If You're Thinking of Voting Trump

Trump is the Republicans' Obama of 2016, all emotion and no substance.

^ This.

People are falling for him just as hard as those who fell for obama's "hope and change".

the difference, of course, is one's message was inclusive and positive. and the other is spewing bigotry and hate and pretending to suddenly be evangelical....which is really funny.
Didn't he refer to a part in the Bible as "chapter"? I'm an atheist & even I know better than doing that :p

I do believe he did. but I was too busy laughing at him at the time to remember.
Once the nominees are set you'll have two choices....or you can waste a vote on an independent campaign or refrain from voting. That's just the facts of a presidential election. I don't care who you vote for or even if you vote at all. Everyone has to make a damn debate out of everything
What you call waste a vote , I call putting my principles FIRST , so no I won't be voting for either the Republican candidate nor the Democrat candidate thus I can still look myself in the mirror without being ashamed and I don't have to explain to my Children why I willingly participated in selling out their futures just so the asshole that I voted for had a shot at "winning".
^ that

Sassy and the vast majority of puppets here and across the fruited plain have no trouble voting for the least of the worst. Well, i do. I won't vote for 2nd-rate candidates like them either.
He turned millions into billions...that's a conservative value. Libtards turn shit into shinola...we can do without both.
LOL, his ROI is less than if he'd just have stuck his inheritance into a decent mutual fund, he's not that accomplished as a business man. Can you imagine what Warren Buffet could have done with the Donald's inheritance? Heck if Buffet would have started out with that much (he started with nothing) he'd have been the worlds first TRILLIONAIRE, or imagine what Steve Jobs or Bill Gates would have accomplished starting off with $100 million instead of starting with next to nothing. Those guys are REAL businessmen, Trump is a fraud.
What return would you need to turn 100 million into ten billion over 40 years?
if he invested 100 million on the s &p 500 40 years ago and left it all there, it would be
9 Billion today annual return of 8.683 %
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STEPHANOPOULOS: Let’s talk about some of the issues. Judges.
What kind of judges will you appoint?
Will they be conservative?
What does that mean to you and how will you ensure it?
TRUMP: Well, first of all, we have a lot of judges that have to be appointed because we have a lot of openings in terms of judges. And I’m very happy about that, to be honest, because I think, you know, appointing judges is a very important and a very, frankly, a very, very important element of what we’re doing.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But Ted Cruz says he’s going to appoint rock rib conservatives with a paper trail.
What are you going to do?
TRUMP: Well, I’m going to appoint conservative judges. I’m going to appoint people that have great reputations, that are great with the legal profession…
TRUMP: Well, I can say like any — you know a judge who is a totally underrated and not spoken is Justice Thomas. I mean, if you look at — if you look at some of the judges that we have like on the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts turned out to be a nightmare for conservatives. I mean…
STEPHANOPOULOS: But how are you going to…

TRUMP: Wait, let me first say. Ted Cruz, was the one that really wanted Justice Roberts to go on the Supreme Court. You know that, right? Have you heard that?

Donald Trump Falls Apart When Asked What Kind Of Judges He’d Appoint
Trump likes government using eminent domain to take private property to build casinos. Think he'll really appoint conservative judges?

the government has always had the power to take real or personal property if certain steps are taken
Never for taking private property so private investors can make more money until recent history. And people who support such actions are anti conservative.

stop it now --LOL
Like I said, I find no actions in his life that tells me he has conservative values, but plenty that says he has leftist values.

Donald Trump on the Issues
Trump likes government using eminent domain to take private property to build casinos. Think he'll really appoint conservative judges?

the government has always had the power to take real or personal property if certain steps are taken
Never for taking private property so private investors can make more money until recent history. And people who support such actions are anti conservative.

stop it now --LOL
Like I said, I find no actions in his life that tells me he has conservative values, but plenty that says he has leftist values.

Donald Trump on the Issues
That helps, but I still fail to see where his words match actions themselves show any conservative values. Heck, even Carter has shown more with his Homes for Humanity stuff. And it's not just about grabbing a hammer - what charities does he volunteer to, what causes has he donated money and time to in his life? Dr Carson has zero political experience as well, but it's self evident he has conservative values because of his personal actions. Gary Sinese builds homes for wounded vets, I can see actions behind words.
I don't see that in Trump.
the government has always had the power to take real or personal property if certain steps are taken
Never for taking private property so private investors can make more money until recent history. And people who support such actions are anti conservative.

stop it now --LOL
Like I said, I find no actions in his life that tells me he has conservative values, but plenty that says he has leftist values.

