If You're Thinking of Voting Trump

I love watching liberals struggle to convince people to not vote for the guy who's gonna kick Hillary's ass.

You do realize that a lot of people posting against Trump are NOT leftists, right?
You may not like Trump but he's gonna be the nominee. The question is going to be whether or not you can get over it and get behind him to defeat the Dems.

When do we get to not vote 'the lesser of two evils'?

When do we get to vote for someone rather than against the other guy?

bt, dt -- no more for me.
Trump says he would have the families of terrorists murdered.

where, when did he use those EXACT words??
he didn't. the lies being spread about him is something. I thought the Obama campaigns were dirty. this is out of hand
Umm.. yes he did.

"With the terrorists, you have to take out their families"

"When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," he repeated. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourselves. But they say they don't care about their lives. You have to take out their families" -- Donald Trump, Fox & Friends Interview Dec 2nd, 2015

ok so he did. I guess I'm suppose to feel sorry for them?
Umm.. yes, we don't murder people just because one of their family members is a criminal, that's an act of barbarism not the act of people that care anything about morality and ethics.

Donald Trump (once again) has shown himself to be what he is; an outlandish, egomaniac snake oil salesman that puts even Barack Obama to shame. If the Republicans nominate this guy they're going to be very sorry, since they will be giving away all their advantages this cycle against a what is likely to be a very weak general election candidate (Hillary Clinton) and the curve of history which has shown that it's very, very difficult for one party to keep the Presidency for more than 2 terms.

Didn't you guys learn anything from the Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle debacles of 2010? Are You folks really going to repeat the same mistake and hand the Presidency to Hillary Clinton by nominating this outlandish bomb thrower that is going to disappoint you if (on the slim chance) he gets into office? I thought the Republicans were supposed to represent American Conservatism and it's principles, what the hell does Donald Trump have to do with that?
Trump says he would have the families of terrorists murdered.

where, when did he use those EXACT words??
he didn't. the lies being spread about him is something. I thought the Obama campaigns were dirty. this is out of hand
Umm.. yes he did.

"With the terrorists, you have to take out their families"

"When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," he repeated. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourselves. But they say they don't care about their lives. You have to take out their families" -- Donald Trump, Fox & Friends Interview Dec 2nd, 2015

ok so he did. I guess I'm suppose to feel sorry for them?
Umm.. yes, we don't murder people just because one of their family members is a criminal, that's an act of barbarism not the act of people that care anything about morality and ethics.

Donald Trump (once again) has shown himself to be what he is; an outlandish, egomaniac snake oil salesman that puts even Barack Obama to shame. If the Republicans nominate this guy they're going to be very sorry, since they will be giving away all their advantages this cycle against a what is likely to be a very weak general election candidate (Hillary Clinton) and the curve of history which has shown that it's very, very difficult for one party to keep the Presidency for more than 2 terms.

Didn't you guys learn anything from the Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle debacles of 2010? Are You folks really going to repeat the same mistake and hand the Presidency to Hillary Clinton by nominating this outlandish bomb thrower that is going to disappoint you if (on the slim chance) he gets into office? I thought the Republicans were supposed to represent American Conservatism and it's principles, what the hell does Donald Trump have to do with that?

I am so over the BS over Trump. these people are hysterical they take one thing he says and actually thinks that's what he is going do. it's ridiculous. I beginning to hope all this let Hillary win. the hell with it. They deserve another Obama only in a pantsuit
When do we get to not vote 'the lesser of two evils'?

When do we get to vote for someone rather than against the other guy?

bt, dt -- no more for me.
Whenever you want, I do it every election cycle; I don't worry about whether the candidate I support wins, I worry about whether I can walk around with a clear conscience and look my children in the eye and tell them that my vote went to candidates that I thought would do something to make the nation a better place for them.

Republicans and Democrats are just two sides of the same evil coin, stop voting for these miscreants.

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is needed before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents' interests, I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can." -- Barry M. Goldwater
Trump says he would have the families of terrorists murdered.

where, when did he use those EXACT words??
Several times. Clear violation of every civilized nation and international law.

Donald Trump on terrorists: 'Take out their families' - CNNPolitics.com
Donald Trump said he'd kill terrorists' families at a rally. His crowd went wild.

good ole DNC mouthpiece CNN. stirring up the shitpot at every chance they get

that is such garbage them putting out that biased BS. AND leave to you to swallow it hook, line and stinker. go vote for the old bag Hillary.
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.

List the legislation he has signed into law that makes him a liberal.

I am tired of career politicians that have never ran a dam thing, except into the ground running the country. Trump may not be the greatest guy but he at least understand business. And an added bonus, the left seems to hate him, funny if he were so far left you think they would like him. I am not sure the government can get any bigger. Only thing I could see is if they started feeding everyone with a spoon. Instead of 47 percent.
Crazy talk. George Soros and Michael Moore have never signed into law any leftist laws either. Which means by your criteria you'd vote for them.
"With the terrorists, you have to take out their families"

are you stupid or just really stupid?? "take out" does NOT mean murder!!
One thing I've noticed in this thread, Trump supporters are doing the same gymnastics Obama and Hillary supporters use to defend them.

