If You're Thinking of Voting Trump

Yay! Another one gets it!
You are right. I had forgotten about him. I am just hoping others will begin to question what is really happening here. I hope they exam him deeply enough to see the truth.
It is so refreshing to see someone gets it, recognizes it for what,it is.
Its as if history is on repeat. Its actually fascinating yet alarming that people are voting on emotions again. This is eerily similar to when Mr. Obama had people fainting in the aisles from rehearsed and recycled sing song-like black church speeches. All the dreamy promises, all the ridiculous attacks on everybody and all the arrogance was off putting to me. The same goes for Mr.Trump minus the church fervor and fainting spells. Trump is giving us Obama all over again. No clear policy, lots of bravura and no experience. I just hope if he does win he will not break out the Greek Columns and proceed to walk on water because even for Mr. Trump its just tacky.
actually it happened in Minnesota once as well

they voted in the weirdo jesse ventura

that is what happens when the people get so sick of the politicians

the gop has only themselves to blame they all suck

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