Donald Trump on the Issues
That helps, but I still fail to see where his words match actions themselves show any conservative values. Heck, even Carter has shown more with his Homes for Humanity stuff. And it's not just about grabbing a hammer - what charities does he volunteer to, what causes has he donated money and time to in his life? Dr Carson has zero political experience as well, but it's self evident he has conservative values because of his personal actions. Gary Sinese builds homes for wounded vets, I can see actions behind words.
I don't see that in Trump.

Trump Organization Charities: Trump New York Charitable Organizations

Founded in 2006, The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) is dedicated to raising money for children battling life-threatening diseases at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

To date, ETF has donated and pledged nearly $30 million dollars to St. Jude. By using Trump-owned facilities, full-time volunteers and donated goods and services, The Eric Trump Foundation maintains one of the lowest expense ratios of any foundation in the country.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are the world leaders in pediatric research medicine and no patient at St. Jude ever pays for treatment --- St. Jude covers all medical expenses, so families never receive a bill.

In February 2015, St. Jude officially opened The Eric Trump Foundation Surgery and ICU Center, a $20 million dollar state-of-the-art medical center that doubled the hospital’s surgery space and houses the most advanced pediatric ICU in the world.
Never for taking private property so private investors can make more money until recent history. And people who support such actions are anti conservative.

stop it now --LOL
Like I said, I find no actions in his life that tells me he has conservative values, but plenty that says he has leftist values.

Donald Trump on the Issues
That helps, but I still fail to see where his words match actions themselves show any conservative values. Heck, even Carter has shown more with his Homes for Humanity stuff. And it's not just about grabbing a hammer - what charities does he volunteer to, what causes has he donated money and time to in his life? Dr Carson has zero political experience as well, but it's self evident he has conservative values because of his personal actions. Gary Sinese builds homes for wounded vets, I can see actions behind words.
I don't see that in Trump.

Trump Organization Charities: Trump New York Charitable Organizations

Founded in 2006, The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) is dedicated to raising money for children battling life-threatening diseases at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

To date, ETF has donated and pledged nearly $30 million dollars to St. Jude. By using Trump-owned facilities, full-time volunteers and donated goods and services, The Eric Trump Foundation maintains one of the lowest expense ratios of any foundation in the country.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are the world leaders in pediatric research medicine and no patient at St. Jude ever pays for treatment --- St. Jude covers all medical expenses, so families never receive a bill.

In February 2015, St. Jude officially opened The Eric Trump Foundation Surgery and ICU Center, a $20 million dollar state-of-the-art medical center that doubled the hospital’s surgery space and houses the most advanced pediatric ICU in the world.
he hasn't donated to his charity since it was first opened, he uses other people's donations....so he doesn't even donate to HIS OWN charity....
stop it now --LOL
Like I said, I find no actions in his life that tells me he has conservative values, but plenty that says he has leftist values.

Donald Trump on the Issues
That helps, but I still fail to see where his words match actions themselves show any conservative values. Heck, even Carter has shown more with his Homes for Humanity stuff. And it's not just about grabbing a hammer - what charities does he volunteer to, what causes has he donated money and time to in his life? Dr Carson has zero political experience as well, but it's self evident he has conservative values because of his personal actions. Gary Sinese builds homes for wounded vets, I can see actions behind words.
I don't see that in Trump.

Trump Organization Charities: Trump New York Charitable Organizations

Founded in 2006, The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) is dedicated to raising money for children battling life-threatening diseases at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

To date, ETF has donated and pledged nearly $30 million dollars to St. Jude. By using Trump-owned facilities, full-time volunteers and donated goods and services, The Eric Trump Foundation maintains one of the lowest expense ratios of any foundation in the country.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are the world leaders in pediatric research medicine and no patient at St. Jude ever pays for treatment --- St. Jude covers all medical expenses, so families never receive a bill.

In February 2015, St. Jude officially opened The Eric Trump Foundation Surgery and ICU Center, a $20 million dollar state-of-the-art medical center that doubled the hospital’s surgery space and houses the most advanced pediatric ICU in the world.
he hasn't donated to his charity since it was first opened, he uses other people's donations....so he doesn't even donate to HIS OWN charity....

not true

he released a financial statement that noted he has given away more than $102 million worth of land over the past five years

among other things
Like I said, I find no actions in his life that tells me he has conservative values, but plenty that says he has leftist values.

