If You're Thinking of Voting Trump

so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.

You're going to send a "strong message to Washington" by committing political suicide? because that is what nominating Donald Trump is.
He didn't supposedly say it. He said it.
well lovely, that's going to make ME go vote for the corrupted career politicians , one an avowed Socialist running in the Democrat party. NOT
The point of this thread is why conservatives are willing to choose a leftist egomaniac to represent the Republican Party.
A lot of Republicans stayed home with RINO Romney, a heck of a lot more will with Trump thus handing felon Hillary victory.

that's not your business I guess. you don't know what Conservatives are backing him, or even if there is any or plan on voting for him. this stuff right here is crap that the dem/libs spews. they make this ASSUMTION and then dumps it over people and the ones that are supporting him. that is their RIGHT. go vote for who you want
Interesting. It's not my business why my party wants to elect an egomanic leftist who is Obama II.

Guess it may be time to leave the party as Franklin Graham just did.

not to the point you go around demeaning and degrading others. His supporter are his supporters. Don't think the Dems aren't loving this crap. they have in hand in it all. again today Hillary spewing about what he said on Muslims (because they don't HAVE anything else good to run on) so it's back to their dirty politics. Who does that progressive/dem party represent? the American citizens or Muslims? seriously you're just feeding their hate and dirty politics for them
Interesting. You defend Trump because I demeaned and degraded others.
Again, when has Trump ever walked the talk?
Donald Trump has NO policies all he's got is nonspecific, inflammatory rhetoric, haven't you learned anything from the last 8 years of "hope and change"? Trump only differs from Obama in the song he plays beyond that they are both conductors for the same orchestra.

The only thing a President Trump will do in office is further aggrandize himself and his cronies; he isn't now nor ever has he been an adherent to conservative principles, he isn't now nor ever has he been a champion of the interests of the American People, what he has been and remains is an unholy amalgamation of James Taggart and Wesley Mouch.

Republicans you guys need to WAKE THE FUCK UP before you do something we'll all regret.

He says he will deport Illegals, build a wall, and renegotiate bad trade deals.

Those are policies.

POlicies, that imo, will be good for America.
No, it is TALK.
I'm still waiting for one example of Trump at some time displaying a conservative value.

Having to choose candidates based on their stated policies is an issue with the very concept of an election.

Not just with Trump.

NO, his life has not been one of Conservative values.
Uneducated bullshit. Voting for someone who says they'll hand every American a million dollars is something I thought until this year only leftists did.

it comes from past experiences

how many and for how many years

has these gop broke their promises

the promises that put them into office in the first place
I agree, I'm on the brink of leaving the party.
And if Obama II is the Republican nominee, I will.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.

You're going to send a "strong message to Washington" by committing political suicide? because that is what nominating Donald Trump is.
and the alternative right now?
none. No matter who you vote for the country is screwed. Trump gives the impression of moving to the right, he gives the impression that he is going to get rid of illegals, build a wall, make healthcare payments fair, fix the budget etc... Can he? NO. but as always the American public votes for what a candidate says he can/will do not what the reality of what the can/do.
Trump is the best bet right now to wake up congress.
All his life he has shown a willingness to kick ass.

It is time to burn down the house. We need an arsonist.
Hitler fits that profile too. I'm not saying Trump is Hitler, but you have a pretty low bar for your vote.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.
I'm not willing to see leftist judges appointed to the Supreme Court and government grown even more. And that's what your "message" will bring.
His policies.

I'm tired of America being the world's bitch on Immigration and Trade.
I can find nothing in his life that syncs with his campaign rhetoric. If you can point something out that shows we walks the talk, please do.

In his life to this point, he was a business man playing by the rules that politicians made.

NOw he is discussing changing the rules.

Which is new ground for him.
Oh my God. I laughed at leftists falling for the unspecific Hope and Change BS, now conservatives are doing it with Trump. Oh vey.

He says he will deport Illegals, build a wall, and renegotiate bad trade deals.

That's not "Hope and Change".

Those are polices.
Walk the talk.

Presumably when he is in office. Like all campaign promises.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.

You're going to send a "strong message to Washington" by committing political suicide? because that is what nominating Donald Trump is.
and the alternative right now?
none. No matter who you vote for the country is screwed. Trump gives the impression of moving to the right, he gives the impression that he is going to get rid of illegals, build a wall, make healthcare payments fair, fix the budget etc... Can he? NO. but as always the American public votes for what a candidate says he can/will do not what the reality of what the can/do.
Trump is the best bet right now to wake up congress.
Trump has at no time in his life displayed conservative values.
All his life he has shown a willingness to kick ass.

It is time to burn down the house. We need an arsonist.
Hitler fits that profile too. I'm not saying Trump is Hitler, but you have a pretty low bar for your vote.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.
I'm not willing to see leftist judges appointed to the Supreme Court and government grown even more. And that's what your "message" will bring.

has anyone asked trump who he would put on the court
I can find nothing in his life that syncs with his campaign rhetoric. If you can point something out that shows we walks the talk, please do.