It's very disappointing.

I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm just tired of you hysterical people going stupid over every little thing he supposedly said
I love watching liberals struggle to convince people to not vote for the guy who's gonna kick Hillary's ass.

You do realize that a lot of people posting against Trump are NOT leftists, right?
You may not like Trump but he's gonna be the nominee. The question is going to be whether or not you can get over it and get behind him to defeat the Dems.
My instinct is to stay home on Election Day for the first time in 38 years.
"With the terrorists, you have to take out their families"

are you stupid or just really stupid?? "take out" does NOT mean murder!!
One thing I've noticed in this thread, Trump supporters are doing the same gymnastics Obama and Hillary supporters use to defend them.

It's very disappointing.

I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm just tired of you hysterical people going stupid over every little thing he supposedly said
He didn't supposedly say it. He said it.
"With the terrorists, you have to take out their families"

are you stupid or just really stupid?? "take out" does NOT mean murder!!
One thing I've noticed in this thread, Trump supporters are doing the same gymnastics Obama and Hillary supporters use to defend them.

It's very disappointing.

I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm just tired of you hysterical people going stupid over every little thing he supposedly said
He didn't supposedly say it. He said it.
well lovely, that's going to make ME go vote for the corrupted career politicians , one an avowed Socialist running in the Democrat party. NOT
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.

List the legislation he has signed into law that makes him a liberal.

I am tired of career politicians that have never ran a dam thing, except into the ground running the country. Trump may not be the greatest guy but he at least understand business. And an added bonus, the left seems to hate him, funny if he were so far left you think they would like him. I am not sure the government can get any bigger. Only thing I could see is if they started feeding everyone with a spoon. Instead of 47 percent.
Crazy talk. George Soros and Michael Moore have never signed into law any leftist laws either. Which means by your criteria you'd vote for them.

Let me rephrase. With Soros and Moore it is easy to point out why they would be called liberals. How about pointing out something Trump has done that gives you the same impression.
"With the terrorists, you have to take out their families"

are you stupid or just really stupid?? "take out" does NOT mean murder!!
One thing I've noticed in this thread, Trump supporters are doing the same gymnastics Obama and Hillary supporters use to defend them.

It's very disappointing.

I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm just tired of you hysterical people going stupid over every little thing he supposedly said
He didn't supposedly say it. He said it.
well lovely, that's going to make ME go vote for the corrupted career politicians , one an avowed Socialist running in the Democrat party. NOT
The point of this thread is why conservatives are willing to choose a leftist egomaniac to represent the Republican Party.
A lot of Republicans stayed home with RINO Romney, a heck of a lot more will with Trump thus handing felon Hillary victory.
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.

List the legislation he has signed into law that makes him a liberal.

I am tired of career politicians that have never ran a dam thing, except into the ground running the country. Trump may not be the greatest guy but he at least understand business. And an added bonus, the left seems to hate him, funny if he were so far left you think they would like him. I am not sure the government can get any bigger. Only thing I could see is if they started feeding everyone with a spoon. Instead of 47 percent.
Crazy talk. George Soros and Michael Moore have never signed into law any leftist laws either. Which means by your criteria you'd vote for them.

Let me rephrase. With Soros and Moore it is easy to point out why they would be called liberals. How about pointing out something Trump has done that gives you the same impression.
Let me reverse the question as I did in the original post.
What has Trump actually done in his life that is a conservative value?
are you stupid or just really stupid?? "take out" does NOT mean murder!!
One thing I've noticed in this thread, Trump supporters are doing the same gymnastics Obama and Hillary supporters use to defend them.

It's very disappointing.

I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm just tired of you hysterical people going stupid over every little thing he supposedly said
He didn't supposedly say it. He said it.
well lovely, that's going to make ME go vote for the corrupted career politicians , one an avowed Socialist running in the Democrat party. NOT
The point of this thread is why conservatives are willing to choose a leftist egomaniac to represent the Republican Party.
A lot of Republicans stayed home with RINO Romney, a heck of a lot more will with Trump thus handing felon Hillary victory.

His policies.

I'm tired of America being the world's bitch on Immigration and Trade.
One thing I've noticed in this thread, Trump supporters are doing the same gymnastics Obama and Hillary supporters use to defend them.

It's very disappointing.

I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm just tired of you hysterical people going stupid over every little thing he supposedly said
He didn't supposedly say it. He said it.
well lovely, that's going to make ME go vote for the corrupted career politicians , one an avowed Socialist running in the Democrat party. NOT
The point of this thread is why conservatives are willing to choose a leftist egomaniac to represent the Republican Party.
A lot of Republicans stayed home with RINO Romney, a heck of a lot more will with Trump thus handing felon Hillary victory.

His policies.

I'm tired of America being the world's bitch on Immigration and Trade.
I can find nothing in his life that syncs with his campaign rhetoric. If you can point something out that shows we walks the talk, please do.

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