If You're Thinking of Voting Trump

Umm.. yes, we don't murder people just because one of their family members is a criminal, that's an act of barbarism not the act of people that care anything about morality and ethics.

Donald Trump (once again) has shown himself to be what he is; an outlandish, egomaniac snake oil salesman that puts even Barack Obama to shame. If the Republicans nominate this guy they're going to be very sorry, since they will be giving away all their advantages this cycle against a what is likely to be a very weak general election candidate (Hillary Clinton) and the curve of history which has shown that it's very, very difficult for one party to keep the Presidency for more than 2 terms.

Didn't you guys learn anything from the Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle debacles of 2010? Are You folks really going to repeat the same mistake and hand the Presidency to Hillary Clinton by nominating this outlandish bomb thrower that is going to disappoint you if (on the slim chance) he gets into office? I thought the Republicans were supposed to represent American Conservatism and it's principles, what the hell does Donald Trump have to do with that?

I am so over the BS over Trump. these people are hysterical they take one thing he says and actually thinks that's what he is going do. it's ridiculous. I beginning to hope all this let Hillary win. the hell with it. They deserve another Obama only in a pantsuit

So are you saying you don't expect Trump to do what he says he will do?
What tells you that Trump holds conservative values?

He isn't.

He's a populist demagogue.

But the one single thing where he is the most conservative is immigration, which his base hates. He's striking a chord with people on two or three issues that they feel most intensely.

His support is more rational than you might think. His most fervent supporters are the ones who have been hurt the most by illegal immigration and trade. Other than terrorism, nothing really matters to his supporters. They are disgusted by the establishment because they think they've lied to them and didn't protect their interests.
Trump has convinced the rubes they are losers because of Mexicans.

It's an incredibly stupid scapegoating which avoids personal responsibility for one's situation, and it is entirely bogus.

Their life doesn't suck because of Mexicans. It's a paper thin, preposterous proposition.

Middle Class and Working Class Americans are competing with immigrants for jobs and seeing wages stagnating.

This is not their imagination.
Trump is a used car sales man that has made billions of dollars off bullying, lying, and using the Bankruptcy laws to keep him in the position he is at, and add his devil tongue to all that.

Trump is not the next Ronald Reagan because Reagan untied the GOP during the time that it was in turmoil after the Nixon mess and Ford pardoning Nixon, and Trump is splitting the party instead.

Are Americans tire of the way this country is heading?

In my opinion yes, but Trump is not the answer.

In my opinion in 2012 the GOP had their next Reagan in Romney but America rejected him, and now the Tea Party Caucus is going further right and grabbing anyone that will sell them empty promises and tell them what they want to hear and that is Trump.

Trump past speak for itself and he is the worst candidate for the GOP and Cruz is the second worst candidate but let the GOP supporters select and let see how the National Election works out and if the Democratic nominee win and Trump or Cruz were the GOP candidate then the Tea Party need to explain why their candidate could not beat a weak Democratic field!

I voted for Romney. I think he would have been a good President.

He lost.
His policies.

I'm tired of America being the world's bitch on Immigration and Trade.
I can find nothing in his life that syncs with his campaign rhetoric. If you can point something out that shows we walks the talk, please do.

In his life to this point, he was a business man playing by the rules that politicians made.

NOw he is discussing changing the rules.

Which is new ground for him.

We've seen all this before with Reagan. Even though he was a former Governor they had him taking advice from witches to gawd know what. and then he went and shut them up by winning 49 out of 50 states, I believe it was

Are you kidding me ? You're comparing Trump to Ronald Reagan? Those two don't even belong in the same sentence since they are NOTHING alike.

I'd imagine Ronald Wilson Reagan is spinning in his grave at the prospect of what his party is considering doing re: nominating someone like Trump.

They aren't.

Reagan supported free trade and immigration reform.
You should probably go look at the specifics of what Reagan supported with respect to FREE TRADE and IMMIGRATION before you make a statement like that. What Reagan supported and what Trump "supports" are so far apart as to not even be in the same ballpark and nothing Trump has said indicates he supports FREE trade; in fact he's given every indication that he's a protectionist.