In his life to this point, he was a business man playing by the rules that politicians made.

NOw he is discussing changing the rules.

Which is new ground for him.
Oh my God. I laughed at leftists falling for the unspecific Hope and Change BS, now conservatives are doing it with Trump. Oh vey.

He says he will deport Illegals, build a wall, and renegotiate bad trade deals.

That's not "Hope and Change".

Those are polices.
Walk the talk.

Presumably when he is in office. Like all campaign promises.
Gullible lemming no different than a Hopey Changy supporter.
His policies.

I'm tired of America being the world's bitch on Immigration and Trade.
Donald Trump has NO policies all he's got is nonspecific, inflammatory rhetoric, haven't you learned anything from the last 8 years of "hope and change"? Trump only differs from Obama in the song he plays beyond that they are both conductors for the same orchestra.

The only thing a President Trump will do in office is further aggrandize himself and his cronies; he isn't now nor ever has he been an adherent to conservative principles, he isn't now nor ever has he been a champion of the interests of the American People, what he has been and remains is an unholy amalgamation of James Taggart and Wesley Mouch.

Republicans you guys need to WAKE THE FUCK UP before you do something we'll all regret.

He says he will deport Illegals, build a wall, and renegotiate bad trade deals.

Those are policies.

POlicies, that imo, will be good for America.
No, it is TALK.
I'm still waiting for one example of Trump at some time displaying a conservative value.

Having to choose candidates based on their stated policies is an issue with the very concept of an election.

Not just with Trump.

NO, his life has not been one of Conservative values.
Uneducated bullshit. Voting for someone who says they'll hand every American a million dollars is something I thought until this year only leftists did.

Sorry, I missed the part where Trump was promising to give people money.

I want America to have polices designed to benefit America.
All his life he has shown a willingness to kick ass.

It is time to burn down the house. We need an arsonist.
Hitler fits that profile too. I'm not saying Trump is Hitler, but you have a pretty low bar for your vote.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.
I'm not willing to see leftist judges appointed to the Supreme Court and government grown even more. And that's what your "message" will bring.

has anyone asked trump who he would put on the court
Not that I have seen. No specifics on any policy. Build a wall. Wow, a 5 year old can promise that. HOW?
In his life to this point, he was a business man playing by the rules that politicians made.

NOw he is discussing changing the rules.

Which is new ground for him.
Oh my God. I laughed at leftists falling for the unspecific Hope and Change BS, now conservatives are doing it with Trump. Oh vey.

He says he will deport Illegals, build a wall, and renegotiate bad trade deals.

That's not "Hope and Change".

Those are polices.
Walk the talk.

Presumably when he is in office. Like all campaign promises.
Gullible lemming no different than a Hopey Changy supporter.

And who are you supporting?
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.

You're going to send a "strong message to Washington" by committing political suicide? because that is what nominating Donald Trump is.
and the alternative right now?
none. No matter who you vote for the country is screwed. Trump gives the impression of moving to the right, he gives the impression that he is going to get rid of illegals, build a wall, make healthcare payments fair, fix the budget etc... Can he? NO. but as always the American public votes for what a candidate says he can/will do not what the reality of what the can/do.
Trump is the best bet right now to wake up congress.
Trump has at no time in his life displayed conservative values.
Tell me out of those running right now, who has displayed a Conservative value.
Do any of the others even recognize the damage that the illegals are doing to this country?
Donald Trump has NO policies all he's got is nonspecific, inflammatory rhetoric, haven't you learned anything from the last 8 years of "hope and change"? Trump only differs from Obama in the song he plays beyond that they are both conductors for the same orchestra.

The only thing a President Trump will do in office is further aggrandize himself and his cronies; he isn't now nor ever has he been an adherent to conservative principles, he isn't now nor ever has he been a champion of the interests of the American People, what he has been and remains is an unholy amalgamation of James Taggart and Wesley Mouch.

Republicans you guys need to WAKE THE FUCK UP before you do something we'll all regret.

He says he will deport Illegals, build a wall, and renegotiate bad trade deals.

Those are policies.

POlicies, that imo, will be good for America.
No, it is TALK.
I'm still waiting for one example of Trump at some time displaying a conservative value.

Having to choose candidates based on their stated policies is an issue with the very concept of an election.

Not just with Trump.

NO, his life has not been one of Conservative values.
Uneducated bullshit. Voting for someone who says they'll hand every American a million dollars is something I thought until this year only leftists did.

Sorry, I missed the part where Trump was promising to give people money.

I want America to have polices designed to benefit America.
You're the one who said you vote entirely based upon campaign rhetoric.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.