Donald Trump on the Issues
That helps, but I still fail to see where his words match actions themselves show any conservative values. Heck, even Carter has shown more with his Homes for Humanity stuff. And it's not just about grabbing a hammer - what charities does he volunteer to, what causes has he donated money and time to in his life? Dr Carson has zero political experience as well, but it's self evident he has conservative values because of his personal actions. Gary Sinese builds homes for wounded vets, I can see actions behind words.
I don't see that in Trump.

Trump Organization Charities: Trump New York Charitable Organizations

Founded in 2006, The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) is dedicated to raising money for children battling life-threatening diseases at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

To date, ETF has donated and pledged nearly $30 million dollars to St. Jude. By using Trump-owned facilities, full-time volunteers and donated goods and services, The Eric Trump Foundation maintains one of the lowest expense ratios of any foundation in the country.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are the world leaders in pediatric research medicine and no patient at St. Jude ever pays for treatment --- St. Jude covers all medical expenses, so families never receive a bill.

In February 2015, St. Jude officially opened The Eric Trump Foundation Surgery and ICU Center, a $20 million dollar state-of-the-art medical center that doubled the hospital’s surgery space and houses the most advanced pediatric ICU in the world.
he hasn't donated to his charity since it was first opened, he uses other people's donations....so he doesn't even donate to HIS OWN charity....

not true

he released a financial statement that noted he has given away more than $102 million worth of land over the past five years

among other things
he gave the land to his Trump charity?
That helps, but I still fail to see where his words match actions themselves show any conservative values. Heck, even Carter has shown more with his Homes for Humanity stuff. And it's not just about grabbing a hammer - what charities does he volunteer to, what causes has he donated money and time to in his life? Dr Carson has zero political experience as well, but it's self evident he has conservative values because of his personal actions. Gary Sinese builds homes for wounded vets, I can see actions behind words.
I don't see that in Trump.

Trump Organization Charities: Trump New York Charitable Organizations

Founded in 2006, The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) is dedicated to raising money for children battling life-threatening diseases at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

To date, ETF has donated and pledged nearly $30 million dollars to St. Jude. By using Trump-owned facilities, full-time volunteers and donated goods and services, The Eric Trump Foundation maintains one of the lowest expense ratios of any foundation in the country.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are the world leaders in pediatric research medicine and no patient at St. Jude ever pays for treatment --- St. Jude covers all medical expenses, so families never receive a bill.

In February 2015, St. Jude officially opened The Eric Trump Foundation Surgery and ICU Center, a $20 million dollar state-of-the-art medical center that doubled the hospital’s surgery space and houses the most advanced pediatric ICU in the world.
he hasn't donated to his charity since it was first opened, he uses other people's donations....so he doesn't even donate to HIS OWN charity....

not true

he released a financial statement that noted he has given away more than $102 million worth of land over the past five years

among other things
he gave the land to his Trump charity?
nope not at all
Never for taking private property so private investors can make more money until recent history. And people who support such actions are anti conservative.

stop it now --LOL
Like I said, I find no actions in his life that tells me he has conservative values, but plenty that says he has leftist values.

Donald Trump on the Issues
That helps, but I still fail to see where his words match actions themselves show any conservative values. Heck, even Carter has shown more with his Homes for Humanity stuff. And it's not just about grabbing a hammer - what charities does he volunteer to, what causes has he donated money and time to in his life? Dr Carson has zero political experience as well, but it's self evident he has conservative values because of his personal actions. Gary Sinese builds homes for wounded vets, I can see actions behind words.
I don't see that in Trump.

Trump Organization Charities: Trump New York Charitable Organizations

Founded in 2006, The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) is dedicated to raising money for children battling life-threatening diseases at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

To date, ETF has donated and pledged nearly $30 million dollars to St. Jude. By using Trump-owned facilities, full-time volunteers and donated goods and services, The Eric Trump Foundation maintains one of the lowest expense ratios of any foundation in the country.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are the world leaders in pediatric research medicine and no patient at St. Jude ever pays for treatment --- St. Jude covers all medical expenses, so families never receive a bill.

