If You're Thinking of Voting Trump

They can't be either religious or conservative. Not if they are supporting the pro-life, pro-Clinton, casino owning, thrice married, single payer health care dog with rabies who was a Democrat until a year ago.

I oppose Trump.

But the fact that a far left whackadoodle like you is so insane about him does give me pause. If you, rdean, and Rachel Maddow hate him, he must have some good points..
That you think I am far left continues to be a source of never ending amusement for me. :lol:

But then again, to someone who is an extreme right retard Nazi totalitarian wannabe, EVERYONE is to their left.
Our wealth is being taken from our pockets and redistributed up the food chain. This is being done legislatively.

Nothing to do with Mexicans.

That is a particularly stupid statement, even for a leftist moron like you , Jake. The importation of third world peasants has a massive downward effect on wages. Particularly hard hit are the trades such as construction. Illegal immigration is one of the primary weapons you democrats use in your war to destroy the middle class.
Leftists can identify leftism.

That's what they are seeing in Trump.

They are merely pointing that out to conservatives who are pretending otherwise.

The left fears Trump. Jake5000 has no love of or tie to conservatism, he fears Trump will defeat Hillary and Mao Tse Sanders. Nothing the leftists do is intended to improve the position of the Republicans, ever. If Comrade Jake really though Trump would lose, he would be cheering for Trump.
That you think I am far left continues to be a source of never ending amusement for me. :lol:

But then again, to someone who is an extreme right retard Nazi totalitarian wannabe, EVERYONE is to their left.

That you think you fool anyone, is a source of amusement for me. On 9 out of 10 issues, you will be marching in lockstep with Rachel Maddow.

You leftists think that if you pretend to be Republicans, you'll trick people into supporting leftism. It's like "Golly Clem, dat der Jake5000 is a Republican and loves Bernie Sanders, so Iz better be a voting for the old Marxist to support the Republicans.."

Seriously, who do you think you are fooling?
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He's probably more conservative then all of them running from the GopE

only Cruz would be considered conservative

Nope-actually Hillary Clinton is more conservative than Donald Trump. Trump has a real track record, including an interview on FOX news with Bill O'reilly praising Obama's 878 billion dollar stimulus bill. They don't refer to Donald Trump as the Liberals-Liberal for no reason.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump's use and approval of Eminent domain is off the charts.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

Single payer health care--taxes--etc. the list goes on and on.

What is astounding to me is that Donald Trump knows how important the Hispanic vote is to win the White House but his supporters don't.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

But a Trump supporter already knows all of this. They are ignoring it--because they simply want to believe what they want to believe--and really they're no better than an OBAMABOT.

What tells you that Trump holds conservative values?

He isn't.

He's a populist demagogue.

But the one single thing where he is the most conservative is immigration, which his base hates. He's striking a chord with people on two or three issues that they feel most intensely.

His support is more rational than you might think. His most fervent supporters are the ones who have been hurt the most by illegal immigration and trade. Other than terrorism, nothing really matters to his supporters. They are disgusted by the establishment because they think they've lied to them and didn't protect their interests.
Trump has convinced the rubes they are losers because of Mexicans.

It's an incredibly stupid scapegoating which avoids personal responsibility for one's situation, and it is entirely bogus.

Their life doesn't suck because of Mexicans. It's a paper thin, preposterous proposition.

Middle Class and Working Class Americans are competing with immigrants for jobs and seeing wages stagnating.

This is not their imagination.
In 2006/2007, we had full employment with the same number of illegals we have now.

Then something happened and 9 million people lost their jobs. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

Hint: It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

And wages did not rise.

Because the supply of labor is effectively infinite.

I want to see wages rise for the Working Class and Middle Class.

Wage stagnation for uneducated white males started in the late1960s.

It has more to do with technology than immigration or trade.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.

You're going to send a "strong message to Washington" by committing political suicide? because that is what nominating Donald Trump is.
and the alternative right now?
none. No matter who you vote for the country is screwed. Trump gives the impression of moving to the right, he gives the impression that he is going to get rid of illegals, build a wall, make healthcare payments fair, fix the budget etc... Can he? NO. but as always the American public votes for what a candidate says he can/will do not what the reality of what the can/do.
Trump is the best bet right now to wake up congress.
Trump has at no time in his life displayed conservative values.
Tell me out of those running right now, who has displayed a Conservative value.
Do any of the others even recognize the damage that the illegals are doing to this country?
Cruz, Rubio.
Again, why can't you name one time in Trumps 69 years he has displayed conservative values yet you want to give him your vote?
He turned millions into billions...that's a conservative value. Libtards turn shit into shinola...we can do without both.
Funny, all of a sudden the left loves to lecture republicans about conservative values. If you want to be fair and balanced tell me how great the presumptive democrat candidate is.

Leftists can identify leftism.

That's what they are seeing in Trump.

They are merely pointing that out to conservatives who are pretending otherwise.

Nope. IF that was the case we would not be seeing so much Trump Hate from the leftists.

The hate comes from his demagoguery and scapegoating of minorities.
Funny, all of a sudden the left loves to lecture republicans about conservative values. If you want to be fair and balanced tell me how great the presumptive democrat candidate is.

