If You're Thinking of Voting Trump

No emotions involved, just common sense. Hillary vs Trump. That decision takes less than one second.

Cruz beats Hillary just as surely as Trump does. So do most of the GOP hopefuls. I know Trump uses all the slogans to show how he is the opposite of Barry da incompetent fairy, but he is no conservative and most of his populist rhetoric will not survive a legal challenge. PLUS what sort of justices will he want to appoint to the SCOTUS? This is vital as Scalia and Ginsburg are near the end of their lives.
Trump is the one most likely to build the wall, deport the illegals who don't go back on their own after cutting off their welfare, and keeping more Islamic terrorists from entering the country. And I doubt if the others will stand up to the liberal bullies who will undoubtedly be active participants in the debates.
Trump will double Obamacare, appoint leftists to the Supreme Court, piss on what's left of the Constitution, and increase government so much he'll make Obama look conservative. Not a wild accusation, I have 69 years of his life telling me.
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.

How do Obama's actions indicate he is anything other than Christian? What kind of stupid are you?
Obviously you're not a Christian. Otherwise you'd know Obama shows no signs of being a Christian.
Especially when he spews all the same anti Christian talking points as the atheists.
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.

How do Obama's actions indicate he is anything other than Christian? What kind of stupid are you?
Obviously you're not a Christian. Otherwise you'd know Obama shows no signs of being a Christian.
Especially when he spews all the same anti Christian talking points as the atheists.
And does gymnastics defending Islam.
it's only natural for Trump to want a strong military.

since we have the strongest military in the world.
We used to have the strongest military. Our ships and planes, jets are way too old. The best generals have been fired by Obama for speaking out against him. And truly, who wouldn't?

We still have the best military in the world today compared to none.... Yes we have old planes but there are new ones coming out with the best technology F35. We have new aircraft carrier Gerard Ford a super carrier currently being tested ..... How many generals did Obama fired 50?
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.
Look. Conservatives don't win elections on their conservatism because the conservatives have cowered in the corner while allowing themselves to be mischaracterized by the main stream media and left wing pundits.
with that in mind, Donald Trump's ideology is not the issue here. It is his actions. He has shown that he can bulldoze the horseshit out of his way and get things done.
No screwing around, No kissing the pinky rings of politicians, unions, lawyers and other drones of society.
I go back to the mid 80's and the Wollman Rink( Central Park in NYC) project.
This famous skating rink was in disrepair. The City government could not even get the bid contracts right. Everyone who bid on the project to renovate the rink had all kinds of garbage built in to make sure palms were greased. In addition the unions and the other hangers on wanted their cut as well.
Trump stepped in and offered to take over the project himself and offered to spend his own money with the only condition that his company do the work. The City agreed. Well the work went off without a hitch,. Of course the unions representing the city workers and the outside contractors and the unions representing those workers went bonkers because there was nothing in it for them, They all claimed the work would be done by underpaid people who would do substandard work,
All of which turned out to be nonsense. The rink was not renovated. It was rebuilt. Trumps people made it larger and much nicer. I have skated on it. It's huge and its a nice facility.
All his life he has shown a willingness to kick ass.

It is time to burn down the house. We need an arsonist.
Hitler fits that profile too. I'm not saying Trump is Hitler, but you have a pretty low bar for your vote.
Please stop with the dramatic over used Hitler crap. Jesus Christ. Let others know if you catch Trump putting human beings in wood fired ovens.
Trump was on the other side of the fence back then...he had to suck up to pols...had to buy their influence ...had to pretend they were smart...had to manipulate them. That takes a whole different vocabulary than what he needs now. Back then he had to say please and thank you. Now he can say...go fuck yourself.
What outside of words has Trump to show actions to back up his speeches?
Umm. He doesn't have the job yet, so there is nothing with which to compare.
I have looked at your thread's first page. And it appears you are arguing just to argue.
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.
I am not yet a Trump supporter, but I do like his policies on immigration, both legal and illegal, Political Correctness, getting jobs back to the US, negotiating trade pacts and the Great Wall of US-Mexico. I am tired of establishment candidates in both parties and think we have to go out of the party elite.
You think Cruz or Rubio would be more of the same?
BTW, Trump says he would have the families of terrorists murdered. Doesn't this disqualify him?
Do you really believe that? Do you also believe that he would have people on 5th avenue shot as he mused last week?
Trump was on the other side of the fence back then...he had to suck up to pols...had to buy their influence ...had to pretend they were smart...had to manipulate them. That takes a whole different vocabulary than what he needs now. Back then he had to say please and thank you. Now he can say...go fuck yourself.
What outside of words has Trump to show actions to back up his speeches?
What, outside of speeches shows that Hillary can follow rules and laws?
The discussion is why someone would vote for Trump over the other Republicans.

Where I am baffled is everyone says we need a Reagan, but Trump is the furthest from Reagan. By far.
THAT is YOUR opinion.
Trump was on the other side of the fence back then...he had to suck up to pols...had to buy their influence ...had to pretend they were smart...had to manipulate them. That takes a whole different vocabulary than what he needs now. Back then he had to say please and thank you. Now he can say...go fuck yourself.
What outside of words has Trump to show actions to back up his speeches?
What, outside of speeches shows that Hillary can follow rules and laws?
The discussion is why someone would vote for Trump over the other Republicans.