Reagan didn't propose deporting over 11 million people, Reagan didn't make idiotic claims like "I'll build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it", Reagan didn't cast aspersions on Mexican immigrants indicating they were rapists (although Trump did admit that he assumed "some" of them were "good people" :rolleyes:) and Reagan would never have proposed a wholesale ban on Muslims entering the country (Reagan believed in the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution; Trump appears to think those two things are optional).
I am so over the BS over Trump. these people are hysterical they take one thing he says and actually thinks that's what he is going do. it's ridiculous. I beginning to hope all this let Hillary win. the hell with it. They deserve another Obama only in a pantsuit

So are you saying you don't expect Trump to do what he says he will do?
What tells you that Trump holds conservative values?

He isn't.

He's a populist demagogue.

But the one single thing where he is the most conservative is immigration, which his base hates. He's striking a chord with people on two or three issues that they feel most intensely.

His support is more rational than you might think. His most fervent supporters are the ones who have been hurt the most by illegal immigration and trade. Other than terrorism, nothing really matters to his supporters. They are disgusted by the establishment because they think they've lied to them and didn't protect their interests.
Trump has convinced the rubes they are losers because of Mexicans.

It's an incredibly stupid scapegoating which avoids personal responsibility for one's situation, and it is entirely bogus.

Their life doesn't suck because of Mexicans. It's a paper thin, preposterous proposition.

Middle Class and Working Class Americans are competing with immigrants for jobs and seeing wages stagnating.

This is not their imagination.
In 2006/2007, we had full employment with the same number of illegals we have now.

Then something happened and 9 million people lost their jobs. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

Hint: It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.
I can find nothing in his life that syncs with his campaign rhetoric. If you can point something out that shows we walks the talk, please do.

In his life to this point, he was a business man playing by the rules that politicians made.

NOw he is discussing changing the rules.

Which is new ground for him.

We've seen all this before with Reagan. Even though he was a former Governor they had him taking advice from witches to gawd know what. and then he went and shut them up by winning 49 out of 50 states, I believe it was

Are you kidding me ? You're comparing Trump to Ronald Reagan? Those two don't even belong in the same sentence since they are NOTHING alike.

I'd imagine Ronald Wilson Reagan is spinning in his grave at the prospect of what his party is considering doing re: nominating someone like Trump.

They aren't.

Reagan supported free trade and immigration reform.
You should probably go look at the specifics of what Reagan supported with respect to FREE TRADE and IMMIGRATION before you make a statement like that. What Reagan supported and what Trump "supports" are so far apart as to not even be in the same ballpark and nothing Trump has said indicates he supports FREE trade; in fact he's given every indication that he's a protectionist.

Reagan didn't propose deporting over 11 million people, Reagan didn't make idiotic claims like "I'll build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it", Reagan didn't cast aspersions on Mexican immigrants indicating they were rapists (although Trump did admit that he assumed "some" of them were "good people" :rolleyes:) and Reagan would never have proposed a wholesale ban on Muslims entering the country (Reagan believed in the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution; Trump appears to think those two things are optional).

REagan gave amnesty to 3 million illegals.

And now we have at least 11 million.

I don't think that was his plan.

And Free Trade has not worked out the way it is supposed to, ideologically speaking.

Middle Class wages were not supposed to stagnate like they have.
So are you saying you don't expect Trump to do what he says he will do?
What tells you that Trump holds conservative values?

He isn't.

He's a populist demagogue.

But the one single thing where he is the most conservative is immigration, which his base hates. He's striking a chord with people on two or three issues that they feel most intensely.

His support is more rational than you might think. His most fervent supporters are the ones who have been hurt the most by illegal immigration and trade. Other than terrorism, nothing really matters to his supporters. They are disgusted by the establishment because they think they've lied to them and didn't protect their interests.
Trump has convinced the rubes they are losers because of Mexicans.

It's an incredibly stupid scapegoating which avoids personal responsibility for one's situation, and it is entirely bogus.

Their life doesn't suck because of Mexicans. It's a paper thin, preposterous proposition.

Middle Class and Working Class Americans are competing with immigrants for jobs and seeing wages stagnating.

This is not their imagination.
In 2006/2007, we had full employment with the same number of illegals we have now.

Then something happened and 9 million people lost their jobs. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

Hint: It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

And wages did not rise.

