them? we've seen them come out and take the side of their Terrorizing family members after they've blown up a couple hundred people. but you know lets no vote for someone wanting to PROTECT us. we have to think about the Terrorist family. good greif

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