Leftists can identify leftism.

That's what they are seeing in Trump.

They are merely pointing that out to conservatives who are pretending otherwise.

Nope. IF that was the case we would not be seeing so much Trump Hate from the leftists.

The hate comes from his demagoguery and scapegoating of minorities.
you mean terrorists and illegals? those minorities?
The problems in this nation right now come from the current assholes in congress love for them.
we need someone that is willing to not be politically correct when it comes to the country.
He isn't.

He's a populist demagogue.

But the one single thing where he is the most conservative is immigration, which his base hates. He's striking a chord with people on two or three issues that they feel most intensely.

His support is more rational than you might think. His most fervent supporters are the ones who have been hurt the most by illegal immigration and trade. Other than terrorism, nothing really matters to his supporters. They are disgusted by the establishment because they think they've lied to them and didn't protect their interests.
Trump has convinced the rubes they are losers because of Mexicans.

It's an incredibly stupid scapegoating which avoids personal responsibility for one's situation, and it is entirely bogus.

Their life doesn't suck because of Mexicans. It's a paper thin, preposterous proposition.

Middle Class and Working Class Americans are competing with immigrants for jobs and seeing wages stagnating.

This is not their imagination.
In 2006/2007, we had full employment with the same number of illegals we have now.

Then something happened and 9 million people lost their jobs. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

Hint: It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

And wages did not rise.

Because the supply of labor is effectively infinite.

I want to see wages rise for the Working Class and Middle Class.
And what has Trump done? He isn't paying his employees above what anyone else is doing. And I know of several companies that do. Owned by Christians.
Again, Trump doesn't walk the talk.

They purposefully raise their operating costs and make themselves less competitive with other businesses?

That's very impressive.

I do not expect that of a business man.
Funny, all of a sudden the left loves to lecture republicans about conservative values. If you want to be fair and balanced tell me how great the presumptive democrat candidate is.

Leftists can identify leftism.

That's what they are seeing in Trump.

They are merely pointing that out to conservatives who are pretending otherwise.

Nope. IF that was the case we would not be seeing so much Trump Hate from the leftists.

The hate comes from his demagoguery and scapegoating of minorities.
you mean terrorists and illegals? those minorities?
The problems in this nation right now come from the current assholes in congress love for them.
we need someone that is willing to not be politically correct when it comes to the country.

No, not terrorist and illegals. Mexicans and Muslims.

That's not being politically correct. That's horrible inflammatory rhetoric scapegoating minorities. It's absolutely appalling.

This is the type of shit that goes on in third world basket cases, not in the greatest country on earth.
First of all thank you for a serious and honest post.

I have outlined exactly how to make that happen. Many times. And it does not involve Mexicans.

It does involve Chinese and Indians, though. Because about two billion of them entered the global workforce 30 years ago, and it will probably take another generation before that egg works it way through the snake's digestive tract. They labor competition for low, old tech jobs is fierce because those people were freed from centrally planned economies. We should all be happy for this development, even though it has temporarily made things a little tougher for us. It's a victory for free enterprise.

I see how it has made things harder for US. I do not see how that "hardness" is temporary.

The key to higher wages is higher education. Stop whining about jobs that have been lost in the old, low tech industries. Those jobs SHOULD go to the Chinese and Indians....

No they shouldn't. We will always have citizens who do not have "higher educations". They have as much right to expect their interests to be taken into account when crafting policy as anyone else.

And they have as much "should" to those jobs as the Chinese or Indians.

We also need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, indexed to 9 percent of the population. We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Raising the age is a reasonable idea. Indexing to a percentage of the population is not. We are greying as a population, and will have more retirees. We can'T fix that by denying it with ink on paper.

We also need to ban all tax expenditures. This will not only balance the budget, it will provide a huge enough surplus to lower EVERYONE's tax rates across the board, as well as pay down the debt.

I'm not sure what you mean by "tax expenditures". Taxes are a way of getting money. Expenditures is spending money.

Again, the greying population is real. There will be no easy route to financial sustainability.

And we need to buy our health insurance the same way we buy all our other insurance. Employer-sponsored health insurance bends the cost of healthcare upward, and yet ObamaCare more deeply embedded it. That's just stupid. They also more deeply entrenched the government in our health care. That's downright dangerous.

A reasonable view.
See? Nothing to do with Mexicans
Because you have a list of issues/solutions above that avoids addressing the impact of Immigration, doesn't mean that that impact is still not occurring in the real world.
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Funny, all of a sudden the left loves to lecture republicans about conservative values. If you want to be fair and balanced tell me how great the presumptive democrat candidate is.

Leftists can identify leftism.

That's what they are seeing in Trump.

They are merely pointing that out to conservatives who are pretending otherwise.

Nope. IF that was the case we would not be seeing so much Trump Hate from the leftists.

The hate comes from his demagoguery and scapegoating of minorities.

No the hate comes primarily from the fact he is the Republican front runner and is a threat to their agenda.