Because the supply of labor is effectively infinite.

I want to see wages rise for the Working Class and Middle Class.
Our wealth is being taken from our pockets and redistributed up the food chain. This is being done legislatively.

Nothing to do with Mexicans.
Funny, all of a sudden the left loves to lecture republicans about conservative values. If you want to be fair and balanced tell me how great the presumptive democrat candidate is.

Leftists can identify leftism.

That's what they are seeing in Trump.

They are merely pointing that out to conservatives who are pretending otherwise.
Blaming Mexicans for your problems is not much different than the Democrats thinking taxing the rich more will solve our problems.

Trump does both. He blames Mexicans AND he wants to tax the rich more.

He doubles down on the retard.
Our wealth is being taken from our pockets and redistributed up the food chain. This is being done legislatively.

Nothing to do with Mexicans.

Low wages because of importing cheap labor is certainly part of that process.
Funny, all of a sudden the left loves to lecture republicans about conservative values. If you want to be fair and balanced tell me how great the presumptive democrat candidate is.

Leftists can identify leftism.

That's what they are seeing in Trump.

They are merely pointing that out to conservatives who are pretending otherwise.

Nope. IF that was the case we would not be seeing so much Trump Hate from the leftists.
Blaming Mexicans for your problems is not much different than the Democrats thinking taxing the rich more will solve our problems.

Trump does both. He blames Mexicans AND he wants to tax the rich more.

You don't think that an effectively infinite supply of labor decreases demand and thus price for labor?
What tells you that Trump holds conservative values?

He isn't.

He's a populist demagogue.

But the one single thing where he is the most conservative is immigration, which his base hates. He's striking a chord with people on two or three issues that they feel most intensely.

His support is more rational than you might think. His most fervent supporters are the ones who have been hurt the most by illegal immigration and trade. Other than terrorism, nothing really matters to his supporters. They are disgusted by the establishment because they think they've lied to them and didn't protect their interests.
Trump has convinced the rubes they are losers because of Mexicans.

It's an incredibly stupid scapegoating which avoids personal responsibility for one's situation, and it is entirely bogus.

Their life doesn't suck because of Mexicans. It's a paper thin, preposterous proposition.

Middle Class and Working Class Americans are competing with immigrants for jobs and seeing wages stagnating.

This is not their imagination.
In 2006/2007, we had full employment with the same number of illegals we have now.

Then something happened and 9 million people lost their jobs. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

Hint: It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

And wages did not rise.

Because the supply of labor is effectively infinite.

I want to see wages rise for the Working Class and Middle Class.
And what has Trump done? He isn't paying his employees above what anyone else is doing. And I know of several companies that do. Owned by Christians.
Again, Trump doesn't walk the talk.
Umm.. yes, we don't murder people just because one of their family members is a criminal, that's an act of barbarism not the act of people that care anything about morality and ethics.

Donald Trump (once again) has shown himself to be what he is; an outlandish, egomaniac snake oil salesman that puts even Barack Obama to shame. If the Republicans nominate this guy they're going to be very sorry, since they will be giving away all their advantages this cycle against a what is likely to be a very weak general election candidate (Hillary Clinton) and the curve of history which has shown that it's very, very difficult for one party to keep the Presidency for more than 2 terms.

Didn't you guys learn anything from the Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle debacles of 2010? Are You folks really going to repeat the same mistake and hand the Presidency to Hillary Clinton by nominating this outlandish bomb thrower that is going to disappoint you if (on the slim chance) he gets into office? I thought the Republicans were supposed to represent American Conservatism and it's principles, what the hell does Donald Trump have to do with that?

I am so over the BS over Trump. these people are hysterical they take one thing he says and actually thinks that's what he is going do. it's ridiculous. I beginning to hope all this let Hillary win. the hell with it. They deserve another Obama only in a pantsuit

So are you saying you don't expect Trump to do what he says he will do?
What tells you that Trump holds conservative values?

He isn't.

He's a populist demagogue.

But the one single thing where he is the most conservative is immigration, which his base hates. He's striking a chord with people on two or three issues that they feel most intensely.