In February 2015, St. Jude officially opened The Eric Trump Foundation Surgery and ICU Center, a $20 million dollar state-of-the-art medical center that doubled the hospital’s surgery space and houses the most advanced pediatric ICU in the world.
Thanks, but I can't find that charity in Charity Navigator. And a charity that size not listed is a bad smell to me.
stop it now --LOL
Like I said, I find no actions in his life that tells me he has conservative values, but plenty that says he has leftist values.

Donald Trump on the Issues
That helps, but I still fail to see where his words match actions themselves show any conservative values. Heck, even Carter has shown more with his Homes for Humanity stuff. And it's not just about grabbing a hammer - what charities does he volunteer to, what causes has he donated money and time to in his life? Dr Carson has zero political experience as well, but it's self evident he has conservative values because of his personal actions. Gary Sinese builds homes for wounded vets, I can see actions behind words.
I don't see that in Trump.

Trump Organization Charities: Trump New York Charitable Organizations

Founded in 2006, The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) is dedicated to raising money for children battling life-threatening diseases at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

To date, ETF has donated and pledged nearly $30 million dollars to St. Jude. By using Trump-owned facilities, full-time volunteers and donated goods and services, The Eric Trump Foundation maintains one of the lowest expense ratios of any foundation in the country.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are the world leaders in pediatric research medicine and no patient at St. Jude ever pays for treatment --- St. Jude covers all medical expenses, so families never receive a bill.

In February 2015, St. Jude officially opened The Eric Trump Foundation Surgery and ICU Center, a $20 million dollar state-of-the-art medical center that doubled the hospital’s surgery space and houses the most advanced pediatric ICU in the world.
Thanks, but I can't find that charity in Charity Navigator. And a charity that size not listed is a bad smell to me.

it looks like you simply do not want to see any good in trump that is your choice
I like a lot of Trumps past "leftist" views. Hopefully he still holds them. Dems are light years ahead of Republicans on social issues. I dislike Republicans because of their idiotic social views. The word dumbshits comes to mind.

Social values from one that uses the moniker "cereal_killer", really?

What's wrong with the movie reference? :beer:

I guess you don't understand the difference in watching a movie and taking the title for a public persona. That or irony simply escapes you.
The hell are you babbling about? My username wasn't gleaned from a movie. No clue what movie you are even talking about

The movie is Hackers, starring Jonny Lee Miller as Dade Murphy, aka Crash Override, and Angelina Jolie as Kate Libby, aka Acid Burn. One of the characters in the movie used the handle "Cereal Killer"; Emmanuel Goldstein, played by Matthew Lilliard.
Why? How you live your life is what you are. And in all his years he has no actions showing he has any conservative values. BUT he has many times shown he has leftist values and loves big government. Obama says he's a Christian, Hillary says she is honest. Talk and actions say the opposite.

I suggest if you are thinking of voting Trump it is driven by emotions from his speeches rather than your mind. And conservatives don't vote by their emotions, leftists do. So rethink your position and see how Trump has led his life. Talk is cheap, look at actions. We already have an egomaniac in the White House who thinks he doesn't need the Constitution, we don't need another.

If you disagree, please show where Trump has shown any example of being a Conservative in his actions.
Trump might be the anti-Rino vote for me, have not made up my mind yet.
Like I said, I find no actions in his life that tells me he has conservative values, but plenty that says he has leftist values.

Donald Trump on the Issues
That helps, but I still fail to see where his words match actions themselves show any conservative values. Heck, even Carter has shown more with his Homes for Humanity stuff. And it's not just about grabbing a hammer - what charities does he volunteer to, what causes has he donated money and time to in his life? Dr Carson has zero political experience as well, but it's self evident he has conservative values because of his personal actions. Gary Sinese builds homes for wounded vets, I can see actions behind words.
I don't see that in Trump.

Trump Organization Charities: Trump New York Charitable Organizations

Founded in 2006, The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) is dedicated to raising money for children battling life-threatening diseases at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

To date, ETF has donated and pledged nearly $30 million dollars to St. Jude. By using Trump-owned facilities, full-time volunteers and donated goods and services, The Eric Trump Foundation maintains one of the lowest expense ratios of any foundation in the country.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are the world leaders in pediatric research medicine and no patient at St. Jude ever pays for treatment --- St. Jude covers all medical expenses, so families never receive a bill.