They hated Romney just as much. They hated McCain almost as much. They hated GWBush just as much. They hated Dole. They hated GHWBush just as much. They hated Reagan MORE.

Trump's populism is NOT demagoguery because he is NOT appealing to prejudices, but making rational arguments about his supporters interests.
He isn't.

He's a populist demagogue.

But the one single thing where he is the most conservative is immigration, which his base hates. He's striking a chord with people on two or three issues that they feel most intensely.

His support is more rational than you might think. His most fervent supporters are the ones who have been hurt the most by illegal immigration and trade. Other than terrorism, nothing really matters to his supporters. They are disgusted by the establishment because they think they've lied to them and didn't protect their interests.
Trump has convinced the rubes they are losers because of Mexicans.

It's an incredibly stupid scapegoating which avoids personal responsibility for one's situation, and it is entirely bogus.

Their life doesn't suck because of Mexicans. It's a paper thin, preposterous proposition.

Middle Class and Working Class Americans are competing with immigrants for jobs and seeing wages stagnating.

This is not their imagination.
In 2006/2007, we had full employment with the same number of illegals we have now.

Then something happened and 9 million people lost their jobs. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

Hint: It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

And wages did not rise.

Because the supply of labor is effectively infinite.

I want to see wages rise for the Working Class and Middle Class.

Wage stagnation for uneducated white males started in the late1960s.

It has more to do with technology than immigration or trade.


Probably just a coincidence that we switched over to a policy of Third World Immigration in the exact MIDDLE of the 60s...
You're going to send a "strong message to Washington" by committing political suicide? because that is what nominating Donald Trump is.
and the alternative right now?
none. No matter who you vote for the country is screwed. Trump gives the impression of moving to the right, he gives the impression that he is going to get rid of illegals, build a wall, make healthcare payments fair, fix the budget etc... Can he? NO. but as always the American public votes for what a candidate says he can/will do not what the reality of what the can/do.
Trump is the best bet right now to wake up congress.
Trump has at no time in his life displayed conservative values.
Tell me out of those running right now, who has displayed a Conservative value.
Do any of the others even recognize the damage that the illegals are doing to this country?
Cruz, Rubio.
Again, why can't you name one time in Trumps 69 years he has displayed conservative values yet you want to give him your vote?
He turned millions into billions...that's a conservative value. Libtards turn shit into shinola...we can do without both.
his business had to declare bankruptcy 4 times.....that IS NOT something to be proud of nor is it a sign of a good business person, it is a sign of POOR JUDGEMENT, and he stuck all his investors with shinola each and every time... maybe that's what you mean by ''conservative'' I dunno???
He turned millions into billions...that's a conservative value. Libtards turn shit into shinola...we can do without both.
LOL, his ROI is less than if he'd just have stuck his inheritance into a decent mutual fund, he's not that accomplished as a business man. Can you imagine what Warren Buffet could have done with the Donald's inheritance? Heck if Buffet would have started out with that much (he started with nothing) he'd have been the worlds first TRILLIONAIRE, or imagine what Steve Jobs or Bill Gates would have accomplished starting off with $100 million instead of starting with next to nothing. Those guys are REAL businessmen, Trump is a fraud.
and the alternative right now?
none. No matter who you vote for the country is screwed. Trump gives the impression of moving to the right, he gives the impression that he is going to get rid of illegals, build a wall, make healthcare payments fair, fix the budget etc... Can he? NO. but as always the American public votes for what a candidate says he can/will do not what the reality of what the can/do.
Trump is the best bet right now to wake up congress.
Trump has at no time in his life displayed conservative values.
Tell me out of those running right now, who has displayed a Conservative value.
Do any of the others even recognize the damage that the illegals are doing to this country?
Cruz, Rubio.
Again, why can't you name one time in Trumps 69 years he has displayed conservative values yet you want to give him your vote?
He turned millions into billions...that's a conservative value. Libtards turn shit into shinola...we can do without both.
his business had to declare bankruptcy 4 times.....that IS NOT something to be proud of nor is it a sign of a good business person, it is a sign of POOR JUDGEMENT, and he stuck all his investors with shinola each and every time... maybe that's what you mean by ''conservative'' I dunno???

My understanding is that it is fairly normal business practice with high risk businesses to structure your projects so that those projects that fail can fail without dragging another portions of your portfolio with them.
his business had to declare bankruptcy 4 times.....that IS NOT something to be proud of nor is it a sign of a good business person,
Actually that has nothing to do with it, most of the great businessmen in American History failed at some point (many of 'em multiple times); look at Steve Jobs for example, got kicked out of his own company before he came back and made it the most valuable company in the history of the world.
his business had to declare bankruptcy 4 times.....that IS NOT something to be proud of nor is it a sign of a good business person,
Actually that has nothing to do with it, most of the great businessmen in American History failed at some point (many of 'em multiple times); look at Steve Jobs for example, got kicked out of his own company before he came back and made it the most valuable company in the history of the world.
did steve jobs bankrupt the company?

EDIT: you are talking 4 times with Trump.... that's a lot imo....I can understand once, or twice but 4 times seems like a lot more than most other businesses....that are successful.
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