His support is more rational than you might think. His most fervent supporters are the ones who have been hurt the most by illegal immigration and trade. Other than terrorism, nothing really matters to his supporters. They are disgusted by the establishment because they think they've lied to them and didn't protect their interests.
Trump has convinced the rubes they are losers because of Mexicans.

It's supercillious scapegoating which avoids personal responsibility for one's situation, and it is entirely bogus.

Their life doesn't suck because of Mexicans. It's a paper thin, preposterous proposition.

To some, yes, but not entirely.

Trump's supporters are mostly uneducated, lower-income, blue collar workers. They are the people most hurt by illegal immigrants who do their jobs for much lower wages.

FTR as a legal immigrant, I'm against illegal immigration. It's just that the GOP hasn't figured out how to deal with it, and their dithering has led to intense frustration which is boiling over in this election.

But because the GOP has fucked it up so bad, they risk being shut out of the Presidency for a long time, even if they win this election.
Umm.. yes, we don't murder people just because one of their family members is a criminal, that's an act of barbarism not the act of people that care anything about morality and ethics.

Donald Trump (once again) has shown himself to be what he is; an outlandish, egomaniac snake oil salesman that puts even Barack Obama to shame. If the Republicans nominate this guy they're going to be very sorry, since they will be giving away all their advantages this cycle against a what is likely to be a very weak general election candidate (Hillary Clinton) and the curve of history which has shown that it's very, very difficult for one party to keep the Presidency for more than 2 terms.

Didn't you guys learn anything from the Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle debacles of 2010? Are You folks really going to repeat the same mistake and hand the Presidency to Hillary Clinton by nominating this outlandish bomb thrower that is going to disappoint you if (on the slim chance) he gets into office? I thought the Republicans were supposed to represent American Conservatism and it's principles, what the hell does Donald Trump have to do with that?

I am so over the BS over Trump. these people are hysterical they take one thing he says and actually thinks that's what he is going do. it's ridiculous. I beginning to hope all this let Hillary win. the hell with it. They deserve another Obama only in a pantsuit

So are you saying you don't expect Trump to do what he says he will do?
What tells you that Trump holds conservative values?

He isn't.

He's a populist demagogue.

But the one single thing where he is the most conservative is immigration, which his base hates. He's striking a chord with people on two or three issues that they feel most intensely.

His support is more rational than you might think. His most fervent supporters are the ones who have been hurt the most by illegal immigration and trade. Other than terrorism, nothing really matters to his supporters. They are disgusted by the establishment because they think they've lied to them and didn't protect their interests.
Trump has convinced the rubes they are losers because of Mexicans.

It's supercillious scapegoating which avoids personal responsibility for one's situation, and it is entirely bogus.

Their life doesn't suck because of Mexicans. It's a paper thin, preposterous proposition.
Trump blaming Mexicans for our problems reminds of he who shalt not be named blaming Jews for Germany's problems.
They can't be either religious or conservative. Not if they are supporting the pro-life, pro-Clinton, casino owning, thrice married, single payer health care dog with rabies who was a Democrat until a year ago.

I oppose Trump.

But the fact that a far left whackadoodle like you is so insane about him does give me pause. If you, rdean, and Rachel Maddow hate him, he must have some good points..
I can find nothing in his life that syncs with his campaign rhetoric. If you can point something out that shows we walks the talk, please do.

In his life to this point, he was a business man playing by the rules that politicians made.

NOw he is discussing changing the rules.

Which is new ground for him.

We've seen all this before with Reagan. Even though he was a former Governor they had him taking advice from witches to gawd know what. and then he went and shut them up by winning 49 out of 50 states, I believe it was

Are you kidding me ? You're comparing Trump to Ronald Reagan? Those two don't even belong in the same sentence since they are NOTHING alike.

I'd imagine Ronald Wilson Reagan is spinning in his grave at the prospect of what his party is considering doing re: nominating someone like Trump.

They aren't.

Reagan supported free trade and immigration reform.
You should probably go look at the specifics of what Reagan supported with respect to FREE TRADE and IMMIGRATION before you make a statement like that. What Reagan supported and what Trump "supports" are so far apart as to not even be in the same ballpark and nothing Trump has said indicates he supports FREE trade; in fact he's given every indication that he's a protectionist.

