If You're Thinking of Voting Trump

did steve jobs bankrupt the company?
Nearly.... that's one of the reasons the board forced him out.

"Occasionally, something completely outside our control will cause us to fail. Most of the time, though, it's us. And that's OK. Every successful person has failed. Numerous times. Most of them have failed a lot more often than we have. That's why they're successful now.

Embrace every failure. Own it, learn from it, and take full responsibility for making sure that next time, things will turn out differently
." -- Steve Jobs
He turned millions into billions...that's a conservative value. Libtards turn shit into shinola...we can do without both.
LOL, his ROI is less than if he'd just have stuck his inheritance into a decent mutual fund, he's not that accomplished as a business man. Can you imagine what Warren Buffet could have done with the Donald's inheritance? Heck if Buffet would have started out with that much (he started with nothing) he'd have been the worlds first TRILLIONAIRE, or imagine what Steve Jobs or Bill Gates would have accomplished starting off with $100 million instead of starting with next to nothing. Those guys are REAL businessmen, Trump is a fraud.
What return would you need to turn 100 million into ten billion over 40 years?
He turned millions into billions...that's a conservative value. Libtards turn shit into shinola...we can do without both.
LOL, his ROI is less than if he'd just have stuck his inheritance into a decent mutual fund, he's not that accomplished as a business man. Can you imagine what Warren Buffet could have done with the Donald's inheritance? Heck if Buffet would have started out with that much (he started with nothing) he'd have been the worlds first TRILLIONAIRE, or imagine what Steve Jobs or Bill Gates would have accomplished starting off with $100 million instead of starting with next to nothing. Those guys are REAL businessmen, Trump is a fraud.
What return would you need to turn 100 million into ten billion over 40 years?
Go read it for yourself: the study based on the Donald's own claim that he was worth $500 million in 1982 (They concluded that if he had invested that money in an S&P 500 index fund he'd have been worth $20 billion by 2014).

Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds
He turned millions into billions...that's a conservative value. Libtards turn shit into shinola...we can do without both.
LOL, his ROI is less than if he'd just have stuck his inheritance into a decent mutual fund, he's not that accomplished as a business man. Can you imagine what Warren Buffet could have done with the Donald's inheritance? Heck if Buffet would have started out with that much (he started with nothing) he'd have been the worlds first TRILLIONAIRE, or imagine what Steve Jobs or Bill Gates would have accomplished starting off with $100 million instead of starting with next to nothing. Those guys are REAL businessmen, Trump is a fraud.
What return would you need to turn 100 million into ten billion over 40 years?
Go read it for yourself: the study based on the Donald's own claim that he was worth $500 million in 1982 (They concluded that if he had invested that money in an S&P 500 index fund he'd have been worth $20 billion by 2014).

Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds

The article doesn't mention taxes that must be paid...never take anything at face value.
When do we get to not vote 'the lesser of two evils'?
In the primary. That's what they're for. In the general, if your guy doesn't win the nomination, it's the lesser of the two evils. The last time I actually voted FOR somebody (in a general election) was 1984.
Trump is the Republicans' Obama of 2016, all emotion and no substance.

^ This.

People are falling for him just as hard as those who fell for obama's "hope and change".

the difference, of course, is one's message was inclusive and positive. and the other is spewing bigotry and hate and pretending to suddenly be evangelical....which is really funny.
He turned millions into billions...that's a conservative value. Libtards turn shit into shinola...we can do without both.
LOL, his ROI is less than if he'd just have stuck his inheritance into a decent mutual fund, he's not that accomplished as a business man. Can you imagine what Warren Buffet could have done with the Donald's inheritance? Heck if Buffet would have started out with that much (he started with nothing) he'd have been the worlds first TRILLIONAIRE, or imagine what Steve Jobs or Bill Gates would have accomplished starting off with $100 million instead of starting with next to nothing. Those guys are REAL businessmen, Trump is a fraud.
What return would you need to turn 100 million into ten billion over 40 years?
Go read it for yourself: the study based on the Donald's own claim that he was worth $500 million in 1982 (They concluded that if he had invested that money in an S&P 500 index fund he'd have been worth $20 billion by 2014).

Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds

The article doesn't mention taxes that must be paid...never take anything at face value.
Taxes are paid when the cap gains are realized so the study stands as is and is valid at face value, stick the money in , come back in 2014 and it's worth $20 billion, do things the way the Donald did it and it's only worth $10 billion (using his own rather dubious claims).
Take Warren Buffet ... start with essentially ZERO come back 40 years later and he was worth over $60billion, Heck Buffet made $12.7 billion in 2013 alone ...The Donald isn't even qualified to shine Buffet's shoes.
He turned millions into billions...that's a conservative value. Libtards turn shit into shinola...we can do without both.
LOL, his ROI is less than if he'd just have stuck his inheritance into a decent mutual fund, he's not that accomplished as a business man. Can you imagine what Warren Buffet could have done with the Donald's inheritance? Heck if Buffet would have started out with that much (he started with nothing) he'd have been the worlds first TRILLIONAIRE, or imagine what Steve Jobs or Bill Gates would have accomplished starting off with $100 million instead of starting with next to nothing. Those guys are REAL businessmen, Trump is a fraud.
What return would you need to turn 100 million into ten billion over 40 years?
Go read it for yourself: the study based on the Donald's own claim that he was worth $500 million in 1982 (They concluded that if he had invested that money in an S&P 500 index fund he'd have been worth $20 billion by 2014).

Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds

The article doesn't mention taxes that must be paid...never take anything at face value.
Taxes are paid when the cap gains are realized so the study stands as is and is valid at face value, stick the money in , come back in 2014 and it's worth $20 billion, do things the way the Donald did it and it's only worth $10 billion (using his own rather dubious claims).
Take Warren Buffet ... start with essentially ZERO come back 40 years later and he was worth over $60billion, Heck Buffet made $12.7 billion in 2013 alone ...The Donald isn't even qualified to shine Buffet's shoes.

Yeah whatever, Trump will be the nominee, best get used to the idea....or support Hillary....no way anyone with an ounce of sense is going to do that
In my opinion in 2012 the GOP had their next Reagan in Romney but America rejected him, and now the Tea Party Caucus is going further right and grabbing anyone that will sell them empty promises and tell them what they want to hear and that is Trump.
I thought the complaint about Trump is that he isn't conservative ENOUGH. You guys need to get your talking points straight.
Funny, all of a sudden the left loves to lecture republicans about conservative values. If you want to be fair and balanced tell me how great the presumptive democrat candidate is.

Leftists can identify leftism.

That's what they are seeing in Trump.

They are merely pointing that out to conservatives who are pretending otherwise.
Then why are they trying so hard to convince people not to vote for him?
Trump is the Republicans' Obama of 2016, all emotion and no substance.

^ This.

People are falling for him just as hard as those who fell for obama's "hope and change".

the difference, of course, is one's message was inclusive and positive. and the other is spewing bigotry and hate and pretending to suddenly be evangelical....which is really funny.

Obama pretended to be Christian for decades. That's hardly "Sudden".
No, not terrorist and illegals. Mexicans and Muslims.

That's not being politically correct. That's horrible inflammatory rhetoric scapegoating minorities. It's absolutely appalling.

This is the type of shit that goes on in third world basket cases, not in the greatest country on earth.

Yes, here we prefer to scapegoat white people and Christians, Obama Akbar,,,,,,
his business had to declare bankruptcy 4 times.....that IS NOT something to be proud of nor is it a sign of a good business person, it is a sign of POOR JUDGEMENT, and he stuck all his investors with shinola each and every time... maybe that's what you mean by ''conservative'' I dunno???

Did he come out and say he was "flat broke" while having $4 million in assets?

I know one lying skank who did....
Yeah whatever, Trump will be the nominee, best get used to the idea....or support Hillary....no way anyone with an ounce of sense is going to do that.

I don't accept either of those choices and would rather swallow a cyanide capsule than vote for either one of those people.

Your funeral
Only if you think that's there no alternative to voting for Trump or Hillary (hint: there are plenty of other alternatives which don't involve compromising my principles).
Yeah whatever, Trump will be the nominee, best get used to the idea....or support Hillary....no way anyone with an ounce of sense is going to do that.

I don't accept either of those choices and would rather swallow a cyanide capsule than vote for either one of those people.

Your funeral
Only if you think that's there no alternative to voting for Trump or Hillary (hint: there are plenty of other alternatives which don't involve compromising my principles).

Once the nominees are set you'll have two choices....or you can waste a vote on an independent campaign or refrain from voting. That's just the facts of a presidential election. I don't care who you vote for or even if you vote at all. Everyone has to make a damn debate out of everything
Once the nominees are set you'll have two choices....or you can waste a vote on an independent campaign or refrain from voting. That's just the facts of a presidential election. I don't care who you vote for or even if you vote at all. Everyone has to make a damn debate out of everything
What you call waste a vote , I call putting my principles FIRST , so no I won't be voting for either the Republican candidate nor the Democrat candidate thus I can still look myself in the mirror without being ashamed and I don't have to explain to my Children why I willingly participated in selling out their futures just so the asshole that I voted for had a shot at "winning".
Trump is the Republicans' Obama of 2016, all emotion and no substance.

^ This.

People are falling for him just as hard as those who fell for obama's "hope and change".

the difference, of course, is one's message was inclusive and positive. and the other is spewing bigotry and hate and pretending to suddenly be evangelical....which is really funny.
Didn't he refer to a part in the Bible as "chapter"? I'm an atheist & even I know better than doing that :p

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