Where I am baffled is everyone says we need a Reagan, but Trump is the furthest from Reagan. By far.
Trump and Reagan believe in a strong military to back up our demands from countries who take our people and would give the US a leadership roll again.
How do you know Trump wants a strong military? Provide evidence, and nothing from his campaign speeches count.
How do you know you won't get hit by a bus tomorrow? same difference. I'm out of this stupid fucking thread.
I love watching liberals struggle to convince people to not vote for the guy who's gonna kick Hillary's ass.
What outside of words has Trump to show actions to back up his speeches?
What, outside of speeches shows that Hillary can follow rules and laws?
The discussion is why someone would vote for Trump over the other Republicans.

Where I am baffled is everyone says we need a Reagan, but Trump is the furthest from Reagan. By far.
Trump and Reagan believe in a strong military to back up our demands from countries who take our people and would give the US a leadership roll again.
How do you know Trump wants a strong military? Provide evidence, and nothing from his campaign speeches count.
How do you know you won't get hit by a bus tomorrow? same difference. I'm out of this stupid fucking thread.
Name one conservative value Trump has shown in his life. One. Uno.
You can't, so voting for Trump is a vote for Obama II.
No emotions involved, just common sense. Hillary vs Trump. That decision takes less than one second.

Cruz beats Hillary just as surely as Trump does. So do most of the GOP hopefuls. I know Trump uses all the slogans to show how he is the opposite of Barry da incompetent fairy, but he is no conservative and most of his populist rhetoric will not survive a legal challenge. PLUS what sort of justices will he want to appoint to the SCOTUS? This is vital as Scalia and Ginsburg are near the end of their lives.
Trump is the one most likely to build the wall, deport the illegals who don't go back on their own after cutting off their welfare, and keeping more Islamic terrorists from entering the country. And I doubt if the others will stand up to the liberal bullies who will undoubtedly be active participants in the debates.

You can cut off all the benefits you want including anatomical parts but there's no such thing as self deportation. Keep that in mind.
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.
Look. Conservatives don't win elections on their conservatism because the conservatives have cowered in the corner while allowing themselves to be mischaracterized by the main stream media and left wing pundits.
with that in mind, Donald Trump's ideology is not the issue here. It is his actions. He has shown that he can bulldoze the horseshit out of his way and get things done.
No screwing around, No kissing the pinky rings of politicians, unions, lawyers and other drones of society.
I go back to the mid 80's and the Wollman Rink( Central Park in NYC) project.
This famous skating rink was in disrepair. The City government could not even get the bid contracts right. Everyone who bid on the project to renovate the rink had all kinds of garbage built in to make sure palms were greased. In addition the unions and the other hangers on wanted their cut as well.
Trump stepped in and offered to take over the project himself and offered to spend his own money with the only condition that his company do the work. The City agreed. Well the work went off without a hitch,. Of course the unions representing the city workers and the outside contractors and the unions representing those workers went bonkers because there was nothing in it for them, They all claimed the work would be done by underpaid people who would do substandard work,
All of which turned out to be nonsense. The rink was not renovated. It was rebuilt. Trumps people made it larger and much nicer. I have skated on it. It's huge and its a nice facility.

Based on your post, he'll make damn sure that his leftist ideology (based on his track record) is ushered in.

Will never vote for him.
Trump is the Republicans' Obama of 2016, all emotion and no substance.
I'f take a successful businessman who knows economics and how to approach a deal before an acorn worker.
yes, his business acumen is so good, he filed for bankruptcy with his businesses 4 TIMES, that is complete failure in business 4 TIMES more than most all other people in business at his level, but go ahead and go with that idiocy you've just spilled! :rolleyes:
All his life he has shown a willingness to kick ass.

It is time to burn down the house. We need an arsonist.
Hitler fits that profile too. I'm not saying Trump is Hitler, but you have a pretty low bar for your vote.
Please stop with the dramatic over used Hitler crap. Jesus Christ. Let others know if you catch Trump putting human beings in wood fired ovens.
Sure I'll stop bringing up Hitler.
Trump voters are just like the Germans who voted for him because he sang pretty songs in their ears and never looked at the disconnect between how he led his life versus his speeches.
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.
Look. Conservatives don't win elections on their conservatism because the conservatives have cowered in the corner while allowing themselves to be mischaracterized by the main stream media and left wing pundits.
with that in mind, Donald Trump's ideology is not the issue here. It is his actions. He has shown that he can bulldoze the horseshit out of his way and get things done.
No screwing around, No kissing the pinky rings of politicians, unions, lawyers and other drones of society.
I go back to the mid 80's and the Wollman Rink( Central Park in NYC) project.
This famous skating rink was in disrepair. The City government could not even get the bid contracts right. Everyone who bid on the project to renovate the rink had all kinds of garbage built in to make sure palms were greased. In addition the unions and the other hangers on wanted their cut as well.
Trump stepped in and offered to take over the project himself and offered to spend his own money with the only condition that his company do the work. The City agreed. Well the work went off without a hitch,. Of course the unions representing the city workers and the outside contractors and the unions representing those workers went bonkers because there was nothing in it for them, They all claimed the work would be done by underpaid people who would do substandard work,
All of which turned out to be nonsense. The rink was not renovated. It was rebuilt. Trumps people made it larger and much nicer. I have skated on it. It's huge and its a nice facility.
Oh great, another President who pisses on the separation of powers.
Like I said, Trump is Obama II.

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