Reagan didn't propose deporting over 11 million people, Reagan didn't make idiotic claims like "I'll build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it", Reagan didn't cast aspersions on Mexican immigrants indicating they were rapists (although Trump did admit that he assumed "some" of them were "good people" :rolleyes:) and Reagan would never have proposed a wholesale ban on Muslims entering the country (Reagan believed in the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution; Trump appears to think those two things are optional).

Sorry. I must have been unclear. I agree with you. Trump isn't Reagan in many ways.
What tells you that Trump holds conservative values?

He isn't.

He's a populist demagogue.

But the one single thing where he is the most conservative is immigration, which his base hates. He's striking a chord with people on two or three issues that they feel most intensely.

His support is more rational than you might think. His most fervent supporters are the ones who have been hurt the most by illegal immigration and trade. Other than terrorism, nothing really matters to his supporters. They are disgusted by the establishment because they think they've lied to them and didn't protect their interests.
Trump has convinced the rubes they are losers because of Mexicans.

It's an incredibly stupid scapegoating which avoids personal responsibility for one's situation, and it is entirely bogus.

Their life doesn't suck because of Mexicans. It's a paper thin, preposterous proposition.

Middle Class and Working Class Americans are competing with immigrants for jobs and seeing wages stagnating.

This is not their imagination.
In 2006/2007, we had full employment with the same number of illegals we have now.

Then something happened and 9 million people lost their jobs. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

Hint: It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

And wages did not rise.

Because the supply of labor is effectively infinite.

I want to see wages rise for the Working Class and Middle Class.
I have outlined exactly how to make that happen. Many times. And it does not involve Mexicans.

It does involve Chinese and Indians, though. Because about two billion of them entered the global workforce 30 years ago, and it will probably take another generation before that egg works it way through the snake's digestive tract. They labor competition for low, old tech jobs is fierce because those people were freed from centrally planned economies. We should all be happy for this development, even though it has temporarily made things a little tougher for us. It's a victory for free enterprise.

The key to higher wages is higher education. Stop whining about jobs that have been lost in the old, low tech industries. Those jobs SHOULD go to the Chinese and Indians.

We should be training our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not for their daddies' jobs. There's a reason you don't see a lot of unionization in the high tech fields.

We also need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, indexed to 9 percent of the population. We are living longer, we should be working longer.

We also need to ban all tax expenditures. This will not only balance the budget, it will provide a huge enough surplus to lower EVERYONE's tax rates across the board, as well as pay down the debt.

And we need to buy our health insurance the same way we buy all our other insurance. Employer-sponsored health insurance bends the cost of healthcare upward, and yet ObamaCare more deeply embedded it. That's just stupid. They also more deeply entrenched the government in our health care. That's downright dangerous.

See? Nothing to do with Mexicans.
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In his life to this point, he was a business man playing by the rules that politicians made.

NOw he is discussing changing the rules.

Which is new ground for him.

We've seen all this before with Reagan. Even though he was a former Governor they had him taking advice from witches to gawd know what. and then he went and shut them up by winning 49 out of 50 states, I believe it was

Are you kidding me ? You're comparing Trump to Ronald Reagan? Those two don't even belong in the same sentence since they are NOTHING alike.

I'd imagine Ronald Wilson Reagan is spinning in his grave at the prospect of what his party is considering doing re: nominating someone like Trump.

They aren't.

Reagan supported free trade and immigration reform.
You should probably go look at the specifics of what Reagan supported with respect to FREE TRADE and IMMIGRATION before you make a statement like that. What Reagan supported and what Trump "supports" are so far apart as to not even be in the same ballpark and nothing Trump has said indicates he supports FREE trade; in fact he's given every indication that he's a protectionist.

Reagan didn't propose deporting over 11 million people, Reagan didn't make idiotic claims like "I'll build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it", Reagan didn't cast aspersions on Mexican immigrants indicating they were rapists (although Trump did admit that he assumed "some" of them were "good people" :rolleyes:) and Reagan would never have proposed a wholesale ban on Muslims entering the country (Reagan believed in the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution; Trump appears to think those two things are optional).

Sorry. I must have been unclear. I agree with you. Trump isn't Reagan in many ways.
No my bad Toro, I guess I read your post the wrong way .... :oops:

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