In February 2015, St. Jude officially opened The Eric Trump Foundation Surgery and ICU Center, a $20 million dollar state-of-the-art medical center that doubled the hospital’s surgery space and houses the most advanced pediatric ICU in the world.
Thanks, but I can't find that charity in Charity Navigator. And a charity that size not listed is a bad smell to me.

it looks like you simply do not want to see any good in trump that is your choice
I want to like Trump, that's why I have been checking him out. If Trumps charity were rated on Charity Navigator I could see what he is doing. But his is not. That's a warning sign. Clintons have a charity too, and it's nothing but a money laundering scam.
That helps, but I still fail to see where his words match actions themselves show any conservative values. Heck, even Carter has shown more with his Homes for Humanity stuff. And it's not just about grabbing a hammer - what charities does he volunteer to, what causes has he donated money and time to in his life? Dr Carson has zero political experience as well, but it's self evident he has conservative values because of his personal actions. Gary Sinese builds homes for wounded vets, I can see actions behind words.
I don't see that in Trump.

Trump Organization Charities: Trump New York Charitable Organizations

Founded in 2006, The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) is dedicated to raising money for children battling life-threatening diseases at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

To date, ETF has donated and pledged nearly $30 million dollars to St. Jude. By using Trump-owned facilities, full-time volunteers and donated goods and services, The Eric Trump Foundation maintains one of the lowest expense ratios of any foundation in the country.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are the world leaders in pediatric research medicine and no patient at St. Jude ever pays for treatment --- St. Jude covers all medical expenses, so families never receive a bill.

In February 2015, St. Jude officially opened The Eric Trump Foundation Surgery and ICU Center, a $20 million dollar state-of-the-art medical center that doubled the hospital’s surgery space and houses the most advanced pediatric ICU in the world.
Thanks, but I can't find that charity in Charity Navigator. And a charity that size not listed is a bad smell to me.

it looks like you simply do not want to see any good in trump that is your choice
I want to like Trump, that's why I have been checking him out. If Trumps charity were rated on Charity Navigator I could see what he is doing. But his is not. That's a warning sign. Clintons have a charity too, and it's nothing but a money laundering scam.

perhaps still there is a big difference between hillary and trump i was a cruz fan but he has changed his tune on a few things
It is so refreshing to see someone gets it, recognizes it for what,it is.
Its as if history is on repeat. Its actually fascinating yet alarming that people are voting on emotions again. This is eerily similar to when Mr. Obama had people fainting in the aisles from rehearsed and recycled sing song-like black church speeches. All the dreamy promises, all the ridiculous attacks on everybody and all the arrogance was off putting to me. The same goes for Mr.Trump minus the church fervor and fainting spells. Trump is giving us Obama all over again. No clear policy, lots of bravura and no experience. I just hope if he does win he will not break out the Greek Columns and proceed to walk on water because even for Mr. Trump its just tacky.
It is so refreshing to see someone gets it, recognizes it for what,it is.
Its as if history is on repeat. Its actually fascinating yet alarming that people are voting on emotions again. This is eerily similar to when Mr. Obama had people fainting in the aisles from rehearsed and recycled sing song-like black church speeches. All the dreamy promises, all the ridiculous attacks on everybody and all the arrogance was off putting to me. The same goes for Mr.Trump minus the church fervor and fainting spells. Trump is giving us Obama all over again. No clear policy, lots of bravura and no experience. I just hope if he does win he will not break out the Greek Columns and proceed to walk on water because even for Mr. Trump its just tacky.
actually it happened in Minnesota once as well

they voted in the weirdo jesse ventura
Yay! Another one gets it!
You are right. I had forgotten about him. I am just hoping others will begin to question what is really happening here. I hope they exam him deeply enough to see the truth.
It is so refreshing to see someone gets it, recognizes it for what,it is.
Its as if history is on repeat. Its actually fascinating yet alarming that people are voting on emotions again. This is eerily similar to when Mr. Obama had people fainting in the aisles from rehearsed and recycled sing song-like black church speeches. All the dreamy promises, all the ridiculous attacks on everybody and all the arrogance was off putting to me. The same goes for Mr.Trump minus the church fervor and fainting spells. Trump is giving us Obama all over again. No clear policy, lots of bravura and no experience. I just hope if he does win he will not break out the Greek Columns and proceed to walk on water because even for Mr. Trump its just tacky.
actually it happened in Minnesota once as well

they voted in the weirdo jesse ventura

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