You're going to send a "strong message to Washington" by committing political suicide? because that is what nominating Donald Trump is.
and the alternative right now?
none. No matter who you vote for the country is screwed. Trump gives the impression of moving to the right, he gives the impression that he is going to get rid of illegals, build a wall, make healthcare payments fair, fix the budget etc... Can he? NO. but as always the American public votes for what a candidate says he can/will do not what the reality of what the can/do.
Trump is the best bet right now to wake up congress.
Trump has at no time in his life displayed conservative values.
Tell me out of those running right now, who has displayed a Conservative value.
Do any of the others even recognize the damage that the illegals are doing to this country?
Cruz, Rubio.
Again, why can't you name one time in Trumps 69 years he has displayed conservative values yet you want to give him your vote?
He says he will deport Illegals, build a wall, and renegotiate bad trade deals.

Those are policies.

POlicies, that imo, will be good for America.
No, it is TALK.
I'm still waiting for one example of Trump at some time displaying a conservative value.

Having to choose candidates based on their stated policies is an issue with the very concept of an election.

Not just with Trump.

NO, his life has not been one of Conservative values.
Uneducated bullshit. Voting for someone who says they'll hand every American a million dollars is something I thought until this year only leftists did.

Sorry, I missed the part where Trump was promising to give people money.

I want America to have polices designed to benefit America.
You're the one who said you vote entirely based upon campaign rhetoric.

You might assume that his campaign promises are simply campaign rhetoric.

I find his promises and him to be credible.

Thus, i judge them as policies, and as such they are the ones I have been waiting to see a Republican put forward.

Who do you like?
Oh my God. I laughed at leftists falling for the unspecific Hope and Change BS, now conservatives are doing it with Trump. Oh vey.

He says he will deport Illegals, build a wall, and renegotiate bad trade deals.

That's not "Hope and Change".

Those are polices.
Walk the talk.

Presumably when he is in office. Like all campaign promises.
Gullible lemming no different than a Hopey Changy supporter.

And who are you supporting?
Anyone but Trump.
All his life he has shown a willingness to kick ass.

It is time to burn down the house. We need an arsonist.
Hitler fits that profile too. I'm not saying Trump is Hitler, but you have a pretty low bar for your vote.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.
I'm not willing to see leftist judges appointed to the Supreme Court and government grown even more. And that's what your "message" will bring.

has anyone asked trump who he would put on the court

STEPHANOPOULOS: Let’s talk about some of the issues. Judges.
What kind of judges will you appoint?
Will they be conservative?
What does that mean to you and how will you ensure it?
TRUMP: Well, first of all, we have a lot of judges that have to be appointed because we have a lot of openings in terms of judges. And I’m very happy about that, to be honest, because I think, you know, appointing judges is a very important and a very, frankly, a very, very important element of what we’re doing.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But Ted Cruz says he’s going to appoint rock rib conservatives with a paper trail.
What are you going to do?
TRUMP: Well, I’m going to appoint conservative judges. I’m going to appoint people that have great reputations, that are great with the legal profession…
TRUMP: Well, I can say like any — you know a judge who is a totally underrated and not spoken is Justice Thomas. I mean, if you look at — if you look at some of the judges that we have like on the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts turned out to be a nightmare for conservatives. I mean…
STEPHANOPOULOS: But how are you going to…

TRUMP: Wait, let me first say. Ted Cruz, was the one that really wanted Justice Roberts to go on the Supreme Court. You know that, right? Have you heard that?

Donald Trump Falls Apart When Asked What Kind Of Judges He’d Appoint
In his life to this point, he was a business man playing by the rules that politicians made.

NOw he is discussing changing the rules.

Which is new ground for him.
Oh my God. I laughed at leftists falling for the unspecific Hope and Change BS, now conservatives are doing it with Trump. Oh vey.

He says he will deport Illegals, build a wall, and renegotiate bad trade deals.

That's not "Hope and Change".

Those are polices.
Walk the talk.

Presumably when he is in office. Like all campaign promises.
Gullible lemming no different than a Hopey Changy supporter.
and you've become just like one the Hopey Changy supporters. you go make all these assumptions and pass them off as the facts. so you're out of control. who care if you leave and go where ever
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.

You're going to send a "strong message to Washington" by committing political suicide? because that is what nominating Donald Trump is.
and the alternative right now?
none. No matter who you vote for the country is screwed. Trump gives the impression of moving to the right, he gives the impression that he is going to get rid of illegals, build a wall, make healthcare payments fair, fix the budget etc... Can he? NO. but as always the American public votes for what a candidate says he can/will do not what the reality of what the can/do.
Trump is the best bet right now to wake up congress.
Trump has at no time in his life displayed conservative values.
Tell me out of those running right now, who has displayed a Conservative value.
Do any of the others even recognize the damage that the illegals are doing to this country?
Cruz, Rubio.
Again, why can't you name one time in Trumps 69 years he has displayed conservative values yet you want to give him your vote?

Cruz is good on immigration.

Not so much on Trade.

And I have no concerns about Russia. THe COld War is over.

If Cruz were to get the nomination I would be happy to vote for him vs Hillary or Sanders.

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